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Texas Digital Opportunity Plan (TDOP) & Public Comment Opportunity Update Nehemiah Pitts III, Chairman Community Technology & Telecommunications Commission (CTTC) City of Austin 1 Agenda 1. Introduction & Overview 2. Texas Digital Opportunity Plan (TDOP) Preview 3. Public Comment Information Session 4. CTTC Outreach Plans 2 1. Introduction & Overview Digital Equity & Inclusion The All Together For Digital Inclusion - Stakeholder Summit 2023 successfully convened in the aftermath of significant federal funding ($3.3 Billion) being released to Texas for broadband infrastructure and equitable access, as well as the creation of the Broadband the Texas Infrastructure Fund Constitution in November of 2023. in spotlight The Summit aimed to educate participants about the various organizations Digital Divide, committed to achieving Digital Inclusion in Central Texas, and catalyze a call to action for collaboration, partnership, and public comment in response to the recently released Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program 5-year plan draft and the Texas Digital Opportunity Plan (TDOP). Digital Equity & Inclusion The Digital Empowerment Community of Austin (DECA) constitutes a network of nonprofits, educational institutions, stakeholders other businesses, including the Community Technology & Commission Telecommunications Technology (CTTC), Division (CTD), Austin Public Library (APL), and the Library Commission working together every day to enhance our community's engagement in a digital society, thereby fostering a more digitally inclusive Austin. Community Digital Equity is “a condition in which individuals and communities have the information technology capacity needed for full participation in our society,democracy, and economy; Necessary for civic and cultural participation, employment, lifelong learning, and access to essential services” according to the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA). Broadband Equity, Access, & Deployment (BEAD) - $3.3B Texas Digital Opportunity Plan (TDOP) Expands high-speed internet access by funding planning, deployment, and adoption Ensure people and communities have the skills and tech to participate in the digital economy $5M in planning funds to: $3M in planning funds to: ● ● ● ● Help close the availability gap Develop 5-year action plan Conduct research and data collection Facilitate publications, outreach and communications support Source: IIJA Statute Connect Texas, Digital Opportunity Plan and Public Comment Preview, BDO 11/16/2023 Presentation ● ● ● ● Help close the digital opportunity gap Develop Digital Opportunity Plan Reach covered populations Foster partnerships through engagement; establish a planning coalition What is Digital Opportunity? ❖ Digital Literacy ❖ Affordable Service ❖ Applications and online content ❖ Internet-enabled devices ❖ Quality technical support National Digital Inclusion Alliance - definition of digital inclusion TDOP & Public Comment Timeline Source: Connect Texas, Digital Opportunity Plan and Public Comment Preview, BDO 11/16/2023 Presentation 2. Texas Digital Opportunity Plan (TDOP) Preview Source: Connect Texas, Digital Opportunity Plan and Public Comment Preview, BDO 11/16/2023 Presentation Source: Connect Texas, Digital Opportunity Plan and Public Comment Preview, BDO 11/16/2023 Presentation Identified Pressing Needs in Texas Among other priorities, this plan seeks to address the needs for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Foundational digital literacy skills for all Texans and especially low-income households, individuals with limited English proficiency, and individuals with disabilities. Language- and culture-specific resources for individuals with limited English proficiency who experience some of the highest digital disparities among covered populations. Expanded access to devices other than a smartphones, especially for covered populations such as low-income households. Improved adoption of online privacy and cybersecurity measures and increased awareness of online privacy and cybersecurity among individuals with limited English proficiency. Improved online accessibility and inclusivity of public resources and service among covered populations. Reliable, affordable broadband connections for rural residents and organizations implementing community-based programs. Increased adoption of broadband service beyond mobile data plans for low-income households and rural residents. Enrollment support for low-cost internet services and subsidy programs like the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). Support for organizations to engage communities in existing programs. Source: Connect Texas, Digital Opportunity Plan and Public Comment Preview, BDO 11/16/2023 Presentation 3. Public Comment Information Session Public Comment Overview What is Public Comment? ● An opportunity for Texas residents to review and give their feedback on the Texas Digital Opportunity Plan. ● A requirement for receive federal funding needed to connect Texans to reliable, high-speed internet and digital resources. How will the BDO use comments? ● The BDO will review every comment. ● Comments will help to refine the plan to expand digital opportunity and future funding strategies. Source: Connect Texas, Digital Opportunity Plan and Public Comment Preview, BDO 11/16/2023 Presentation Public Comment Overview, Cont. Who should comment? ● All Texas residents and organizations ● The BDO is especially interested in hearing from individuals identifying with a covered population group or organizations that serve these communities. Will my comments be anonymous? ● No. Your name and email address will be shared with the BDO. ● All comments will be included in the plan, with names and email addresses removed. ● NTIA will also make comments publicly available, with all identifying information removed. Steps to submitting comments: 1. Review the plan. 2. Fill out the online form with your information. Select a section on which to comment. Type or use Voice to Text to enter your comment. Select another section if you wish to comment on multiple sections. Submit. 3. 4. 5. Source: Connect Texas, Digital Opportunity Plan and Public Comment Preview, BDO 11/16/2023 Presentation Tips for Effective Comments 1. Support your comment with substantive data, facts, and opinions. When possible, provide your lived experience in your comment. 2. Clearly identify the section within the plan that you are commenting on and include the section number. Although comments should be clear and concise, there is no minimum or maximum length for an effective comment. 3. 4. If you disagree with an aspect of the plan, suggest an alternative and include an explanation and/or analysis of how the alternative might meet the same objective or be more effective. Include pros and cons and trade-offs in your comment. Consider other points of view and respond to them with your views. Include examples of how the proposed digital opportunity programs and activities would impact your life and work positively or negatively. Source: Connect Texas, Digital Opportunity Plan and Public Comment Preview, BDO 11/16/2023 Presentation What is the purpose of public comment? NTIA requires states to hold public comment periods to allow residents and organizations to give their feedback on their digital opportunity plans. Help refine and improve upon the plan. ○ Suggest changes you’d like to see in the document. ○ Share where your organization could be helpful in implementation. ○ Provide additional information that the plan may not capture. ○ Correct the record if needed. Source: Connect Texas, Digital Opportunity Plan and Public Comment Preview, BDO 11/16/2023 Presentation LIVE DEMONSTRATION — Link for TDOP & Public Comment Form: 4. CTTC Outreach Plans Join us to get ready for digital opportunity ● BDO will host a series of digital opportunity readiness webinars to provide stakeholders throughout Texas with tools and information to participate in upcoming digital opportunity activities and apply for state funding. ● The series of webinars will run on Wednesdays and kick off with Digital Opportunity 101. ● Workshops presented in partnership with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and HR&A Advisors. ● DECA will host workshops presented in collaboration with BDO partners. ● Registration details coming soon! Planned Community TDOP Engagement ● CTTC will collaborate with other Austin Boards & Commissions to spread the word about TDOP & Public Comment opportunity. ○ Library Commission Meeting - 12/18 @ 6PM ● CTTC will collaborate with City Council Districts and community partners to promote TDOP & Public Comment throughout Austin ○ City Council Districts: ● Coordinated outreach into District offices through CTTC Commissioners ○ Community Partners: Will post information about TDOP & Public Comment at in person service and payment locations ● Austin Public Library ● Austin Energy Community Outreach to drive Public Comment (12/1/2023 - 1/05/2024) Source: CTTC & Connect Texas, Digital Opportunity Plan and Public Comment Preview, BDO 11/16/2023 Presentation HOW YOU CAN HELP? ★ Mindshift towards how digital Inclusion impacts EVERYONE ★ Persistent collaboration, partnership, and advocacy to address challenges ★ Prioritizing equitable outcomes over events ★ Drive public comment response… Texas Digital Opportunity Plan: Elevate Voices of the Affected - Stand-In OR Bring Them To The Table ★ Get Plugged In - Join DECA Community Calls ★ Join BDO Partner Webinars on TDOP & Public Comment - RESOURCES HERE ★ Become a GTOPs Grant Review Volunteer ★ Apply for GTOPs funding here! 25 For more information: Nehemiah Pitts III, Chairman Community Technology & Telecommunications Commission City of Austin 26