Item #1 - DRAFT Meeting Minutes - 01/10/2024 — original pdf

IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2024 The IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE convened in a SPECIAL CALLED meeting on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2024, at 6310 WILHELMINA DELCO DRIVE in Austin, Texas, and remotely via WEBEX. COMMITTEE CHAIR TEHRANY called the IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting to order at 4:38 p.m. Committee Members (CM) in Attendance: CHAIR BOBAK TEHRANY, CM SABA HATAMI, CM HARRISON HUDSON Committee Members in Attendance Remotely: CM CHI LEE, CM CHANNY SOEUR Committee Members Absent: CM TURRIETA Committee has 1 vacancy. Staff in Attendance: Nathan Aubert (Transportation & Public Works, TPW), Lauren T. King (AW) Staff in Attendance Remotely: Aurora Pizano (AW), Nam Nguyen (AW), Martin Tower (AW), Teresa Lutes (AW), Dan Hennessey (TPW), Jessica Davis (TPW) PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No speakers signed up or in attendance to speak. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. 2. 1. Approve the minutes of the IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SPECIAL) MEETING on MAY 22, 2023. Minutes were approved on CM HUDSON’s motion, CM HATAMI’s second on a (5-0, CM TURIETTA absent) vote. Approve the minutes of the Impact Fee Advisory Committee Special Meeting on October 24, 2023. Minutes were approved on CM HUDSON’s motion, CM HATAMI’s second on a (5-0, CM TURIETTA absent) vote. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Discussion and possible action on the water and wastewater Semi-Annual Impact Fee Report for April 1, 2023, through September 30, 2023, as set forth in the functions of the 1 2. 3. advisory committee, Austin City Code and Chapter 395.058 of the Texas Local Government Code. Nam Ngyuen, Financial Manager, Austin Water presented the Semi-Annual Impact Fee Collection Report for water and wastewater. No questions or comments regarding the report. CM HATAMI motioned to accept, seconded by CM HUDSON. Accepted on (5-0) vote. Discussion and possible action recommending modification to the Street Impact Fee (SIF) Ordinance after parking minimum elimination by the City Council, as well as assessing potential effects and implications of these modifications on the development landscape and community planning. The committee discussed the possible issues associated with removal of parking minimums and whether any changes to the SIF ordinance should be recommended. Questions were asked of Transportation and Public Works staff for clarification. No action taken. Discussion and possible action recommending SIF exemptions for day care land uses considering the current challenges faced by Day Care facilities in Central Texas, including the recent loss of State funding and increasing closures. Potential action on drafting a resolution for City Council to amend the SIF Ordinance to provide exemptions for Day Care facilities. CHAIR TEHRANY discussed issues with current SIF ordinance and “Day Care Center” land use. Recommended removing “Day Care Center” from list in ordinance and request that Council amend ordinance(s) to remove all collection of fees from this land use. Discussed directing staff to draft language to vote on at a future meeting. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS CHAIR TEHRANY adjourned the meeting at 5:26 p.m. without objection. 2