Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES The JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) convened a SPECIAL called meeting on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 2024, at 3:00 P.M. CST in the CITY HALL ROOM #1001 (301 W. 2ND STREET, AUSTIN, TX 78701) Chair AMANDA AFIFI called the JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE meeting to order at 3:14 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Hispanic Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission: Amanda Afifi (Chair) Commission on Aging: Richard Bondi (Vice Chair) Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: African American Resource Advisory Commission: Elaina Fowler Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission: Sonny Sin Commission for Women: Julie Glasser Human Rights Commission: Morgan Davis Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities: Jennifer Powell Commissioners Absent: Commission on Immigrant Affairs: Melissa Ortega Early Childhood Council: Leonor Vargas or Eliza Gordon LGBTQIA+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission: Jerry Joe Benson or Yuri Barragán PUBLIC COMMUNICATION The first ten speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Cierra Madison, Founder of Sunday Sessions ATX shares program and requests to return as an agenda item. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the COMMITTEE’s REGULAR MEETING on JULY 24TH, 2024. 1 The minutes were approved at the SEPTEMBER 4th, 2024 Special Called meeting on COMMISSIONER ELAINA FOWLER’s motion, COMMISSIONER JULIE GLASSER’s second, on a 7-0 vote (Absent: Commission on Immigrant Affair’s Melissa Ortega; Early Childhood Council’s Leonor Vargas or Eliza Gordon; and LGTBQIA+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission’s Jerry Joe Benson or Yuri Barragán.) DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Kathy Mitchell, Equity Action, sharing information and updates on the FY25 Community Investment Budget as it relates to the FY25 Proposed Budget. Kathy shares Equity Action process for collaborating with City organizations to develop Community Investment Budget. Kathy shares information regarding Police contract funding and amendments that were included in the budget for housing support. COMMISSIONER RICHARD BONDI shares with Kathy the timeline for the City Boards and Commissions to submit their budget recommendations and requests earlier information on Equity Action’s progress for the Community Investment Budget during the FY26 budget cycle. COMMISSIONER AMANDA AFIFI shares that the Hispanic Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission considered the Community Investment Budget for FY24 to author FY25 budget recommendations. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. Discuss and approve representatives who are attending the Joint Inclusion Committee’s Budget Engagement opportunity on September 7th, 2024. COMMISSIONERS AMANDA AFIFI, RICHARD BONDI, and ELAINA FOWLER APPROVED to attend meeting, within quorum requirements on COMMISSIONER MORGAN DAVIS’s motion and COMMISSIONER FOWLER’s second on a 7-0 vote (Absent: Commission on Immigrant Affair’s Melissa Ortega; Early Childhood Council’s Leonor Vargas or Eliza Gordon; and LGTBQIA+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission’s Jerry Joe Benson or Yuri Barragán.) Approve the date and location of the Joint Inclusion Committee’s regular October meeting as October 23rd, 2024 in the Boards & Commissions Room #1101 at City Hall, at 3 p.m. APPROVED on COMMISSIONER JENNIFER POWELL’s motion, COMMISSIONER SONNY SIN’s second on a 7-0 vote (Absent: Commission on Immigrant Affair’s Melissa Ortega; Early Childhood Council’s Leonor Vargas or Eliza Gordon; and LGTBQIA+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission’s Jerry Joe Benson or Yuri Barragán.) WORKING GROUP UPDATES 2 4. 5. 6. Budget & Policy Priorities Workgroup – updates on issues related to the FY24-25 City Budget (Workgroup Members: Commissioners Richard Bondi, Morgan Davis, Melissa Ortega). See agenda item 3. Investigating the involvement of Indigenous People and/or Native Americans to afford the group a voice Workgroup. (Workgroup Members: Commissioners Amanda Afifi, Richard Bondi, and Morgan Davis). No updates. Sunday Sessions ATX Approve JIC Townhall attendance Discussion and action on a City Implicit Bias Day. Update on collaboration with College Study Commission FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: ADJOURNMENT: 4:09 p.m. The minutes were approved at the SEPTEMBER 25th, 2024 Regular meeting on COMMISSIONER JENNIFER POWELL’s motion, COMMISSIONER JERRY JOE BENSON’s second, on a 6-0 vote. (Off the dais: African American Resource Advisory Commission’s Commission Fowler, Commission for Women’s Commissioner Diana Melendez, and Human Rights Commission’s Commissioner Morgan Davis. Absent: Early Childhood Council’s Commissioner Eliza Gordon.) 3