Item 1 - DRAFT Meeting Minutes from 05/22/2023 Meeting — original pdf

IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, MAY 22, 2023 The IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE convened in a SPECIAL CALLED meeting on TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2023, at 6310 WILHELMINA DELCO DRIVE in Austin, Texas, and remotely via WEBEX. COMMITTEE CHAIR TEHRANY called the IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Committee Members (CM) in Attendance: CHAIR BOBAK TEHRANY, CM LANCE PARISHER Committee Members in Attendance Remotely: CM CHI LEE, CM CHANNY SOEUR, CM SUSAN TURRIETA Committee Members Absent: NONE (2 vacancies) Staff in Attendance: Nathan Aubert (Transportation & Public Works, TPW), Lauren T. King (Austin Water, AW) Staff in Attendance Remotely: Aurora Pizano (AW), Nam Nguyen (AW), Martin Tower (AW), Teresa Lutes (AW), Dan Hennessey (TPW) PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No speakers signed up or in attendance to speak. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. 2. Approve the minutes of the IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SPECIAL) MEETING on FEBRUARY 9, 2023 Minutes were approved on CM TURRIETA’s motion, CM SOEUR’s second on a (5-0) vote. This committee has 2 vacancies. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Discussion and possible action on the transportation Semi-Annual Impact Fee Report for October 1, 2022, through March 31, 2023, as set forth in the functions of the advisory committee, Austin City Code and Chapter 395.058 of the Texas Local Government Code. The presentation was made by Dan Hennessey, Consulting Engineer, Transportation and Public Works Department. Mr. Hennessey presented on the state of the Street Impact Fee (SIF) program, including how much has currently been collected, invoiced, etc. CHAIR TEHRANY requested that 1 TPW staff include a map with the data presented to ensure that Committee Members can see where monies have been collected and expended. CHAIR TEHRANY also asked if TPW staff has forecasted an approach for expending funds quickly as the 10 year “sunsetting” deadline gets closer. Mr. Hennessey filled the committee in that there are several approaches which will allow staff to quickly spend money, if needed. CHAIR TEHRANY asked about updated staff policy regarding SIF in the Limited Purpose jurisdiction. Mr. Hennessey informed the committee that an update to Council could be made, but that most of the update would be paperwork and an effort for staff to keep from expending any funds in the limited purpose jurisdiction. CHAIR TEHRANY asked if updating the SIF study can be funded by collected impact fees. Staff answered that the law dictates that no administrative costs can be covered by impact fees, only design costs for specific projects. CHAIR TEHRAHNY motioned to accept, 2nd by CM TURRIETA. Accepted on (5-0) vote. Discussion and possible action on the water and wastewater Semi-Annual Impact Fee Report for October 1, 2022, through March 31, 2023, as set forth in the functions of the advisory committee, Austin City Code and Chapter 395.058 of the Texas Local Government Code. Lauren T. King, Supervising Engineer, Austin Water, presented the Semi-Annual Impact Fee Collections Report for water and wastewater. Ms. King presented the state of Austin Water and Wastewater fees. No questions or comments regarding the report. CHAIR TEHRANY commented that a useful breakdown on SIF in the presentation from staff would include the following: affordable housing reduction amounts. Staff asked if the Committee would want to see other reductions based on “built” improvements to which the Committee answered that they do not. CM TURRIETA motioned to accept, 2nd by CM PARISH. Accepted on (5-0) vote. Staff presentation and committee discussion on schedule and stakeholder outreach for water and wastewater impact fees under development in accordance with Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. Ms. King presented the current state of the update to the Water/Wastewater fee update. Discussed various laws associated and the timeline for accepting the new study and IFAC’s involvement in that effort. Discussion and possible action on the water and wastewater FY23 Impact Fee Update Maximum Allowable Fees and Proposed Assessed Fees. Ms. King made staff available for any questions before action. None asked. CHAIR TEHRANY motioned to accept, 2nd by CM PARISH. Accepted on a (5-0) vote. Request made by Nathan Aubert, Supervising Engineer, TPW for input on presentation later in the summer and who to reach out to. Direction from CHAIR TEHRANY: August might be a better time. Focus on zoning cases and PUDs. 2 3. 5. STAFF BRIEFINGS 4. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 6. Discussed setting regular meetings and will confirm with Committee Members and set time with City Clerk. ADJOURNMENT CHAIR TEHRANY adjourned the meeting at 5:42 p.m. without objection. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Nathan Aubert at the Austin Transportation Department at 512-974-7136, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. 3 For more information on the Impact Fee Advisory Committee, please contact Nathan Aubert at, (512) 974-7136 or visit 4