Agenda — original pdf
MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING BOARD Tuesday April 26, 2022 @ 9:30 AM- IN PERSON PERMITTING DEVELOPMENT CENTER/ 4TH FLOOR, CONF RM 4001 6310 WILHELMINA DELCO DR AUSTIN, TEXAS Stephen Cox-Chair (Renteria); Robert Thornton-V Chair (Kitchen); Bianca Tafares (Adler), Joe Cooper (Madison) Joseph Hernandez (Fuentes), Alex Ramirez (Kelly), Kyle Smith (Pool), CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Bobbi Joe Foster (Ellis), David Nichols (Tovo); Bill Harris(Alter) AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- Minutes from Regular Called Meeting from November 2. DISCUSSION AND ACTION- Election of Officers 16, 2022. 3. DISCUSSION a. Discussion- SOP with DSD and AWU on current process of a Water Meter b. Discussion- Interpretation of below grade full level parking garage c. Discussion- Reclaim Water System at Permitting Dev. Center-TOUR 4. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Rick Arzola at Development Services Department, Building Inspections, at (512) 974-2417, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711.