Item #5 - DRAFT Recommendation to Council — original pdf

IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION 20240213-001 Street Impact Fee (SIF) Exemptions for Day-Care Land Uses Date: 02/13/2024 Subject: Motioned By: Committee Member Channy Soeur Seconded By: Vice Chair Susan Turrieta Recommendation Exempt all day-care land uses from paying any Street Impact Fees. Description of Recommendation to Council According to Ordinance Number 20201210-061, Part 2(D)(4), developments intending to function as daycares are exempt from paying Impact Fees if their size is under 1,000 square feet. For developments ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 square feet, the fee is set at $608 per vehicle- mile. Any development exceeding 5,000 square feet must pay the complete Street Impact Fee according to their Service Area. The Impact Fee Advisory Committee recommends that Council amend this section of the ordinance by removing “Day Care Center” from the list of exempted land uses which have tiered reductions. Additionally, the Committee recommends the addition of Part 2(D)(7) stating the following: “For “Day Care Center” land uses per the LUVMET in all Service Areas, the collection rate is $0 per vehicle-mile.” Rationale: The purpose of these changes is to reduce the fee for all day cares, regardless of size, to zero, as there is a public benefit to incentivizing development of these types of facilities in all areas of the City. Vote: (4-0, 2 absent, 1 vacant) For: Against: Abstain: Absent: Harrison Hudson Chi Lee Bobak Tehrany, Chair Susan Turrieta, Vice Chair Saba Hatami Channy Soeur Nathan Aubert, Staff Liaison Attest: 1 of 1