JIC Budget Workshop & Town Hall Dates (Fall 2023) — original pdf
Joint Inclusion Commi(cid:425)ee FY23‐24/FY24‐25 Budget Process Please save these dates! Budget Workshop: This is a special workshop, jointly organized by the Budget Office & Equity Office, that invites all budget workgroups from all ten commissions to a(cid:425)end and meet face to face with the department leadership and their staff from the City Departments whom y’all have submi(cid:425)ed budget recommenda(cid:415)ons to. This event offers commissioners an opportunity to strengthen rela(cid:415)onships with department leadership, and ques(cid:415)on priori(cid:415)es and ques(cid:415)on if, where, and how your budget recommenda(cid:415)ons have been approved and incorporated or rejected. City Departments normally in a(cid:425)endance include: Aus(cid:415)n Public Health, Parks & Recrea(cid:415)on Department, Aus(cid:415)n Transporta(cid:415)on Department, Aus(cid:415)n Housing & Planning Department, Communica(cid:415)ons & Public Informa(cid:415)on Office, Economic Development Department, Aus(cid:415)n Public Library, and more! Saturday, September 16th, 2023 from 11am to 1pm Budget Town Halls: Last year, we could these “Quality‐of‐Life Town Halls.” These events are the only formal community outreach that commissions organize every year. These town halls invite members of the public to come and share the most important issues impac(cid:415)ng their lives, which will help shape budget recommenda(cid:415)ons for FY24‐25 which are due at the end of March 2024. These events also provide an opportunity to let members of the public influence the advocacy priori(cid:415)es for all commissions. These town halls are only successful if commissioners help organize, spread the word, and help get people to a(cid:425)end. Wednesday, October 18th, 2023 ‐ Budget Town Hall #1 for the public (Evening/Night‐ time Dinner Event, 6:30pm ‐ 8:00pm) HOSTED IN PERSON Thursday, October 26th, 2023 ‐ Budget Town Hall #2 for the public (Day‐time/Lunch Saturday, November 4th, 2023 ‐ Budget Town Hall #3 for the public (Weekend/Saturday Event, 12:00 pm ‐ 1:30 pm) HOSTED VIRTUALY ONLY Event, 11:00 am ‐ 12:30 pm) HOSTED IN PERSON Pending approval from the Budget Office on a 4th Town Hall hosted VIRTUALY ONLY