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Feb. 26, 2020

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Scraped at: Sept. 11, 2020, 3 a.m.
Jan. 22, 2020

Agenda_JSC_20200122 original pdf

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Joint Sustainability Committee January 22, 2020 6:00pm City Hall, Council Chambers 301 West 2nd Street, Austin, Texas AGENDA Karen Magid (Austin Travis County Food Policy Board) Nhat Ho (Water & Wastewater Commission) Holt Lackey (Economic Prosperity Commission) Vacant - (Parks & Recreation Board) David Carroll (Design Commission) Alberta Phillips (City Council) Karen Hadden (Electric Utility Commission) Rob Schneider (Planning Commission) MEMBERS Kaiba White, Chair (Resource Mgmt. Commission) Katie Coyne, Vice-Chair (Environmental Commission) Melissa Rothrock (Zero Waste Advisory Commission) Kelly Davis (Urban Transportation Commission) Fisayo Fadelu (Community Development Commission) CALL TO ORDER 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES For more information, please visit: a. December 18, 2019 meeting of the Joint Sustainability Committee 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three- minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 3. NEW BUSINESS a) Urban Forestry Presentation – Keith Mars, Development Services Department (Discussion and/or possible action) – 45 minutes b) Food Policy Recommendation on Land Development Code Revision (Discussion and/or c) Community Climate Plan Update – Zach Baumer, Office of Sustainability (Discussion possible action) –45 minutes and/or possible action) – 20 minutes 4. OLD BUSINESS 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a. Working group updates (Discussion and/or possible action) b. Commission members report back on any relevant discussions from their respective boards and commissions (Discussion and/or possible action) - Ongoing updates from Office of Sustainability regarding Community Climate Plan revision - Equity analysis of Atlas 14 - Green Infrastructure Plan - Adaptation overview from US Forest Service workshop - CapMetro – Project Connect Update ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Zach Baumer with the Office of Sustainability at 512-974-2836, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Joint Sustainability Committee, please contact Zach Baumer at ( or 512-974-2836).

Scraped at: Jan. 20, 2020, 12:15 a.m.
Jan. 22, 2020

Backup_JSC_Climate Update_20200122 original pdf

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AUSTIN COMMUNITY CLIMATE PLAN UPDATE January 22, 2020 Community Content Workshops ■ At these workshops, you will: – – – Provide input and feedback to City staff about the challenges and barriers to reaching Austin’s climate goals. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of current sustainability trends and practices. Help identify priorities and strategies to improve lives, increase affordability, and craft equitable solutions that work for people. Transportation Electrification Community Workshop Tuesday, February 4th from 5:30-8pm at Austin Energy Town Lake Center - Assembly Room 130 Sustainable Buildings Community Workshop Saturday, February 8th from 2-4:30pm at Huston-Tillotson University - Dickey-Lawless Science Building Natural Systems Community Workshop Tuesday, February 11th from 5:30-8pm at the Carver Library Auditorium Transportation and Land Use Community Workshop Thursday, February 13th from 5:30-8pm at the Carver Library Auditorium Climate Change and Consumption Community Workshop Saturday, February 22nd from 10:30-1pm Location TBD *check later for updates 2 Climate Ambassadors ■ Kickoff Meetings are complete ■ Ambassadors will start attending some Advisory Group / Steering Committee meetings ■ They will all be attending / contributing to at least one Content Workshop ■ Brainstorming on their engagement approach as well as questions to get feedback on are in process 3 Upcoming ■ All groups are meeting for 2 hours every other week! – Calendar here: ■ Community Content Workshops ■ Communications – – Speak up Austin page is in process Blog postings are in process ■ The Steering Committee is working on: – Analysis of new Long-Term Goals – – Equity Framework and Tools for Advisory Group to use Table of Contents Options for the Final Plan 4 THE INAUGURAL TEXAS RESILIENCE CONFERENCE Conceived by the Office of Sustainability, Texas CROs and professors 2-day event with ~250 attendees Event info: • Palmer Events Center, Austin, TX • May 20-21, 2020 Audience: government, non-profit organizations, community groups, private industry, and academia across the state Organized by: • Sierra C. Woodruff, Assistant Professor Texas A&M University • Sascha Petersen (Adaptation International) • Office of Sustainability + steering & program committee Call for Proposals OPEN NOW! 2020 Generation & Resource Planning Timeline Sep 2019 - Working group kicks off and establishes charter - Studies directed from 2017 Resource Plan provided Oct 2019 Scope, input assumptions and scenarios prioritized with Working Group Nov 2019 Modeling and scenario analysis performed Feb 2019 Preliminary recommendations presented to Working Group Mar 2020 2019 - 2020 …

Scraped at: Jan. 29, 2020, 3 a.m.
Jan. 22, 2020

Backup_JSC_Tree Ordinanace Presentation_20200122 original pdf

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Your Community Tree Preservation City of Austin Joint Sustainability Division January 22, 2020 Keith Mars, AICP,CA City of Austin, Texas Overview • The Community Tree Preservation Division • Tree preservation policy objectives and outcomes • Code and process • Due diligence • Proposed Code Rewrite Chapter 1 The Community Tree Preservation Division: Urban Forest Program (A Healthy Urban Forest for All) Click here to see all the great work Chapter 2 The Community Tree Preservation Division: City Arborist Program (Nationally recognized tree preservation ordinances) Tree Ordinances in Austin • First adopted in 1983 • Public health, safety, and welfare (Home Rule & Discretionary) • Preserve first then replenish • Alignment with council strategic outcomes Preserve the character of Austin’s urban forest, protect its current health, and increase it’s longevity The Value of Trees in the Urban Environment • Trees are foundational to multiple public policy objects • Trees are a $16 billion asset • Trees reduce energy cost by ~$20M/year • Trees reduce speed and shade pedestrians Our Community Values Trees • Home Rule—Tree protection is an expression of our values • Continued public support for trees and tree preservation is crucial to the future of our urban forest Efficacy of Heritage Tree Ordinance - Ordinance adopted in February 2010 - 14 Commission variances - Over 5,000 reviews by City Arborist staff - More than 70,000 inches of Heritage Trees reviewed - 95% preservation rate. National model. Chapter 2 Administering the Tree Ordinances (Process matters) The Larger the Tree, the Greater the Protection Review Criteria for Protected and Heritage Trees Code Criteria for Rules for Protecting Removal Trees 1. Prevents a reasonable use 2. Prevents reasonable access 3. Dead, diseased, or imminent hazard Due Process for Administering Heritage Tree Ordinance Chapter 3 Due Diligence for Reasonable Use (Reveal the real and perceived constraints, protect more trees) • Parking standards. • Know your Fire Code! It has a big impact on land use and trees. • Know your driveway alignment options. Transportation SETBACKS - 15' ALLOWS FOR 45-75%GLAZING 15' 15' Site Diagram Thornton 2 Office Building REQUIRED FIRE ACCESS 43' FROM SOUTH PROP. LINE ALLOWS FOR PERIMETER PARKING Site Diagram Thornton 2 Office Building 5' SIDEWALK 5' SIDEWALK 25' 18' RESIDENTAL COMPATIBILITY SETBACK 300' from Property line 200' from Property line 100' from Property line Site Diagram Thornton 2 Office Building TREE PRESERVATION COUNCIL HERITAGE TREE OFFSET TOP FLOOR 5' SHIFTED …

Scraped at: Jan. 29, 2020, 3 a.m.
Jan. 22, 2020

20200122_3b_Food System and the LDC Rewrite original pdf

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Scraped at: Jan. 29, 2020, 5:30 p.m.
Jan. 22, 2020

Approved Minutes_JSC_20200122 original pdf

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Item 1 JOINT SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING MEETING MINUTES January 22, 2020 The Joint Sustainability Committee convened in a regular meeting on January 22, 2020 at City Hall in Austin, Texas. Chair Kaiba White called the Board Meeting to order at 6:07 pm. Board Members in Attendance: Kaiba White Chair, Katie Coyne Vice-Chair, David Carroll, Fisayo Fadelu, Karen Hadden, Melissa Rothrock, Karen Magid, Rob Schneider, Holt Lackey Board Members Absent: Nhat Ho, Alberta Phillips, Kelly Davis City Staff in Attendance: Phoebe Romero, Zach Baumer CALL TO ORDER CALL TO ORDER 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the December 18, 2019 Joint Sustainability Committee meeting were approved. Motion to approve (Commissioner Coyne), Second (Commissioner Rothrock)- 7 approved, 0 opposed. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three- minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. • None 3. NEW BUSINESS a) Urban Forestry Presentation – Keith Mars, Development Services Department (Discussion and/or possible action) – 45 minutes • Reviewed Heritage Tree Ordinance and Code Criteria for Removal which is allowed when tree prevents reasonable use, reasonable access or is dead, diseased or an imminent hazard • Land Development Code Revision • Updated modifications along corridors (in context of housing), street and residential planting requirements and improved language and definitions • Along corridors, heritage trees accommodations may take place if reasonable use guideline is affected • Opportunity to examine how the Climate Plan revision can create an overall tree canopy goal, and incorporate an equity analysis examining areas like the East Side • Discussed survival rate of relocated trees, those in redevelopment zones and opportunity to work with HOAs in policy b) Food Policy Recommendation on Land Development Code Revision (Discussion and/or possible action) – 45 minutes • Recommendation from the Austin-Travis County Food Policy Board concerning Food Policy and the Land Development Code Revision was approved with the following friendly amendments from Commissioner Carroll: • On bullet #1, recommended not tying food equity lens to idea of an equity overlay, so that it’s not dependent on this being done; last two sentences from the first bullet removed. • On bullet #5, recommended removing “siting” and adding “encouraging” and removing “stores”, but keeping food retail. • Record of the vote: Motion to approve Commissioner Hadden, Second Commissioner Lackey - 9 approved, 0 …

Scraped at: April 1, 2020, midnight
Jan. 22, 2020

Video_JSC_20200122 original link

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Scraped at: Sept. 11, 2020, 3 a.m.