May 2020 Director's Report — original pdf

May 2020 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS HIghlights ____________________________________________________________________ 3 Facilities Services _____________________________________________________________ 5 FY2018 Bond Program Summary ____________________________________________________________ 5 FY2012 Bond Program Summary ____________________________________________________________ 7 Cepeda Branch / Hampton Branch (Site/Civil) Report ___________________________________________ 12 Faulk Building / Austin History Center Monthly Report ___________________________________________ 14 Interior Renovations Monthly Report _________________________________________________________ 17 Roof Replacements & Systems Upgrades Monthly Report________________________________________ 19 Austin History Center _________________________________________________________ 21 Library Priorities _____________________________________________________________ 22 Literacy Advancement ____________________________________________________________________ 22 Digital Inclusion & STEM __________________________________________________________________ 22 Equity, Diversity & Inclusion ________________________________________________________________ 22 Civic and Community Engagement __________________________________________________________ 22 Staff Development _______________________________________________________________________ 22 Workforce and Economic Development _______________________________________________________ 23 APL By the Numbers __________________________________________________________ 24 Virtual Collections Usage April ______________________________________________________________ 24 HIGHLIGHTS 3 Austin Public Library Announces Plan for Service Changes Austin Public Library has provided a roadmap for future service changes as they relate to operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The multi-phase approach outlines several possible reopening scenarios, each dependent on factors such as recommendations from county, state and federal health agencies, social distancing protocols, critical community needs, and logistical and budgetary considerations. Phase 2 – BOOK DROPS OPEN will begin June 1. Phase 3 – CURBSIDE SERVICE will begin on Monday, June 8 During all phases, the following practices will be in place: • Enhanced procedures for frequent cleaning and disinfecting common areas • Use of protective gear such as masks and gloves by all staff – masks or face coverings are required, • Implementation of a teleworking policy that makes sense operationally and allows for social distancing in • Adherence to existing policies for sick leave • Frequent communication at all levels to facilitate cooperation and consistent best practices throughout gloves are not our facilities the organization The phases outlined above are subject to change as the pandemic environment evolves. For the most current information regarding Library services, please visit . Austin Public Library Launches APL+ The newest addition to Austin Public Library’s Virtual Collection, APL+, is now available at APL+ provides Austin Public Library programming and information literacy in video shorts accessible via the internet. Content is searchable by target audience – Adult, Teen, or Child – and covers topics such as sing-a-longs, crafting, book talks, cooking, virtual library navigation, and digital scavenger hunts. Virtual Job Assistance Take advantage of the resources available at Austin Public Library’s Job Portal, available at Jump start your job search with a 30-minute, 1-on-1 job coaching session; learn how to write the perfect cover letter; search job boards and build skills; learn resume best practices and use the online resume builder; and find resources to help navigate unemployment. 4 Austin Central Library Named COTE Top Ten Awards Winner The Austin Central Library has been named a 2020 AIA Committee on the Environment (COTE) Top Ten Awards Winner. The COTE Top Ten Awards from the American Institute of Architects is the industry’s best- known award program for sustainable design excellence. Each year, ten innovative projects from all over the world are recognized for their integration of design excellence with environmental performance. Overlooking Shoal Creek and Lady Bird Lake, the Austin Central Library is a building shaped by light and designed to respond to the context of its place. Since the inception of the project, green building principles were key to the library’s design, which was guided by two primary sustainability goals: 1. The building would be the most day-lit library in the country. The heart of the building is the six-story atrium, which provides daylight for more than 80 percent of regularly occupied spaces. 2. The building would serve as a water conservation model for buildings in the region. A 373,000-gallon rainwater harvesting system, reused from existing infrastructure, provides water for landscape irrigation, restroom plumbing fixtures, and the landscaped rooftop pollinator garden. Austin Central Library is the culmination of the joint efforts of many City of Austin departments and staff. The Office of Sustainability, Austin Public Works, and Austin Public Library are honored to be lead partners in this award-winning effort. Electric Lady Bird Electric Lady Bird (ELB) delivers commercial-free, curated music from Central Texas artists. The Live Music Capital’s best is served up, 24/7, through a user-friendly digital music platform. You can find it through APL’s Virtual Library. We’re currently looking to add even more great local music to Electric Lady Bird. Our next submission round is open May 1-30, 2020. Austin Musicians! The next Electric Lady Bird submission round is open May 1-30, 2020. checkout. Selected musicians will be awarded $200 for full-length albums and $100 for EP-length releases, In exchange, the Library will receive non-exclusive rights to stream the album/EP for a 3-year term. Jurors from the Austin music community will select the best albums. Get your tunes ready to submit. For more into, go to 5 FACILITIES SERVICES FY2018 Bond Program Summary Description The 2018 Bond Program for the Library Department consists of fifteen improvement projects located across the City of Austin. The projects are grouped into the following categories: Branch Trail • “PKG A” CLMP180 2016 Site/Civil Engineering Projects Hampton at Oak Hill Parking Lot Expansion; Cepeda • “PKG B” CLMP282 Faulk /Austin History Campus - Faulk Library Archival Repository Upgrade; Austin History Center Interior & Exterior improvements • “PKG C” CLMP286 Interior Renovation Projects – Old Quarry Branch Renovation; Little Walnut Creek Branch Renovation; Willie Mae Kirk Branch Renovation; Manchaca Road Branch Roof Replacement & Renovation; St. John Branch Renovation • “PKG D” CLMP287 Roof Replacement & System Upgrades – Ruiz Branch; Carver Branch; University Hills Branch; Howson Branch; Spicewood Springs Branch; Yarborough Branch • CLMP180 2016 Site/Civil: Negotiations for Civil Engineering Design Services are 100% complete. Minor edits to the Scope are necessary to add accounting lines for each FDU / site / subproject. • CLMP282 Faulk / AHC Campus: The Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) is anticipated May 20, 2020. Timeframe for completing the initial report is eight • CLMP286 Interior Renovations: Negotiations continue with the Architecture Consultant. A request has been made to extend the contract execution date to June 26, • CLMP 287 Roof Replacement & System Upgrades: Negotiations continue with the Architecture Consultant. A request has been made to extend the contract execution date to June 26, 2020. Status weeks. 2020. Schedule levels of branch services. The design and construction program’s deliverables are revised to a 36-month timeline. All timelines are estimates and subject to change without notice. Program construction starts will be staggered to minimize impacts to existing 6 The 2018 Bond Program for the Library Department consists of fifteen improvement projects located across the City of Austin. 7 FY2012 Bond Program Summary • Proposition 18: Library, Museums and Cultural Facilities $13.4 Million Description Cepeda Branch Scope of Work Site Drainage Remediation and Interior Renovation of 8,110 SF Facility Status Design Phase 90% Complete. Library Facilities Project Coordinator, Project Architect and QMD continue to revise the front-end documents of the project plans and specifications. Revisions are necessary to send the plans and specifications out as an IFB. Budget / Cost Other Issues Appropriation $1,049,839; Obligated $579,442.17; Balance $470,396.83 The 6,000sf roofing system is being overlaid with a silicone roof coating to extend the roof warranty by 20 years. Zaragosa Technical Support Warehouse Scope of Work Replacement of Sprinkler System (life safety) in 20,000sf Facility Status The Engineering Consultant’s Contract Amendment Project Plans are being revised and re-bid. Budget / Cost Appropriation $794,965; Obligated $315,311.31; Balance $479,653.69 Schedule • The Engineering Consultant’s timeline for revising the Plans & Specifications is approximately 60 days. • The IFB is estimated to take 5 months to contract execution. • Est. Construction Start December 2020 8 University Hills Branch Scope of Work The work of this project comprises the construction of a new asphalt 29 parking space parking lot expansion at the existing University Hills Branch Library. Status 100% Construction Documents are with the Development Services Dept for site plan review. Stantec Civil Engineers is in the process of responding to comments from the City’s Development Review Dept (DRD). Budget / Cost Appropriation $1,532,458.00; Obligated $749,095.26; Balance $783,362.74 Other Issues COVID-19 is impacting the site plan review process. The Development Review Department has not met during the COVID period. Yarborough Branch Scope of Work Interior Renovation of 15,120 sf Facility Status to occur May 28, 2020. Budget / Cost Other Issues Pleasant Hill Scope of Work Construction Phase is 100% complete. Punch List occurred April 28, 2020. Substantial completion is anticipated Appropriation $984,066; Obligated $981,843.07; Balance $2,222.93 Repairs to the Main Signage continue; the interior pendant will be installed during Phase II improvements. Roof replacement and HVAC system overhaul for 8,851 sf facility. Additional Scope includes Interior Renovation. 9 Status Budget / Cost Schedule Construction Phase of Roof and HVAC Replacement is complete. A Certificate of Occupancy has been received for Phase I and the Design Services for Phase II interior improvements. Appropriation $1,147,997; Obligated $1,089,331.88; Balance $58,665.12 • Design Services Phase II Interior Improvements are anticipated to be complete June 2020. • Phase II Construction activities are anticipated to be complete August 2020. Cepeda Branch Renovations Zaragosa Warehouse 10 University Hills Branch Yarborough Branch 11 Cepeda Branch / Hampton Branch (Site/Civil) Report Project Description The Cepeda Branch Library Trail Project was initiated to provide a safe, well-lighted pedestrian pathway from the Cepeda Branch Library property at 651 N Pleasant Valley Road through to Gonzalez Street under the adjacent East Seventh Street overpass. The Will Hampton Branch Library at 5125 Convict Hill Road has experienced heavy use by the community since the facility first opened its doors in 1997. The community facility is public-facing and adjacent to the equally popular Dick Nichols District Park. The project consists of adding 22 parking spaces to the existing parking lot. • Negotiations for Civil Engineering Design Services are 100% complete. • Espy Engr. Consultant and APL Facilities with Public Works Department will begin meeting to finalize Scope of Work to include Public Engagement phase and schedule. Status Schedule See Gantt Chart Cost Design Budget $123,932.08; Construction Budget $644,578 Other Issues Homeless encampment under the 7th St Bridge Cepeda Branch / Hampton Branch Monthly Schedule 13 14 Faulk Building / Austin History Center Monthly Report Facility Improvements & Archival Repository Expansion Project Description The Faulk Library and Austin History Center are grouped together to meet the growth demands of the City’s burgeoning population by adding much needed archival storage space, security for collections, and upgrading environmental controls. The campus will be reinforces as a single destination that will facilitate seamless interchanges between the Faulk Building, the Austin History Center, adjacent Wooldridge Square and many nearby historical sites. structural and aesthetic improvements. Status Goals: The Preliminary Engineering Report Proposal (PER) is anticipated May 28, 2020. The goals and 8-week timeframe are outlined as follows: • Identify essential scope of project, with conceptual cost estimate. • Identify options for discretionary scope, with conceptual cost estimate. of each member of the design team. Schedule • Week 1 – kickoff; begin gathering information • Week 3 – Meeting #1 – progress report With sustainability as a project goal the work to the Faulk Building include but is not limited to modifying the 2nd and 3rd floors of JHF to meet minimal archival storage standards. Removing existing carpet and providing a sealed, epoxy-coated concrete flooring finish. Additional work includes upgrading the building M/E/P and Elevator Retrofit. Infrastructure upgrades at the Austin History Center include wheelchair lift replacements, lead- based paint abatement, renovation of worn finishes, lighting retrofit, and renovation of exteriors to redress • With the time limits for the PER, only primary stakeholders will be engaged. • All meetings will be online. • Access to the existing buildings will be available, following all safety protocols of the City of Austin and 15 • Week 5 – Meeting #2 – present preliminary report of essential scope + options • Week 8 – Receive cost estimate and compile final documents Cost Design Budget TBD; Construction Budget TBD Faulk Library Building / Austin History Center Schedule 16 17 Interior Renovations Monthly Report Project Description Austin Public Library 2018 Bond Program Package “C” Interior Renovations, combines five library branch projects with similar modernization and refurbishment scopes of work. The work require project designs that are reflective of the emerging architectural styles of our region and sympathetic to the City of Austin initiatives including citizen participation in the design processes, Art in Public Places, and project team participation by minority and women-owned businesses. The scope of Package “C” consists of selective demolition of the finishes of the existing building and renovations to the same that include interior finishes, floor finishes and base, new suspended ceilings and electrical service, lighting and plumbing, new gypsum drywall assemblies, storefront window systems and new furnishings. The project includes miscellaneous asbestos abatement. Compliance with current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and the City of Austin Sustainability objectives are project goals. Projects which comprise Pkg. C are as follows; • The Old Quarry Branch • Little Walnut Creek Branch • Manchaca Road Branch • Willie Mae Kirk Branch. • St. John Branch Status The proposal for the Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) was submitted April 1, 2020. Comments were drafted and forwarded back to the Architect and a revised proposal was submitted on April 16, 2020. There continue to be concerns with the Consultants’ Phase A Scope and Cost. A request to extend the contract execution date to June 26 has been made to the CCO. Every effort will be made to bridge differences to execute a PER Phase A Will be revised to reflect A/E Consultants Phase A deliverables Design Budget TBD; Construction Budget TBD Contract by June 26, 2020. Schedule Cost Other Issues None to date 18 Interior Renovations Schedule 19 Roof Replacements & Systems Upgrades Monthly Report Project Description Austin Public Library 2018 Bond Program Roof Replacements & Systems Upgrades, combines six library branch projects with similar scopes of work for roofing system rehabilitation to extend the life-cycle and or HVAC Systems and controls upgrades. Warranty requirements for roofing systems shall be 20 years for leakage and weather and, 10 years for HVAC Systems. The HVAC Systems shall be upgraded to contribute to overall building energy goals, shall have low life cycle costs and capable of providing excellent indoor environmental quality while minimizing maintenance requirements. A Commissioning Agent (Cx) will assist ACFS with refining the HVAC functional requirements and roofing system rehabilitation requirements. Systems to be commissioned are Roof, Air Conditioning, Heating Systems, Security / CCTV, PV Array and Sub-Metering devices Work by related trades may include but is not limited to, asbestos abatement, steel, building automation, electrical and plumbing. Project will also feature: upgrading of the roof drainage system including scupper’s, repair and upgrade of lightning protection system. Projects which comprise Pkg. D are further described as follows; • Ruiz Branch Roofing System • Carver Branch Roofing System & HVAC Upgrade. • University Hills Roofing System • Howson Branch HVAC and Controls Upgrade • Spicewood Springs Roofing System • Yarbrough Branch Roofing System, replacement of clerestories, and upgrade of lightning protection system. The proposal for the Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) was submitted April 20, 2020. Comments were drafted to be forwarded back to the Consulting Engineer. There are concerns with the Consultants Phase A Scope and Cost. A request to extend the contract execution date to June 12 has been made to the CCO. Every effort will be made to bridge differences to execute a PER Phase A Contract by June 12, 2020. Will be revised to reflect the Engineering Consultants Phase A deliverables Design Budget TBD; Construction Budget TBD Status Schedule Cost Roof Replacements & Systems Upgrades Schedule 20 21 AUSTIN HISTORY CENTER Programming & Outreach • The COVID-19 Files project has been very successful so far with well over 100 submissions of journals, art, photos, video, and more, totaling nearly 600 unique items. The project has received a lot of press attention with KUT, Austin Chronicle, Library Journal, Austin American Statesman, and CBS Austin all covering. • On April 19, Asian American Community Archivist Ayshea Khan participated in the Coronavirus at Anti-Asian Racism in Austin Virtual Town Hall, hosted by Austin Asian Community Health Initiative. 180 people • AHC staff finished processing 1 collections, the Austin Neighborhoods Council Records. The finding aids for all processed AHC collections are available online at: • The AHC launched a new online exhibit experience called “Hidden Austin: Stories from the Original Square Mile.” The project includes a multimedia, geo-referenced web and mobile exhibit through the Vamonde app as well as a series of AHC-produced video shorts. The project landing page is here: The exhibit and videos have received more than 2000 views since launching in mid-April, and 5 more videos are scheduled • Though the building has been closed, AHC staff continue assisting researchers remotely. During this time staff helped researchers from Oakwood Cemetery document prominent women buried there for an online Suffrage exhibit; helped a company license photos for a new office space; responded to numerous press requests for information about the 1918 influenza epidemic in Austin, researched Alex Jones for PBS’s Frontline; helped UT students with research on Japanese internment and early Chinese immigration; and many other topics. attended the live event. Collections Exhibits for release in May. Reference 22 LIBRARY PRIORITIES Literacy Advancement Many of our youth librarians and branch staff are busy creating and making things. They’re producing storytime and puppet videos for APL+. Check out the videos to see how writing at home can be fun and educational and how play can be used to enrich the lives of kids at home. Videos for teens include one on writing prompts and another featuring instructions for creating your own zine. Digital Inclusion & STEM This month APL promoted home use of hoonuit, a collection of on-demand software training and support tutorials for over 150 software applications available through the Virtual Library. Equity, Diversity & Inclusion One of the Terrazas Branch team members maintained the Homelessness Services document, an online resource guide for those experiencing homelessness or helping those who are homeless. Another Terrazas staff member translated the guide into Spanish. Civic and Community Engagement The manager from the Southeast Branch and a Youth Program Technician offered a virtual early literacy program and presentation about the APL Virtual Library to parents, children, and staff members from Austin ISD Head Start and Rodriguez Elementary. They focused on resources for children such as Tumblebooks, Make Make, and Libby; but parents also learned about resources for adults. Staff Development During the City’s Stay Home, Work Safe order, Austin Public Library’s Organizational Development office is offering online training for APL staff. Featured this month were: Public Library Association: Equal Access for Every Ability; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Maturity Model; and Librarian’s Guide to Homelessness 23 Workforce and Economic Development Staff are developing their skills in anticipation of helping members of the public look for a job and apply for benefits by volunteering to be job coaches for APL’s newest virtual service, the Job Portal. They are also developing their financial literacy skills in the area of budgeting, paying bills, and credit reports. Staff members are taking training and developing strategies to cultivate more personal relationships with surrounding small business owners and better connect them with APL resources and services as well as area organizations whose mission is to promote and strengthen small business. STAFFING Emergency Operations Staff from across the Library system have answered the call to assist at the City’s Emergency Operations Center. They have been placed in positions managing shelters, keeping inventory of supplies, picking up medical items, assisting at farmer’s markets, distributing meals, assisting with centralized emergency purchasing and contracts, and much more. 24 APL BY THE NUMBERS Virtual Collections Usage April • eBooks 123,088 • eAudio 64,363 • eVideo 14,333 • eMusic 2,505 • ePeriodicals 11,894 Total virtual circulation 216,183 (+44% from April 2019) Roosevelt Weeks Director of Libraries