Joint Inclusion Committee - April 26, 2023

Joint Inclusion Committee Regular Meeting of the Joint Inclusion Committee - Hybrid Meeting Format, in-person at City Hall and Virtual/Online participation via WebEx

JIC Meeting Agenda - April 26th, 2023 original pdf

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JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) MEETING AGENDA APRIL 26th, 2023 REGULAR MEETING of the JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th, 2023 at 3:00 P.M. CST AUSTIN CITY HALL BOARDS & COMMISSIONS ROOM 301 W. 2ND STREET, AUSTIN, TX 78701 MEETING AGENDA This meeting is being held in a hybrid format, and some members of the Commission may be participating by video conference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or via telephone. Remote speakers must register in advance (April 25th by 12pm-Noon CST). All public comments will occur at the beginning of the meeting and public speakers will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. To speak or attend remotely, residents must contact the Equity Office’s Community Services Program Coordinator, Jeremy Garza, no later than 12pm-noon (CST) on Tuesday, April 25th, 2023. Please telephone call at (512) 978-1797 and/or email The information required is the speaker’s name, the item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, email address, and telephone number (must be the same number that will be used to call into the meeting). CURRENT JIC MEMBER COMMISSIONS & REPRESENTATIVES: Member Commission: African American Resource Advisory Commission Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission Primary Representative: Alternate Representative: Gregory Smith Serita Fontanesi Vincent Cobalis Hanna Huang Rebecca Austen Amy Temperley Commission for Women Commission on Aging Commission on Immigrant Affairs VACANT Early Childhood Council Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission Human Rights Commission Leonor Vargas Amanda Afifi LGBTQ+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities Idonna Griffith (Vice-Chair of JIC) Charles Curry (Chair of JIC) Jennifer Powell Diana Melendez Richard Bondi VACANT Eliza Gordon Sharon Vigil Kimberly Brienzi Ryn Gonzales VACANT JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) MEETING AGENDA APRIL 26th, 2023 MEETING AGENDA PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the COMMITTEE’s SPECIAL CALLED MEETING on the BUDGET on March 29th, 2023. STAFF BRIEFING 2. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Staff Presentation: Project Connect & the Austin Transportation Partnership (ATP) – Nan Dowling 3. 4. 5. 6. Discussion and possible action to approve the FY23-24 Budget Recommendation on Hungry Hill Homeless, submitted by the African American Resource Advisory Commission Discussion and possible action to …

Scraped at: Jan. 13, 2024, 10:41 a.m.

JIC Regular Meeting Minutes 04.26.2023 (Approved) original pdf

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JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) MEETING MINTUES APRIL 26th, 2023 JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th, 2023 The JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE convened in a REGULAR meeting on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th, 2023, at AUSTIN CITY HALL - BOARDS & COMMISSIONS ROOM, 301 W. 2ND STREET in AUSTIN, TEXAS. Chair CHARLES CURRY called the JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE MEETING to order at 3:05 pm CST. Commissioners in Attendance: LGBTQ+ Quality-of-Life Advisory Commission: Charles Curry (Chair) Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: African American Resource Advisory Commission: Serita Fontanesi Asian American Quality-of-Life Advisory Commission: Vincent Cobalis Commission for Women: Rebecca Austen Commission on Aging: Amy Temperley Early Childhood Council: Leonor Vargas Hispanic/Latino Quality-of Life-Resource Advisory Commission: Amanda Afifi Human Rights Commission: Kimberly Brienzi Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities: Jennifer Powell Commissioners Absent: Commission on Immigrant Affairs: Juan Vences-Benitez & Krystal Gomez PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. NONE. APRIL 26th, 2023 JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) MEETING MINTUES APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the COMMITTEE’s SPECIAL CALLED MEETING on the BUDGET on March 29th, 2023. The minutes from the meeting of MARCH 29th, 2023, were approved on COMMISSIONER AMY TEMPERLEY’s motion, COMMISSIONER KIMBERLY BRIENZI’s second on a 8 – 0 vote. (Off the Dais: African American Resource Advisory Commission. Absent: Commission on Immigrant Affairs) STAFF BRIEFING 2. Staff Presentation: Project Connect & the Austin Transportation Partnership (ATP) – Nan Dowling The presentation was made by: Yannis Banks, Larsen Andres & Alvin Lingingstone Soliciting commissioner and community feedback at DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. Discussion and possible action to approve the FY23-25 Budget Recommendation on Hungry Hill Homeless, submitted by the African American Resource Advisory Commission The motion to approve the FY23-24 Budget Recommendations (under the JIC’s Affordability Priority) on Hungry Hill Homeless was approved on COMMISSIONER SERITA FONTANESI’s motion, COMMISSIONER AMANDA AFIFI’s second on a 6 – 2 – 0 vote. (Abstained: Mayor’s Committee for People w/ Disabilities, Jennifer Powell & Early Childhood Council, Leonor Vargas. Off the Dais: Human Rights Commission, Kimberly Brienzi. Absent: Commission on Immigrant Affairs) JOINT INCLUSION COMMITTEE (JIC) MEETING MINTUES APRIL 26th, 2023 4. Discussion and possible action to approve the FY23-24 Budget Recommendation on Black Literature Investment, submitted by the African American Resource Advisory …

Scraped at: Jan. 13, 2024, 10:41 a.m.

20230426-003: FY23-24 Hungry Hill Homeless original pdf

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JOINT INCLUSSION COMMITTEE (JIC) FY23-2024 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 20230426-003 AFFORDABILITY PRIORITY – HUNGRY HILL HOMELESS Date: April 26, 2023 Subject: Joint Endorsement of the African American Resource Advisory Commission’s FY23-24 Budget Recommendation 20230321-006: Hungry Hill Homeless (JIC Affordability Priority) Motioned by: Commissioner Serita Fontanesi Seconded By: Commissioner Amanda Afifi AFRICAN AMERICAN RESOURCE ADISORY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20230321-006 JOINTLY ENDORSED RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL ON FY23-2024 BUDGET WHEREAS, Austin the most livable city in the nation for all while building and sustaining a culture of equity across the city; and WHEREAS, the Austin Black population is only 7%; and WHEREAS, African Americans make up a plurality, 36% – the largest proportion – of those who are experiencing homelessness in Austin; and WHEREAS, those figures serve as a reality check that cannot be explained without looking squarely at the root causes that for too long have kept African Americans at the bottom of the pile of people in Austin; and WHEREAS; racism unfairly disadvantages specific individuals and communities, while unfairly giving advantages to other individuals and communities, and diminishes the the strength of the who society through the waste of Human Resources; and WHEREAS, the City of Austin’s collective prosperity depends upon the equitable access to opportunity for every resident regardless of the color of their skin; and WHEREAS, the 1928 Master Plan separated Austinites with race as a sole factor, acting as a legalized form of segregation, created a “negro district”, and resulted in the intentional and negatively disproportional restriction of resources for Black community- the residential effects of which are still experienced today; and WHEREAS, Hungry Hill Foundation is breaking the cycle of unsheltered Black people and providing an opportunity for them to defeat homelessness and reclaim their dignity; and WHEREAS, Hungry Hill Foundation is a nonprofit that helps the East Austin homeless community; and WHEREAS, Hungry Hill Foundation offers programs to the homeless community to teach them about workforce development and have opportunities to move into transitional housing; and WHEREAS, Hungry Hill Foundation relies heavily on the individual donations to provide life success changes for its participants; and WHEREAS, Hungry Hill Foundation supports East Austin residents on their re-entry journey from unhoused to self-sufficient citizens through a holistic multi-tiered work/apprenticeship program; and WHEREAS, Hungry Hill Foundation seeks to expand and establish a new and more effective model for addressing long-term homelessness that can be replicated within our city, our state, and eventually …

Scraped at: Jan. 13, 2024, 10:41 a.m.

20230426-004: FY23-24 Black Literature Investment at APL original pdf

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JOINT INCLUSSION COMMITTEE (JIC) FY23-2024 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 20230426-004 AFFORDABILITY PRIORITY – BLACK LITERATURE INVESTMENT AT APL Date: April 26, 2023 Subject: Joint Endorsement of the African American Resource Advisory Commission’s FY23-24 Budget Recommendation 20230321-007: Black Literature Investment for the Austin Public Library Motioned by: Commissioner Amy Temperley Seconded By: Commissioner Serita Fontanesi AFRICAN AMERICAN RESOURCE ADISORY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20230321-007 JOINTLY ENDORSED RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL ON FY23-2024 BUDGET WHEREAS, Austin the most livable city in the nation for all while building and sustaining a culture of equity across the city; and WHEREAS, this requires tackling tough issues such as institutional racism and implicit bias; WHEREAS, Austin values inclusiveness and embraces diversity; and WHEREAS, African-Americans comprise 7% of Austin’s population due increased gentrification and lack of resources; and WHEREAS, the city of Austin recognizes the structural and historical and a need for alleviation of these wrongs by critically transforming its institutions and creating a culture of equity; and WHEREAS, African Americans and its residents are an intricate community that holds deep relevance to Austin’s history and continued diversity; and WHEREAS; African Americans in Austin want to stay and plan their lives where they want to grow and have good experiences, where their children can have a good education, good jobs, arts and music they are attracted to; and WHEREAS, Austin Public schools and Public Libraries are ingrained in our communities and nurture the minds of future generations; and WHEREAS, there are current efforts to ban books of cultural value and significance that reflect African American history and cultural heritage from our public schools; and WHEREAS, an erasure of African-American literature in Austin Public schools would constitute another inequitable action that would not serve in best interest of the small percentage of African-Americans who reside within Austin city limits; and WHEREAS, Austin Public Libraries and Austin Public Schools work hand in hand to educate and inspire ALL through the joy of reading; and WHEREAS, Austin Public Libraries are a vital asset to African American communities for summer reading programs and access to cultural specific literature and media; and WHEREAS, African American literature should be given particular attention in Austin Public Libraries by increasing its catalog selection; and WHEREAS, All Austinites will benefit from the increased availability of “banned” and increased African Literature in Austin Public Libraries; and WHEREAS, Austin Public Libraries serve as an extension of Austin Public Schools for African- American youth; …

Scraped at: Jan. 13, 2024, 10:41 a.m.

Austin Transit Partnership (ATP) Presentation to JIC on 04.26.2023 original pdf

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AUSTIN LIGHT RAIL UPDATE Joint Inclusion Committee April 26, 2023 WHAT IS LIGHT RAIL ARTIST REPRESENTATIONS • Light rail is an electric train system used in metropolitan areas • Light rail is part of the overall transit network, connecting people to key destinations where they live, work and play to improve: o Mobility o Connectivity o Affordability o Sustainability 1 Light Rail Vehicle Light Rail Vehicle Interior Guadalupe Street at UT Austin Multi-ModalConnectivity Station Viewat Pleasant Valley PRECEDENTS Paris, France Portland, Oregon Sydney, Australia Seattle, Washington Ontario, Canada AUSTIN'S PATH TO LIGHT RAIL 2016 2019 2020 2021-2023 JUNE 2023 • ASMP approved • Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) • Project Connect visioning kickoff • Austin votes to invest in Project Connect • Austin Transit Partnership (ATP) formed • Light Rail Implementation Plan development and preliminary engineering • Advance Austin’s light rail program • ATP Board, CapMetro Board, and City Council approve updated Light Rail Implementation Plan Community Dialogue Light Rail Implementation Plan Update 2 MEASURES AND VALUES Financial Viability Technical Feasibility Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Criteria for Federal Funding Planning Data Community Values Connects with Austin’s Current and Future Transit System 3 MEASURES AND VALUES Multimodal Connectivity Accessibility / Universal Design COMMUNITY VALUES Healthcare Facilities Education Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions Environmental Benefits / Impacts Mobility and Customer Experience Access to Opportunities Environmental Benefits Land Use and Housing 4 Affordable Housing POPULATION DENSITY Census 2020 BIPOC SHARE OF POPULATION Black, Indigenous, & People of Color Census 2020 CURRENT EMPLOYMENT DENSITY Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) 2019 AFFORDABLE HOUSING City of Austin Comprehensive Affordable Housing Directory TRANSIT CONNECTIONS CapMetro TRAILS AND BIKE PATHS City of Austin Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) LIGHT RAIL CORE SYSTEM OPTIONS S 1st St. Crossing Option S 1st St. Crossing Option Trinity St. Crossing Option Trinity St. Crossing Option ON-STREET: NORTH LAMAR TRANSIT CENTER TO PLEASANT VALLEY ON-STREET: 38TH TO OLTORF TO YELLOW JACKET PARTIAL UNDERGROUND: UT TO YELLOW JACKET ON-STREET: 29TH TO THE AIRPORT PARTIAL ELEVATED: 29TH TO OLTORF TO YELLOW JACKET 11 ON-STREET: N. LAMAR TRANSIT CENTER TO PLEASANT VALLEY • On-street from North Lamar Transit Center to Pleasant Valley Rd. on E. Riverside Dr. • Lady Bird Lake crossing options at Guadalupe/S. 1st St. OR Trinity St. AVG. NUMBER OF DAILY RIDERS SERVED 38,600 - 39,300 MILES OF NEW LIGHT RAIL 9.6 - 9.8 Guadalupe/ S. 1st St. Crossing Option Trinity St. Crossing Option ON-STREET: …

Scraped at: Jan. 13, 2024, 10:41 a.m.