Item #4 — original pdf

TO: FROM: M E M O R A N D U M Impact Fee Advisory Committee Tyler Farrar Transportation and Public Works Department May 14, 2024 DATE: SUBJECT: Street Impact Fee Biannual Update #4 ___________________________________________________________________________ The tables and charts on the following pages summarize the administration and operations of the Street Impact Fee (SIF) program as of May 6, 2024. This report is based on financial information reported in the City’s accounting and accounts receivable systems. Street Impact fees collected in the period from June 22, 2022 to May 6, 2024 totaled $8,766,405.90. To date, no fees collected have been spent on eligible projects from the Street Impact Fee program. Service Area I had the highest collection of fees in the period summarized in this memo ($1,417,389) and has the highest balance of cash for eligible projects. All service areas have now had fees collected, though four services areas have collected fewer than $22,000. The other thirteen services areas have all collected more than $160,000. Services Areas DT and J each have outstanding invoice totals of more than $2,000,000. Service Areas A, C, G, K, M, and P all have less than $120,000 in outstanding invoices. Please contact Tyler Farrar (, 512-574-7050) with any questions or for more information. CC: Robert Goode, P.E., Assistant City Manager Richard Mendoza, P.E., Director, Transportation and Public Works Department Upal Barua, P.E., PTOE, Acting Assistant Director Delivering a safe, reliable, and sustainable transportation system that enhances the environment and economic strength of the region. Impact Fee Advisory Committee Page 2 May 14, 2024 Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 395, Section 395.058, requires that the Impact Fee Advisory Committee “file semiannual reports with respect to the progress of the capital improvements plan and report to the political subdivision any perceived inequities in implementing the plan or imposing the impact fee.” This report supports the committee by providing financial information about the collection of impact fees, and the value of fee waivers and exemptions. Waivers are granted for policy reasons or are negotiated by City Council; exemptions are allowed under legal code or statute. In this report waivers are shown for the specific eligible exemption. The ensuing pages show the following information that may be of interest to the Mayor, City Council, the Impact Fee Advisory Committee, and/or members of the general public: Page 3 (Figure 1) shows the Street Impact Fees invoiced and collected to date. Page 4 (Figure 2) is similar to Chart 1 but shows the total amount collected since the inception of the Street Impact Fee program in each Service Area. Page 5 contains a set of definitions related to Local Government Code 395 which governs the establishment and administration of impact fee programs in the State of Texas, as well as additional references which contain more detailed information about the collection and expenditure of the Street Impact Fee. Delivering a safe, reliable, and sustainable transportation system that enhances the environment and economic strength of the region. Impact Fee Advisory Committee Page 3 May 14, 2024 Delivering a safe, reliable, and sustainable transportation system that enhances the environment and economic strength of the region. Impact Fee Advisory Committee Page 4 May 14, 2024 Delivering a safe, reliable, and sustainable transportation system that enhances the environment and economic strength of the region. Impact Fee Advisory Committee Page 5 May 14, 2024 Delivering a safe, reliable, and sustainable transportation system that enhances the environment and economic strength of the region. Figure 3: Invoiced, Outstanding, and Collected by Service AreaService AreaInvoicedA320,858$ 113,250$ 35%207,608$ 65%B10,492$ -$ 0%10,492$ 100%C999,332$ 68,552$ 7%930,780$ 93%D1,550,126$ 387,642$ 25%1,162,485$ 75%DT3,119,832$ 2,061,000$ 66%1,058,832$ 34%E589,637$ 571,532$ 97%18,105$ 3%F619,309$ 450,646$ 73%168,662$ 27%G696,296$ 108,295$ 16%588,001$ 84%H21,726$ -$ 0%21,726$ 100%I1,678,773$ 261,384$ 16%1,417,390$ 84%J2,753,813$ 2,301,285$ 84%452,528$ 16%K13,303$ 3,621$ 27%9,682$ 73%L797,026$ 495,548$ 62%301,478$ 38%M594,948$ 104,506$ 18%490,442$ 82%N1,760,221$ 789,318$ 45%981,821$ 56%O1,186,687$ 651,577$ 55%535,111$ 45%P508,221$ 96,957$ 19%411,264$ 81%Total17,220,600$ 8,465,112$ 49%8,766,406$ 51%OutstandingCollectedImpact Fee Advisory Committee Page 6 May 14, 2024 Definitions • Street Impact Fee: a fee, charge, or assessment for roadway facilities imposed on new development by the City to recoup all or part of the costs of capital improvements or facility expansion necessitated by and attributable to such new development • Service Area: the geographic area within the City’s corporate limits that Street Impact Fees will be collected for new development; the fees collected in a service area must be spent in the same service area for associated improvements • Eligible Projects: roadway capacity projects identified in the Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan that are eligible to be funded with Street Impact Fees • Waiver/Exemption: a reduction in street impact fee owed • Affordable Housing Credit: a reduction in street impact fee given to developments that contain affordable housing, determined based on the number of Affordable Housing units contained within the development • Exempted Land Uses: developments that are exempt from street impact fees due to the proposed land use in certain service areas (e.g., banks and supermarkets in Service Areas D, G, O, and P) • Parking Reduction: a reduction in street impact fee given to developments that include design, program, and policy elements that would decrease demand for single-occupant automobile trips to/from the development • Transit Reduction: a reduction in street impact fee given to developments that are near to existing transit service that would decrease demand for single-occupant automobile trips to/from the development • Internal Capture: a reduction in street impact fee given to mixed-use developments that have trips anticipated to begin and end within the development References • Council Ordinance 20201210-061: Adoption of Street Impact Fee Program • Council Ordinance 20201210-062: Establishing Street Impact Fee Program • Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) • Street Impact Fee Webpage • Project Development Webpage Delivering a safe, reliable, and sustainable transportation system that enhances the environment and economic strength of the region.