Parks and Recreation BoardMarch 27, 2024

05-3: Attachment A - MOU Mitigation Fees Calculation Worksheet — original pdf

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ATTACHMENT "A" - M.O.U. MITIGATION FEES CALCULATION WORKSHEET - SUMMARY Permanent Use - Downtown MOU 24-003 Calculated Fee $1,491,945 Project: AE - Brazos Ductbank - Waller Beach at Town Lake Metro Park Temporary Use - Downtown Work Area $185,998 Temporary Use - Downtown Staging Area $93,050 TOTAL = $1,770,993 ATTACHMENT "A" - M.O.U. MITIGATION FEES CALCULATION WORKSHEET Permanent Use - Downtown TCAD Land Value of Adjacent Properties ($): $406,178,487 Project: AE - Brazos Ductbank - Waller Beach at Town Lake Metro Park 0 MOU 24-003 Avg. Lot Size (sq. ft.): 1,249,780 Based on subject property Value per Square Ft. ($): $325 TCAD Land Value divided by subject property Requested Area (sq. ft.): 13,116 Submitted by Requesting Department/Entity Preliminary Mitigation Value ($): $4,262,700 Requested Area multiplied by the Value per Square Foot Disturbance Value (%): 35% Based on limitations on future development for that portion of parkland (see table below) Final Mitigation Value ($): $1,491,945 Preliminary Mitigation Value multiplied by the Disturbance Value DISTURBANCE VALUES Area can still be developed with minimal or no limitations (underground work/materials with no/few above ground appurtenances/fixtures) Area can still be developed with moderate limitations (underground work/materials with some small/medium appurtenances/fixtures) Development severely limited (underground work/materials with large or several small/medium appurtenances/fixtures) No future park development possible in the area - dedicated to installation (underground and/or surface appurtenances/fixtures) 35% 50% 75% 100% Temporary Use - Downtown 1 ATTACHMENT 'A' - M.O.U. MITIGATION FEES CALCULATION WORKSHEET Project: AE - Brazos Ductbank - Waller Beach at Town Lake Metro Park 0 MOU 24-003 Average Daily Cost to Park Car ($): $24 Based on average for downtown parking lot fees Parking Space Size (Sq. Ft.): 151 Based on standard parking space Requested Area (Sq. Ft.): 7,314 Submitted by Requesting Department/Entity Equivalent Number of Parking Spaces: 48 Requested Area divided by standard parking space Daily Mitigation Rate ($): $1,162 Equivalent Number of Parking Spaces multiplied by Average Daily Cost to park car Days Requested: 160 Submitted by Requesting Department/Entity Total Mitigation Rate ($): $185,998 Daily Mitigation Rate multiplied by Days Requested Temporary Use - Downtown 2 ATTACHMENT 'A' - M.O.U. MITIGATION FEES CALCULATION WORKSHEET Project: AE - Brazos Ductbank - Waller Beach at Town Lake Metro Park 0 MOU 24-003 Average Daily Cost to Park Car ($): $24 Based on average for downtown parking lot fees Average Lot Size (Sq. Ft.): 151 Based on standard parking space Requested Area (Sq. Ft.): 3,659 Submitted by Requesting Department/Entity Equivalent Number of Parking Spaces: 24 Requested Area divided by Average Lot Size Daily Mitigation Rate ($): $582 Equivalent Number of Parking Spaces multiplied by Average Daily Cost to park car Days Requested: 160 Submitted by Requesting Department/Entity Total Mitigation Rate ($): $93,050 Daily Mitigation Rate multiplied by Days Requested Prop ID Avg Sq Ft Land Value 190751 1,249,780 $406,178,487 Waller Beach at Town Lake Metro Park 1,249,780 $406,178,487 Totals