Impact Fee Advisory CommitteeFeb. 13, 2024

Approved Minutes — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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1. 1. IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR CALLED MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2024 The IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE convened in a REGULAR CALLED meeting on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2024, at 6310 WILHELMINA DELCO DRIVE in Austin, Texas, and remotely via WEBEX. COMMITTEE CHAIR TEHRANY called the IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting to order at 4:38 p.m. Committee Members (CM) in Attendance: CHAIR BOBAK TEHRANY CM SABA HATAMI CM HARRISON HUDSON Committee Members in Attendance Remotely: CHANNY SOEUR SUSAN TURRIETA, VICE CHAIR Committee Members Absent: CHI LEE Committee has 1 vacancy. Staff in Attendance: Nathan Aubert (Transportation & Public Works, TPW) Staff in Attendance Remotely: PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No speakers signed up or in attendance to speak. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (REGULAR) MEETING on JANUARY 10, 2024. Item postponed to next meeting. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Discussion and possible action recommending SIF exemptions for day care land uses considering the current challenges faced by Day Care facilities in Central Texas, including the recent loss of State funding and increasing closures. Potential action on drafting a 1 resolution for City Council to amend the SIF Ordinance to provide exemptions for Day Care facilities. Committee members discussed the position of making a recommendation to Council regarding the removal of Day Care facilities as a land use that generates SIFs across the whole city. Discussion on potential issues that could arise from this recommendation. Staff to write up recommendations and provide to Committee for approval and recommendation to Council. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT CHAIR TEHRANY adjourned the meeting at 4:47 p.m. without objection. The minutes were approved at the 05/14/2024 meeting on COMMITTEE MEMBER HATAMI’s motion, COMMITTEE MEMBER HUDSON second on a (4-0) vote (CMs TURRIETA and LEE absent). There is currently one (1) vacancy for this committee. 2