Library Commission - Feb. 24, 2020

Library Commission Regular Meeting of the Library Commission - The Library Commission will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, February 24, 2020 at the North Village Branch, starting at 6:30 PM.

Agenda original pdf

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LIBRARY COMMISSION February 24, 2020 – 6:30 PM North Village Branch 2505 Steck Ave. AUSTIN, TEXAS The Library Commission shall make recommendations to the city council on matters relating to the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the public libraries. Section 2-1-150 of the City Code. General Communication & Communication on Agenda Items: The first 5 speakers signed up for citizen communication prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda during the time set aside for general citizen communication. Those who wish to speak on agenda items must be signed up prior to the meeting being called to order and will be allowed three minutes to speak when the agenda item comes up. Julia Aguilar, Patricia Dabbert, JC Dwyer, Catherine Hanna, Deborah Pardo-Kaplan, Daniella Ramos, Steven Self, and Chad Williams CALL TO ORDER Citizen Communication: General AGENDA 1. Welcome and Introduction of North Village Branch Manager Michael Abramov 2. Approval of Minutes from the January 27, 2020 Regular Meeting 3. Briefing: FY21 Budget Process, Wendy Harrison, Financial Manager 4. Old Business a. Update on status of implementing revised Youth Policies. Discussion of Austin Youth Council, Dr. Chiquita Eugene. Discussion and possible action on youth participation on Library Commission. b. Discussion and possible action on a Fine Free Libraries Working Group Recommendation 6. Discussion of Director’s Monthly Report for February 2020 covering programming 5. New Business a. Election of Vice Chair to fill vacancy highlights, facilities, and APL Priorities. 7. Discussion of commissioner visits to branch libraries 8. Future Agenda Items ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please call Sharon Herfurth at the Library Department, at 512- 974-7420 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Library Commission, please contact Sharon Herfurth at 512- 974-7420 or

Scraped at: Feb. 21, 2020, 10 p.m.

draft minutes of the January 27, 2020 regular meeting original pdf

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Library Commission Meeting Minutes 27 January, 2020 REGULAR MEETING 27 January, 2020 THE LIBRARY COMMISSION MINUTES The Library Commission convened in a Regular Meeting on Monday, January 27, 2020 at the Ruiz Branch, 1600 Grove Blvd, in Austin, Texas. Chair Hanna called the Board Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Chair Catherine Hanna, Vice Chair Aimee Finney, Commission Members Julia Aguilar, Patricia Dabbert, JC Dwyer, Deborah Pardo-Kaplan, and Steven Self Board Members Absent: Commission Members Daniella Ramos and Chad Williams Staff in Attendance: Dana McBee, Assistant Director for Support Services, John Daniels, Facilities Planning Manager; Sharon Herfurth, Division Manager, Office of Programs & Partnerships; Emi Johnson, Business Process Consultant; Wendy Harrison, Financial Manager; Patti Fowler, Division Manager, Central Library; and Pamela Bowles, Division Manager, Branch Service Citizen Communication: Carlos León spoke about computers at branch libraries. 1. Welcome and Introduction of Ruiz Branch Manager. Branch Manager Carlos Pin was unable to attend. Youth Librarian Heather Athas gave an overview of services and programs at the Ruiz Branch. 2. Approval of Minutes from the December 16, 2019 Regular Meeting: The minutes of the regular meeting were approved on Commission Member Dabbert’s motion and Vice Chair Finney’s second on a 7-0 vote. 3. Briefing: The Library Foundation Update. Cecily Sailer, Programs & Events Director for the Foundation gave the update. Briefing: Austin Strategic Direction 2023 – Economic Opportunity and Affordability. Sharon Herfurth, Office of Programs & Partnerships and Emi Johnson, Business Process Consultant gave the briefing. 4. Old Business a. none Library Commission Meeting Minutes 27 January, 2020 5. New Business: a. Discussion and possible action on Fine Free Libraries. Chair Hanna appointed a working group consisting of Chair Hanna and Commission Members Dwyer and Self. 6. Discussion of Director’s Monthly Report for December 2019 covering programming highlights, facilities, and APL Priorities: Carlos León spoke. Questions were asked about the status of the proposed renovations for the Old Quarry Branch and about the process for public input in the design phase of renovations. A question was asked about the new “APL for All” equity, diversity, and inclusion training for staff. 7. Discussion of commissioner visits to branch libraries: Commissioner Self visited the Manchaca Road Branch and found it a busy as he had ever seen it. Commissioner Aguilar commented on her visit to the Recycled Reads Gift Shop at Central. SD2023 Alignment – Mobility 8. Future Agenda Items: …

Scraped at: Feb. 21, 2020, 10 p.m.

February 2020 Director's Report original pdf

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February 2020 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS HIghlights __________________________________________________________________ 3 Exhibits ________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Facilities Services ____________________________________________________________ 5 FY2018 Bond Program Summary ___________________________________________________________ 5 FY2012 Bond Program Summary ___________________________________________________________ 7 Cepeda Branch / Hampton Branch Monthly Report _____________________________________________ 12 Faulk Building / Austin History Center Monthly Report __________________________________________ 14 Interior Renovations Monthly Report ________________________________________________________ 16 Roof Replacements & Systems Upgrades Monthly Report _______________________________________ 20 Austin History Center ________________________________________________________ 22 Library Priorities ____________________________________________________________ 22 Literacy Advancement ___________________________________________________________________ 22 Digital Inclusion & STEM _________________________________________________________________ 22 Equity, Diversity & Inclusion _______________________________________________________________ 22 Civic and Community Engagement _________________________________________________________ 23 Staff Development ______________________________________________________________________ 23 Workforce and Economic Development ______________________________________________________ 25 APL By the Numbers ________________________________________________________ 24 Performance Indicators for August _________________________________________________________ 24 Revenue ______________________________________________________________________________ 24 Volunteers ____________________________________________________________________________ 24 3 HIGHLIGHTS It’s Your Lucky Day on cloudLibrary Check out cloudLibrary for popular eBooks and audiobooks. The Lucky Day collection features high-demand titles for immediate checkout with no holds, no renewals, and a 7-day loan period. In the cloudLibrary Lucky Day collection, you can: • Borrow 1 item at a time • Check out for 7 days • Login with your Austin Public Library card number and password • “Save for Later” if the title isn’t available • Check the app often for popular books – it could be your Lucky Day! The Lucky Day collection features high-demand titles for immediate checkout. Grow Green on ECO Day Join us for ECO Day with the City of Austin's Grow Green Team for tips on gardening, recycling, and reuse at Central Library on Sunday, March 8 from 1 to 4 PM. Our Green Resource Fair includes presentations, demonstrations, and exhibits on planting, seed saving, mycology, sustainability, recycling and reuse, alternative transportation and all things green! Come early for a Wildflower Seeds giveaway—and a chance to win a Grow Green Garden Tool Kit! Party Sustainably with Recycled Reads Recycled Reads celebrates 11 Years of Green on Saturday, March 7, from 12 to 5 PM with live music, back room tours, and a reuse craft activity Come In, Be Counted All Austin Public Library locations are offering workstations for filling out 2020 US Census forms. Library staff will be available to help residents through the process. The census workstations are available daily from 10 AM to 6 PM starting March 12 through July 31. Exhibits 4 Daniel Johnston: Jeremiah the Innocent & Friends in Zilker Park Austin Public Library commemorates the life and …

Scraped at: Feb. 26, 2020, 3:30 a.m.

Approved Minutes original pdf

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Library Commission Meeting Minutes 24 February, 2020 REGULAR MEETING 24 February, 2020 THE LIBRARY COMMISSION MINUTES The Library Commission convened in a Regular Meeting on Monday, February 24, 2020 at the North Village Branch, 2505 Steck Ave, in Austin, Texas. Chair Hanna called the Board Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Chair Catherine Hanna, Commission Members Julia Aguilar, Patricia Dabbert, JC Dwyer, Daniella Ramos, Steven Self and Chad Williams Board Members Absent: Commission Member Deborah Pardo-Kaplan Staff in Attendance: Roosevelt Weeks, Director of Libraries, Dana McBee, Assistant Director for Support Services, John Daniels, Facilities Planning Manager; Sharon Herfurth, Division Manager, Office of Programs & Partnerships; Emi Johnson, Business Process Consultant; Wendy Harrison, Financial Manager; Pamela Bowles, Division Manager, Branch Service; and Joe Faulk, Director of Technology Citizen Communication: Carlos León spoke about the 2020 census. 1. Welcome and Introduction of North Village Branch Manager. Branch Manager Michael Abramov gave an overview of services and programs at the North Village Branch. 2. Approval of Minutes from the January 27, 2020 Regular Meeting: Carlos León spoke. The minutes of the regular meeting were approved on Commission Member Williams’ motion and Commission Member Dabbert’s second on a 7-0 vote. Commission Member Pardo-Kaplan absent. 3. Briefing: FY1 Budget Process. Wendy Harrison, Financial Manager gave the briefing.. 4. Old Business a. Update on status of implementing revised Youth Policies. Discussion of Austin Youth Council, Dr. Chiquita Eugene. Discussion and possible action on youth participation on Library Commission. Carlos León spoke. Dr. Eugene was unable to attend and will be invited to a future Library Commission meeting. Library Commission Meeting Minutes 24 February, 2020 b. Discussion and possible action on a Fine Free Libraries Working Group Recommendation Carlos León spoke. Chair Hanna gave the working group report. At a future meeting, the group will present a draft recommendation to eliminate library fines. A draft recommendation proposing the elimination of non-resident library card fees for the Austin Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) may also be presented. 5. New Business: Carlos León spoke. Commission Member Dabbert nominated Commission Member Self with a second by Commission Member Ramos. Having no other nominations, Steven Self was elected Vice Chair on a 7-0 vote. Commission Member Pardo-Kaplan absent. 6. Discussion of Director’s Monthly Report for February 2020 covering programming highlights, facilities, and APL Priorities: Carlos León spoke. Director Weeks reported on the Growing Your Roots African American a. Election …

Scraped at: May 6, 2020, 9 p.m.