UPC Board Presentation — original pdf
2021 Uniform Plumbing Code Meeting Purpose To present proposed changes to the 2021 Uniform Plumbing Code Reducing Amendments GOAL: To minimize the number of amendments and return to published code. Amendments were reduced by more than 50% compared to the 2015 adoption process. The following slides detail some of the major changes proposed in the ordinance. Reasons for amendments: 1. Council mandated 2. Business needs (chapter 1) 3. Additional options for the public with exempts from permitting 4. Clarification purposes 5. ISO rating Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Modified to align definitions and terms with the published code. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Deleted to allow homeowners to do work on alternative water systems. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Modified to avoid confusion with the IBC Special Inspection Program, to limit where timed inspections occur and to be specific to occupied structures. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Modified to provide additional allowances for the Building Official and clarification regarding tubs and showers. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Modified to maintain consistency with other codes. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code 108.0 The Building Criteria Manual. Additional information on procedures and rules related to administering the Residential Code is available in the Building Criteria Manual. Note: Creating a pointer to BCM to facilitate the process for changes. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Deleted to be consistent with published code definitions and terms. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Replacing the word ‘auxiliary’ with ‘alternative’ throughout the amendments to match published code. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Adding the 100 gallon rule to the amendment for water protection purpose. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Modified to simplify language. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Deleted outdated flood requirements, already exist in IBC. Flood administrators review for these requirements as does the building designer. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Deleted outdated flood requirements, already exist in IBC. Flood administrators review for these requirements as does the building designer. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Modified to meet intent of the code. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Deleted due to additional requirements that don’t exist for other types of occupancies. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Deleted from plumbing amendments and inserted into building amendments with the fixture count table pertaining to design criteria. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Back published code. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Modified to minimize the design criteria to one location. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: 2015 ordinance restricted water heater installations to commercial sites the same as residential water heaters, this change provides options for the commercial installation. This requirement exist due to safety concerns and imposing loads on non-bearing construction. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Modified to match language from IBC and exception added. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Added exception to clarify that labeling is not required when the chances of a cross-connection do not exist. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Back to published code leaving the exception to clarify that existing systems could remain without labeling until work was performed on those individual areas then the labeling requirement would need to apply. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Table 603.2 Backflow Prevention Devices, Assemblies, and Methods Note: Requiring all devices to meet USC approval and TCEQ requirement. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Back to published code. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Modified to add option for a double check valve assembly as a method of protecting the water supply. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Reverted back to published code, and provided an exception for the location of the full-way valve with space limitations. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Back to published code. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Back to published code. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Back to published code. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: All testing requirements are in the process of being moved to the Building Criteria Manual in an effort to separate processes from technical requirements. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Back to published code with modification made to create allowances for the hub drain. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Back to published code leaving definition for deep seal trap to allow for an alternative method of compliance. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Back to published code. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Back to published code. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Deleted to follow the rules adopted by the Railroad Commission. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Testing requirements were more stringent in the published code. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Modified for clarification and to meet local requirements. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Modified to match terms and definitions from the published code, for clarification, and to meet the requirement for qualified testers. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Back to published code in section 1503.7. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Added to provide exception to protecting potable water from non-potable water. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Note: Deleted because requirements are now covered in published code. Chapter 25-12: Local Amendments to Uniform Plumbing Code Appendix N. Impact of Water Temperature on the Potential for Scalding and Legionella Growth. Note: Added for guidance on legionella growth. Questions/Comments