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2 Director’s Report December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS Highlights _______________________________________________________________________________ 3 CIP and Small Projects_____________________________________________________________________5 APL by the Numbers ______________________________________________________________________ 9 Cardholder __________________________________________________________________________ 10 Visitors ____________________________________________________________________________11 Circulation and Collections_____________________________________________________________ 12 Express & Holds ____________________________________________________________________13 Technology ________________________________________________________________________ 14 Programs and Outreach________________________________________________________________ 15 Volunteers and Meeting Rooms__________________________________________________________ 16 HIGHLIGHTS APL at Texas Book Festival APL Central Teen Librarians Letty Leal and Kathleen Houlihan continued their outstanding efforts by actively promoting APL Teen Services and the highly successful Banned Camp program within the community. At the recent Texas Book Fest, Leal and Houlihan engaged approximately 300 participants in bookmark art-making at their teen activity tent. They also conducted two lively rounds of Youth Author literary trivia. This outreach initiative resulted in meaningful connections with teens who were previously unfamiliar with Teen Central, generating interest in the library's programs and volunteer opportunities. Several parents expressed enthusiasm about bringing their teens downtown to Teen Central after the positive engagement at the event. APL Strategic Plan Workgroups We are thrilled to announce the commencement of the implementation phase of our Strategic Plan. The department is currently establishing cross-functional workgroups of APL staff with diverse skill sets and expertise to collaborate on goal-driven initiatives and measures. The teams will kick-off in January 2024. Passport Services APL Passport Services has processed over 7,600 applications this year and is 31% over initial projections for fiscal year 2023-24. Passport Services continues to participate in the monthly naturalization ceremonies hosted at APL, which adds an additional 10-15 applications in the weeks following these events. Howson November Dig It: Gardening in Texas Howson Library partnered with Austin Resource Recovery for their November Dig It: Gardening in Texas monthly event. Local gardener Austin Davenport taught attendees about soil health and composting processes and ARR provided each attendee with a kitchen compost collector to empower everyone to start the process of reducing waste, while making nutrient rich soil. Gardener Ila Falvey commented that “Class was great! I love the mini compost bins. I can't wait to start composting at home! “ 3 Portuguese-English Storytime at Milwood Austin Public Library staff at Milwood are excited to bring Portuguese-English storytime sessions to Milwood. Through a collaboration with Cultral Brasil, the storytimes aim to accommodate the sizable Brazilian community in proximity to the library and North Austin. Cultura Brasil's staff members are enthusiastic volunteers who will conduct a monthly storytime similar to the model by the Austin Japan Community for Japanese-English storytime. Milwood staff and the community are eagerly anticipating this new offering and expect it to be well-received. Home Baking Business Management Course at Southeast Branch Last month, Southeast Branch hosted the 2023 Home Baking Business Management Course in Texas, a 5- week program conducted in Spanish in collaboration with Open Art. Fourteen Spanish-speaking adults actively participated and appreciated the content covered in the training. Looking ahead to 2024, plans are underway to try to offer a second part to this course, specifically for the two groups that have already completed the initial training. Early Voting Brings New Cardholders to the Austin Public Library The Austin Public Library has served as early voting and voting sites throughout the city leading up to elections. During the most recent late October to early November early voting period, a significant number of new visitors flocked to our libraries to fulfill their civic duties by casting their votes. This increased foot traffic, notably at the Cepeda Branch, and contributed to a noteworthy surge in new Austin Public Library card registrations, averaging around 10 additional applications per day beyond the usual rate. APL takes pride in our role in facilitating civic engagement and is ecstatic about the growing community interaction voting brings to the library. Lunar New Year Programming Lunar New Year is fast approaching and many branches are teaming up with community organizations such as the Austin Asian American Film Festival, the Austin Japanese Community Association, and AANHPI groups at the University of Texas at Austin for programming throughout the system leading up to and during the Lunar New Year season. Keep an eye out for the amazing programming to come! 4 CAPITAL AND FACILITIES PROJECTS 5 BRANCHES RENOVATIONS Design Development Phase Last Month: It was determined it would be more expeditious in purchasing to combine the design of all of the branches into one amendment. Transportation Public Works Department had the RCA on the Council’s agenda for approval of the amendment for design fees. Next Month: Transportation Public Works Department has the RCA on the Council’s agenda for approval of the amendment for design fees. Next Milestone: RCA to Council to approve additional funding for design and work to commence. Expected Start/End: Jan. 2024 – Spring/May 2025 Actual Start: TBD; consultant’s schedule to follow f FAULK AND HISTORY CENTER d i d 60 % Construction Phase Last Month: Faulk’s progress includes final finishes, high density shelving installation, and asphalt repaving. Progress at the History Center exterior includes stonework on the North, East, and South elevations. Next Month: Address punch list items in Faulk and begin Phase 1B work. Stonework on the North, East, and South elevations of the History Center will continue. Next Milestone: Phase 1B work anticipated to start in December 2023 Expected Start/End: Nov 2022‐ Spring 2024 Actual Start: Nov. 4, 2022 HAMPTON PARKING LOT EXPANSION Early Design Phase Last Month: Consultant submitted for site plan review based on site plan from 2009. Next Month: Water Quality has requested an Inspection report to substantiate the functionality of the pond with its current clay liner. Transportation Public Works Department would like to submit before 60% CD Next Milestone: Mid Design Consultation and Review Expected Start/End: Summer 2024 – Spring 2025 ROOF AND MECHANICAL REPLACEMENT Permitting Phase Howson, Carver, and Yarborough Last Month: APL and Transportation Public Works Department discussed the reorganization of Re‐Roof and Mechanical Projects as a cost saving measure. Determining which of the projects can be taken internally by APL Facilities Services. Feasibility of VE opportunities have been determined. HVAC BAS Controls will be ordered direct from TRANE by APL. Carver will go through the IFB process for solicitation and the timeline for completion will be extend 6 months. Yarborough will remain JOC. Next Month: Permit Approval for all projects and Notice to Proceed for Yarborough Next Milestone: Permit Approval, Transportation Public Works Department will be assigning a new project manager for these CIP CEPEDA TRAIL Construction Phase Last Month: Construction of the SUP has started from Gonzalez to Tillery. Cepeda section should start in the next month, no additional permitting is required. Next Month: Construction start for Gonzalez to Cepeda Alignment complete draft of SUP Maintenance Agreement between Transportation Public Works Department, City of Austin Sidewalk Program and APL. Next Milestone: Start of Construction Dec.2023 Expected Start/End: Nov. 2023 – Feb. 2024 Actual Start: 10/30/2023. FACILITIES PROJECTS Last month: EV stations for University Hills to begin in coming months. Finished up under bridge lighting repairs at New Central. Next Month: Continue to upgrade drinking fountains at branches. APPROPRIATIONS AND OBLIGATIONS Appropriated Obligated H A M P T O N P A R K I N G L O T $751,000 $480,192 C E P E D A T R A I L $307,000 $219,355 R O O F A N D M E C H A N I C A L $4,082,651 $709,537 F A U L K A N D H I S T O R Y C E N T E R $19,382,250 $17,188,407 5 B R A N C H E S R E N O V A T I O N S $9,452,997 $735,876 5 Faulk Building and History Center GALLERY 6 TIMELINES 7 TIMELINES 8 APL BY THE NUMBERS December 2023 9 Cardholders Photos: Cooking Demonstration, Books and Babies, and All-Ages Storytime at Central 10 Visitors Photos: 8th Annual Passport to the World Festival tables at Central. 11 Circulation & Collections 12 Express & Holds Photos: Sample of APL Banned Books Freedom to Read Bookmark Winners. 13 Technology Photos: 8th Annual Passport to the World Festival Musical Per- formances at Central. 14 Programs & Outreach Photos: APL Outreach at Texas Book Festival and AISD Family Academy . Mobile Van visit to Twin Oaks Branch 15 Volunteers and Meeting Rooms Ac(cid:415)ve Volunteers Nov 2023 163 Hours YTD 2023 12,200 Donated Value YTD 2023 $322,446.00 Photos: Twin Oaks Branch events and display 16