Back Up_Agenda Item 1_Draft Minutes Joint Inclusion Committee (JIC) Regular July 24th, 2024 Meeting — original pdf

JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES The JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) convened a REGULAR meeting on WEDNESDAY, JULY 24TH, 2024, at 3:00 P.M. CST in the CITY PERMITTING AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER RM #1203 (6310 WILHELMINA DRIVE, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78752) Chair AMANDA AFIFI called the JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE meeting to order at 3:11 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Hispanic Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission: Amanda Afifi (Chair) Commission on Aging: Richard Bondi (Vice Chair) Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission: Nayer Sikder Commission on Immigrant Affairs: Melissa Ortega Commission for Women: Rebecca Austen Human Rights Commission: Morgan Davis Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities: Jennifer Powell Commissioners Absent: African American Resource Advisory Commission: Elaina Fowler or Antonio Ross Early Childhood Council: Leonor Vargas or Eliza Gordon PUBLIC COMMUNICATION The first ten speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the COMMITTEE’s REGULAR MEETING on JUNE 26TH, 2024. LGBTQIA+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission: Jerry Joe Benson 1 3. 4. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. The minutes were APPROVED at the JULY 24th, 2024 Regular Joint Inclusion Committee meeting on COMMISSIONER JENNIFER POWELL’s motion, COMMISSIONER JERRY JOE BENSON’s second, on a 6-0 vote. (Off the dais: Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission’s Commissioner Nayer Sikder and Commission on Aging’s Richard Bondi. Absent: African American Resource Advisory Commission’s Commissioners Elaina Fowler or Antonio Ross and Early Childhood Council’s Commissioners Leonor Vargas and Eliza Gordon). Discuss Joint Inclusion Committee’s Annual Review and Report. COMMISSIONERS AMANDA AFIFI and RICHARD BONDI share with JIC the future goals of the Commission on Veteran Affairs joining the JIC, investigating the possible collaboration or involvement of Indigenous People and/or Native Americans to afford them a voice in the City, connecting with College Student Commission and/or Austin Travis County Public Health Commission. COMMISSIONERS share including their FY26 town halls and having a permanent presence and attendance in the Equity Action Team meetings. COMMISSIONERS share future goals in regard to APD training with community; current focus on new cadets. Discuss follow up with Budget Office regarding FY26 Community Input Budget Town Halls. Equity Office met to share that Work group would follow up on the Budget Office. Discuss LGPOA Conference, scheduled for August 5th-8th, 2025. COMMISSIONER JERRY JOE BENSON provides information of the event that was shared during the regular June meeting of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Commission. Discuss the Affordable Childcare Now, Travis County Ballot Initiative; Commissioners Dr. Choquette Hamilton and Cathy McHorse, Early Childhood Commission presenting updates. Presentation can be found here. Commissioners Dr. Hamilton and McHorse share presentation and ask the JIC to increase education and raise public awareness. There is a QR code on how to share events so the information can be spread at the end of the presentation. COMMISSIONER RICHARD BONDI asks to follow up questions, where does the money come from? Answer, tax rate election which would equal about $10 a month for an average person. COMMISSIONER BONDI asks what groups the Coalition is reaching out (school districts, associations)? Answer, a lot of service organizations whose clients are young children. COMMISSIONER BONDI suggests attending the August 10th pride event at Fiesta Gardens. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 2 6. 7. 9. Approve cancelling Joint Inclusion Committee’s October 23rd, 2024 regular meeting. The Joint Inclusion Committee’s October 23rd, 2024 regular meeting is APPROVED on COMMISSIONER JERRY JOE BENSON’s motion and COMMISSIONER MORGAN DAVIS’s second on an 8-0 vote (Absent: African American Resource Advisory Commission’s Commissioners Elaina Fowler or Antonio Ross and Early Childhood Council’s Commissioners Leonor Vargas and Eliza Gordon.) Approve a Special Called meeting of the Joint Inclusion Committee on October 24th, 2024, at the Northwest Recreation Center at 6 p.m. A Special Called meeting of the Joint Inclusion Committee on October 24th for 5 pm is APPROVED on COMMISSIONER JENNIFER POWELL’s motion and COMMISSIONER REBECCA AUSTEN’s second on an 8-0 vote (Absent: African American Resource Advisory Commission’s Commissioners Elaina Fowler or Antonio Ross and Early Childhood Council’s Commissioners Leonor Vargas and Eliza Gordon). WORKING GROUP UPDATES 8. Budget & Policy Priorities Workgroup – updates on issues related to the FY24-25 City Budget (Workgroup Members: Commissioners Richard Bondi, Morgan Davis, Melissa Ortega). COMMISSIONER RICHARD BONDI shares that the workgroup will meet with the budget office about what the goals and expectations and a poll to the work group for a meeting in the second half of August will be sent Investigating the involvement of Indigenous People and/or Native Americans to afford the group a voice Workgroup. (Workgroup Members: Commissioners Amanda Afifi and Richard Bondi). COMMISSIONER MORGAN DAVIS joins workgroup and a meeting within the first two weeks in September. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Update on the Commission on Veteran Affairs joining the JIC College Student Commission collaboration Austin Travis County Public Health collaboration LGBTQIA+ recommendation to council for a cultural community center to endorse the recommendation Invite and meet with TC Broadnax, new City of Austin City Manager ADJOURNMENT: 4:26 3 -- The minutes were approved at the ____________meeting on COMMISSIONER _________ motion, COMMISSIONER ______ second, on a ___ vote. 4