Public Safety Commission - Aug. 1, 2022

Public Safety Commission Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Commission - PSC Regular Meeting

PSC Meeting Agenda for August 1,2022 original pdf

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1. 2. REGULAR CALLED MEETING of the PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION AUGUST 1, 2022, 4 PM CITY HALL/BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS ROOM #1101 301 W. 2ND STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS the PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION may be participating by Some members of videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: atxn-live Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, call or email Janet Jackson, (512) 974-5747, or CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS/COMMISSIONERS: Rebecca Bernhardt, Chair Rocky Lane Kathleen Hausenfluck Michael Sierra-Arévalo Rebecca Gonzales Rebecca Webber Cory Hall-Martin Nelly Paulina Ramirez, Vice Chair John Kiracofe AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 4:00–4:05 PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL 4:05–4:15 (from speakers signed up to speak) The first three speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4:15 pm–4:20pm Approve the minutes of the PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING on June 6, 2022. Approve the minutes of the PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING on July 5, 2022. 3. 4. 5. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Discussion and possible action on Austin Police Department Quarterly Report 4:20pm- 4:40pm - Dr. Jonathan Kringen, Austin Police Department Discussion and possible action regarding implementation of the settlement agreement in Smith et al v. City of Austin et al, Cause No. D-1-GN-21-003081 in the 201st District Court, Travis County, Texas; Senko et al v. City of Austin et al, Cause No. 1:20-cv-01047, in the United States District Court Western Division, Austin, Texas and the pending Police Executive Research Forum report regarding Austin Police Department’s handling of sexual assault investigations. 4:40pm— 5:20pm - Commander Greenwalt, Austin Police Department - Travis County District Attorney José Garza or Assistant District Attorney Erin - Martinson, Director of the Special Victim’s Unit Jenny Ecklund, Partner, Thompson Coburn, attorney for the Smith and Senko plaintiffs - Chair of the Travis County Sexual Assault Response and Resource Team Discussion and possible action regarding the Austin Police Department’s current policies and tactics in responding to protest organizing and protest activity. 5:20pm—5:50pm - Commander Wroblewski, Austin Police Department - Kevin Welch, President …

Scraped at: July 28, 2022, 7 p.m.

Public Communication Handout from Carlos Leon for 8-1-2022 PSC Mtg original pdf

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PSC CIT COMM – AUG 1, 2022 Soy Carlos León. First and foremost, Gracias a Dios for letting me expose APL and APD evil that must be immediately overturned and permanently stopped for our public safety. The supporting evidence in front of you now will be posted online for this meeting. July 19 a Criminal Trespass Notice was wrongly issued to me, banning me from all Austin Public Library properties for one year to unlawfully punish me for lawfully defending myself against repeated harassment by attacking APL staff, security, and customers across multiple branches. My attackers should be banned for violating Library Use Rules, not me for using the library for what it’s intended. APL Director Roosevelt Weeks has NOT rescinded the CTN, making him part of the problem, from the top down. Though I told the Austin Library Commission about this injustice, they have done NOTHING publicly to stop or overturn it. Worse, though the law protects my attendance at their limited public forum meetings, their liason Sharon Herfurth said, “Mr. León will be allowed to attend,” implying I had to be given permission by someone acting above the law, ALIEN to our republic. So I filed a complaint against her with the City Auditor. If APD were called to unlawfully arrest me for lawfully being at that meeting on APL grounds, would the officer listen to, look at, and follow the legal truth I’d be telling and showing, proving I was NOT criminally trespassing? On July 18, Black Male APD Officer Brinson, badge 7694, wrongly REFUSED to force a Black Male CAP METRO bus driver to board and transport me, though that driver was ILLEGALLY discriminating against me by violating my civil rights by NOT stopping for me. Brinson justified his inaction by FALSELY telling me CAP METRO is private. When I tried telling and showing him CAP METRO is public transportation that must serve everyone, he refused to hear or see it. Brinson’s gaslighting, upside-down behavior must NOT exist because it does NOT protect or serve us, violating APD’s LAW ENFORCEMENT CODE OF ETHICS, because an officer’s fundamental duties include respecting the CONSTITUTIONAL rights of ALL to liberty, equality and justice, meaning NO cherrypicking, NO two-tiered system of injustice, NO secular sharia law. Per Article 1 of APD’s CANONS OF POLICE ETHICS, an officer’s primary responsibility is to protect us by upholding our laws, which Brinson failed …

Scraped at: Aug. 2, 2022, 12:30 a.m.

Item #5-APD's Response to Protests Presentation-8-1-2022 original pdf

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APD’s Response to Protests Presentation to the Public Safety Commission Topics Covered • APD’s policies regarding protests • Tactics used at protests • Arrest policies APD GO 408: Mobile Field Force The activation of a MFF should be considered when dealing with any: 1. Large scale disturbance 2. Disturbance where there is potential for escalation of violence if a large scale show of force is not present. APD GO 408: Mobile Field Force The following personnel have the authority to activate a MFF response: 1. Chief of Police 2. Assistant chiefs 3. Commanders 4. Watch Lieutenant 5. Patrol and support lieutenants APD GO 408: Mobile Field Force The Mobile Field Force (MFF) is an organized group of specially trained and disciplined officers that can vary in size depending on the scale of the situation. The objectives of the MFF are to: a) Life/Safety Incident Stabilization b) c) Property Protection d) Societal Restoration APD GO 408: Mobile Field Force The MFF will be equipped with: • Batons or PR24's (excluding ASPs) • OC spray • Less-lethal shotguns • Helmets with face shields Less-Lethal & Non-Lethal Weapons Less-Lethal: 40mm foam baton launcher ***(APD no longer utilizes the 12 gauge bean bag shotgun during crowd control events)*** Non-Lethal: PepperBall launcher Pepper spray APD GO 408: Mobile Field Force The MFF activation will utilize a tiered response plan: 1. Tier I Response - Two designated officers from each on-duty patrol shift respond to a MFF call up. 2. Tier II Response - Officers from the Highway Enforcement Command (Motors, L&W, and Highway Response) respond to a MFF call up, and they can be supplemented by additional officers from patrol or other Department units Tactics The control strategies employed by the MFF include: a) Emergency Response b) Containment c) Arrest d) Local Emergency Orders Emergency Response A major civil disorder will require the Department to devote a large portion of its resources to restore order. When circumstances indicate that such a response is required, the Incident Commander will announce the mobilization of the MFF and will give the location of the assembly area. All specified personnel will respond to the designated location. Containment The three basic concepts of perimeter control are: 1. Linear Strategy - Deploys police as a blocking force along a roadway or geographic barrier perpendicular to access routes into the area. 2. Cordoning - Surrounds a particular problem area by using the …

Scraped at: Aug. 2, 2022, 3 p.m.

Item 3 -APD Quarterly Report -August 1, 2022 original pdf

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Austin Police Department Public Safety Commission 1) Citywide Crimes Against Persons – Q3 FY 2022 9) Urgent (P1) + Emergency (P0) Call Volume by Month – Q3 FY 2) Citywide Crimes Against Property – Q3 FY 2022 2022* 3) Citywide Crimes Against Society – Q3 FY 2022 10) Budgeted Overtime vs Actual Overtime - 9/12/21 to 7/2/22 4) Citywide Clearances for Crimes Against Persons – Q3 FY 2022 11) Annual Overtime FY 2017 through FY 2022 (9/12/21 - 7/2/22) 5) Citywide Clearances for Crimes Against Property – Q3 FY 2022 12) Sworn Staffing 6) Citywide Clearances for Crimes Against Society – Q3 FY 2022 13) Civilian Staffing 7) Citywide Response Times and Call Volumes – Q3 FY 2022* 14) Cadet Classes: 2022 8) Response Times and Incident Volume by Council District – Q3 FY 15) Sworn Authorization FY 2019 through FY 2022 2022* 16) Sworn Separation FY 2019 through FY 2022 (Q1-Q3) Quarterly Report August 2022 Citywide Crimes Against Persons – Q3 FY 2022 Crimes Against Persons Murder (09A) Negligent Manslaughter (09B) Justifiable Homicide (NOT A CRIME) (09C) Kidnapping (100) Rape (11A) Forcible Sodomy (11B) Sexual Assault with an Object (11C) Fondling (11D) Aggravated Assault (13A) Simple Assault (13B) Intimidation (13C) Incest (36A) Statutory Rape (36B) Commercial Sex Acts (64A) Involuntary Servitude (64B) Jun 2022 6 1 0 22 30 3 10 27 385 851 455 0 2 0 0 Jun 2021 10 1 0 22 19 5 11 35 296 884 462 0 2 0 1 Percent Change -40% 0% - 0% 58% -40% -9% -23% 30% -4% -2% - 0% - -100% 2022 - YTD 32 3 2 114 176 21 54 155 1,934 4,926 2,504 0 4 1 1 2021 - YTD 45 2 1 95 127 30 89 186 1,648 5,213 2,687 0 4 1 2 Percent Change -29% 50% 100% 20% 39% -30% -39% -17% 17% -6% -7% - 0% 0% -50% Totals 1,792 1,748 3% 9,927 10,130 -2% Source: Chief’s Monthly Report Jun 2022 vs Jun 2021 & Jan - Jun 2022 vs Jan - Jun 2021 APD Public Safety Commission Presentation Slide #1 August 2022 Citywide Crimes Against Property – Q3 FY 2022 Crimes Against Property Robbery (120) Arson (200) Extortion (210) Burglary (220) Pocket Picking (23A) Purse Snatching (23B) Shoplifting (23C) Theft from Building (23D) Theft from Coin-Operated Machine (23E) Burglary of Vehicle (23F) Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts (23G) All Other …

Scraped at: Aug. 2, 2022, 3 p.m.