Joint Inclusion CommitteeApril 22, 2020

20200422-2B part 4: Hispanic Latino Quality of Life Commission budget recommendation on transportation — original pdf

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JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION 20200422-02B Date: April 22, 2020 Recommendation Subject: Support of the Hispanic Latino Quality of Life Commission budget recommendation on transportation Motioned By: Solis Seconded By: Orlowski The Joint Inclusion Committee supports the Hispanic Latino Quality of Life Commission budget recommendation on transportation. Description of Recommendation to Council The Joint Inclusion Committee strengthens connections between City boards and commissions concerned with quality of life in Austin and advises the City Council on issues pertaining to equity, diversity, and inclusion. This resolution furthers equity, diversity and inclusion. For: Briesemeister, Austen, Solis, Crawford, Stanton, Curry, Orlowski See attached. Rationale: Vote Against: None Abstain: None Absent: Weigel, Jones Attest: Janee Briesemeister, Chair Form Name: Submission Time: Browser: IP Address: Unique ID: Location: Your Information Commission Budget Recommendation Form April 24, 2020 1:54 pm Chrome 81.0.4044.122 / Windows 604118981 Your Name Angelica Erazo Your Commission Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission Email After question three, which questions from the flowchart are you prepared to answer? Is there funding? Which department holds the funding? What are the impacts, and gaps? Root Cause Analysis Story: What did you hear from the community? This recommendations looks to provide equitable transportation options and services in traditionally and currently underserved Hispanic and African American communities throughout the city. Time and time again, we are hearing that a lot of resources are being allocated for transportation; however, there continues to be lack of sidewalks, lack of lighting for people to walk safely during the night, and lack of viable public transportation options for the Eastern Crescent specifically. People on the Eastern Crescent rely more on public transportation, walking, etc., and barely have access to viable transportation options. While biking is a great alternative, creating bike trails is not the only solution. Additionally, Cap Metro has shades on several of the bus stops on the Western Crescent, but people on the East Side have no shade and Cap Metro is very unreliable. Sometimes people have to wait hours to get onto the bus. Also, the request for speed bumps is more difficult now and negatively impacts safety. When you drive on the west side, there are a bunch of speed bumps, but you do not see the same on the east side. The cops are always speeding down the street incredibly fast and violating the speed limit without having their lights on. This is incredibly obvious on Springdale lane in District 1. Dove Springs has requested more lighting and more mobility options and sidewalks. There needs to be more equitable access to sidewalks, speed bumps and viable transportation. There is a huge problem with the current proposed land development code and density. Due to this, they are not really prioritizing the east side on transportation and mobility issues. Problem: What is the problem you identify?