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1 Director’s Report February 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS Highlights _______________________________________________________________________________ 3 Facilities Update __________________________________________________________________________ 5 Capital Projects Update __________________________________________________________________5 Gallery _______________________________________________________________________________ 6 Active Project Timelines _________________________________________________________________ 7 Project Highlights _______________________________________________________________________ 8 APL by the Numbers _____________________________________________________________________ 9 Programs and Outreach__________________________________________________________________ 9 Cardholder ___________________________________________________________________________ 10 Visitors _____________________________________________________________________________ 11 Circulation and Collections ____________________________________________________________ 112 Express Checkout and Holds ___________________________________________________________113 Technologyy _________________________________________________________________________ 14 Budget, Volunteers and Meeting Rooms ____________________________________________________ 15 3 HIGHLIGHTS APL Non-Resident Fees on February 29, 2024 City Council Agenda The Austin Public Library, (APL) eagerly awaits the Austin City Council meeting on February 29, 2024, where City Council is set to consider the final resolution that will lead to waiving the non-resident fees for APL Library Cards for all individuals who reside in Austin’s limited purpose jurisdictions (LTD) and extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). APL is excited to provide free library access to a wider area of the community. Terrazas Branch Library Refresh Terrazas branch library is getting a refresh in preparation for our summer programming and services. The capital improvement project (CIP) work, funded in the FY 2024 budget for APL's deferred maintenance projects will facilitate upgrades to the facility, potentially encompassing interior & exterior painting, carpet replacement, security and fire panel upgrades, and HVAC improvements. The branch will be closed from early March to early May during the refresh. Howson CIP Work Underway Capital improvement project (CIP) work commenced on February 12, 2024, at the Howson branch library. The project, executed in three phases, started with the installation of new HVAC systems, which is expected to be completed in two to three weeks. There will be no need for closure during this phase, as units will be replaced one at a time to maintain a comfortable temperature inside Howson. The second phase involves re-roofing the library and is scheduled to begin approximately six weeks later, with a projected duration of two to three weeks and no anticipated closure. The third phase, involving interior renovations, including the circulation desk, meeting room, and reading room, is still in the design phase with lead times for materials being finalized. In January, Recycled Reads welcomed 5,664 customers, marking a 22% increase to December’s visitor count. This upswing continues a trend of escalating foot traffic and we are thrilled to witness more individuals discovering and frequenting Recycled Reads! 4 Black Girls Don't Wear Red Lipstick Step into a world of audacious beauty and empowerment with the photo exhibition, Black Girls Don't Wear Red Lipstick, in the Gallery at the Central Library though April 21, 2024. Featuring the work of Austin photographer Leta Harrison, the exhibit opened on February 15, 2024, with an inspiring reception that featured the artist and curators, a spoken word performance by Christa Brown, and music by DJ Lauren Light. The show is curated by Keyheira Keys and Whitney Hamilton of _OFCOLOR ATX, an Austin arts alliance that has partnered with the Austin Public Library and The Library Foundation to present the exhibition and its programs. In Harrison’s joyous, bold photographic prints, Black women embrace vibrant colors and confidently wear shades of red lipstick. Harrison showcases women using beauty as a form of activism to reclaim their power, challenge oppressive beauty standards, and stifle stereotypes. APL’s Enhanced Library Card Expansions The Austin Public Library is expanding the number of library branches that can issue an Enhanced Library Card (ELC)! The ELC pilot began in May of 2023 in three branch locations and has been well received by the community. Beginning March 4, 2024, ELCs will be available at six more branches, for a total of nine locations across the city: Little Walnut, St. John, Southeast, Central, Cepeda, Menchaca, Millwood, Ruiz, and Terrazas. APL is excited to be able to offer more opportunities for the community to sign-up for an Enhanced Library Card. APL in the News KVUE – PSA celebrating Black History Month KXAN – Austin Public Library sculpture graffitied, man now facing charges From Southeast Branch Comment Cards: (Translation of Card on Left) “Hi! I would like you to keep the excellent customer service you are providing. Community members deserve to have access to a public place like this, with wonderful staff members. Thank you.” (Translation of Card on Right) “Hi! We encourage you to keep providing magnificent customer service, like the one I received. I am very happy with the work you do. Thanks!” Capital Projects Updates Faulk Building and History Center Cepeda Trail 95% Construction Phase Updates: Faulk building progress includes final finishes, high density shelving installation, asphalt repaving, and landscaping. Demolition and hazardous materials abatement for Phase 1B is in progress. Stonework on the West and South facades at the History Center will continue. Next Milestone: Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for partial building anticipated in March 2024 Expected End: 1st quarter 2024 Actual Start: Nov. 4, 2022 Carver and Yarborough Permitting Phase Updates: Carver: will be going through solicitation to obtain new bids for the Re-Roof, Heating, air conditioning, and decking replacement; Controls for Carver will also be updated. Yarborough: Project Manager from Capital Delivery Office has received the final quote to proceed with the scope of work for Yarborough’s Re-Roof, heating, air conditioning, and controls upgrade. Next Milestone: Carver solicitation for new bids Yarborough: permit approval, of current plan set with Council approval in April. Expected Start: 3-6 months Actual Start: TBD Hampton Parking Lot Extension 30% Design Phase Updates: Project Team met with Regional Storm Water Protection to determine if a detention pond is necessary to complete the parking expansion. Hampton is in a critical recharge Zone of the Edwards Aquifer. A request for public information has been submitted to find the reason why water detention was not included in the original site plan, based on the past permit requirements. Next Milestone: determine if a detention pond will be required and included in the scope for Hampton. Expected Start/End TBD Actual Start: TBD Last Revised 02-22-24 5 Construction Phase Updates: The Cepeda Trail Project will be substantially complete at the end of March. Next Milestone: Groundbreaking near the trail alignment from Gonzalez to Cepeda, survey crew has already marked the area. Once completed a ribbon cutting will be schedule in late March or Early April. Expected End: March 2024 Actual Start: November 2023 Old Quarry, Willie Mae Kirk, & St. John Design Phase Updates: APL is now managing these projects. Determine scope line-item trades. Roof bidding underway and layouts under review. Next Milestone: Break out urgent work, including climate control and roofing. Complete scope for contracting award to Architect for accessibility and egress plans. Finalize finish selections Expected Start: March 2, 2024 Actual Start: TBD Howson Construction Phase Updates: Air conditioning upgrades 95% complete, and re-roof is expected to begin in March or April. Circulation desk and meeting room upgrade in final design phase Next Milestone: Re-Roof and Interior Expected Start/End: June Actual Start: 01/10/2024 Little Walnut and Menchaca Design Proposal Phase Updates: Consultant is revising their scope and fees to reflect work on these two sites only. These branches will be designed, bid, and constructed simultaneously. Next Milestone: Scope and fees approved; documents submitted to Finance for approval of amendment. Expected Start: 02/01/2025 Actual Start: TBD Gallery Faulk Building and History Center Cepeda Trail Last Revised 02-22-24 6 Active Project Timelines Last Revised 02-22-24 7 Project Highlights APPROPRIATIONS AND OBLIGATIONS Little Walnut and Menchaca $5,237,997.00 $455,509.00 Hampton Parking Lot Extension $751,000.00 $481,157.00 Carver and Yarborough $3,088,651.00 $533,146.00 St John, Old Quarry, and Willie Mae $4,215,000.00 $386,830.00 Howson $994,000.00 $283,487.00 Cepeda Trail $307,000.00 $219,354.00 Faulk and History Center $19,382,250.00 $17,880,151.00 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Appropriated Obligated Potential Closures Construction Last Revised 02-22-24 8 APL BY THE NUMBERS February 2024 Programs & Outreach Baby Sensory Play Day at Spicewood and Howson Branch. Baby Sensory Play Day at Southeast Branch. 9 Cardholders Imagination Station Program at Southeast Branch. Imagination Station Program at Yarborough Branch. Tiny Mighty Quilts Program at Howson. 10 10 Visitors Austin Zine Friends Program at Recycled Reads. ATX KDC K-Pop Program at Willie Mae Kirk Branch. Cooking Club Making Dumplings at Central 11 Circulation & Collections 12 Express & Holds Books and Babies Program at Milwood Branch Circuit Bag Program at Terrazas Branch. 13 Technology Innovate Digital Makerspace Programs at Central: Games Ya’ll (above) and Makertalk (below) Creations from Ruiz Branch Youth Computer Lab with Minecraft Club and after-school Perlers. 14 Budget, Volunteers and Meeting Rooms 2023 Volunteers Hours 13,305 2023 Ac(cid:415)ve Volunteers 1,829 2023 Volunteers Donated Value $351,651 Photos: Barking Buddies (top) & Books and Babies (right) Programs at Old Quarry Branch Library. 15