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WATER & WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE REPORTS: ASSESSED AND COLLECTED FEES LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN December 6, 2022 – DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS ASSESSED AND COLLECTED FEES Table of Contents .....................................................................................................................................ACF-i I. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... ACF-1 II. Assessed Fees ...................................................................................................................................ACF-2 III. Collected Fees ...................................................................................................................................ACF-2 IV. Adopted Fees .....................................................................................................................................ACF-3 LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS Table of Contents .....................................................................................................................................LUA-i List of Maps ...............................................................................................................................................LUA-i List of Tables .............................................................................................................................................LUA-i I. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................LUA-1 II. Service Area .......................................................................................................................................LUA-2 III. Growth Projections ...........................................................................................................................LUA-4 IV. Service Units ......................................................................................................................................LUA-7 Appendix A – Description of Impact Fee Boundary for 5-Year Update ..........................................LUA-A-1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................CIP-i List of Maps ...............................................................................................................................................CIP-ii List of Tables .............................................................................................................................................CIP-ii I. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................CIP-1 II. Facility Planning – Defining Level of Capacity Usage & Reserve Capacity Needs ......................CIP-2 III. Impact Fee Facilities and Fee Calculation Methodology ...............................................................CIP-29 IV. Service Unit Demand and Capacity Relationships.........................................................................CIP-30 V. Service Unit Demand Projections ....................................................................................................CIP-33 VI. Capacity and Cost Attributable to New Growth..............................................................................CIP-33 VII. Maximum Allowable Fee Calculation and Rate Revenue Credit ...................................................CIP-53 Appendix A – Water Rate Revenue Credit Table.................................................................................CIP-A-1 Appendix B – Wastewater Rate Revenue Credit Table.......................................................................CIP-B-1 Appendix C – CIP Projects Targeted to Meet Existing Needs – Water & Reclaimed .......................CIP-C-1 Appendix D – CIP Projects Targeted to Meet Existing Needs – Wastewater....................................CIP-D-1 Appendix E – Descriptions of the Zones for Fees...............................................................................CIP-E-1 WATER & WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE REPORT: ASSESSED AND COLLECTED FEES TABLE OF CONTENTS ASSESSED AND COLLECTED FEES Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................ACF-i I. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... ACF-1 II. Assessed Fees ....................................................................................................................ACF-2 III. Collected Fees ....................................................................................................................ACF-2 IV. Adopted Fees .....................................................................................................................ACF-3 ACF-i I. INTRODUCTION Austin Water (AW) has developed this periodic impact fee update in close collaboration with the Austin City Council appointed Impact Fee Advisory Committee (IFAC) and other City of Austin (City) departments in accordance with state law. This required 5-year update takes a fresh look at Land Use Assumptions (LUA) and the impact fee Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that will serve new development in the next 10 years. The basic requirements for determining the costs “Necessitated by and attributed to” new development are prescribed in the Impact Fee Act, Section 395.016 of the Texas Local Government Code. These requirements state that facility capacity that will be used by new growth and its cost are determined by first projecting the demand on the system (the LUA), and then deriving the facility plan for serving that demand (the CIP). The end-products are the maximum allowable impact fees for water and wastewater, which reflect the calculated cost of serving new growth that is not recouped in new customer rate payments. The law also sets the terms of fee assessment for a given tract of land. The actual fees collected, up to the maximum allowable fee, are the purview of the Austin City Council. AW is proposing new collected fees for consideration via the public hearing mandated by the impact fee regulations. These proposed fees are presented in Section III. Subsequent to the hearing, Austin City Council will consider enacting an ordinance adopting new fees and, if approved, that ordinance will be appended to this document. As detailed in the LUA section of this report, Austin continues to be one of the fastest growing cities in the country, with the projected 10-year growth estimated to be approximately 88,000 service units, in an impact fee service area that has not changed significantly from the 2018 update. As detailed in the CIP section of this report, Austin’s investments in infrastructure necessitated by and attributed to growth are planned to exceed $678M for water and $524M for wastewater, a combined increase of 24% over the 2018 10-year capital improvements program plan, which includes a notable investment in new wastewater treatment plant capacity. An additional factor in calculating the new maximum allowable fees is a credit for growth project revenues AW is projected to collect from projected 10-year growth customers for receiving water and wastewater services, which, within the context of impact fees, may be referred to as a rate revenue credit. To avoid double charging new customers, the law requires that monies paid by new users toward the growth projects in the form of rates be subtracted from the 10-year growth project costs. Similar to the previous update in 2018, the rate revenue credit amount is calculated for Austin-specific conditions resulting in a credit of approximately 41% and is detailed in the CIP document. The final maximum allowable fee for a single service unit was calculated to be $4,882 for water and $2,969 for wastewater. ACF-1 II. ASSESSED FEES The Impact Fee Act provides what is called fee assessment in order to set the timing for establishing fees for a given tract of land. It states that impact fees must be assessed on all property no later than the time of subdivision (with certain exceptions where development occurs without the need for subdivision). Accordingly, the assessed fees for a particular lot are those in effect at the time of subdivision recordation. After 1990 the impact fee update reports and ordinances included the assessed fee separate from the maximum allowable and collected fees. The assessed fee remained constant until the 2007 update. Since then, the assessed fee is deemed to be the maximum allowable amount, thereby keeping open the option of setting collected fees up to the maximum allowable fee in effect at the time a subdivision plat is recorded. III. COLLECTED FEES After the required public hearing and Austin City Council’s adoption of the LUA and CIP periodic update, Council considers the adoption of the ordinance that sets the impact fees to be assessed and collected at the time of tap sale for water meter purchase and/or wastewater service. The collected fees are generally referred to as Austin’s water and wastewater impact fees. Historically, the collected amounts have been set by ordinance at amounts lower than the maximum allowable fees. The collected fees are proposed to be $4,800 for water and $2,900 for wastewater. ACF-2 IV. ADOPTED FEES This section reserved for fees adopted by Austin City Council ordinance subsequent to the public hearing. ACF-3 WATER & WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE REPORT: LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................LUA-i List of Maps ...............................................................................................................................LUA-i List of Tables .............................................................................................................................LUA-i I. Introduction ........................................................................................................................LUA-1 II. Service Area .......................................................................................................................LUA-2 III. Growth Projections ............................................................................................................LUA-4 IV. Service Units ......................................................................................................................LUA-7 Appendix A – Description of Impact Fee Boundary for 5-Year Update ..........................LUA-A-1 Map 1. 2023 Impact Fee Service Area Boundary (with Planning Areas)..............................LUA-3 LIST OF MAPS LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Population Growth ....................................................................................................LUA-5 Table 2. Employment Growth ..................................................................................................LUA-6 Table 3. Calculation of Service Units ......................................................................................LUA-7 Table 4. Estimate of Service Units in the Austin Water Distribution System......................LUA-8 Table 5. Projections of Water Service Units.........................................................................LUA-11 LUA-i I. INTRODUCTION Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 395, enacted by the State Legislature in 1987 (Senate Bill 336) and amended in 2011, empowers cities to impose and collect impact fees and establishes the guidelines cities must follow to do so. The term "impact fee" includes capital recovery fees that the City of Austin charges for facility expansion of its water and wastewater systems. The City of Austin water and wastewater impact fees are further governed by the Austin City Code, Title 25 Land Development, Chapter 25-9 Water and Wastewater, Article 3 Water and Wastewater Capital Recovery Fees, Sections 25-9-311 through 25-9-353, other sections of the Land Development Code referred to by these sections, and ordinances approved amending these sections. Among the several requirements imposed on cities by Chapter 395 is the development and approval of a report called" land use assumptions." Section 395.001 (5) of the Local Government Code defines the term succinctly: "'Land use assumptions' includes a description of the service area and projections of changes in land uses, densities, intensities, and population therein over at least a 10-year period." In a definitive article written by three people who helped develop Chapter 395, entitled "Impact Fees: The Intent Behind the New Law" (St. B. Tex. Envtl. L. J., vol. 19; 1989; pp. 68-73) by Ray Farabee, et al., the term is so described: "Land use assumptions" are the basic projections of population growth and future land uses on which plans for new or expanded facilities must be based. The land use assumptions may be general and do not require detailed projections for specific parcels of land. They should, however, be thorough enough to permit reasonably accurate long-range planning. The time period on which these projections are based must be at least ten years. This report has been prepared for the purpose of complying with the requirements of Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code with respect to "land use assumptions." It is an amendment to the City's impact fee land use assumptions approved by the City Council on February 13, 1997, and subsequently amended and updated, most recently in August 2018, and adopted by City Council on September 11, 2018. State law requires that the land use assumptions be updated at least every five years. LUA-1 II. SERVICE AREA The service area for the purposes of these land use assumptions, is the entire area within the corporate boundary of the City of Austin and its existing extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) that is anticipated to be served within the next ten years by the existing city water and wastewater systems and the facilities listed in the revised Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan. The boundary encompassing this area is illustrated by Map 1. For general reference the areas are: 2018 outer boundary = 538 sq. mi. (344,083 acres) 2023 outer boundary = 544 sq. mi. (348,400 acres) Appendix A of this land use assumptions report provides the written description of the updated impact fee service area boundary for ordinance purposes. The written description, not the map, is the official service area description. The Impact Fee service area is used to calculate projected service units and the impact fee. The service area for this 2023 update was increased to include property added to the ETJ since 2018, and where necessary, to include land adjacent to existing water or wastewater mains. These land use assumptions anticipate that the impact fees to be calculated will be imposed uniformly over the entire service area and will be calculated in a manner consistent with that premise. This is explicitly provided for by 1989 amendments to Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code, which added Section 395.0455. This section reads in part: System-Wide Land Use Assumptions a) In lieu of adopting land use assumptions for each service area, a political subdivision may, except for storm water, drainage, flood control and roadway facilities, adopt system-wide land use assumptions, which cover all of the area subject to the jurisdiction of the political subdivision for the purpose of imposing impact fees under this chapter. Another paragraph in this section further clarifies the requirements of state law: c) After adoption of system-wide land use assumptions, a political subdivision is not required to adopt additional land use assumptions for a service area for water supply, treatment, and distribution facilities or wastewater collection and treatment facilities as a prerequisite to the adoption of a capital improvements plan or impact fee, provided the capital improvements plan and impact fee are consistent with the system-wide land use assumptions. LUA-2 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering,or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relativelocation of property boundaries. This product has been produced by Austin Water for the sole purpose ofgeographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness.WILLIAMSONTRAVISTRAVISBASTROPTRAVISHAYSTRAVISCALDWELLBASTROPCALDWELL2276181172523101213161411891532241920426521¯024MilesMap 12023 Impact Fee Service Area Boundary(with Planning Areas)LUA-3City of AustinAustin WaterDecember 2022Produced by Systems PlanningImpact Fee Service Area Boundary - Update 2023Planning Areas 2023Full-Purpose City LimitLimited-Purpose City LimitCity of Austin 2 Mile ETJCity of Austin 5 Mile ETJCounty BoundariesDRAFTIII. GROWTH PROJECTIONS For this 2023 impact fee update, estimated 2020 and 2030 population and employment data were based on the U.S. Census data, City Demographer estimates, Planning and Development Review Department data and Austin Water billing data. The period from 2020 to 2030 is used as the basis for determining the amount of growth in a 10-year planning horizon as required in the Impact Fee Act. The Geographic Information System (GIS)-based spatial analysis procedure for updating the growth projections was done in coordination with the City Demographer from the Housing and Planning Department. The basis of the geospatial growth projections used by Austin Water are the Delphi Trends Imagine Austin (DTI) polygons that each have estimates of 2010, 2015, 2020, 2025, and 2040 population and employment. DTI polygons are roughly analogous to Census Tracts. When aggregated the DTI polygons allow Austin Water to estimate population and employment growth to the selected impact fee service area and to the Planning Areas illustrated on Map 1. Results for the Planning Areas illustrated on Map 1 are: Table 1. Population Growth: Shows estimated 2020 and projected 2030 population aggregated to Planning Areas and to total service area. As noted above, these figures are consistent with current Austin Water population estimates for 2020 and 2030. These population figures correspond to estimates and projections of residents who actually receive City of Austin water and/or wastewater service. This table includes the calculated average annual growth rate and the gross population density. The gross densities are calculated by dividing the estimated or projected population by the total acres served in each Planning Area. Table 2. Employment Growth: Shows estimated 2020 and projected 2030 employment aggregated to Planning Areas and to total service area. As noted above, these figures are consistent with current Austin Water employment estimates for 2020 and 2030. This table includes the calculated average annual growth rate and the gross employment density. The gross densities are calculated by dividing the estimated or projected employees by the total acres served in each Planning Area. LUA-4 Table 1: Population Growth Planning Area Summary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Total 2020 Austin Water Population 66,490 31,194 29,407 23,329 42,565 44,186 37,622 79,058 36,378 48,418 44,464 50,921 36,644 57,082 42,277 33,569 55,395 14,983 38,897 40,832 33,882 70,546 24,261 21,528 34,576 42,587 1,081,091 2030 Austin Water Population 78,264 36,104 32,909 26,225 52,981 55,513 43,138 88,581 44,800 55,888 51,522 57,873 41,596 65,238 45,583 38,908 65,334 15,856 44,761 45,061 44,057 93,759 36,175 29,096 64,719 53,799 1,307,738 Population Annual Growth Rate 1.64% 1.47% 1.13% 1.18% 2.21% 2.31% 1.38% 1.14% 2.10% 1.45% 1.48% 1.29% 1.28% 1.34% 0.76% 1.49% 1.66% 0.57% 1.41% 0.99% 2.66% 2.89% 4.08% 3.06% 6.47% 2.36% 1.92% Acres for 2020 Served Area 5,121 5,326 5,197 3,990 5,259 6,450 4,990 8,115 4,698 5,576 6,233 4,303 4,137 7,414 7,051 4,242 5,442 5,455 11,418 8,602 4,380 12,436 7,707 15,421 12,206 9,401 180,569 * Based on 2020 served area acreage 2020 Residential Gross Density Pop/Ac 12.98 5.86 5.66 5.85 8.09 6.85 7.54 9.74 7.74 8.68 7.13 11.83 8.86 7.70 6.00 7.91 10.18 2.75 3.41 4.75 7.73 5.67 3.15 1.40 2.83 4.53 5.99 2030 Residential Gross Density Pop/Ac* 15.28 6.78 6.33 6.57 10.07 8.61 8.64 10.92 9.54 10.02 8.27 13.45 10.05 8.80 6.46 9.17 12.01 2.91 3.92 5.24 10.06 7.54 4.69 1.89 5.30 5.72 7.24 Change in Residential Gross Density 17.71% 15.74% 11.91% 12.41% 24.47% 25.63% 14.66% 12.05% 23.15% 15.43% 15.87% 13.65% 13.51% 14.29% 7.82% 15.90% 17.94% 5.83% 15.07% 10.36% 30.03% 32.90% 49.11% 35.16% 87.18% 26.33% 20.96% LUA-5 Table 2: Employment Growth Planning Area Summary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Total 2020 Austin Water Employment 111,975 29,247 26,633 18,777 20,942 72,900 15,636 34,740 38,325 21,466 23,762 17,246 11,111 14,322 13,165 18,008 45,996 26,502 33,470 12,394 7,827 43,946 8,484 10,249 20,886 6,069 704,077 2030 Austin Water Employment 126,993 33,298 30,020 20,087 26,511 86,858 18,465 40,393 47,206 25,148 27,707 21,297 12,623 16,918 15,233 22,801 56,058 30,176 38,163 13,391 9,022 52,147 10,923 13,073 25,988 7,786 828,283 Employment Annual Growth Rate 1.27% 1.31% 1.20% 0.68% 2.39% 1.77% 1.68% 1.52% 2.11% 1.60% 1.55% 2.13% 1.28% 1.68% 1.47% 2.39% 2.00% 1.31% 1.32% 0.78% 1.43% 1.73% 2.56% 2.46% 2.21% 2.52% 1.64% * Based on 2020 served area acreage Acres for 2020 Served Area 5,121 5,326 5,197 3,990 5,259 6,450 4,990 8,115 4,698 5,576 6,233 4,303 4,137 7,414 7,051 4,242 5,442 5,455 11,418 8,602 4,380 12,436 7,707 15,421 12,206 9,401 180,569 2020 Employment Gross Density Emp/Ac 21.87 5.49 5.12 4.71 3.98 11.30 3.13 4.28 8.16 3.85 3.81 4.01 2.69 1.93 1.87 4.25 8.45 4.86 2.93 1.44 1.79 3.53 1.10 0.66 1.71 0.65 3.90 2030 Employment Gross Density Emp/Ac* 24.80 6.25 5.78 5.03 5.04 13.47 3.70 4.98 10.05 4.51 4.45 4.95 3.05 2.28 2.16 5.38 10.30 5.53 3.34 1.56 2.06 4.19 1.42 0.85 2.13 0.83 4.59 Change in Employment Gross Density 13.41% 13.85% 12.72% 6.98% 26.59% 19.15% 18.09% 16.27% 23.17% 17.15% 16.60% 23.49% 13.61% 18.13% 15.70% 26.62% 21.88% 13.86% 14.02% 8.04% 15.26% 18.66% 28.74% 27.56% 24.43% 28.29% 17.64% LUA-6 IV. SERVICE UNITS Centralized Water and Wastewater Service Unit Assumptions Calculation of the impact fee in accordance with Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code requires the use of a service unit. Within the definitions section of Chapter 395.001(10), "'Service unit' means a standardized measure of consumption, use, generation, or discharge attributable to an individual unit of development calculated in accordance with generally accepted engineering or planning standards and based on historical data and trends applicable to the political subdivision in which the individual unit of development is located during the previous 10 years." More simply, the number of projected new service units are divided into the costs of capital projects allocated to this new growth. The journal article by Ray Farabee,, states that the "'Service unit' is one of the most important, but conceptually difficult, elements of the (new) law." This article also observes that "Cities may select their own standards for measuring service units, but any measure chosen must attempt to accurately reflect differences in service consumption between users." Austin's capital recovery fee ordinances have for years used the "fee unit" for this purpose, and it remains the most appropriate choice for the service unit under the terms of Chapter 395. The service unit is based on the size of water meter sold, exactly as fee units are calculated. Table 3 illustrates the relationship between service units and meter sizes. The service unit calculation depends on the relative differences between the various sizes and types of meters as determined by their rated maximum flows and rated continuous flows. Table 3: Calculation of Service Units The size and type of water meter purchased determines number of service units in accordance with the following schedule: Meter Size Type 5/8" 3/4" 1" 1.5" 1.5" 2" 2" 2" 3" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 8" 8" 10" 12" Positive Displacement Positive Displacement Positive Displacement Positive Displacement Turbine, Class II Positive Displacement Compound Turbine, Class II Single-jet Compound Turbine, Class II Single-jet Compound Turbine, Class II Compound Turbine, Class II Compound Turbine, Class II Turbine, Class II Turbine, Class II Service Units 1 1.5 2.5 5 9 8 8 16 16 17.5 35 25 30 65 67.5 140 90 240 350 440 LUA-7 The service unit is based on the American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards C700-15, C701- 15, C702-15 and C712-15 and recommended maximum rate for continuous duty (flow) of the meter purchased at sale of tap. The service unit, as described here, has been in Austin's capital recovery fee ordinances for years; it is well accepted, and it is extraordinarily easy to calculate at time of collection. In addition, it is based on Uniform Plumbing Code meter size and type criteria counting plumbing fixtures that directly reflect the differences in service consumption between different users. The latest count of all meters by size in the system on April 2020 are shown in Table 4. From this meter inventory, the number of hypothetical service units installed in the system is calculated at 419,975. Table 4: Estimate of Service Units in the Austin Water Distribution System Meter Size April 2020 Meter Count April 2020 Service Units 5/8" 3/4" 1" 1.5" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" Total 204,942 16,887 9,874 4,498 4,466 1,689 746 226 27 24 2 243,381 Weighted Service Unit Multiplier 1 1.5 2.5 6.5 10.9 18.4 32.7 75.5 201 350 440 1.7 204,942 25,331 24,685 29,262 48,496 31,112 24,370 17,068 5,430 8,400 880 419,975 LUA-8 Existing Water System Service Units To determine the flow equivalent of a water system service unit, the system pumpage is divided by the total number of service units. The actual water system pumpage for FY20 (October 2019-September 2020) was 51,277 million gallons. The total number of service units for April 2020 is used because April falls halfway through the fiscal year. Therefore, the current system-wide flow average is 334 gallons per day per service unit. 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝑃𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠 = 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝐷𝑎𝑦 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡 51,277 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐺𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑟 419,975 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠 = 334 𝐺𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝐷𝑎𝑦 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡 Existing Wastewater System Service Units The wastewater collection system does not have individual meters for the majority of customers. In most cases wastewater is billed based on water meter data. Therefore, wastewater collection system service units are estimated based on the water distribution system service units and the known differences between water and wastewater customers. It is assumed that there is a direct relationship between the number of water and wastewater customers (population and employees) and the number of service units. The number of wastewater service units is estimated to be 95.6% of the water distribution system service units or 401,400 service units based on the number of wastewater and water customers sewed. The wastewater collection system service unit flow equivalent is calculated using the total system influent treated at the wastewater treatment plants. The FY20 total wastewater collection system influent is estimated to be 36,670 million gallons. However, because wastewater collection system influent is partially driven by annual rainfall, and FY20 rainfall was well below the historical averages, an adjustment was made to represent “average weather” conditions using a 6-year average of wastewater influent gallons per capita per day (GPCD) multiplied by the estimated served population in 2020. This “weather-averaged” approach produced an FY20 influent estimate of 39,990 million gallons. Therefore, the flow equivalent per wastewater service unit is estimated to be 272 gallons per day per service unit. 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑊𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠 39,990 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐺𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑟 401,400 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠 = 𝑊𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝐷𝑎𝑦 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡 = 272 𝐺𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝐷𝑎𝑦 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡 LUA-9 Future Water and Wastewater Service Units Calculating the projection of new service units presents a challenge in that it depends on the size, type and number of meters sold, while projection estimates of future service units are based on relationships between population, employment, total flow, and per capita flow projections. Future service unit forecasts are derived from projections of population and employment combined with planned water pumpage forecasts. The water pumpage forecasts for 2030 are calculated with the Disaggregated Demand Model (DDM), Austin Water’s Integrated Water Resource Plan (Water Forward) demand forecasting model. The DDM incorporates projected additional passive water conservation and estimates a slight reduction in the per capita pumpage over the planning horizon, despite population and employment increases. Projected additional passive water conservation results in a reduced number of gallons per service unit in the future. Gallons per capita per day (GPCD) is calculated by dividing the total system pumpage by the total population. The 2020 GPCD was 130, while the 2030 forecasted population and total system pumpage from the DDM equates to 124 GPCD. The 2030 water flow per service unit is expected to be reduced proportionally with the per capita flow to 320 gallons per day. 130 𝑔𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎 𝑑𝑎𝑦 (2020) 124 𝑔𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎 𝑑𝑎𝑦 (2030) = 334 𝑔𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡 (2020) 320 𝑔𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡 (2030) The 2030 total water system pumpage, based on the DDM forecast is 59,333 million gallons. Dividing the total annual pumpage by 320 gallons per day per service unit gives a 2030 estimate of 508,021 service units. Future wastewater service units were estimated based on water service unit estimates and the population and employment estimates for water and wastewater customers. Wastewater treatment flow per capita has not declined recently. It appears that most water conservation-related demand reductions are for outdoor water use, and wastewater inflow and infiltration seem to largely offset indoor water conservation measures. For these reasons, the wastewater flow per service unit estimate of 272 gallons per day is assumed to remain constant from 2020 to 2030. Wastewater service units for year 2030 were projected by estimating the water served population and employment per service unit for year 2030 (3.952 water population per service unit and 4.677 water employment per service unit). These ratios were then multiplied by projected served wastewater population and employment for 2030, resulting in 488,521 wastewater service units in 2030. Multiplying this estimate by the previously estimated 272 gallons of wastewater influent per service unit yields a total wastewater influent estimate of 48,500 million gallons per year in 2030. The spatial summary of the results is presented in Table 5. The population and employment projections of Section III Tables 1 and 2 were converted to average daily water pumpage and then to forecasts of new service units for the entire service area. LUA-10 Table 5: Projections of Water Service Units Planning Area Summary 2020 Residential MGD 2020 Non- Residential MGD 2020 Total MGD 2020 Service Units 2030 Residential MGD 2030 Non- Residential MGD 2030 Total MGD 2030 Service Units 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Total 5.5 2.6 2.5 1.9 3.6 3.7 3.1 6.6 3.0 4.0 3.7 4.2 3.1 4.8 3.5 2.8 4.6 1.3 3.2 3.4 2.8 5.9 2.0 1.8 2.9 3.6 90.2 7.9 2.1 1.9 1.3 1.5 5.2 1.1 2.5 2.7 1.5 1.7 1.2 0.8 1.0 0.9 1.3 3.3 1.9 2.4 0.9 0.6 3.1 0.6 0.7 1.5 0.4 49.9 13.5 4.7 4.3 3.3 5.0 8.8 4.2 9.1 5.7 5.6 5.4 5.5 3.8 5.8 4.5 4.1 7.9 3.1 5.6 4.3 3.4 9.0 2.6 2.5 4.4 4.0 140.1 40,403 14,012 13,010 9,822 15,094 26,529 12,731 27,152 17,236 16,669 16,168 16,400 11,526 17,320 13,371 12,221 23,622 9,374 16,836 12,846 10,138 26,977 7,870 7,561 13,083 11,942 419,912 6.3 2.9 2.7 2.1 4.3 4.5 3.5 7.2 3.6 4.5 4.2 4.7 3.4 5.3 3.7 3.2 5.3 1.3 3.6 3.6 3.6 7.6 2.9 2.4 5.2 4.4 105.9 8.7 2.3 2.1 1.4 1.8 5.9 1.3 2.8 3.2 1.7 1.9 1.5 0.9 1.2 1.0 1.6 3.8 2.1 2.6 0.9 0.6 3.6 0.7 0.9 1.8 0.5 56.7 15.0 5.2 4.7 3.5 6.1 10.4 4.8 9.9 6.9 6.2 6.1 6.1 4.2 6.4 4.7 4.7 9.1 3.3 6.2 4.6 4.2 11.2 3.7 3.3 7.0 4.9 46,957 16,255 14,746 10,931 19,075 32,618 14,864 31,052 21,430 19,520 18,962 19,199 13,225 20,126 14,792 14,721 28,519 10,464 19,486 14,266 13,078 34,875 11,490 10,158 21,934 15,279 162.6 508,021 LUA-11 IMPACT FEE LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS Description of Impact Fee Boundary for 5-Year Update APPENDIX A Adopted TBD (Ord-) All jurisdiction boundaries such as county lines, utility companies, municipalities, etc., used in this description are those boundaries as they exist on the date this boundary is adopted and are to be recognized as the most accurate location of the impact fee boundary if another landmark or distance reference creates an ambiguity. All street and landmark names reflect one of the names shown in commonly available maps of the Austin area. The City of Austin GIS was used for street names in this description. Distances have been scaled from Austin GIS and are intended to approximately place the boundary when landmarks are not available or may be ambiguous. The referenced landmark is to be taken as the accurate location. When a road, street, etc. is referenced, the boundary is assumed to follow the centerline, and only one side of the road, street, etc. is within the impact fee service area boundary. Boundaries of any city's jurisdiction (ETJ or city limits), counties, and the service area of another utility, can be found by referring to maps available from those individual entities. The accuracy of those maps is not warranted by the City of Austin or the Austin Water Utility. Taxing authority records also indicate inclusion in the individual entities. The impact fee service area described below shall not include the certificated service area of another utility providing water and/or wastewater service to its customers under a certificate of convenience and necessity from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality or its predecessor and successor agency and with whom the City has no wholesale contract to provide water and/or sewer service providing for the payment of impact fees. The impact fee service area described below shall not include land within the jurisdiction of cities other than Austin; provided, that within the jurisdiction of cities other than Austin, land is included within the impact fee service area where it is included in the service area of those utilities with whom the City has wholesale contracts to provide water and/or sewer service providing for the payment of impact fees or where that other city has executed an agreement with Austin for the City to supply retail water and/or wastewater service providing for the payment of impact fees. Where the impact fee service area is described by the Austin jurisdiction passing through a tract, the entire tract which is partially in the Austin jurisdiction and not in the jurisdiction of another city will be considered to be in the service area. In addition to land within the impact fee service area described below, the impact fee service area includes land in the service areas of those utilities with whom the City has wholesale contracts to provide water and/or wastewater service providing for the payment of impact fees, to the extent such land has been approved by the City to receive water and/or wastewater service from the City. Any tract of land which is not entirely within the impact fee service area, as described below or according to the conditions described above, is not considered to be in the impact fee service area. Accordingly, the City of Austin Impact Fee Service Area Boundary is described as follows: LUA-A-1 1. Beginning at the common city limits of Buda, Hays County, and Austin the boundary proceeds in a general east and south direction along the jurisdiction boundary of Hays County for 1.8 miles to the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Niederwald. 2. Then proceeding in a general east direction along the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Niederwald for 1.1 miles. 3. Then proceeding in a general east direction along the City of Austin 5-mile ETJ for 191 feet to the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and the Village of Creedmoor. 4. Then proceeding north and east along the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and the Village of Creedmoor for 10.2 miles to the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and the Village of Mustang Ridge. 5. Then proceeding in a general east direction along the jurisdiction boundary of Austin and the Village of Mustang Ridge for 5.7 miles to the Bastrop County line. 6. Then proceeding in a general northeast direction along the Bastrop County line for 2.3 miles until it intersects with FM 812 at the boundary of the Austin Water CCN. 7. Then proceeding generally north and east along the boundary of the Austin Water CCN for 1.1 miles until it intersects with the Austin 5-mile ETJ. 8. Then proceeding in a general northeast direction along the Austin 5-mile ETJ boundary line for 31.8 miles to the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and the Village of Webberville. 9. Then proceeding along the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Webberville for 9.2 miles. 10. Then proceeding in a general north direction along the Austin 5-mile ETJ for 4.3 miles to the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Manor. 11. Then proceeding in a general west and north direction along the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Manor for 15.1 miles to the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Pflugerville. 12. Then proceeding in a general west direction along the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Pflugerville for 15.1 miles to the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Round Rock. 13. Then proceeding in a general north and west direction along the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Round Rock for 11.3 miles to the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Cedar Park. 14. Then proceeding in a general south and west direction along the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Cedar Park for 10.9 miles until it intersects with FM 2769. 15. Then proceeding in a general west direction along FM 2769 for 1.0 miles until it intersects with Bullick Hollow Road. 16. Then proceeding in a general south direction along Bullick Hollow Road for 1.0 miles until it intersects the eastern boundary of Travis County WCID #17. 17. Then proceeding in a general south direction along the eastern boundary of Travis County WCID #17 for 8.3 miles until reaching the Colorado River. 18. Then proceeding south across the river for 0.1 miles to the northern tip of the Balfour Track. 19. Then proceeding in a counter-clockwise direction around the boundary of Balfour for 4.4 miles. 20. Then proceeding along the Austin Full Purpose City Limit for 9.6 miles until reaching the boundary of Travis County WCID #10. LUA-A-2 21. Then proceeding in a general south direction along the western boundary of Travis County WCID 22. Then proceeding along the Austin Full Purpose City Limit for 8.0 miles until it intersects with #10 for 4.2 miles. Amarra Drive. 23. Then proceeding along the Austin Limited Purpose City Limit for 0.4 miles to the southeast corner of the Barton Creek Habitat Preserve. 24. Then proceeding along the southern border of the Barton Creek Habitat Preserve for 1.6 miles to the edge of the West Travis County Public Utility Agency. 25. Then proceeding along the West Travis County Public Utility Agency boundary for 13.9 miles to the boundary of the Shield-Ayres City of Austin Conservation Easement. 26. Then proceeding in a general west direction along the Shield-Ayres City of Austin Conservation Easement boundary for 3.5 miles until it intersects with the Austin 5-mile ETJ. 27. Then proceeding in a general south direction along the Austin 5-mile ETJ for 2.3 miles to the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Dripping Springs. 28. Then proceeding in a general south and east direction along the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Dripping Springs for 8.3 miles to the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and the Village of Bear Creek. 29. Then proceeding along the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and the Village of Bear Creek for 3.7 miles to the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Dripping Springs. 30. Then proceeding in a general south and east direction along the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Dripping Springs for 5.9 miles to the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and the City of Hays. 31. Then proceeding along the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and the City of Hays for 9.7 miles to the common jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Buda. 32. Then proceeding along the jurisdiction boundary of Austin and Buda for 9.9 miles ending at the common city limits of Buda, Hays County, and Austin which marks both the end and beginning points of the Impact Fee Service Area Boundary. LUA-A-3 WATER & WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE REPORT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................CIP-i List of Maps ...............................................................................................................................CIP-ii List of Tables .............................................................................................................................CIP-ii I. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................CIP-1 II. Facility Planning – Defining Level of Capacity Usage & Reserve Capacity Needs .......CIP-2 III. Impact Fee Facilities and Fee Calculation Methodology................................................CIP-29 IV. Service Unit Demand and Capacity Relationships .........................................................CIP-30 V. Service Unit Demand Projections.....................................................................................CIP-33 VI. Capacity and Cost Attributable to New Growth ..............................................................CIP-33 VII. Maximum Allowable Fee Calculation and Rate Revenue Credit....................................CIP-53 Appendix A – Water Rate Revenue Credit Table .................................................................CIP-A-1 Appendix B – Wastewater Rate Revenue Credit Table .......................................................CIP-B-1 Appendix C – CIP Projects Targeted to Meet Existing Needs – Water & Reclaimed .......CIP-C-1 Appendix D – CIP Projects Targeted to Meet Existing Needs – Wastewater....................CIP-D-1 Appendix E – Descriptions of the Zones for Fees...............................................................CIP-E-1 CIP-i LIST OF MAPS Map 1A. Impact Fee CIP Major Water Facilities – Overall Extent.........................................CIP-11 Map 1B. Impact Fee CIP Major Water Facilities – North Extent ...........................................CIP-12 Map 1C. Impact Fee CIP Major Water Facilities – South Extent...........................................CIP-13 Map 2A. Impact Fee CIP Major Wastewater Facilities – Overall Extent...............................CIP-21 Map 2B. Impact Fee CIP Major Wastewater Facilities – North Extent .................................CIP-22 Map 2C. Impact Fee CIP Major Wastewater Facilities – South Extent.................................CIP-23 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Water Impact Fee Projects .........................................................................................CIP-4 Table 2. Wastewater Impact Fee Projects ..............................................................................CIP-14 Table 3. Range Future Growth Projects in the Capital Improvements Program ................CIP-24 Table 4. Projects Removed from Previous Impact Fee Listing – Water & Wastewater .....CIP-25 Table 5. Land Use – Service Unit Equivalency Matrix ..........................................................CIP-30 Table 6. Water Service Unit Conversion Factors for Facility Capacity ...............................CIP-31 Table 7. Wastewater Service Unit Conversion Factors for Facility Capacity .....................CIP-32 Table 8. Impact Fee Calculations – Water Impact Fee Projects...........................................CIP-35 Table 9. Impact Fee Calculation – Wastewater Impact Fee Projects ..................................CIP-43 CIP-ii I. INTRODUCTION The Texas Impact Fee Act (Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code) provides methods and procedures that cities like Austin must follow to continue to impose water and wastewater impact fees. This Act requires determination of the costs of capital improvements attributable to new growth for a specified period of time. These costs are the principal building blocks on which the calculation of impact fees are based. The plan that identifies the capital improvements or facility expansions for which impact fees may be assessed is termed the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP). The City of Austin achieved compliance with the Texas Impact Fee Act by approving land use assumptions on April 5, 1990 and then approving the Impact Fee CIP and amendments to the ordinance on June 7, 1990. In subsequent years, the City has maintained compliance with periodic updates. From 1990 to 2001, the Texas Impact Fee Act stipulated that the land use assumptions and Impact Fee CIP be updated at least every three years. Beginning September 1, 2001, the Texas Impact Fee Act stipulates that these updates are to be done at least every five years. The five-year period begins on the day the Impact Fee CIP is adopted. This document represents the update to the CIP. Both it and the land use assumptions can be adopted at the same time The law outlines a methodology for calculating the cost of particular facilities attributable to new growth as compared to the demand for that capacity represented by land use assumptions based on a defined planning period (not to exceed 10 years). One of the keys to the methodology is the expression of both demand and capacity for a particular project in terms of service units. By knowing the number of service units associated with Impact Fee projects that are expected to be used during the planning period, the capacity and cost attributable to new growth can readily be determined. Using this cost and the projected total number of new service units within the utility service boundary during the planning period, the maximum fee per service unit may be calculated as prescribed by the law. The methodology of the Capital Improvements Plan provides the framework for calculating the maximum allowable impact fee, which is the upper limit on the fee pursuant to the law. The methodologies employed in this Impact Fee CIP comply with the provisions of the Texas Impact Fee Act and includes a thorough review of qualified CIP projects. It continues to exclude projects that are predominately attributable to existing users, or that may not be constructed and in service within the ten- year planning period. And in cases where other participants contributed funds, only the City of Austin's shares of the costs were included. The Impact Fee CIP includes a plan for awarding a credit for the portion of water and wastewater utility service revenues generated by new service units during the program period that is used for the payment of improvements, including the payment of debt. Beginning September 1, 2001, Impact Fee CIP updates prior to the 2013 Update incorporated an alternative credit method that was equal to 50 percent of the total projected cost of implementing the CIP. Beginning with the City’s 2013 update, a rate revenue credit method was used. Additional discussion of the rate revenue credit method applied in this 2023 Impact Fee update can be found in Section VII. CIP-1 II. FACILITY PLANNING – DEFINING THE LEVEL OF CAPACITY USAGE AND RESERVE CAPACITY NEEDS Section 395.014 of the Impact Fee Act as codified in the Texas Local Government Code speaks to a capital improvements plan that includes: 1. a description of the existing capital improvements within the service area and the costs to upgrade, update, improve, expand, or replace the improvements to meet existing needs and usage and stricter safety, efficiency, or environmental or regulatory standards. 2. an analysis of the total capacity, the level of current usage, and commitments for usage of capacity of the existing capital improvements. Using the methodology described later in this document, major facilities targeted to benefit new growth were identified and the portions of capacity serving existing and future users estimated. To provide an overall comparison of the capacity and costs associated with new growth projects versus those associated with existing needs, the recent CIP projects of Austin Water have been divided into three groups. Appendices C and D include projects from the FY 2018/2022 CIP built in prior years or scheduled to be built in the next few years that are targeted to benefit existing users and to meet stricter safety, efficiency, environmental or regulatory standards. Tables 1 (CIP-4) and 2 (CIP-14) list those water and wastewater impact fees projects that have been built or plan to be built in the future and that will largely benefit new Utility customers during the next ten years. Table 3 (CIP-24) is composed of projects that are anticipated to be built late in the ten-year planning period or beyond, and thus are not included in the group of projects on which impact fee calculations are based. Projects removed from the project listing adopted in the 2013 Impact Fee CIP are shown on Table 4 (CIP-25). Major utility facilities are shown on Water Map 1A, 1B, and 1C, following Table 1 and Wastewater Map 2A, 2B, and 2C following Table 2. These maps also illustrate the location of the Impact Fees CIP projects. A comparison of the dollar value of projects in the Appendices and Tables 1, 2, and 3 gives an indication of the relative investment in capacity to serve existing and future needs as a function of the CIPs of the 1980s. Some of the projects in Appendices C and D will certainly benefit future users; however, to ensure full compliance with the law, they will not be considered Impact Fee projects when they are made necessary by environmental and regulatory requirements. Other projects in Appendices C and D will also benefit future users as well as existing users (annexation areas, highway utility relocations, and certain trunk lines internal to the system) but when the benefit to existing users outweighs the benefit to future users, the projects are not included as Impact Fee projects in Tables 1 and 2. Analysis of existing usage of capacity in the case of water and wastewater treatment plants is a straightforward examination of flow data. Flow data for pipes in the water distribution system and wastewater collection system is generally not available, so hydraulic analysis was used to help estimate utilization levels of pipes under selected demand conditions (existing or future). The summary tables at the end of this document, Tables 8 and 9 include an estimate of existing users and total capacity of Impact Fee projects expressed in service units for water pressure zones and wastewater collection areas. Inspection of these figures gives an indication of the level of existing capacity usage and the reserve capacity associated with the facilities. CIP-2 In sizing and timing new facilities, both population projections that are part of Land Use Assumptions and trending from historical flow data regression are used in predicting demands (flows) associated with future growth. Model simulations yield the necessary pipe capacity to meet pressure and flow performance objectives. CIP Planning at AW considers a number of factors to identify the best infrastructure timing and sizing investment alternatives, including: alternatives analysis capital costs operation and maintenance costs time value of money economy of scale environmental and other key non-pecuniary impacts AW's CIP, especially the group of Impact Fees projects, is the set of facilities that will satisfy needs for additional capacity in the next ten years as indicated by the Land Use Assumptions. AW seeks to maintain a healthy, cost-effective amount of reserve capacity in the water and wastewater system in order to carry out its mission of providing safe, reliable service. In this way, the commitments that the City makes to its customers in the form of tap sales, service extension requests, developer reimbursement contracts, and Municipal Utility District and other district contracts, can be fulfilled in a manner that allows all parties in the development process to plan efficiently. The Impact Fee calculation methodology prescribed by State statute quantifies the reserve capacity that constitutes AW's plan for serving new customers for a ten-year planning horizon. This Impact Fee update is consistent with a number of core principles of the City’s Imagine Austin comprehensive plan including: Growth as a compact and connected city Develop as an affordable and healthy community Sustainably manage water and other environmental resources Imagine Austin’s planning framework and guidelines are part of AW’s planning processes and are integrated into the development of the CIP. CIP-3 SubProjectID Project Description Size Pressure Zone Completion Table 1 Water Impact Fee Projects (Costs in 1000s) City Construction 1168.003 1168.004 2097.001 2231.155 2231.157 2231.214 2937.001 3617.001 3871.001 3898.001 3901.001 4800.028 4800.033 6935.061 2127.012 8702.003 844.001 2090.003 2090.005 4814.001 6935.003 6935.021 6935.022 Ullrich to Green Transmission Main (Pipeline) Ullrich to Green Transmission Main (Lake Austin Tunnel) Elroy Transmission Main Elroy Road Water Rehabilitation Phase 2 Elroy Rd Water Rehabilitation Ph 3 - FM 812 Maha Loop Water Rehab Boggy Creek at US 183 Water Line Replacement Springdale Rd 48" Transmission Main Bluff Springs (Pilot Knob) Transmission Main E Ben White Blvd Transmission Main Pilot Knob Transmission Main Sector III Burleson Rd Transmission Main West Campus System Improvements West Campus Water & WW Improvements Area 5 Piland Triangle Interconnect North Austin Reservoir and Pump Station Improvements Shaw Lane Sludge Facility Improvements East Austin - Parmer Lane TM Decker Lake 24-inch Woodlands Transmission Main (SER 1745) Johnny Morris Rd 16" Water Main Northeast Area Water Improvements Boyce Lane Water Main Austin Film Society Springdale/290 Water Line Improvements 24" 48" 48" 24" 48" 48" 12" 12" 24" 8 MG, 50 MGD 72" 72" 36" 16" 16" 16" 48" 24" 16" 16" Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central/North North North North North North 616,000 CY 48/54" 24" Entire System North North Date 2000 2000 2014 2016 2017 2016 1998 1992 1993 1992 1992 2013 2012 2023 2024 2026 1997 1996 1999 1999 2018 2012 2024 Cost to Build Interest Cost $5,598 $26,138 $4,746 $27,651 $5,012 $1,661 $2,590 $2,386 $6,118 $7,466 $3,506 $1,805 $478 $1,839 $4,704 $1,837 $46,319 $5,671 $6,657 $1,148 $462 $1,718 $7,570 $1,017 $6,743 $5,332 $1,768 $2,756 $2,539 $6,510 $7,944 $3,731 $1,921 $508 $1,957 $5,005 $0 $30,076 $6,034 $7,083 $1,221 $491 $1,828 $8,054 $1,082 $7,174 CIP-4 Pressure Zone Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Northwest A/B/C $15,193 $16,165 SubProjectID Project Description City Construction 6935.033 6935.035 6935.039 4758.002 4814.002 6935.037 4814.003 4814.004 2028.001 6935.016 6935.031 793.001 793.002 1086.001 1086.002 2006.003 5038.001 5038.002 6683.002 6683.007 6683.009 6683.01 Johnny Morris/Hwy 290 Area Water Line Extensions Howard Lane Water Main Extension Cameron Rd: Gregg Lane to School 16" FM 1825 Interconnect Howard Lane East Transmission Main - Segment 2 Highland Park Water and Wastewater Improvements Howard Lane Pump Station and TM Howard Lane Water Transmission Main Martin Hill Transmission Main Jollyville Northwest A Transmission Main (Plant 4) McNeil Road Transmission Main Anderson Mill Transmission Main III Anderson Mill Transmission Main Ph IIA & IV Jollyville Transmission Main Ph IIA & III Jollyville Transmission Main Ph IIB Four Points and Forest Ridge Pump Station Upgrades Anderson Mill Northwest C Pump Station and Tank Anderson Mill/RR 620 Transmission Main Water Treatment Plant No. 4 Water Treatment Plant No. 4 - Property Fencing Water Treatment Plant #4-Environmental Commissioning WTP 4-Plant Site Storm Water Facilities Size 24" 16" 12"/16" 16" 36" 16" North North North Northwest A Northwest A Northwest A 24/36/42/54", 43/65 MGD 24/36/42/54" 54" 84" 72" 16" 24" 48" 48" NWB: 5.8 MGD, NWC: 10.4 MGD 11.2 MGD, 1.5 MG 24/36" 50 MGD 50 MGD 50 MGD 50 MGD Northwest A/B/C Northwest A/B/C + North Northwest A/B/C + North Northwest A/B/C + North Northwest B Northwest B Northwest B Northwest B Northwest C Northwest C Northwest C Plant 4 Service Plant 4 Service Plant 4 Service Plant 4 Service 2025 2021 2024 2005 2000 2025 2001 2001 2017 2015 2027 2000 2000 2001 2001 2007 2017 2016 2017 2009 2017 2011 $2,067 $0 $1,765 $2,144 $855 $4,765 $1,878 $2,282 $0 $5,070 $11,261 $11,981 $0 $1,922 $25,091 $26,697 $118,331 $125,904 $29,489 $4,736 $2,085 $8,138 $1,135 $942 $0 $5,039 $2,218 $8,658 $1,207 $838 $11,725 $10,950 $4,762 $5,067 $100,579 $104,831 $368 $2,839 $391 $3,019 $3,327 $3,540 CIP-5 SubProjectID Project Description Size Pressure Zone Completion 50 MGD Plant 4 Service $3,435 $3,654 50 MGD Plant 4 Service $7,392 $7,866 City Construction 6683.013 6683.014 6683.018 6683.019 6683.02 2127.033 3876.001 6935.059 6937.001 6937.003 6937.005 6937.006 6937.008 6937.009 6937.01 6937.011 6937.012 6937.013 6937.014 6937.015 WTP4 Raw Water Pump Station Excavation and Stormwater Facilities Water Treatment Plant No. 4 Raw Water Pump Station Facility Value Engineering Water Treatment Plant #4 - Construction Manager at Risk WTP4 Bullick Hollow Roadway Improvements South I-35 Elevated Water Tank Slaughter Ln Transmission Main Slaughter Lane Waterline Extension S IH-35 Transmission Main So. IH35 W/WW Infrastructure Improvs PMC S I-35, Pilot Knob Pump Station S I-35, Segment 21 - Pilot Knob Reservoir 48-inch Water Main S I-35, Segment 6 - I 35 South of Onion Creek, 36- Inch Water Main S I-35, Seg. 13/14 - Pleasant Valley Ext., Rinard Crk to E Slaughter Ln, 42 S I-35, Segment 17/18/19 - Slaughter Ln Ext to Thaxton, 48-inch Water Main S I-35, Segment 4 - I 35, N of FM 1626 to Onion Creek, 36-Inch Water Main S I-35, Segment 7 - I 35, north of FM 1327, 42-Inch Water Main S I-35, Segment 9.0 - FM 1327, I 35 to Bradshaw Rd, 42-Inch Water Main S I-35, Segment 9.1 - FM 1327 to Bradshaw Road north of FM 1327 S IH-35 Transmission Main, Segment 18&19 - E Slaughter Ln, Marble Creek to Thaxton 50 MGD 50 MGD 50 MGD 3 MG 24/30" 16" 36" PMC 22 MGD 48" 36" 42" 48" 36" 42" 42" 42" 48" Plant 4 Service Plant 4 Service Plant 4 Service South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South Date 2012 2014 2011 2015 2011 2027 1992 2017 2010 2013 2014 2013 2012 2013 2012 2012 2013 2012 2013 2010 Cost to Build Interest Cost $574 $290,537 $610 $280,987 $1,081 $13,447 $2,673 $149 $40 $8,658 $10,732 $660 $1,150 $14,307 $2,845 $0 $43 $9,212 $11,419 $703 $1,459 $1,553 $1,872 $1,992 $3,200 $3,405 $1,358 $1,445 $2,014 $2,143 $2,935 $3,123 $3,126 $3,326 $317 $337 CIP-6 SubProjectID Project Description Size Pressure Zone Completion City Construction 6937.016 6937.017 6937.018 6937.019 6937.02 6937.021 6937.022 6937.023 6937.024 6937.03 3825.001 4800.005 4800.01 4800.021 4800.022 5335.001 5335.002 S I-35, Seg. 20.1/21 - Wm Cannon from McKinney Falls to Pilot Knob WTM S I-35, Seg. 2/5 - I 35 Slaughter and Onion Crk Crossings, 36-In Water Main S I-35, Segment 8 - I 35 Crossing North of FM 1327, 42-In Water Main S I-35, Segment 20.0 - McKinney Falls Pkwy, Thaxton to Wm Cannon, 48-Inch W S I-35, Segment 15 - Goodnight Ranch Ph I, 48-Inch Water Main S I-35, Segment 1 - I 35 Slaughter Ln to Slaughter Crk, 36-In Water Main S I-35, Seg. 11/12 - S. Pleasant Val. Ext. at Legends Way, 42-In Water Main S I-35, Segment10 - Bradshaw Rd, S of River Plantation Dr, 42-In Water Main S I-35, Segment 16 - Goodnight Ranch Phase II, 48- Inch Water Main S IH-35 Transmission Main, E Slaughter Ln ROW Acquisition Southwest B Camp Ben McCullough Transmission Main New Thomas Springs Reservoir Southwest C Pressure Zone Pump Station Southwest C Pressure Zone Transmission Main Ph 2 Southwest C Pressure Zone Transmission Main Ph 1 Ullrich WTP 160 MGD Expansion Ullrich Water Treatment Plant 160 MGD Expansion - Low Service Pump Station 48" 36" 42" 48" 48" 36" 42" 42" 48" South South South South South South South South South South Sites of Seg. 17,18,19 16" 1.25 MG 8.2 MGD 30" Southwest B Southwest C Southwest C Southwest C Date 2013 2012 2012 2014 2011 2013 2013 2013 2012 2011 1992 2001 2006 2007 2007 2011 2006 Cost to Build Interest Cost $3,265 $3,474 $7,999 $8,510 $1,565 $1,666 $3,414 $3,633 $1,021 $1,086 $2,962 $3,152 $1,943 $2,068 $1,729 $1,839 $1,370 $1,458 $496 $504 $2,347 $5,868 $2,326 $527 $536 $2,471 $6,105 $2,424 CIP-7 30" Southwest C $6,076 $6,372 67 MGD Exp. 67 MGD Exp. Ullrich Service Ullrich Service $109,653 $2,596 $116,670 $2,762 SubProjectID Project Description Size Pressure Zone Completion Developer Reimbursements 3353.049 3353.052 3353.059 3353.069 3353.095 3353.096 3353.1 3353.106 3353.007 3353.009 3353.028 3353.033 3353.042 3353.099 5028.002 5028.004 5028.006 3353.019 3353.032 3353.065 3041.001 3353.018 3353.038 3353.094 3353.022 Robertson Hill Development Del Valle Junior High Number 2 Pearce Lane Tract University Neighborhood Overlay District Whisper Valley and Indian Hills Formula One United States 71 Commercial Eastside Village (SER-3393) 12-Inch Water Line Improvements Jourdan's Crossing Service Extension Dell 24-inch Water Reimbursement Wild Horse Ranch Pioneer Crossing Service Extension (SER 1825), Ph II Parmer Park Service Extension Pioneer Hill Robert Mueller Municipal Airport Reimbursement Mueller Water Improvements Reimbursement (SER 2277), Ph II RMMA Redevelopment North WPZ Imp Phase 3 (SER 2278) IBM/Tivoli Service Extension Howard Lane Service Extension Schultz 45 Acre Tract Water--Wells Branch Commerce Park Davis Springs Service Extension Reimbursement Avery Ranch Service Extension Stone Hedge Service Extension Pearson Ranch - RRISD (SER 2869 and 2870) AMAX Self-Storage Reimbursement 16" 24" 36" 24" 48" 24/36" 24" 12" 24" 24" 24/36" 24" 24" 16" 16/24" 16" 30" 16" 24/16" 24" 24" 24/36/48", 3 MG 24" 24" 24" Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central North North North North North North North North North Northwest A Northwest A Northwest A Northwest B Northwest B Northwest B Northwest B Northwest C Date 2008 2005 2004 2007 2026 2014 2014 2015 2001 1998 2017 2004 2002 2016 2007 2008 2012 2002 2000 2013 1997 2015 2011 2014 2007 Cost to Build Interest Cost $643 $349 $2,598 $1,832 $8,839 $4,430 $1,098 $223 $194 $1,769 $5,675 $1,245 $871 $430 $1,154 $6,130 $685 $371 $2,765 $1,949 $9,405 $4,714 $1,168 $237 $0 $0 $6,038 $1,325 $926 $458 $1,228 $6,522 $5,662 $6,024 $341 $220 $304 $941 $13,691 $8,931 $2,638 $169 $0 $0 $323 $0 $10,556 $9,502 $2,807 $180 CIP-8 2.1 MGD PS, 16" Southwest C $1,682 $1,789 SubProjectID Project Description Size Pressure Zone Completion Developer Reimbursements Roadway Utility Betterment Projects 3353.027 3353.062 3353.072 3353.074 3353.117 3353.127 3353.008 3353.025 3212.133 3212.136 3212.169 3212.186 5403.001 6055.004 6055.024 6684.001 6959.001 6960.001 6961.002 Canyon Creek Subdivision Reimbursement Zachary Scott Tract Service Extension Goodnight Ranch Alexan Onion Creek Turner's Crossing Marshall Tract Lantana Service Extension Developer Reimbursement Southwest B&C Travis County West Developer Reimbursement Southwest C 24" 24" 24" 24/36" 7 MGD, 24" 0.75 MG, 16" 14 MGD PS Northwest C South South South South South Southwest B/C Travis County Utility Relocation: FM 969 (Phase I): Decker Lane to FM 973 TxDOT Utility Relocation: US 183 Bergstrom Exprway (US 290 to SH 71) Travis County Utility Relocation: Pearce Lane at Kellam Rd Intersection Travis County Utility Relocation - Ross Road Water Pipeline Relocation Rio Grande: from MLK to 24th St. Street Reconstruction & Utility Adjustment E. 7th Street Improvements from Northwestern to Pleasant Valley Second Street District Streetscape Street Recon. & Utility Adj. Phase 3 MLK: Rio Grande to Lamar Group 30: Oltorf St E/Congress Ave-IH35 Brazos St/Cesar Chavez-11th St E Colorado St. Reconstruction and Utility Adjustments from 7th St to 10th St 24"/16"/12" 16" 12" 24" 16" 12" 12" 12" 24"/12" 12" 12" Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Date 2002 2009 2016 2010 2024 2023 2002 2003 2019 2020 2025 2026 2014 2013 2018 2012 2015 2014 2020 Cost to Build Interest Cost $1,101 $1,241 $2,443 $884 $819 $6,066 $1,360 $1,172 $1,320 $2,599 $940 $0 $6,454 $0 $2,965 $1,068 $8,833 $5,514 $850 $898 $0 $0 $1,113 $1,185 $729 $721 $826 $1,263 $1,590 $673 $0 $768 $879 $1,344 $1,692 $716 CIP-9 SubProjectID Project Description Size Pressure Zone Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Roadway Utility Betterment Projects 8158.001 8158.002 8158.003 3212.16 3212.064 3212.123 3212.151 5815.002 7487.002 3212.093 3212.178 3212.18 3212.183 3212.163 3212.193 3212.104 3212.179 3rd St. Reconstruction Phase 3 - Congress Ave. to Guadalupe St. 3rd St Phase 2 - Congress Ave to Brazos St & San Jacinto Blvd to Trinity St 3rd St. Phase 1 - Brazos St. to San Jacinto Blvd. TxDOT IH 35 South Waterline Relocation: SH71/Ben White Blvd to SH 45 SE Harris Branch Parkway/Cameron Rd. Water Lines Relocation CTRMA/TxDOT Utility Relocation: US290E Manor Expressway TxDOT IH 35 Waterline Relocation: Rundberg to 290 East Segment Triangle - Infrastructure Incentives Braker Ln Extension from Dessau Rd. to Samsung Blvd (City Funded) Howard Lane Projects TxDOT Loop 360 at Westlake Drive Water & Wastewater Relocation TxDOT Loop 360 at Spicewood Springs Road Water & Wastewater Relocation TxDOT 360 at RM2222 and Courtyard Water and Wastewater Relocation TxDOT IH 35 North (16) Project WL Relocation: SH 45 N to US 290 TXDOT FM 734 (Parmer Ln) Relocation: FM 620 to Whitestone Blvd. Manchaca Rd-Ravenscroft to FM 1626 TxDOT US 290 at Oak Hill Parkway Water & Wastewater Lines Relocation 12" 12" 12" 16"/24" 12" 16/24" 24" 16" 24" 30" 24" 36" 12" 12"/16"/24" Central Central/South Central Central North North North North North Northwest A Northwest A Northwest A Northwest A 12"/16"/24"/36"/48" Northwest A/North 2027 $3,916 Northwest B $6,829 $7,266 16" 12"/16"/24"/30" South Southwest A/B/C $2,297 $1,393 $2,444 $0 2019 2019 2015 2026 2012 2016 2020 2005 2026 2012 2024 2028 2027 2024 2013 2027 $1,008 $514 $749 $0 $113 $124 $252 $1,575 $168 $413 $5,594 $1,027 $6,513 $2,988 $1,331 $0 $131 $268 $0 $178 $440 $0 $1,093 $0 $0 $0 $0 CIP-10 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering,or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relativelocation of property boundaries. This product has been produced by Austin Water for the sole purpose ofgeographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness.3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TPULLRICH WTPDAVIS WTPBERL L.HANDCOXSR. WTP¯024MilesMap 1A - Overall Extent2023 Impact Fee CIPMajor W FacilitiesCity of AustinAustin WaterDecember 2022Produced by Systems PlanningCIP Pump StationCIP Reservoir3TPCIP Water Treatment PlantCIP Water PipesExisting Pump StationExisting Reservoir3TPExisting Water Treatment PlantExisting Water Pipes 24" - 60"Existing Water Pipes Greater than 60"2023 Impact Fee Boundary UpdateCIP-11DRAFTThis product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering,or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relativelocation of property boundaries. This product has been produced by Austin Water for the sole purpose ofgeographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness.3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TPULLRICHWTPBERL L.HANDCOXSR. WTP3212.1783353.0073212.1933353.0423212.1632231.2143353.0385038.0022028.0012937.0015335.0015028.0063353.0091086.002844.0013353.0333212.1336935.0033353.0192090.0033353.0693353.1066960.001793.0013212.1233353.0183353.0653353.0283212.0933041.0011086.0014814.0023212.1833212.1366935.021793.0021168.0035028.0025028.0045403.0013353.0994814.0035815.0022090.0054814.0013353.0323212.1513353.0276935.0373212.186935.0333353.0943353.0956935.0163353.1276935.0226935.0397487.0026935.0315335.0016683.0023353.0185038.0012006.0032006.0034814.0032127.0122127.0126683.016683.0136683.0143353.127¯01.53MilesMap 1B - North Extent2023 Impact Fee CIPMajor W FacilitiesCity of AustinAustin WaterProduced by Systems PlanningDecember 2022CIP Pump StationCIP Reservoir3TPCIP Water Treatment PlantCIP Water PipesExisting Pump StationExisting Reservoir3TPExisting Water Treatment PlantExisting Water Pipes 24" - 60"Existing Water Pipes Greater than 60"2023 Impact Fee Boundary UpdateCIP-12DRAFTThis product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering,or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relativelocation of property boundaries. This product has been produced by Austin Water for the sole purpose ofgeographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness.3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TPULLRICHWTP3212.1796937.0216937.0133353.0722231.1576055.0043353.0746937.0146937.022937.0016937.0224800.0215335.0016937.0236937.0183901.0013353.1063871.0013353.0626937.0176937.0053898.0018158.0033825.0013212.1333353.0493353.0523353.0696937.016935.0213212.163617.0012231.2142097.0012231.1556937.0116937.0243212.1361168.0035028.0043212.1045403.0013212.1693876.0013353.0253353.0596937.0194814.0014800.0226935.0593353.13212.1863353.1176959.0013353.0963353.0956937.0163353.1276935.0615335.0014800.0054800.016937.0053353.0253353.0082127.0338702.0033353.1173353.127¯01.53MilesMap 1C - South Extent2023 Impact Fee CIPMajor W FacilitiesCity of AustinAustin WaterProduced by Systems PlanningDecember 2022CIP Pump StationCIP Reservoir3TPCIP Water Treatment PlantCIP Water PipesExisting Pump StationExisting Reservoir3TPExisting Water Treatment PlantExisting Water Pipes 24" - 60"Existing Water Pipes Greater than 60"2023 Impact Fee Boundary UpdateCIP-13DRAFTTable 2 Wastewater Impact Fee Projects (Costs in 1000s) SubProjectID Project Description Size Drainage Basin Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost City Construction 1600gpmLS/18"gravity/15"gravity 1700 gpm 2026 2,419 3168.109 3168.138 2231.327 3168.057 3168.085 3168.118 6943.029 6943.032 6943.087 6943.025 6943.034 6943.069 4769.008 7265.061 3168.037 Marbridge Lift Station Improvements Southland Oaks Lift Station Wet Well Conversion Bull Creek Basin Wastewater Pipelines Renewal Rock Harbour Lift Station Improvements Northwest Area Lift Station Improvements: Boulder Lane Lift Station Northwest Area Lift Station Improvements: Four Points Center Lift Station Barrington Way Force Main Reroute and Gravity System Upgrade Four Points Center Forcemain Improvements Boulder Lane at Crossland Drive Wastewater Improvements Boggy Creek Lift Station Force Main Extension Carson Creek Basin Wastewater Line Improvements Ponca Street Wastewater Improvements Wildhorse Northwest Interceptor Phase 2 Dessau WWTP Interim Improvements Pearce Lane Lift Station Upgrade 430 gpm 2100 gpm 18"/24" 2387 gpm 12" FM 15" 15" 36" FM 18"/24" 18" 12"/18"/21"/24"/27"/30" Decker/Gilleland 10" FM / 0.73 MGD LS 900 gpm exp Dessau Dry South Bear Bear Bull Bull Bull Bull Bull Bull Bull Carson Carson Carson 2016 2026 2019 2026 2027 2017 2018 2029 2027 2022 2030 2013 2022 2014 6,426 6,837 27 2,186 258 5,351 2,638 200 1,836 2,649 712 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 757 CIP-14 1,357 1,444 13,685 13,521 2,833 3,014 SubProjectID Project Description Size Drainage Basin Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost 4500 gpm Dry South 2021 125 0 City Construction 3168.059 South Area Lift Station Improvements: Pearce Lane Upgrades NE AREA INTERIM WWTP Wildhorse North Interceptor Wildhorse North Interceptor Ext No. of 290 Wild Horse Ranch Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Downtown Wastewater Tunnel Harpers Branch Creek Wastewater Interceptor ACWP-govalle 2-Harpers Branch WW Replacement Fort Dessau Harris Branch Interceptor Lower A Upper Harris Branch Wastewater Interceptor - Phase 1 Upper Harris Branch Wastewater Interceptor - Phase 2 Dessau Wastewater Treatment Plant Relief Interceptor Purchase of Dessau Utilities Harris Branch Interceptor Lower B Parmer Lane Interceptor ACWP - Little Walnut/Buttermilk @ 290 & 183 ACWP-Little Walnut/Buttermilk @ Centre Creek ACWP - Little Walnut/Buttermilk - South 4769.002 4769.006 4769.015 7265.004 5481.001 6943.043 4926.100 3353.102 4769.010 4769.011 4769.022 4769.023 7265.002 4769.018 6943.004 4926.021 4926.023 4926.028 20"FM/30"gravity/0.75 MGD plant 8"/18"/36" 42" 1.5 MGD exp 42"/48"/54"/78"/90" 15"/18" 18"/24"/FM/750gpmLS 12"/30"/36" 42" 30" 42" 42" Gilleland Gilleland Gilleland Gilleland Govalle/SAR Harpers Branch Harpers Branch Harris Branch Harris Branch Harris Branch Harris Branch Harris Branch Harris Branch .5 MGD plant/4100 gpm LS/16" FM/284 gpm LS/6"FM 36" 42" 42" Harris Branch/Gilleland Lake Creek/Rattan Little Walnut 42" 8"/42"/60" Little Walnut Little Walnut 2008 2005 2015 2030 2015 2025 2009 2016 2018 2028 2028 2029 2006 2016 2021 2010 2009 2009 8,763 9,324 2,369 3,693 2,520 3,929 45,572 48,170 57,722 1,116 52,686 0 8,392 8,930 1,417 8,006 19,092 1,508 8,518 20,314 22,842 24,304 240 2,095 6,580 37,989 1,979 0 0 947 38,615 2,105 4,776 5,082 17,039 11,838 CIP-15 SubProjectID Project Description Size Drainage Basin Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost City Construction 5754.086 6943.080 Little Walnut Creek - Flood Risk Reduction from Metric to Rutland Park Village Drive Wastewater Improvements 13275.002 Wastewater Upsize and Relocation at Rundberg Ln & Delta Dr- McKalla Station Concordia Neighborhood Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Project Boggy Creek LS Upgrade Gonzales Lift Station Abandonment South Area Lift Station Improvements: Springfield Lift Station Abandonment So. IH35 W/WW Infrastructure Improvs PMC S I-35, Onion Creek Wastewater Interceptor - Rinard to Slaughter (N Tunnel) S I-35, Onion Creek Golf Course WW Int - I 35 to Rinard (South Tunnel) S I-35, Onion Creek Wastewater Tie- in Line - Phase 1 FM 973 Wastewater Line Improvements ACWP-Govalle 4-Waller Pedernales WW Imprvs SAR Expansion & Improvements Project SAR Lift Station Interconnect Tunnel SAR Train C South SAR Train C North 2231.401 3168.043 3168.077 3168.125 6937.003 6937.025 6937.026 6937.027 6943.035 4926.097 3333.001 3333.005 3333.006 3333.007 12"/15"/18"/30" 18"/24" 42" 12" 25 MGD 18" 36" PMC 54" 42" 24" 36" 15"/18" 25 MGD exp 25 MGD exp 25 MGD exp 25 MGD exp Little Walnut Little Walnut Little Walnut Lower Boggy Lower Boggy Lower Boggy Onion Onion Onion Onion Onion Onion Pedernales SAR WWTP SAR WWTP SAR WWTP SAR WWTP 2024 2027 2025 2030 2016 2018 2030 2013 2017 2016 2012 2018 2012 2006 2006 2006 2006 3,138 4,390 527 0 0 0 1,091 1,161 4,120 1,960 4,359 4,384 0 0 4,516 4,120 13,503 14,367 10,843 11,537 2,410 2,564 1,967 0 16,165 17,199 19,262 20,494 3,941 29,426 28,497 4,194 24,745 27,285 CIP-16 SubProjectID Project Description Size Drainage Basin Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost City Construction 25 MGD exp SAR WWTP 13,276 14,126 Slaughter 2,449 2,605 12"/15"/24"/36" Upper Boggy 3333.008 6943.055 6943.045 2231.307 2231.455 4926.037 6943.075 2231.122 5815.002 3168.039 3023.003 3023.017 3023.019 3023.046 3023.059 4579.001 6943.026 SAR New Electrical Substation and Miscellaneous Areas Southland Oaks Wastewater Improvements Upper Boggy West - Cherrywood Wastewater Line Improvements Rosedale North Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Phase 2 Burrell Drive Wastewater Improvements ACWP - Shoal Creek WW Improvements / 29th to 34th St. Cameron Road Wastewater Improvements Airport at Chesterfield Wastewater Improvements Triangle - Infrastructure Incentives Waters Park Relief Main Walnut Creek WWTP Walnut Creek WWTP 75 MGD Upgrade Walnut Creek WWTP Headworks Improvements Walnut Creek WWTP Expansion to 100 Million Gallons Per Day Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Influent Lift Station WALNUT CREEK WWTP, PH III Barton Creek Plaza Lift Station Downstream Improvements South Lamar Boulevard Corridor: Barton Springs Road to US 290 30" 12" 12" 8"/12"/66" 18"/30" 18" 36" 15 MGD exp 15 MGD exp 25 MGD Upper Shoal Upper Shoal Upper Shoal Upper Waller Walnut Walnut WWTP Walnut WWTP Walnut WWTP Upper Tannehill 6,896 0 12"/15"/18"/24" Upper Waller 9,544 1,738 2007 2022 2027 2023 2020 2006 2028 2015 2006 2018 2004 2004 2028 2029 2027 2004 2026 2026 6,978 921 0 0 1,210 1,287 12,429 13,225 1,193 6,488 20,474 27,614 1,269 6,903 21,784 18,739 46,898 49,899 CIP-17 25 MGD EXP Walnut WWTP 472,989 486,506 18 MGD (Ph 1), 23 MGD (Ph 2) Walnut WWTP 12,961 0 15 MGD exp 15"/24" Walnut WWTP West Bouldin 15,483 5,310 16,474 0 11887.003 12"/15"/18"/24" West Bouldin 1,918 2,040 SubProjectID Project Description Size Drainage Basin Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost City Construction Developer Reimbursements 2231.320 6943.031 6943.071 6943.073 3353.054 3353.071 3351.001 3353.013 3353.028 3353.125 3353.096 3353.103 3353.118 3353.101 3353.076 3353.077 3353.095 3041.001 Westgate Neighborhood Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Williamson Creek Wastewater Interceptor Pino Lane Wastewater Improvements Stassney Lane and Teri Road Wastewater Improvements Marbridge Farms Wastewater Rancho Alto Ventures Cullen/Southland Acquisition Metro Center Services Extension Wild Horse Ranch Entrada Subdivision Formula One United States Moore's Crossing MUD Lift Station Interceptor WW Service Extension Plan Longview Offsite Utilities Phase 1 Bellingham Meadows/Wm. Wallace Way Lift Station Wastewater Relief Main Wildhorse Addition Scots Glen Whisper Valley and Indian Hills Public Improvement Districts Davis Springs Reimbursement 3168.024 3168.029 Balcones LS Relief - Phase I & 3A Balcones LS Relief - Phase IIIC 12"/15" 66"/72" 18" 24" 16" FM 15"/18" 350 gpm LS 481 gpm LS, FM 12"FM/18" 24" 8"/12"/18"/21"/24"/27"/36" 8" FM / 0.97 MGD LS 30" 21" Bear Bear Bear/Slaughter Carson Decker/Gilleland Dessau Dry South Dry South Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Dry South Gilleland Gilleland Gilleland Gilleland Lake Creek Lake Creek Lake Creek 2030 2029 2027 2027 2007 2008 1997 2000 2018 2023 2016 2017 2022 2017 2009 2009 2024 1996 2005 2002 5,002 0 64,458 68,583 1,254 1,373 1,334 1,461 217 442 761 151 4,090 1,128 6,267 75 2 2,339 793 845 1,921 231 470 0 0 4,352 0 0 80 0 2,489 843 1 2,044 2,042 603 1,775 1,577 1,091 1,678 CIP-18 12"/18" 18" 30"Gravity/LS/0.1 MGD TP 21"Gravity/16"FM/3600gpmLS #1 8"/12"/18"/24" 18"/24" SubProjectID Project Description Size Drainage Basin Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Developer Reimbursements 3353.091 3353.093 3353.122 5028.005 3353.049 3353.119 3353.126 3353.107 3353.084 3353.062 3353.117 3353.016 5028.003 5028.007 3353.115 5028.007 3353.007 3353.011 3353.123 3353.112 3353.006 Pearson Avery Ranch Lakeline Condos-Gencap Partners SER 2846 Pearson Ranch West SER RMMA Redevelopment South WW Improvements (SER 2281) Robertson Hill Development 116 Ac Thaxton Road Tract Stillwater Old San Antonio Rd Bella Fortuna Wastewater Interceptor (formerly Buratti Subdivision) Legends Way Zachary Scott Tract SER Turner's Crossing Akin High School Reimbursement RMMA-Airport Rd WW Improvs Phase Two (SER 2279) RMMA Redevelopment Catellus SER #2263 Austin Community College Wastewater Line E (SER-3145) RMMA SE WW Improvements (SER 2282) Jourdan's Crossing Service Extension Dell 18 East Parke Subdivision Phase 1 Lift Station Del Curto Road Wastewater Improvements (SER-3486R2) Travis Country Service Extension 12/24/FM/1100gpmLS 8"/15" gravity/10"FM/1100gpmLS Lake Creek Lake Creek 1900gpmLS/24"gravity/30"gravity 15" Lake Creek Lower Tannehill 12" 30"/1710 gpm LS/24" 815 gpm/8" FM 18"/21" 30" 36" 12" FM/1710 gpm LS/24" 18" 15"/18"/24" 12"/15" 24"/30" 15"/30" 15" 21" 12"/18"/36"/48" 18" 10"FM/1600gpmLS Lower Waller Marble Onion Onion/Rinard Rinard Rinard Rinard Slaughter Upper Boggy Upper Boggy Upper Tannehill Upper Tannehill Walnut Walnut Walnut West Bouldin Williamson 2016 2014 2022 2008 2008 2023 2023 2022 2016 2012 2024 2000 2009 2012 2022 2012 1998 2000 2022 2017 1997 2,827 1,341 2,200 1,397 693 13,594 1,931 1,022 1,905 8,249 1,052 459 2,135 2,406 652 2,787 306 41 3,008 1,427 2,341 1,487 738 0 2,054 1,088 2,027 6,320 0 0 2,271 0 0 2,965 325 43 CIP-19 474 504 2,390 2,543 5,715 3,379 SubProjectID Project Description Capital Investment in Brushy Creek Regional Wastewater System Drainage Basin Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Brushy Creek 2016 998 1,062 2.47 MGD exp Brushy Creek 2023 45,041 47,924 Roadway Utility Betterment Projects 6943.033 7265.040 3212.057 3212.116 3212.136 3212.137 3212.163 11886.005 11891.003 Brushy Creek WW Improvements- Southwest Interceptor/Lake Creek Interceptor Brushy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Participation TxDOT Utility Relocation: FM 973 at Colorado River Hwy 290 & Airport Blvd WWL Relocation TxDOT Utility Relocation: US 183 Bergstrom Expressway (US 290 to SH 71) TxDOT Utility Relocation: SH 71 East of US 183 to Onion Creek - Toll Road TxDOT IH 35 North (16) Project WL Relocation: SH 45 N to US 290 Airport Boulevard - MLK Jr. Blvd to US 183 E MLK Jr Blvd / FM 969 - US 183 to Decker LN Size 36" 10" FM 15" 24"/30" 15" 24" 12"/15" Colorado River Upper Tannehill Lower Boggy/Colorado/Carson Onion Little Walnut Lower Boggy 2017 2014 2019 2018 2022 2025 2027 1,559 1,659 399 425 5,222 5,556 1,753 1,865 3,916 470 2,821 0 0 0 24"/30"/36" Walnut/Johnny Morris CIP-20 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering,or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relativelocation of property boundaries. This product has been produced by Austin Water for the sole purpose ofgeographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness.3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TPEAST BRUSHY CREEKREGIONAL WWTPHORNSBYBEND BMPLOST CREEKWWTPTHOROUGHBREDFARMS WWTPRIVERPLACEWWTPWALNUTCREEK WWTPBALCONES WWTPDESSAU WWTPWILD HORSEWWTPWEST BRUSHY CREEKREGIONAL WWTPSOUTH AUSTINREGIONAL WWTPPEARCELANE WWTPTAYLORLANE WWTP¯024MilesMap 2A - Overall Extent2023 Impact Fee CIPMajor WW FacilitiesCity of AustinAustin WaterDecember 2022Produced by Systems PlanningCIP Lift Station3TPCIP WW Treatment PlantCIP Wastewater Pipes3TPExisting City WW Treatment PlantExisting Wastewater Pipes 24"-48"Existing Wastewater Pipes Greater than 48"2023 Impact Fee Boundary UpdateCIP-21DRAFTThis product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering,or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relativelocation of property boundaries. This product has been produced by Austin Water for the sole purpose ofgeographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness.3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TPEAST BRUSHY CREEKREGIONAL WWTPLOST CREEKWWTPRIVERPLACEWWTPWALNUT CREEK WWTPBALCONESWWTPDESSAUWWTPWILD HORSEWWTPWEST BRUSHY CREEKREGIONAL WWTPTAYLORLANE WWTP3168.0396943.0334769.016943.0044769.0022231.1223353.1017265.0613353.0933353.1223353.0953212.1636943.085028.0074926.0373353.0284769.0062231.3076943.0293168.0293353.0113168.0243353.0495754.0864926.0214769.0185481.0014926.0975815.0022231.3273353.0765028.00311886.0056943.0754769.00827.76694769.0153351.1222231.4012231.3323353.00713275.00223.76423353.1236943.0534926.0286943.0324769.0114769.0223041.0013353.0933353.0913353.1023023.0174579.0013023.0034769.0027265.0023023.0463168.0573168.0857265.0047265.043353.0953168.1183168.0433023.0593353.1257265.0613353.1223353.123¯01.53MilesMap 2B - North Extent2023 Impact Fee CIPMajor WW FacilitiesCity of AustinAustin WaterProduced by Systems PlanningDecember 2022CIP Lift Station3TPCIP WW Treatment PlantCIP Wastewater Pipes3TPExisting City WW Treatment PlantExisting Wastewater Pipes 24"-48"Existing Wastewater Pipes Greater than 48"2023 Impact Fee Boundary UpdateCIP-22DRAFTThis product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering,or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relativelocation of property boundaries. This product has been produced by Austin Water for the sole purpose ofgeographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness.3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TP3TPHORNSBYBEND BMPLOST CREEKWWTPTHOROUGHBREDFARMS WWTPWALNUT CREEK WWTPSOUTH AUSTINREGIONAL WWTPPEARCELANE WWTPTAYLORLANE WWTP3353.1183212.0573353.0966937.0256943.0746937.0264926.0373353.1073353.0543353.0956943.0353353.1033353.0625028.00785.08363353.0496943.0734534.0013212.1366943.0264926.15481.00188.05536943.0556943.0713353.0136943.0344926.0283212.1374926.0972231.3285.07776943.0433168.0775028.00311886.0054221.00111887.0032231.4014292.0014197.0013353.0063353.1193168.1253353.1266943.0256943.0313168.1383168.1093023.0174579.0013023.0033023.0463353.0953168.0593353.0543333.0013333.0053333.0063333.0073333.0083351.0013168.0373168.0433353.0713353.1173023.0593353.1193353.126316.43353.123¯01.53MilesMap 2C - South Extent2023 Impact Fee CIPMajor WW FacilitiesCity of AustinAustin WaterProduced by Systems PlanningDecember 2022CIP Lift Station3TPCIP WW Treatment PlantCIP Wastewater Pipes3TPExisting City WW Treatment PlantExisting Wastewater Pipes 24"-48"Existing Wastewater Pipes Greater than 48"2023 Impact Fee Boundary UpdateCIP-23DRAFTTable 3 Future Growth Projects in the Capital Improvements Program Capital Improvement Projects Targeted to Meet Long-Range Future Needs Timing uncertain, or beyond 2030, or not serving new users in 10-year planning horizon SUBPROJECT ID 2006.013 2006.031 2127.022 2127.031 6935.001 6935.005 6935.013 6935.015 6935.018 6935.024 6935.026 6935.029 6935.03 6935.04 6935.089 3333.021 6943.003 6943.023 6943.041 6943.056 6943.059 6943.061 6943.062 6943.065 6943.067 6943.07 6943.074 7265.019 (All costs in 1000s of dollars) SUBPROJECT NAME Far South Pressure Zone Pump Station Martin Hill Pump Station Far South Pressure Zone Elevated Tank Martin Hill Elevated Reservoir Davis Medium Service Water Transmission Main Springdale Road/US 183/Hwy 71 Transmission Main Forest Ridge/North West Austin Transmission Main Highway 183 - Pilot Knob Pump Station Water Supply Transmission Main FM 969: Decker Lane (FM 3177) to Hunters Bend Road Water Line North Zone Water Transmission Main IH-35 to Braker Lane Moore Rd Transmission Main FM 812 Transmission Main Harris Branch Pkwy/Cameron Rd 24-inch Transmission Main Westlake/West Rim Water System Improvements North Zone Transmission Main Braker Lane to Howard Lane Pump Station Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant Headworks Improvements South Austin Regional WWTP Expansion to 100 Million Gallons per Day Upper Tannehill Wastewater Interceptor Improvements: Berkman Drive Lower Waller Interceptor Barrington Oaks Downstream Gravity Improvements Phase 2 Upper Tannehill Wastewater Improvements: Morris Williams Upper Boggy West Wastewater Line Improvements - Phase 2 Sendero Hills Wastewater Improvements Phase I Sendero Hills Wastewater Improvements Phase II Upper Tannehill Wastewater Interceptor Improvements Phase 3: Creekwood Road Upper Walnut North Mopac Wastewater Improvements Comal Street Wastewater Improvements Phase 1 Country Club Wastewater Improvements Taylor Lane WWTP Expansion to 2.0 MGD COST 5,100 24,562 5,100 4,950 138,000 8,000 18,625 9,350 3,700 36,400 6,473 6,800 5,099 1,080 53,700 COST 19,362 346,000 16,496 4,843 4,020 12,512 3,880 2,808 3,085 6,590 6,700 4,211 3,871 20,000 WATER DEPT 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 WASTEWATER DEPT 2307 SUBPROJECT ID 3164.075 SUBPROJECT NAME CIP-24 Table 4 Projects Removed from Previous Impact Fee Listing (All costs in 1000s of dollars) Removed Water Impact Fee Projects SubProject ID 3612.001 3618.001 3620.001 3626.001 3628.001 3761.001 3769.001 3212.196 2963.001 13275.001 2127.036 2088.001 3779.001 3783.001 82.224 2939.001 2014.001 3897.001 6935.019 3616.001 2032.001 Project Description Green WTP Transmission Main East Austin Transmission Main East Austin Reservoir Bluff Springs (Pilot Knob) Reservoir South Central Transmission Main Green WTP Transmission Main South Bluff Springs Transmission Main II TxDOT FM 973 From FM 969 to Thyne Moore's Crossing Reservoir & Transmission Main Project Connect - Austin Water Utility Support Aquifer Storage and Recovery Pilot Parmer Ln/Howard Ln Transmission Main Northtown Transmission Main East Austin Pump Station 82/22-40 Howard Lane Reservoirs (NCAGC-MUD) Dessau Rd Transmission Main Martin Hill - Northwest A Pressure Zone Reservoir Jollyville Pump Station Parmer & 620 Interconnect Anderson Mill Reservoir Four Points Reservoir Size 60" 66" 12 MG 10 MG 48" 48" 36" 24" 36" 48" 48" 55 MGD 20 MG 16" 34 MG 45 MGD 24" 3 MG 8 MG 8"/12"/16"/24" /36"/48"/66" Pressure Zone Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central/ North/ South Entire System North North North North North Northwest A 1987 1989 1988 2026 1990 2029 2027 1989 1988 1989 1987 1990 1988 1989 Northwest B 2021 Northwest B 1989 Northwest B Northwest C 1988 Completion Date 1989 1989 1987 1989 Cost to Build $4,049 $8,203 $2,141 $2,139 $4,578 $1,572 $1,913 Reason Completed in 1989 Completed in 1989 Completed in 1987 Completed in 1989 Completed in 1987 Completed in 1989 Completed in 1988 Easement issues with TXDOT $2,402 Completed in 1990 Moved to future, see Table 3 Moved to future, see Table 3 $3,593 Completed in 1989 $610 $1,974 $3,824 $934 $10,018 $6,751 $2,220 $4,149 $5,194 Completed in 1988 Completed in 1989 Completed in 1987 Completed in 1990 Completed in 1988 Completed in 1989 Completed in 2021 Completed in 1989 Completed in 1988 CIP-25 SubProject ID 3889.001 3766.001 1001.001 2006.059 6935.077 6935.078 85.2265 85.2276 85.2279 1987.0508 1987.0627 85.2277 85.2278 1000.001 1988.0628 2127.016 6935.025 3859.001 Project Description Canyon Creek 30" Transmission Main S IH-35 Transmission Main Davis Lane Reservoir SO-MUD (Add 10 to 20 MG) Center Street Pump Station Replacement and Electrical Improvements Oltorf at Travis Heights Pressure Zone Improvements Oltorf at Parker Lane Pressure Zone Improvements Southwest A Site Development CC#3-MUD 85/22-65 Davis Lane Pump Station (VWO-MUD) 85/22-76 SWA Storage Tank (Slaughter Lane, MR-MUD) 85/22-79 SWA TM Phases 1,1A,2,3,4A,4B (MR-MUD) Davis Lane TM (PS discharge, SO-MUD) SWA 48" Interconnector (MR- MUD) 85/22-77 Southwest B 36" Transmission Main (CC#3-MUD) 85/22-78 Southwest B Pump Station (CC#3 MUD) Southwest B Reservoir #1 (CC#3- MUD) Southwest B 16" Trans Main (CC#3-MUD) Southwest Parkway Southwest B Elevated Reservoir Southwest Parkway Transmission Main Windmill Run Southwest B Transmission Main Size 30" 36" 10 MG 56 MGD 6 MG 12" 12" n/a 48" 48" 48" 36" 2 MG 16" 2 MG 24" 36" Completion Pressure Zone Date Northwest C 1987 Cost to Build $1,231 Reason Completed in 1987 $2,812 $1,819 Completed in 1988 Completed in 1988 South South South South South 1988 1988 2030 2026 2027 1988 1988 1988 Southwest A/B/C Southwest A/B/C Southwest A/B/C Southwest A/B/C Southwest A/B/C Southwest A/B/C Southwest B 1988 1987 1987 1987 Moved to future, see Table 3 Moved to future, see Table 3 Moved to future, see Table 3 $266 Completed in 1988 $5,758 Completed in 1988 $1,256 Completed in 1988 $4,501 Completed in 1987 $220 Completed in 1987 $1,016 Completed in 1987 $1,130 Completed in 1988 Southwest B 1988 $1,903 Completed in 1988 Southwest B 1988 $197 Completed in 1988 Southwest B 2027 Moved to future, see Table 3 Southwest B 2027 Moved to future, see Table 3 Southwest B 1990 $1,962 Completed in 1990 CIP-26 22 MGD Southwest B 1988 $2,290 Completed in 1988 Removed Wastewater Impact Fee Projects (All costs in 1000s of dollars) SubProject ID 3168.076 3168.139 6943.041 3212.151 3353.105 3353.067 7265.014 27.7669 87.0704 4197.001 4292.001 89.0506 8223.131 8223.132 8223.132 8223.135 23.7642 Project Description South Area Lift Station Improvements: Barton Creek Plaza Travis Country Lift Station Improvement - Pump Installation Barrington Oaks Downstream Gravity Improvements Phase 2 TxDOT IH 35 Water and Wastewater line Relocation: Rundberg to 290E Segment Finspeed 30-Inch Offsite Wastewater Line Austin Blue Sky Investments, Inc. SER 2271 Dessau WWTP Expansion to 0.99 MGD Lake Creek Wastewater System Improvements Contracts 1&2 (LS at capacity) Onion Creek Int Phase 3 (Slaught. To Boggy) SO-MUD ONION CRK INTRCPTR ONION CK INTER EXIST- BOGGY CK South Branch Interceptor and Extension CC#4 MUD North Bank Upper Slaughter Cr.Int. A&B CC#3 MUD Slaughter Creek Interceptor Phases 1, 2A & 2B CC#3 MUD Slaughter Creek Interceptor 1 & 2 SO-MUD Slaughter Tunnel SO-MUD Upper Walnut Creek Int Phases 3A,3B,4&5 NCAGC-MUD Size 1MGD 2400 gpm 15" 30" .49 MGD EXP 30"/36"/42"/48" 54" 54" 54" 36" 48" 21"/30" 48"/54" 8"/12"/18" Buttermilk 2019 310 12"Gravity/12"FM/1000gpmLS Elm Creek 2006 680 Capacity Utilized by 2020 Dry South 2018 SER Expired Drainage Basin Barton Completion Date 2019 Cost to Build 0 Barton Bull 2017 2024 Harris Branch Lake Creek Onion Onion Onion 2021 1989 1988 1988 1989 0 0 0 0 3,627 2,935 1,965 2,351 1,295 1,650 9,280 701 3,442 6,253 Reason Project Replaced by Alternative Improved with O&M Budget Moved to Long Range Plan Project Replaced by Alternative Project Replaced by Alternative No longer paying interest No longer paying interest No longer paying interest No longer paying interest CIP-27 Slaughter 1988 No longer paying interest Slaughter 1988 No longer paying interest Slaughter 1990 No longer paying interest Slaughter 1990 No longer paying interest 54" 12"/16"/30"/36"/42"/48" Slaughter Walnut 1988 1987 No longer paying interest No longer paying interest SubProject ID 85.0777 85.0836 88.0553 4221.001 4534.001 Project Description Williamson Creek 30" WW Interceptor MR-MUD South Williamson Trunk Phases 1 and 2 VWO-MUD North Williamson Creek Int & Easements VWO MUD WILLIAMSON CREEK INT PH II OAK HILL BR. OF WMSON.CRK.INTER Size 30" 15"/24" 42" 42" 30" Drainage Basin Williamson Completion Date 1989 Cost to Build 500 Reason No longer paying interest Williamson 1989 No longer paying interest Williamson 1989 No longer paying interest Williamson Williamson 1989 1989 No longer paying interest No longer paying interest 919 3,097 820 1,533 CIP-28 III. IMPACT FEE FACILITIES AND FEE CALCULATION METHODOLOGY The facilities that provide the bulk of water and wastewater capacity for new growth in Austin's service area are listed in Tables 1 and 2 (and again in Tables 8 and 9 in Section VI). They were selected from the complete list of planned projects, including the major facilities built with contract bonds and developer contract reimbursements, according to the following criteria: Has the predominant function of serving new growth rather than existing customers; Does not provide repair, operation, or maintenance of existing facilities; Does not upgrade, expand, or replace existing facilities serving existing development in order to meet stricter safety, environmental or regulatory standards. These Impact Fee projects represent the individual projects that provide capacity necessitated by new development projected to occur within the next ten years. As shown in Table 1 and Table 2, most are already built as part of the City’s CIP program, with only a portion not yet constructed. Impact fee facilities are shown graphically in Map 1 and Map 2. To determine the costs of projects attributable to new growth, the Texas Impact Fee Act outlines the following process based on quantifying the demand versus capacity relationship for projects in service areas: 1. Determine capacity of the project in service units and cost per service unit; 2. Determine future demand (capacity used up) for the project in service units for the ten-year planning period; 3. Determine the impact project cost attributable to new growth, which is the cost per service unit (step 1) multiplied by the planning period demand (step 2). 4. Determine the cost per service unit by dividing the summation of the costs of the capital improvements (step 3) by the total number of projected service units for the ten-year planning period from the Land Use Assumptions. The complex part of this methodology is step 2, determining the capacity that will be used in an individual project during the planning period. One might add up the cost per service unit of each project to come up with a fee. This would be invalid because each new user does not use a service unit of capacity in every new project and would result in double counting. Instead, the spatial allocation of new users from the Land Use Assumptions must be used to estimate the actual usage of a given project. To implement this approach, the water and wastewater service areas were divided up into subareas: pressure zones for water and drainage areas for wastewater. Sets of projects are assigned to each subarea, and the capacity addition to the subarea system is then defined. The assumption is made that each new user in a subarea uses a service unit of the available capacity associated with the selected set of Impact Fee projects in that subarea. The structure of Tables 8 and 9 illustrates this subarea methodology. Calculation of the impact fee is not sensitive to the length of the planning period or the number of new growth users as long as all projects have more than enough capacity for growth (in excess of capacity serving existing users) in the planning period. The calculation is more sensitive to the location of new users. If a large proportion of new users are projected to locate in areas with high cost per service unit for impact fee facilities, the calculated impact fee is correspondingly higher. If instead, more are projected to locate in areas with few or lower cost impact fee facilities, the calculated fee will be lower. CIP-29 IV. SERVICE UNIT DEMAND AND CAPACITY RELATIONSHIPS Water Service Unit Equivalency For 2020, the total estimated residential water pumpage of 90.2 million gallons per day (MGD) at 334 gallons per day per service unit equates to 270,458 residential service units. The total 2020 population divided by residential service units results in 4.00 residents per residential unit. Similarly, the number of residential and non-residential service units for 2020 and 2030 are presented in Table 5, along with the corresponding residents per residential service units and employees per non-residential service unit. Table 5 Land Use – Service Unit Equivalency Matrix for the Water System: Conversion for a Ten-Year Period Average Gallons / Day / Service Unit Residential Service Units Non- Residential Service Units Average Residents / Residential Service Unit 334 320 270,458 330,932 149,517 177,089 4.00 3.95 Year 2020 2030 Average Employees / Non- Residential Service Unit 4.71 4.68 Meter size selection usually involves a count of water-using fixtures and an analysis of the number of fixtures that may be used at one time, calculated by a builder, engineer or architect. The result is a determination of the flow characteristics of a structure, or other facility relating the land use, to continuous and maximum flow requirements, which in turn are compared against meter flow ratings to select a meter size. Thus, a given meter size reflects a user-defined level of use or consumption in terms of flow. The average daily flow of one service unit, defined above, was chosen as the basis of consumption in this analysis so that every customer charged an impact fee will be placed on a uniform, flow-based footing. This indicates that on an average, each meter purchaser would be expected to use about 334 gallons per day per service unit (gpd/su) in 2020 and 320 gpd/su in 2030 of meter capacity purchased. The corresponding maximum day and peak hour consumption (needed to determine the required capacity in facilities) are readily determined from the known relationships between these flows derived from flow measurements in the water pressure zones. Service Unit Conversion Factors: The foregoing basic service unit definitions are specific to magnitude and duration of flow, average daily pumpage in the case of water service units, and average daily flow for wastewater. Utility facilities are sized using varied design flow criteria appropriate for the type of infrastructure. To calculate the capacity of a given facility in service units the basic service unit value must be converted to the necessary design flow basis for that type of facility using the appropriate peaking factor relationship. These relationships are shown on Tables 6 and 7 along with the capacity sizing basis for each type of facility. Note for example, that for wastewater lift stations and force mains, a peaking factor of 4 is used to convert the basic wastewater service unit (298 gpd/su) to a wet weather peak basis, so that an infiltration and inflow flow component is factored into the calculation of service unit capacity. CIP-30 Service Unit Flow Definition: Q/SU -- annual average flow basis 2023 analysis: 334 gpd/SU for 2020 and 320 gpd/SU for 2030. Average used for capacity calculation = 327 gpd/SU 2018 analysis: 303 gpd/SU for 2015 and 295 gpd/SU for 2025. Average used for capacity calculation = 299 gpd/SU 2013 analysis: 388 gpd/SU for 2010 and 348 gpd/SU for 2020. Average used for capacity calculation = 368 gpd/SU Table 6 Water Service Unit Conversion Factors for Facility Capacity 2013 Peaking Factor 2013 Service Unit Flow gpd per SU 2018 Peaking Factor 2018 Service Unit Flow gpd per SU 2023 Peaking Factor 2023 Service Unit Flow gpd per SU 1.75 368 x 1.75 = 644 1.73 299 x 1.73 = 517 1.48 327 x 1.48 = 484 Facility Water Treatment Plant Pump Station Transmission Main NWC NWB NWA North Central South SWA SWB SWC NWC NWB NWA North Central South SWA SWB SWC Capacity Sizing Basis max day flow = plant rated capacity 1.25 x zone max day flow = pump station rated capacity " " " " " " " " " zone peak hour flow = pipe capacity at 5 fps " " " " " " " " " Storage Tank Reclaimed* Pump Station Storage Tank Transmission Main reclaimed peak hour flow 1.25 x reclaimed max day flow twice city volumetric criteria 200 gal/capita * Reclaimed flows assume 50% potable water offset 2.04 2.10 1.95 1.69 1.40 1.65 2.29 2.45 2.61 4.09 3.82 3.15 2.59 1.93 2.48 4.01 5.47 4.99 na 368 x 2.04 x 1.25 = 938 368 x 2.1 x 1.25 = 966 368 x 1.95 x 1.25 = 897 368 x 1.69 x 1.25 = 777 368 x 1.4 x 1.25 = 644 368 x 1.65 x 1.25 = 759 368 x 2.29 x 1.25 = 1053 368 x 2.45 x 1.25 = 1127 368 x 2.61 x 1.25 = 1201 368 x 4.09 = 1505 368 x 3.82 = 1406 368 x 3.15 = 1159 368 x 2.59 = 953 368 x 1.93 = 710 368 x 2.48 = 913 368 x 4.01 = 1476 368 x 5.47 = 2013 368 x 4.99 = 1836 1.58 2.09 1.76 1.71 1.77 1.68 2.02 2.60 1.47 2.48 3.50 3.19 2.09 2.21 1.93 3.12 7.12 2.11 na 299 x 1.58 x 1.25 = 590 299 x 2.09 x 1.25 = 782 299 x 1.76 x 1.25 = 660 299 x 1.71 x 1.25 = 639 299 x 1.77 x 1.25 = 661 299 x 1.68 x 1.25 = 629 299 x 2.02 x 1.25 = 755 299 x 2.6 x 1.25 = 972 299 x 1.47 x 1.25 = 551 299 x 2.48 = 742 299 x 3.5 = 1047 299 x 3.19 = 953 299 x 2.09 = 626 299 x 2.21 = 659 299 x 1.93 = 578 299 x 3.12 = 933 299 x 7.12 = 2130 299 x 2.11 = 631 1.80 1.63 1.68 1.37 1.46 1.64 1.79 1.96 2.80 3.30 2.88 2.34 1.63 1.64 1.85 2.53 3.42 3.58 na 1.81 2.75 na 327 x 1.8 x 1.25 = 734 327 x 1.63 x 1.25 = 664 327 x 1.68 x 1.25 = 688 327 x 1.37 x 1.25 = 561 327 x 1.46 x 1.25 = 595 327 x 1.64 x 1.25 = 669 327 x 1.79 x 1.25 = 731 327 x 1.96 x 1.25 = 801 327 x 2.8 x 1.25 = 1142 327 x 3.3 = 1077 327 x 2.88 = 940 327 x 2.34 = 766 327 x 1.63 = 532 327 x 1.64 = 536 327 x 1.85 = 606 327 x 2.53 = 826 327 x 3.42 = 1117 327 x 3.58 = 1169 654 x 1.81 x 1.25 = 1482 654 x 2.75 = 1795 2 x 515 gal/SU = 1030 city volumetric criteria 200 gal/capita 200gal/capita x 875,936 capita / 352,521 SU = 497 gal/SU 200gal/capita x 972,823 capita / 393,263 SU = 495 gal/SU 200gal/capita x 1,081,091 capita / 419,975 SU = 515 gal/SU CIP-31 Table 7 Wastewater Service Unit Conversion Factors for Facility Capacity Wastewater Facilities Wastewater Service Unit Flow Definition: Q/SE – annual average flow basis 2023 – weather normalized flow based – 272 gpd/SU 2018 – total annual 2015 influent flow to all WWTPs / total number of SU – 298 gpd/SU 2013 – weather normalized flow based – 287 gpd/SU 2006 – at 61.73% return flow = 275 gpd/SU 2001 – at 65% return flow = 318 gpd/SU Facility Capacity Sizing Basis Wastewater Treatment Plant annual average flow = plant rated capacity Interceptor Lift Station Force Main peak hour flow (5yr storm I/I) = 80% pipe full capacity (18” and larger) = 85% pipe full capacity (15” and smaller) peak hour flow (5yr storm I/I) = rated firm capacity peak hour flow (5yr storm I/I) = capacity at velocity of 6 fps 1 4 4 4 2018 Peaking Factor 2018 Service Unit Flow gpd per SU 298x1 = 298 2023 Peaking Factor 2023 Service Unit Flow gpd per SU 272x1 = 272 298x4=1192 272x4 = 1088 298x4=1192 272x4 = 1088 298x4=1192 272x4 = 1088 1 4 4 4 CIP-32 V. SERVICE UNIT DEMEAND PROJECTIONS The Land Use Assumptions provide the foundation for estimating the cost of capital improvements attributable to new growth by making it possible to quantify the demand for service from those improvements. As described in the Land Use Assumptions section of this update, population and employment data are distributed by Delphi Trends Imagine Austin (DTI) polygons within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. The DTI polygon distribution not only allows the Utility to allocate growth to the selected impact fee service area, but it also can be translated into demands in specific areas in the water and wastewater pipe networks using a geographic information system (GIS). The translation of population and employment demand data to flow based service units was described in the previous section. Land use data expressed in service units by Planning Area was included in Table 5 of the Land Use Assumptions. The DTI polygon information was allocated to water pressure zones and wastewater drainage areas to quantify demand by subarea. Demand sets for 2020 and 2030 were developed for the ten-year growth period. Demand projections describing the impact fee project subareas are presented in Tables 8 and 9. All water pressure zones include impact projects; and since they do not overlap, the ten-year growth summed by zones equals the system-wide growth total. Accounting for the growth service units in wastewater project drainage areas is more complex, since the drainage area of one interceptor project may be a subset of a downstream interceptor project drainage area. For example, the Slaughter Creek project drainage area is a subset of the Onion Creek project drainage area. Service unit totals by wastewater treatment plant drainage areas are also presented to indicate a system-wide total. VI. CAPACITY AND COST ATTRBUTABLE TO NEW GROWTH Water and Wastewater Capacity and Costs Table 8 for Water and Table 9 for Wastewater present the capacity and cost attributable to new growth according to the impact fee methodology outlined in Section III. The cost used in the impact fee calculation is simply the cost per service unit multiplied by the ten-year growth in service units derived from the land use assumptions for the subarea served by each set of facilities. The following outline illustrates the methodology used to calculate the maximum impact fees allowed by law. The letters of each item correspond to the lettered columns in Tables 8 and 9. A. The reference table to the Impact Fee project listing tables. B. Project ID. C. Project description. Columns A, B, and C are used to identify the Impact CIP projects. D. Project size (the design size of the facility). E. Pressure zone or drainage area. F. Completion date. G. Cost to build. The cost to build a given facility includes the cost to the City for land acquisition, engineering, and construction, along with related cost components. The cost is listed in thousands of dollars, and excludes interest. CIP-33 H. Interest cost. The law allows interest to be added into the cost of a project if the impact fee will be used to repay both principal and interest. The amount of debt service assigned to each project was calculated by AW using the following assumptions: all bonds for the selected impact fee capital improvements projects were sold at the same time, an interest rate of 5.5% was assumed and the term of the bonds was thirty years. The amount of interest cost is indicated in thousands of dollars I. Total cost to build (G plus H). Tables 8 and 9 provide cost figures with and without interest to provide a cost comparison. J. Design capacity of impact fee new facility or expansion. Capacity of the Impact Fee projects are expressed in service units for the subarea as a whole. All of the projects in a subarea are evaluated as a group to determine the best estimate of capacity added to the subarea by the facilities acting together. Typically one project size best represents the capacity addition for the subarea as a whole. See Tables 6 and 7 for capacity equations. K. Cost to build per service unit without interest (G divided by J). L. Cost to build per service unit with interest (I divided by J). M. Year 2020 land use assumptions. The population and land use level in a particular pressure zone or drainage area in the year 2020, expressed in service units. N. Year 2030 land use assumptions. The population and land use level in a particular pressure zone or drainage area in the year 2030, expressed in service units. P. O. Growth users (N minus M). The number of service units of new growth entering a particular pressure zone or drainage area in the ten-year growth period. Each service unit of new growth uses a service unit of capacity in the set of facilities making up the subarea. Impact costs without interest (K times O). The cost per service unit of the facilities multiplied by the number of growth users in the specific pressure zone or drainage area, excluding interest. Impact costs with interest (L times O). The cost per service unit of the facilities multiplied by the number of growth users in the specific pressure zone or drainage area, including interest. Q. R. Existing users. The number of existing users (expressed in service units) whose service is enhanced by the addition of the facilities in the subarea; therefore, capacity attributable to existing needs. S. Excess service units in the subarea (J minus R minus O). The number of service units remaining unused in the subarea impact fee facilities after the 10-year planning period. Steps A through S define the costs of the Impact Fee projects attributable to new growth. The procedure for summing these costs to calculate the maximum allowable impact fee is presented in the next section. CIP-34 Table 8 Water Impact Fee Calculation by Pressure Zone Areas (All costs in 1000s of dollars unless preceded by "$") A B C E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Pressure Zone Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build G+H Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumptions SU 2030 Land Use Assumptions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost without Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Benefitting Existing Users SU G/J I/J N-M K x O L x O 2030 Excess SU After 10 years J-R-O 11.2 MGD PS 18,700 18,207 36,907 15,251 1.23 2.42 8,420 9,451 1,031 1,264 2,495 6,315 7,905 Northwest C 2002 Northwest C 2007 Four Points and Forest Ridge Pump Station Upgrades NWB: 5.8 MGD, NWC: 10.4 MGD Northwest C 2007 24/36" Northwest C 2016 11.2 MGD, 1.5 MG Northwest C 2017 3353.018 Avery Ranch Service Extension 24/36/48", 3 MG Northwest B 2015 3353.038 Stone Hedge Service Extension Northwest B 2011 D Size 24" 24" 48" 48" 36" 24" 24" 24" 24" 16" 36" 30" 24" 24" 24" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3353.027 3353.022 2006.003 5038.002 5038.001 Canyon Creek Subdivision Reimbursement AMAX Self-Storage Reimbursement Anderson Mill/RR 620 Transmission Main Anderson Mill Northwest C Pump Station and Tank Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition 1086.001 1086.002 3212.193 Jollyville Transmission Main Ph IIA & III Jollyville Transmission Main Ph IIB TXDOT FM 734 (Parmer Ln) Relocation: FM 620 to Whitestone Blvd. 793.002 3041.001 Anderson Mill Transmission Main Ph IIA & IV Davis Springs Service Extension Reimbursement 3353.094 793.001 4814.002 3212.180 3353.065 3212.183 3212.178 Pearson Ranch - RRISD (SER 2869 and 2870) Anderson Mill Transmission Main III Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition Howard Lane East Transmission Main - Segment 2 TxDOT Loop 360 at Spicewood Springs Road Water & Wastewater Relocation Schultz 45 Acre Tract Water-- Wells Branch Commerce Park TxDOT 360 at RM2222 and Courtyard Water and Wastewater Relocation TxDOT Loop 360 at Westlake Drive Water & Wastewater Relocation 1,101 1,172 169 942 180 838 4,762 5,067 11,725 10,950 8,138 8,658 1,135 1,207 6,829 7,266 13,691 10,556 2,085 2,218 - 941 8,931 9,502 2,638 2,807 4,736 5,039 4,765 5,070 - 2,988 - 220 304 323 - 1,331 - 6,513 Northwest B 2001 Northwest B 2001 Northwest B 2024 Northwest B 2000 Northwest B 1997 Northwest B 2014 Northwest B 2000 Northwest A 2000 Northwest A 2028 Northwest A 2013 Northwest A 2027 Northwest A 2024 3353.032 Howard Lane Service Extension 24/16" Northwest A 2000 48" TM 49,123 47,254 96,377 43,217 1.14 2.23 36,411 43,131 6,721 7,639 14,987 29,129 7,368 CIP-35 A B C E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Pressure Zone Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build G+H Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumptions SU 2030 Land Use Assumptions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost without Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Benefitting Existing Users SU G/J I/J N-M K x O L x O 2030 Excess SU After 10 years J-R-O 29,606 18,468 48,074 29,827 0.99 1.61 61,206 74,450 13,244 13,145 21,346 9,181 7,402 17,115 16,165 33,280 95,063 0.18 0.35 106,037 127,032 20,995 3,780 7,350 47,716 26,351 172,911 152,601 325,512 178,185 0.97 1.83 203,217 244,563 41,345 40,122 75,531 60,558 76,281 D Size 16" 16" 16" 16" 84" 72" 54" 48" 30" 24/36" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3212.093 Howard Lane Projects Northwest A 2012 4758.002 16" FM 1825 Interconnect Northwest A 2005 3353.019 IBM/Tivoli Service Extension Northwest A 2002 6935.037 Highland Park Water and Wastewater Improvements Northwest A 2025 1,027 1,093 - 855 - 341 11,261 11,981 Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition 36" TM 4814.003 4814.004 Howard Lane Pump Station and TM 24/36/42/54”, 43/65 MGD Howard Lane Water Transmission Main Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition 24/36/42/54" 65 MGD PS 6935.016 Jollyville Northwest A Transmission Main (Plant 4) 6935.031 McNeil Road Transmission Main 2028.001 Martin Hill Transmission Main Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition 84" TM 844.001 East Austin - Parmer Lane TM 48/54" 4814.001 5028.006 Northeast Area Water Improvements RMMA Redevelopment North WPZ Imp Phase 3 (SER 2278) 3353.028 Wild Horse Ranch 3353.033 Pioneer Crossing Service Extension (SER 1825), Ph II 6935.003 Boyce Lane Water Main 6935.033 7487.002 2090.003 3353.007 3353.009 Johnny Morris/Hwy 290 Area Water Line Extensions Braker Ln Extension from Dessau Rd. to Samsung Blvd (City Funded) Decker Lake 24-inch Woodlands Transmission Main (SER 1745) Jourdan's Crossing Service Extension Dell 24-inch Water Reimbursement 3353.042 Parmer Park Service Extension 5028.002 Robert Mueller Municipal Airport Reimbursement 16/24" Northwest A/B/C Northwest A/B/C Northwest A/B/C + North Northwest A/B/C + North Northwest A/B/C + North North North North North North North North North North North North North North 2001 2001 2015 2027 2017 1997 1999 2012 2017 2004 2018 2025 2026 1996 2001 1998 2002 2007 15,193 16,165 - 1,922 118,331 125,904 See Note 4 See Note 4 - 29,489 25,091 26,697 6,657 7,083 1,718 1,828 5,662 6,024 5,675 6,038 1,245 1,325 7,570 8,054 - 2,067 - 5,594 1,148 1,221 - 194 - 1,769 871 926 1,154 1,228 CIP-36 A B C E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Pressure Zone Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build G+H Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumptions SU 2030 Land Use Assumptions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost without Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Benefitting Existing Users SU G/J I/J N-M K x O L x O 2030 Excess SU After 10 years J-R-O D Size 16/24" 16"/24" 12"/16" 50 MGD 54" TM 16" 16" 16" 16" 16" 16" 16" 12" 12" 72" 72" 48" 48" 48" 48" 48" 36" 36" 36" 5815.002 3212.123 Triangle - Infrastructure Incentives CTRMA/TxDOT Utility Relocation: US290E Manor Expressway 2090.005 Johnny Morris Rd 16" Water Main 2939.001 Dessau Rd Transmission Main 6935.021 Austin Film Society 6935.022 6935.035 Springdale/290 Water Line Improvements Howard Lane Water Main Extension 3353.099 Pioneer Hill Mueller Water Improvements Reimbursement (SER 2277), Ph II Cameron Rd: Gregg Lane to School Harris Branch Parkway/Cameron Rd. Water Lines Relocation TxDOT IH 35 Waterline Relocation: Rundberg to 290 East Segment North Austin Pump Station Improvements Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition Ullrich to Green Transmission Main (Pipeline) Ullrich to Green Transmission Main (Lake Austin Tunnel) Springdale Rd 48" Transmission Main Bluff Springs (Pilot Knob) Transmission Main Pilot Knob Transmission Main Sector III 3901.001 Burleson Rd Transmission Main 3353.095 Whisper Valley and Indian Hills 2097.001 Elroy Transmission Main 2963.001 Moore's Crossing Reservoir & Transmission Main 3353.059 Pearce Lane Tract 5028.004 6935.039 3212.064 3212.151 2127.012 1168.003 1168.004 2937.001 3617.001 3898.001 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3353.096 Formula One United States 24/36" 3212.136 6959.001 TxDOT Utility Relocation: US 183 Bergstrom Exprway (US 290 to SH 71) Group 30: Oltorf St E/Congress Ave-IH35 24"/16"/12" Central 24"/12" Central North North North North North North North North North North North North North Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central 2005 2016 1999 1990 2012 2024 2021 2016 2008 2024 2012 2020 2023 2000 2000 1998 1992 1992 1992 2026 2014 1990 2004 2014 2020 2015 413 1,008 462 440 514 491 - - 1,017 1,082 6,743 7,174 1,765 1,878 430 458 6,130 6,522 2,144 2,282 168 178 - 749 18,687 12,200 5,598 4,746 26,138 27,651 6,118 6,510 7,466 7,944 1,805 1,921 478 508 8,839 9,405 5,012 5,332 - - 2,598 2,765 4,430 4,714 8,833 5,514 1,263 1,344 81,040 66,948 147,989 96,643 0.84 1.53 97,180 117,531 20,350 17,065 31,162 24,295 51,998 CIP-37 A B C E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Pressure Zone Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build G+H Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumptions SU 2030 Land Use Assumptions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost without Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Benefitting Existing Users SU G/J I/J N-M K x O L x O 2030 Excess SU After 10 years J-R-O D Size 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 16" 16" 16" 16" 16" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 2231.214 3871.001 Boggy Creek at US 183 Water Line Replacement E Ben White Blvd Transmission Main 6935.061 Piland Triangle Interconnect 3353.052 Del Valle Junior High Number 2 3353.069 University Neighborhood Overlay District 3353.100 71 Commercial 3353.049 Robertson Hill Development 3212.186 2231.155 2231.157 5403.001 3212.133 4800.028 4800.033 6055.004 6055.024 6960.001 6961.002 8158.001 8158.002 8158.003 3353.106 3212.169 Travis County Utility Relocation - Ross Road Water Pipeline Relocation Elroy Road Water Rehabilitation Phase 2 Elroy Rd Water Rehabilitation Ph 3 - FM 812 Maha Loop Water Rehab Rio Grande: from MLK to 24th St. Street Reconstruction & Utility Adjustment Travis County Utility Relocation: FM 969 (Phase I): Decker Lane to FM 973 West Campus System Improvements West Campus Water & WW Improvements Area 5 E. 7th Street Improvements from Northwestern to Pleasant Valley Second Street District Streetscape Street Recon. & Utility Adj. Phase 3 Brazos St/Cesar Chavez-11th St E Colorado St. Reconstruction and Utility Adjustments from 7th St to 10th St 3rd St. Reconstruction Phase 3 - Congress Ave. to Guadalupe St. 3rd St Phase 2 - Congress Ave to Brazos St & San Jacinto Blvd to Trinity St 3rd St. Phase 1 - Brazos St. to San Jacinto Blvd. Eastside Village (SER-3393) 12- Inch Water Line Improvements Travis County Utility Relocation: Pearce Lane at Kellam Rd Intersection 6684.001 MLK: Rio Grande to Lamar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central 2016 1993 2023 2005 2007 2014 2026 2016 2017 2014 2008 2019 2013 2012 2013 2018 2012 2014 2020 2019 2019 2015 2015 2025 2022 2,386 2,539 3,506 3,731 - 1,837 349 371 1,832 1,949 1,098 1,168 - 898 1,661 1,768 2,590 2,756 1,113 1,185 643 685 2,965 1,068 1,839 1,957 4,704 5,005 - 729 721 768 826 879 1,590 1,692 673 716 - 113 124 131 252 223 268 237 - 850 17,875 27,632 2127.012 North Austin Reservoir 8 MG Central Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition 72" TM 139,733 125,101 264,834 170,596 0.82 1.55 114,818 136,637 21,820 17,872 33,873 57,409 91,367 CIP-38 A B C E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Pressure Zone Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build G+H Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumptions SU 2030 Land Use Assumptions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost without Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Benefitting Existing Users SU G/J I/J N-M K x O L x O 2030 Excess SU After 10 years J-R-O D Size 48" 48" 48" 48" 48" 48" 48" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 6937.030 6937.003 S IH-35 Transmission Main, E Slaughter Ln ROW Acquisition So. IH35 W/WW Infrastructure Improvs PMC Sites of Seg. 17,18,19 PMC 3353.117 Turner's Crossing 7 MGD, 24" 6937.006 6937.010 6937.015 6937.016 6937.019 6937.020 6937.024 6937.009 6937.012 6937.013 6937.014 6937.018 6937.022 6937.023 6937.008 6937.011 6937.017 6937.021 S I-35, Segment 21 - Pilot Knob Reservoir 48-inch Water Main S I-35, Segment 17/18/19 - Slaughter Ln Ext to Thaxton, 48- inch Water Main S IH-35 Transmission Main, Segment 18&19 - E Slaughter Ln, Marble Creek to Thaxton S I-35, Seg. 20.1/21 - Wm Cannon from McKinney Falls to Pilot Knob WTM S I-35, Segment 20.0 - McKinney Falls Pkwy, Thaxton to Wm Cannon, 48-Inch W S I-35, Segment 15 - Goodnight Ranch Ph I, 48-Inch Water Main S I-35, Segment 16 - Goodnight Ranch Phase II, 48-Inch Water Main S I-35, Seg. 13/14 - Pleasant Valley Ext., Rinard Crk to E Slaughter Ln, 42 S I-35, Segment 7 - I 35, north of FM 1327, 42-Inch Water Main S I-35, Segment 9.0 - FM 1327, I 35 to Bradshaw Rd, 42-Inch Water Main S I-35, Segment 9.1 - FM 1327 to Bradshaw Road north of FM 1327 S I-35, Segment 8 - I 35 Crossing North of FM 1327, 42-In Water Main S I-35, Seg. 11/12 - S. Pleasant Val. Ext. at Legends Way, 42-In Water Main S I-35, Segment10 - Bradshaw Rd, S of River Plantation Dr, 42-In Water Main S I-35, Segment 6 - I 35 South of Onion Creek, 36-Inch Water Main S I-35, Segment 4 - I 35, N of FM 1626 to Onion Creek, 36-Inch Water Main S I-35, Seg. 2/5 - I 35 Slaughter and Onion Crk Crossings, 36-In Water Main S I-35, Segment 1 - I 35 Slaughter Ln to Slaughter Crk, 36-In Water Main 6937.001 S IH-35 Transmission Main 2127.033 South I-35 Elevated Water Tank 3353.074 Alexan Onion Creek 3876.001 Slaughter Ln Transmission Main 3353.062 Zachary Scott Tract Service Extension 3 MG 24/36" 24/30" 24" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South South 2013 3,265 3,474 South 2012 1,370 1,458 2011 2013 2024 2013 2012 2010 2014 2011 2013 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2013 2010 2012 2012 2012 2027 2010 1992 2009 496 527 8,658 9,212 - 819 660 703 3,200 3,405 317 337 3,414 3,633 1,021 1,086 1,872 1,992 2,014 2,143 2,935 3,123 3,126 3,326 1,565 1,666 1,943 2,068 1,729 1,839 40 43 1,459 1,553 1,358 1,445 7,999 8,510 13,447 14,307 884 940 2,673 2,845 1,241 1,320 South 2013 2,962 3,152 CIP-39 92,155 97,024 189,179 67,041 1.37 2.82 58,249 75,548 17,299 23,780 48,816 8,737 41,004 16" TM 1,039 4,041 0.12 0.26 9,917 11,717 1,800 224 463 1,983 257 A B C E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Pressure Zone Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build G+H Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumptions SU 2030 Land Use Assumptions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost without Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Benefitting Existing Users SU G/J I/J N-M K x O L x O 2030 Excess SU After 10 years J-R-O D Size 24" 16" 16" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3353.072 Goodnight Ranch 6937.005 S I-35, Pilot Knob Pump Station 22 MGD 6935.059 3212.104 Slaughter Lane Waterline Extension Manchaca Rd-Ravenscroft to FM 1626 3353.127 Marshall Tract 0.75 MG, 16" Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition 48" TM South South South South South 2016 2014 2017 2013 2023 2,443 2,599 10,732 11,419 - 149 2,297 2,444 6,066 6,454 1 3825.001 16" Southwest B 1992 Southwest B Camp Ben McCullough Transmission Main Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition 4800.010 4800.021 4800.022 3353.025 Southwest C Pressure Zone Pump Station Southwest C Pressure Zone Transmission Main Ph 2 Southwest C Pressure Zone Transmission Main Ph 1 Travis County West Developer Reimbursement Southwest C 8.2 MGD Southwest C 2006 30" 30" Southwest C 2007 Southwest C 2007 2.1 MGD PS, 16" Southwest C 2003 4800.005 New Thomas Springs Reservoir 1.25 MG Southwest C 2001 Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition 30" TM 504 504 536 536 5,868 6,105 2,326 2,424 6,076 6,372 1,682 1,789 2,347 2,471 1 3353.008 Lantana Service Extension Developer Reimbursement Southwest B&C Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition 14 MGD PS 14 MGD PS Southwest B/C 2002 - 1,360 1 3212.179 12"/16"/24"/30" Southwest A/B/C 2027 - 1,393 18,299 19,162 37,461 13,570 1.35 2.76 3,152 3,646 495 667 1,365 2,521 10,555 1,360 1,360 15,849 0.09 0.09 13,068 15,363 2,295 197 197 7,841 5,713 TxDOT US 290 at Oak Hill Parkway Water & Wastewater Lines Relocation Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition TxDOT IH 35 South Waterline Relocation: SH71/Ben White Blvd to SH 45 SE Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition TxDOT IH 35 North (16) Project WL Relocation: SH 45 N to US 290 Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition 30" TM 1,393 1,393 17,302 0.08 0.08 43,691 50,751 3,530 284 284 0 13,772 1 3212.160 12"/16"/24" Central/South 2026 - 1,575 24 " TM 1,575 1,575 18,155 0.09 0.09 173,066 212,185 3,026 262 262 0 15,129 1 3212.163 12"/16"/24"/36"/48" Northwest A/North 2027 - 3,916 48 " TM 3,916 3,916 65,262 0.06 0.06 158,387 191,980 8,702 522 522 0 56,561 - - - - CIP-40 A B C E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Pressure Zone Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build G+H Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumptions SU 2030 Land Use Assumptions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost without Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Benefitting Existing Users SU G/J I/J N-M K x O L x O 2030 Excess SU After 10 years J-R-O 67 MGD 112,248 119,432 231,680 138,532 0.81 1.67 See Notes 1 and 2 46,061 37,322 77,032 See Note 3 D Size 50 MGD 50 MGD 50 MGD 50 MGD 50 MGD 50 MGD 50 MGD 50 MGD 50 MGD 5335.001 Ullrich WTP 160 MGD Expansion 67 MGD Exp. 5335.002 67 MGD Exp. Ullrich Water Treatment Plant 160 MGD Expansion - Low Service Pump Station Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition 6683.002 Water Treatment Plant No. 4 50 MGD Water Treatment Plant No. 4 - Property Fencing Water Treatment Plant #4- Environmental Commissioning WTP 4-Plant Site Storm Water Facilities WTP4 Raw Water Pump Station Excavation and Stormwater Facilities Water Treatment Plant No. 4 Raw Water Pump Station Facility Water Treatment Plant #4 - Construction Manager at Risk WTP4 Bullick Hollow Roadway Improvements Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition 6683.018 Value Engineering 6683.007 6683.009 6683.010 6683.013 6683.014 6683.019 6683.020 5267.025 5267.041 5267.042 5267.044 5267.075 Onion Creek Reclaimed Water Main Phase 1 Oltorf Street Reclaimed Water Main Phase 1 Oltorf Street Reclaimed Water Main Phase 2 Barton South Congress Reclaimed Water Main Travis Heights Reclaimed Water Main 16-inch 24/30-inch 24-inch 24-inch 24-inch 5267.082 ABIA North Reclaimed Loop Main 16-inch 5267.093 5267.097 SAR WWTP Reclaimed Water Pump Station Expansion West Riverside Reclaimed Water Main 16-inch 6/12/16-inch 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ullrich Service Ullrich Service Plant 4 Service Plant 4 Service Plant 4 Service Plant 4 Service Plant 4 Service Plant 4 Service Plant 4 Service Plant 4 Service Plant 4 Service Reclaimed South Reclaimed South Reclaimed South Reclaimed South Reclaimed South Reclaimed South Reclaimed South Reclaimed South 2011 2006 2017 2009 2017 2011 2012 2014 2011 2015 2011 2024 2024 2024 2026 2026 2024 2026 2027 109,653 116,670 2,596 2,762 100,579 104,831 368 391 2,839 3,019 3,327 3,540 3,435 3,654 7,392 7,866 574 610 290,537 280,987 1,081 1,150 12,074 12,847 5,781 6,151 7,930 8,437 5,715 6,080 6,811 7,247 - 1,925 980 1,043 5,683 6,047 1 8702.003 Shaw Lane Sludge Facility Improvements Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition 616,000 CY 2026 Entire System 5,671 6,034 See Note 5 5,671 6,034 11,705 155,554 0.04 0.08 - 37,241 37,241 1,358 2,802 See Note 5 0 410,131 406,049 816,180 103,382 3.97 7.89 See Notes 1 and 2 41,985 166,562 331,467 See Note 3 CIP-41 A B C E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Pressure Zone Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost D Size Total Cost to Build G+H Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumptions SU 2030 Land Use Assumptions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost without Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Benefitting Existing Users SU G/J I/J N-M K x O L x O 2030 Excess SU After 10 years J-R-O Facility Size That Determines Capacity Addition 46,899 47,852 94,751 8,839 5.31 10.72 3,692 6,386 2,694 14,292 28,875 0 6,145 Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 Note 5 Davis WTP is assumed to serve the same number of service units in 2020 and 2030. It is assumed that existing and new growth units in the North/NW pressure zones are assigned to Handcox WTP (WTP4), that Davis WTP will serve existing units in the Central/North zones, and that Ullrich WTP will serve existing and new growth units in the Central/South/SW zones. Recognizing that the flow per service unit may continue to change over time, the 2030 system remaining capacity is 94.4 MGD and 195,041 service units in the present analysis. Capacity of the Jollyville and Martin Hill TMs is calculated based on the maximum day peaking factor in the same manner as the plants since these major TMs operate in the same flow regime as the plant the feeds them. The Shaw Lane Sludge Facility remaining storage volume in the Far West Pit is estimated at about 1.31M cubic yards, which equates to approximately 15 years of storage at projected residuals production rates. TOTAL 2,343,213 Service Unit and System-wide Impact Cost Totals 88,046 346,358 678,830 Calculated rate revenue credit per state law & defeasance savings (See Appendix A) Resultant amount to be used for calculating maximum allowable impact fee -249,000 429,830 Maximum Allowable Impact Fee $4,882 CIP-42 Table 9 Wastewater Impact Fee Calculation by Collection Drainage Areas (All costs in 1000s of dollars unless preceded by “$”) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Size Drainage Basin Facility Area Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 2030 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost w/o Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Existing Users SU G+H G/J I/J N-M K x O L x O Colorado River 2017 1,559 1,659 973 @ Colorado River 1,559 1,659 3,218 2,174 0.72 1.48 364 380 15 364 1,795 2030 Excess SU After 10 years J-R-O 11 3 23 5 21" Williamson 1997 21" @ 0.40% Barton to Williamson 84 4,759 0.01 0.02 2,590 2,894 303 2,590 1,866 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3212.057 TxDOT Utility Relocation: FM 973 at Colorado River Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 10" FM 10" FM 3353.006 Travis Country Service Extension Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 3351.001 Cullen/Southland Acquisition 12"FM/18" Bear/Slaughter 3353.054 Marbridge Farms Wastewater 350 gpm LS 3168.109 6943.055 3168.138 Marbridge Lift Station Improvements 430 gpm Southland Oaks Wastewater Improvements 30" Southland Oaks Lift Station Wet Well Conversion Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition Bear Bear 41 41 761 217 27 1997 2007 2016 3168.043 Boggy Creek LS Upgrade 25 MGD Lower Boggy 2016 4,120 4,384 Lower Boggy 2030 1,091 1,161 Lower Boggy 2018 1,960 Lower Tannehill 2008 1,397 1,487 Carson 2027 13,685 13,521 2231.401 Concordia Neighborhood Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Project 3168.077 5028.005 6943.025 Gonzales Lift Station Abandonment RMMA Redevelopment South WW Improvements (SER 2281) Boggy Creek Lift Station Force Main Extension 11886.005 Airport Boulevard - MLK Jr. Blvd to US 183 Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 12" 18" 15" 36" FM 12"/15" 43 43 231 0 0 0 0 0 Slaughter 2022 2,449 2,605 2100 gpm Bear 2026 2,186 30" @ 0.72% Bear/Slaughter 5,640 2,837 8,476 16,529 0.34 0.51 1,398 1,744 346 118 177 1,398 14,785 Lower Boggy 2025 470 25 MGD LS Boggy LS 22,724 20,553 43,277 22,963 0.99 1.88 8,106 9,500 1,394 1,379 2,627 8,106 13,463 CIP-43 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Size Drainage Basin Facility Area Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 2030 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost w/o Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Existing Users SU 2030 Excess SU After 10 years G+H G/J I/J N-M K x O L x O J-R-O 6943.033 36" Brushy Creek 2016 998 1,062 7265.04 2.47 MGD exp Brushy Creek 2023 45,041 47,924 Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 2.47 MGD Brushy Creek to Brushy WWTP 46,039 48,986 95,025 9,075 5.07 10.47 4,794 6,915 2,121 10,762 22,213 6,954 6943.029 15" Bull 2017 2,638 15" @ 0.22% Bull/Barrington 2,638 2,638 1,529 1.73 1.73 1,243 1,376 132 228 228 1,243 153 87 31 10 52 10 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2019 2029 258 200 458 2026 2,419 2018 1,357 1,444 2026 6,426 6,837 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Brushy Creek WW Improvements-Southwest Interceptor/Lake Creek Interceptor Brushy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Participation Barrington Way Force Main Reroute and Gravity System Upgrade Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 2231.327 6943.087 Bull Creek Basin Wastewater Pipelines Renewal Boulder Lane at Crossland Drive Wastewater Improvements Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 18"/24" 15" 3168.118 1700 gpm Northwest Area Lift Station Improvements: Four Points Center Lift Station 6943.032 Four Points Center Forcemain Improvements 12" FM Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 3168.057 Rock Harbour Lift Station Improvements 2387 gpm 3168.085 Northwest Area Lift Station Improvements: Boulder Lane Lift Station 1600gpmLS/18"gravity/ 15"gravity Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition Bull Bull Bull Bull Bull Bull 2387 gpm LS Bull/Rock Harbour 11,776 6,837 18,613 3,157 3.73 5.90 1,767 1,972 205 765 1,209 1,767 1,185 2027 5,351 0 12" FM, 1700 gpm LS Bull/Four Points Center 3,776 1,444 5,219 2,249 1.68 2.32 729 760 729 1,489 18" @ 0.71% Bull/Canyon Creek 458 4,203 0.11 0.11 1,119 1,207 1,119 2,997 CIP-44 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Size Drainage Basin Facility Area Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 2030 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost w/o Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Existing Users SU 2030 Excess SU After 10 years J-R-O G+H G/J I/J N-M K x O L x O 3353.102 Fort Dessau 18"/24"/FM/750gpmLS Harris Branch 2016 1,417 1,508 10" FM / 0.73 MGD LS Dessau 2022 712 757 Dessau WWTP 5,593 2,265 7,858 2,498 2.24 3.15 4,834 5,724 890 1,993 2,800 4,834 Note 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3353.125 Entrada Subdivision 8" FM / 0.97 MGD LS Dessau 2023 1,128 Dessau Wastewater Treatment Plant Relief Interceptor 4769.023 42" Harris Branch 2029 240 7265.002 Purchase of Dessau Utilities Harris Branch 2006 2,095 .5 MGD plant/4100 gpm LS/16" FM/284 gpm LS/6"FM 7265.061 Dessau WWTP Interim Improvements Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition WWTP 0.5 MGD +0.73/4 = .68 MGD 3168.037 3168.059 Pearce Lane Lift Station Upgrade South Area Lift Station Improvements: Pearce Lane Upgrades 900 gpm exp Dry South 2014 61 4500 gpm Dry South 2021 125 3353.096 Formula One United States 30" Dry South 2016 6,267 3353.103 3353.118 Moore's Crossing MUD Lift Station Interceptor WW Service Extension Plan Longview Offsite Utilities Phase 1 Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 21" Dry South 2017 75 16" FM Dry South 2022 2 3353.013 Metro Center Services Extension 24" Carson 2000 Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 24" @ 0.44% East Carson 151 151 11891.003 E MLK Jr Blvd / FM 969 - US 183 to Decker LN Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 24"/30"/36" Walnut/Johnny Morris 2027 2,821 6943.035 15"/18" Onion 2018 1,967 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 80 FM 973 Wastewater Line Improvements Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 30" @ 0.06% Dry South 6,530 6,611 4,771 1.37 1.39 1,836 3,100 1,264 1,730 1,751 1,836 1,671 24" @ 0.35% Elm Creek/Walnut 2,821 2,821 6,356 0.44 0.44 717 1,066 349 155 155 717 5,290 18" @ 0.21% FM 973 1,967 1,967 2,286 0.86 0.86 308 790 482 415 415 308 1,496 5481.001 Downtown Wastewater Tunnel 42"/48"/54"/78"/90" Govalle/SAR 2015 57,722 52,686 90" @ 0.05% Govalle/SAR 57,722 52,686 110,409 81,546 0.71 1.35 33,415 39,283 5,868 4,154 7,945 33,415 42,262 151 7,159 0.02 0.02 1,114 1,570 456 10 10 1,114 5,589 CIP-45 6943.004 Parmer Lane Interceptor 42" Lake Creek/Rattan 2021 37,989 38,615 42" @ 0.164% Lake Creek/Rattan 49,751 48,763 98,513 19,350 2.57 5.09 20,954 25,813 4,859 12,493 24,737 20,954 Note 2 A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Size Drainage Basin Facility Area Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 2030 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost w/o Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Existing Users SU 2030 Excess SU After 10 years J-R-O G+H G/J I/J N-M K x O L x O 4926.1 6943.043 ACWP-govalle 2-Harpers Branch WW Replacement Harpers Branch Creek Wastewater Interceptor Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 30" 15"/18" Harpers Branch 2009 8,392 8,930 Harpers Branch 2025 1,116 0 30" @ 0.33% Harpers Branch 9,508 8,930 18,438 11,190 0.85 1.65 1,036 1,313 277 236 457 1,036 9,877 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3041.001 Davis Springs Reimbursement 21"Gravity/16"FM/3600 gpmLS #1 Lake Creek 1996 2,042 3168.024 3168.029 Balcones LS Relief - Phase I & 3A Balcones LS Relief - Phase IIIC 8"/12"/18"/24" Lake Creek 2005 1,775 18"/24" Lake Creek 2002 1,577 3353.091 Pearson Avery Ranch 12/24/FM/1100gpmLS Lake Creek 2016 2,827 603 1,091 1,678 3,008 3353.093 Lakeline Condos-Gencap Partners SER 2846 3353.122 Pearson Ranch West SER 8"/15" gravity/10"FM/1100gpm LS 1900gpmLS/24"gravity/ 30"gravity Lake Creek Lake Creek 2014 1,341 1,427 2022 2,200 2,341 24" 42" 42" Little Walnut 2022 3,916 0 Little Walnut Little Walnut 2010 1,979 2,105 2009 4,776 5,082 8"/42"/60" Little Walnut 2009 17,039 11,838 12"/15"/18"/30" Little Walnut 2024 3,138 3212.163 4926.021 4926.023 4926.028 5754.086 Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition TxDOT IH 35 North (16) Project WL Relocation: SH 45 N to US 290 ACWP - Little Walnut/Buttermilk @ 290 & 183 ACWP-Little Walnut/Buttermilk @ Centre Creek ACWP - Little Walnut/Buttermilk - South Little Walnut Creek - Flood Risk Reduction from Metric to Rutland Wastewater Upsize and Relocation at Rundberg Ln & Delta Dr- McKalla Station Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition I 13275.002 42" Little Walnut 2025 527 6943.08 Park Village Drive Wastewater Improvements 18"/24" Little Walnut 2027 4,390 60" @ 0.35% Little Walnut/Buttermilk 35,764 19,025 54,788 72,966 0.49 0.75 28,988 35,554 6,566 3,218 4,930 28,988 37,413 3353.049 Robertson Hill Development 12" Lower Waller 2008 12" @ 0.34% Lower Waller 1,431 1,048 0.66 1.37 302 363 62 41 84 302 685 0 0 0 693 693 738 738 CIP-46 A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Size Drainage Basin Facility Area Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 2030 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost w/o Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Existing Users SU 2030 Excess SU After 10 years J-R-O G+H G/J I/J N-M K x O L x O 3168.125 South Area Lift Station Improvements: Springfield Lift Station Abandonment 36" Onion 2030 4,359 3353.119 116 Ac Thaxton Road Tract 30"/1710 gpm LS/24" Marble 2023 13,594 36" @ 0.15% Marble/Onion 17,953 17,953 12,268 1.46 1.46 2,917 3,596 679 993 993 2,917 8,672 0 0 0 2013 4,516 4,120 2016 10,843 11,537 2018 1,753 1,865 2017 13,503 14,367 2012 2,410 2,564 2012 8,249 2016 1,905 6,320 2,027 Onion Onion Onion Onion Onion Onion Rinard Rinard 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 6937.003 So. IH35 W/WW Infrastructure Improvs PMC 6937.026 3212.137 6937.025 6937.027 S I-35, Onion Creek Golf Course WW Int - I 35 to Rinard (South Tunnel) TxDOT Utility Relocation: SH 71 East of US 183 to Onion Creek - Toll Road S I-35, Onion Creek Wastewater Interceptor - Rinard to Slaughter (N Tunnel) S I-35, Onion Creek Wastewater Tie-in Line - Phase 1 Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 3353.062 Zachary Scott Tract SER 3353.084 Legends Way NA 42" 15" 54" 24" 36" 30" Bella Fortuna Wastewater Interceptor (formerly Buratti Subdivision) Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition ACWP-Govalle 4-Waller Pedernales WW Imprvs Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 3353.126 Stillwater Old San Antonio Rd 815 gpm/8" FM Onion 2023 1,931 2,054 54" @ 0.10% 34,955 36,507 71,463 29,533 1.18 2.42 31,987 39,101 7,114 8,420 17,213 31,987 Note 2 3353.107 18"/21" Onion/Rinard 2022 1,022 1,088 3353.117 Turner's Crossing 12" FM/1710 gpm LS/24" Rinard 2024 1,052 0 36" @ 0.12% Onion/Rinard 12,228 9,434 21,662 10,973 1.11 1.97 714 841 127 142 252 714 10,131 4926.097 36" Pedernales 2012 16,165 17,199 36" @ 0.30% Pedernales 16,165 17,199 33,364 17,350 0.93 1.92 1,326 1,719 393 366 755 1,326 15,631 I CIP-47 A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Size Drainage Basin Facility Area Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 2030 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost w/o Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Existing Users SU G+H N-M K x O L x O G/J I/J 912 636 0.69 1.43 414 580 166 116 238 414 2030 Excess SU After 10 years J-R-O 56 3353.071 Rancho Alto Ventures 481 gpm LS, FM Bear 2008 Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 481 gpm LS Rancho Alto 442 442 470 470 3333.001 3333.005 SAR Expansion & Improvements Project SAR Lift Station Interconnect Tunnel 25 MGD exp SAR WWTP 2006 19,262 20,494 25 MGD exp SAR WWTP 2006 3,941 4,194 3333.006 SAR Train C South 25 MGD exp SAR WWTP 2006 29,426 24,745 3333.007 SAR Train C North 25 MGD exp SAR WWTP 2006 28,497 27,285 3333.008 25 MGD exp SAR WWTP 2007 13,276 14,126 SAR New Electrical Substation and Miscellaneous Areas Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 3353.016 Akin High School Reimbursement 18" Slaughter 2000 Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 18" @ 0.28% Slaughter 459 459 30"Gravity/LS/0.1 MGD TP Gilleland 2024 1,921 2,044 25 MGD expansion SAR WWTP 94,402 90,843 185,245 91,851 1.03 2.02 188,936 229,209 40,273 41,392 81,223 51,578 459 2,640 0.17 0.17 714 841 127 22 22 714 1,798 3353.095 Whisper Valley and Indian Hills Public Improvement Districts Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition Upper Boggy West - Cherrywood Wastewater Line Improvements Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 5028.003 5028.007 RMMA-Airport Rd WW Improvs Phase Two (SER 2279) RMMA Redevelopment Catellus SER #2263 Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 30" @ 0.2% Taylor Lane WWTP 1,921 2,044 3,965 8,711 0.22 0.46 130 1,104 974 215 443 130 7,608 6943.045 12"/15"/24"/36" Upper Boggy 2027 6,978 36" @ 0.29% Upper Boggy 6,978 6,978 17,058 0.41 0.41 2,015 2,508 493 202 202 2,015 14,550 15"/18"/24" Upper Boggy 2009 2,135 2,271 12"/15" Upper Boggy 2012 474 504 24" @ 0.54% Upper Boggy/Mueller 2,609 2,776 5,384 7,895 0.33 0.68 982 1,125 143 982 6,770 I 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 47 97 CIP-48 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Size Drainage Basin Facility Area Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 2030 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost w/o Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Existing Users SU 2030 Excess SU After 10 years G+H G/J I/J N-M K x O L x O J-R-O 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 66" @ 0.36% Upper Shoal 14,560 14,512 29,071 95,690 0.15 0.30 24,165 29,165 5,000 761 1,519 24,165 66,525 2231.307 4926.037 2231.455 3212.116 3353.115 Rosedale North Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Phase 2 ACWP - Shoal Creek WW Improvements / 29th to 34th St. Burrell Drive Wastewater Improvements Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 12" 12" Hwy 290 & Airport Blvd WWL Relocation Austin Community College Wastewater Line E (SER- 3145) Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 15" 24"/30" Upper Shoal 2023 921 0 8"/12"/66" Upper Shoal 2006 12,429 13,225 Upper Shoal 2020 1,210 1,287 Upper Tannehill 2014 399 425 Upper Tannehill 2022 2,390 2,543 30" @ 0.15% Upper Tannehill/ACC 2,789 2,968 5,757 7,544 0.37 0.76 1,675 2,299 625 231 477 1,675 5,245 6943.075 Cameron Road Wastewater Improvements 18"/30" Upper Tannehill 2028 6,896 Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 30" @ 0.25% Upper Tannehill/Cameron 0 0 6,896 6,896 9,740 0.71 0.71 1,154 1,360 206 146 146 1,154 8,380 5028.007 RMMA SE WW Improvements (SER 2282) 15"/30" Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition Upper Tannehill 2012 5,715 3,379 15" @ 1.10% Upper Tannehill/Mueller 5,715 3,379 9,093 3,419 1.67 2.66 602 674 72 120 191 602 2,745 12"/15"/18"/24" Upper Waller 2015 9,544 1,738 24" @ 0.5% Upper Waller 9,544 1,738 11,282 7,597 1.26 1.49 3,986 4,986 1,000 1,256 1,484 3,986 2,611 5815.002 18" Upper Waller 2006 1,193 1,269 18" @ 0.273% Upper Waller/Triangle 1,193 1,269 2,462 2,606 0.46 0.94 1,996 2,225 229 105 216 1,996 381 2231.122 Airport at Chesterfield Wastewater Improvements Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition Triangle - Infrastructure Incentives Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition CIP-49 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Size Drainage Basin Facility Area Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 2030 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost w/o Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Existing Users SU 2030 Excess SU After 10 years J-R-O G+H G/J I/J N-M K x O L x O 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3023.003 Walnut Creek WWTP 15 MGD exp Walnut WWTP 2004 20,474 21,784 3023.017 3023.019 3023.046 3023.059 4579.001 Walnut Creek WWTP 75 MGD Upgrade Walnut Creek WWTP Headworks Improvements Walnut Creek WWTP Expansion to 100 Million Gallons Per Day Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Influent Lift Station WALNUT CREEK WWTP, PH III 15 MGD exp Walnut WWTP 2004 27,614 18,739 25 MGD Walnut WWTP 2028 46,898 49,899 25 MGD EXP Walnut WWTP 2029 472,98 9 486,506 18 MGD (Ph 1), 23 MGD (Ph 2) Walnut WWTP 2027 12,961 15 MGD exp Walnut WWTP 2004 15,483 16,474 Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 15 MGD & 25 MGD expansions Walnut Creek WWTP 596,41 8 593,401 1,189,81 9 146,962 4.06 8.10 196,552 232,347 35,795 145,268 289,801 2,682 108,485 3353.011 Dell 18 18" Walnut 2000 Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 18" @ 0.5% Walnut/Dell 652 652 652 3,527 0.18 0.18 3,336 3,813 477 88 88 3,336 Note 1 10"FM/1600gpmLS Walnut 2022 2,787 2,965 1600 gpm LS Walnut/East Parke 2,787 2,965 5,752 2,116 1.32 2.72 569 708 139 183 378 569 1,409 12"/18"/36"/48" Walnut 1998 2,406 48" @ 0.074% Walnut/Samsung 2,406 2,406 18,557 0.13 0.13 339 1,038 699 91 91 339 17,520 3168.039 Waters Park Relief Main 36" Walnut 2018 6,488 6,903 36" @ 0.65% Walnut/Waters Park 6,488 6,903 13,390 25,538 0.25 0.52 22,692 27,682 4,990 1,268 2,616 22,692 Note 1 11887.003 12"/15"/18"/24" West Bouldin 2026 1,918 2,040 24" @ 0.5% West Bouldin 1,918 2,040 3,958 7,597 0.25 0.52 1,237 1,653 416 105 217 1,237 5,943 3353.112 6943.026 Del Curto Road Wastewater Improvements (SER-3486R2) Barton Creek Plaza Lift Station Downstream Improvements Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 15" 15"/24" 24" @ 0.5% West Bouldin 2017 306 West Bouldin 2026 5,310 325 0 West Bouldin - Del Curto System 5,616 325 5,941 7,597 0.74 0.78 2,272 3,092 820 606 641 2,272 4,504 0 0 0 0 0 3353.123 East Parke Subdivision Phase 1 Lift Station Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 3353.007 Jourdan's Crossing Service Extension Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition South Lamar Boulevard Corridor: Barton Springs Road to US 290 Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition CIP-50 A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Size Drainage Basin Facility Area Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 2030 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost w/o Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Existing Users SU 2030 Excess SU After 10 years J-R-O G+H G/J I/J N-M K x O L x O 24" @ 0.44% West Carson 9,890 8,570 18,460 7,086 1.40 2.61 3,358 3,794 437 609 1,138 3,358 3,292 2030 1,836 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Lower Boggy/Colorado/Carson 2019 5,222 5,556 2022 2,833 3,014 3212.136 6943.034 6943.069 TxDOT Utility Relocation: US 183 Bergstrom Expressway (US 290 to SH 71) Carson Creek Basin Wastewater Line Improvements Ponca Street Wastewater Improvements Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 24"/30" 18"/24" 18" 4769.011 4769.022 Upper Harris Branch Wastewater Interceptor - Phase 1 Upper Harris Branch Wastewater Interceptor - Phase 2 42" 42" 3353.076 Wildhorse Addition 12"/18" 3353.077 Scots Glen 18" Bellingham Meadows/Wm. Wallace Way Lift Station Wastewater Relief Main 4769.002 NE AREA INTERIM WWTP 20"FM/30"gravity/0.75 MGD plant 4769.006 Wildhorse North Interceptor 8"/18"/36" Carson Carson Gilleland Gilleland Gilleland Gilleland 3353.028 Wild Horse Ranch Decker/Gilleland 2018 4,090 4,352 8"/12"/18"/21"/24"/27"/3 6" Harris Branch 2028 19,092 20,314 Harris Branch 2028 22,842 24,304 3353.101 15"/18" Gilleland 2017 2,339 2,489 4769.008 4769.01 4769.015 4769.018 7265.004 2231.32 6943.031 6943.071 Wildhorse Northwest Interceptor Phase 2 Harris Branch Interceptor Lower A Wildhorse North Interceptor Ext No. of 290 Harris Branch Interceptor Lower B Wild Horse Ranch Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion 42" 36" 12"/18"/21"/24"/27"/30" Decker/Gilleland 2013 2,649 12"/30"/36" Harris Branch 2018 8,006 Gilleland 2015 3,693 Harris Branch/Gilleland 2016 6,580 1.5 MGD exp Gilleland 2030 45,572 48,170 Westgate Neighborhood Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Williamson Creek Wastewater Interceptor Pino Lane Wastewater Improvements Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition 12"/15" 66"/72" 18" Williamson Williamson Williamson 2030 5,002 0 2029 64,458 68,583 2027 1,254 1,334 2009 2009 793 845 2008 8,763 2005 2,369 843 1 9,324 2,520 0 8,518 3,929 947 I Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition WWTP Expansion to 2.25 MGD Wild Horse WWTP 127,63 1 125,711 253,342 8,267 15.44 30.65 2,891 4,452 1,561 24,095 47,828 3,815 72" @ 0.30% Williamson 70,714 69,917 140,631 110,166 0.64 1.28 39,280 44,399 5,119 3,286 6,535 39,280 65,766 0 CIP-51 A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S Ref. Table Subproject ID Project Description Size Drainage Basin Facility Area Completion Date Cost to Build Interest Cost Total Cost to Build Facility Design Capacity SU Cost to Build per SU 2 6943.073 Stassney Lane and Teri Road Wastewater Improvements 24" Facility Size that Defines Capacity Addition Williamson 2027 1,373 1,461 24" @ 0.84% Williamson/Onion 1,373 1,461 2,834 9,847 0.14 0.29 1,737 1,795 I G+H Cost to Build per SU w/ Interest 2020 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 2030 Land Use Assumpt ions SU 10-Year Growth Users SU Impact Cost w/o Interest Impact Cost w/ Interest 2020 Existing Users SU N-M K x O L x O 2030 Excess SU After 10 years J-R-O G/J I/J 58 8 17 1,737 8,052 Service Unit and System-wide Impact Cost Totals 87,121 267,910 524,669 Calculated rate revenue credit per state law & defeasance savings (See Appendix B) Resultant amount to be used for calculating maximum allowable impact fee Maximum Allowable Impact Fee -266,000 258,669 $2,969 Note 1 Note 2 The main interceptor in this group will reach capacity in the 10-year planning period according to the standard criteria. By allowing the pipe to go beyond 80% full, it will provide capacity for growth during the remining few years of the financing period, after which time it will move off the Impact Fee. Flow meter and modeling data indicate that the main interceptor in this group does currently have available capacity for new customers. The flows in this interceptor may reach capacity in the 10-year planning period, and by allowing the pipe to flow beyond 80% full, it will provide capacity for growth during the remining few years of the financing period, after which time it will move off the Impact Fee. CIP-52 VII. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE FEE CALCULATION AND RATE REVENUE CREDIT Once the portion of facilities costs associated with 10-year growth users is calculated for pressure zone and drainage basin analysis areas, the next step is summing these area costs to produce the total system growth cost -- the impact cost total. Then, in compliance with Section 395.014 (a) (7) of the law, a credit must be applied to take into account the contributions growth users will pay in rate payments that go towards financing the CIP growth projects listed on the tables. Utilities can calculate this credit and apply it to the calculated fee or, alternatively, can forgo the credit calculation by opting to use a credit equal to 50% of the calculated maximum allowable impact fee. AW opted to calculate the credit. The purpose of this credit is to ensure that new growth is not charged twice for the portion of capital improvements attributed to them, once through the impact fee and then again through rates. In this update, the Austin-specific rate revenue credits are calculated for water and wastewater, based on the idea that in any future year, growth users make rate payments in proportion to their number as a percent of total rate payers. AW utilized the projected Service Unit Equivalents (SUE), developed as part of the Land Use Assumptions, to determine the pro rata share of the existing debt (interest and principal) attributable to each SUE on the system for each year of the impact fee period (2023-2052). The resulting cost per SUE was multiplied by the cumulative growth in SUE’s for each year of the impact fee period resulting in the portion of the existing debt (interest and principal) that future customers will pay for in water/wastewater rates. Note that the rate revenue credit calculation uses the same interest cost basis (30-year financing and 5.5% interest rate) that yields the individual project interest costs presented in Tables 1 and 2. Additionally, in this update, Austin Water-specific defeasance savings are applied to the Impact Fee project costs prior to calculating the maximum allowable fee. The rate revenue credit tables are shown in Appendix A for water and in Appendix B for wastewater. Beginning in 2016, AW began using impact fee collections to defease outstanding debt to reduce scheduled debt service requirements as authorized by Local Government Code Chapter 395. These fees paid by the developers can only be used to pay the direct costs or the principal and interest on bonds issued for constructing capital improvements or facility expansions identified in the growth-related capital improvement plan. A defeasance is a method of using available cash to pay off outstanding debt early. AW plans to continue annual defeasance transactions using impact fee collections to manage debt service requirements. As such, the rate revenue credit calculation includes a reduction of the total amortized cost for projected defeasance savings. As a result, these savings lower annual debt service requirements attributable to the use of impact fee collections to defease debt. Using this method, the rate revenue credit for water is $249,000,000 and $266,000,000 for wastewater. To complete the maximum allowable fee calculation, the rate revenue credits are subtracted from the impact cost totals and the result is divided by the total number of 10-year growth service units to arrive at system wide maximum allowable fees. As shown on Table 8, the water and reclaimed maximum allowable fee is $4,882 per service unit. As shown on Table 9, the wastewater maximum allowable fee is $2,969 per service unit. CIP-53 Impact Fee Update Report Preparation and Analysis Team City of Austin Austin Water Nolan Barborak Bruk Berhanu Maria Bustamante Rachel Chisolm Brent Crawford Ceara Currie Michelle Garza Marisa Flores Gonzalez James Grabbs Lauren King Bryan LaBissoniere Teresa Lutes Miguel Morales Nam Nguyen Dan Pedersen Aurora Pizano Christina Romero Joe Smith Martin Tower CIP-54 APPENDIX A IMPACT FEE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN Water Rate Revenue Credit Table Year Growth CIP Debt (Principle & Interest) Total Service Units (SUE) each year Cost per SUE Cumulative SUE's in 30- Year Period Portion Debt paid by Growth in 30-Year Period Year Growth CIP Debt (Principle & Interest) Total Service Units (SUE) each year Cost per SUE Cumulative SUE's in 30- Year Period Portion Debt paid by Growth in 30-Year Period Year Growth CIP Debt (Principle & Interest) Total Service Units (SUE) each year Cost per SUE Cumulative SUE's in 30- Year Period Portion Debt paid by Growth in 30-Year Period Total Revenue Credit 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 $ 85,649,743 $ 117,686,191 $ 103,036,555 $ 114,757,940 $ 109,504,475 $ 125,186,230 $ 117,128,500 $ 104,402,362 $ 87,845,194 $ 88,551,593 428,045 436,270 444,653 453,197 461,905 470,781 479,827 489,047 498,444 508,021 $ 200 $ 270 $ 232 $ 253 $ 237 $ 266 $ 244 $ 213 $ 176 $ 174 8,070 16,295 24,678 33,222 41,930 50,806 59,852 69,072 78,469 88,046 $ 1,700,000 $ 4,400,000 $ 5,800,000 $ 8,500,000 $ 10,000,000 $ 13,600,000 $ 14,700,000 $ 14,800,000 $ 13,900,000 $ 15,400,000 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 $ 88,845,007 $ 88,997,519 $ 89,370,092 $ 89,229,888 $ 88,831,331 $ 64,948,877 $ 64,838,226 $ 64,752,832 $ 56,147,260 $ 53,620,575 517,783 527,732 537,873 548,208 558,742 569,478 580,421 591,573 602,940 614,526 $ 171.59 $ 168.64 $ 166.15 $ 162.77 $ 158.98 $ 114.05 $ 111.71 $ 109.46 $ 93.12 $ 87.26 88,046 88,046 88,046 88,046 88,046 88,046 88,046 88,046 88,046 88,046 $ 15,200,000 $ 14,900,000 $ 14,700,000 $ 14,400,000 $ 14,000,000 $ 10,100,000 $ 9,900,000 $ 9,700,000 $ 8,200,000 $ 7,700,000 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 $ 51,510,466 $ 48,935,895 $ 21,823,519 $ 20,986,524 $ 11,009,722 $ 10,439,279 $ 10,361,731 $ 9,958,898 $ 9,837,445 $ 9,837,445 626,334 82.24 $ 638,369 76.66 650,635 33.54 $ 663,137 31.65 $ 675,880 16.29 688,867 15.15 702,103 14.76 $ $ 715,594 13.92 729,344 13.49 $ $ 743,359 13.23 $ $ $ 88,046 88,046 88,046 88,046 88,046 88,046 88,046 88,046 88,046 88,046 $ 7,300,000 $ 6,800,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 2,800,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,400,000 $ 1,300,000 $ 1,300,000 $ 1,200,000 $ 1,200,000 $ 249,000,000 CIP-A-1 APPENDIX B IMPACT FEE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN Wastewater Rate Revenue Credit Table Year Growth CIP Debt (Principle & Interest) Total Service Units (SUE) each year Cost per SUE Cumulative SUE's in 30- Year Period Portion Debt paid by Growth in 30-Year Period Year Growth CIP Debt (Principle & Interest) Total Service Units (SUE) each year Cost per SUE Cumulative SUE's in 30- Year Period Portion Debt paid by Growth in 30-Year Period Year Growth CIP Debt (Principle & Interest) Total Service Units (SUE) each year Cost per SUE Cumulative SUE's in 30- Year Period Portion Debt paid by Growth in 30-Year Period Total Revenue Credit 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 $ 40,954,383 $ 54,913,675 $ 44,293,711 $ 49,517,550 $ 51,061,997 $ 58,180,934 $ 90,668,112 $ 90,155,339 $ 85,203,282 $ 85,752,698 409,363 100.04 $ 417,483 131.54 425,764 104.03 $ 434,210 114.04 $ $ 442,823 115.31 451,607 128.83 $ 460,566 196.86 $ $ 469,702 191.94 479,019 177.87 $ 488,521 175.54 $ $ 7,962 16,083 24,364 32,810 41,423 50,207 59,165 68,301 77,619 87,121 $ 800,000 $ 2,200,000 $ 2,600,000 $ 3,800,000 $ 4,800,000 $ 6,500,000 $ 11,700,000 $ 13,200,000 $ 13,900,000 $ 15,300,000 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 $ 85,905,622 $ 82,376,089 $ 82,301,618 $ 76,565,975 $ 75,803,071 $ 66,521,215 $ 64,648,340 $ 64,512,199 $ 64,512,199 $ 61,645,574.37 498,212 172.43 $ 508,094 162.13 518,173 158.83 $ 528,452 144.89 $ $ 538,935 140.65 549,625 121.03 $ 560,528 115.33 $ $ 571,647 112.85 582,987 110.66 $ 594,551 103.68 $ $ 87,121 87,121 87,121 87,121 87,121 87,121 87,121 87,121 87,121 87,121 $ 15,100,000 $ 14,200,000 $ 13,900,000 $ 12,700,000 $ 12,300,000 $ 10,600,000 $ 10,100,000 $ 9,900,000 $ 9,700,000 $ 9,100,000 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 $ 60,349,667 $ 60,229,965 $ 56,456,737 $ 56,098,280 $ 55,630,389 $ 54,210,216 $ 54,116,860 $ 54,116,860 $ 51,619,931 $ 50,319,464 606,345 99.53 $ 618,373 97.40 630,639 89.52 $ 643,149 87.22 $ $ 655,907 84.81 668,918 81.04 $ 682,187 79.33 $ 695,719 77.79 709,520 72.75 $ $ 723,594 69.54 $ $ 87,121 87,121 87,121 87,121 87,121 87,121 87,121 87,121 87,121 87,121 $ 8,700,000 $ 8,500,000 $ 7,800,000 $ 7,600,000 $ 7,400,000 $ 7,100,000 $ 7,000,000 $ 6,800,000 $ 6,400,000 $ $ 6,100,000 266,000,000 CIP-B-1 APPENDIX C IMPACT FEE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN CIP Projects Targeted to Meeting Existing Needs 2023-2027 – Water & Reclaimed Subproject ID Subproject Name DEPT 2107 2107 2107 2107 2107 2107 2107 2107 2107 2107 2107 2107 2107 2107 2107 2107 2107 2107 2107 2107 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 3333.037 3333.135 5267.025 5267.040 5267.041 5267.042 5267.044 5267.052 5267.062 5267.075 5267.077 5267.080 5267.082 5267.090 5267.091 5267.092 5267.094 5267.096 5267.097 6319.007 757.057 757.091 757.100 757.126 757.141 2006.019 2006.020 2006.023 2006.024 2006.035 2006.037 2006.038 2006.046 2006.052 2006.053 2006.054 2006.059 2006.061 2006.062 2006.063 2006.064 2015.006 2015.017 2015.019 2015.041 2015.062 2015.069 2015.078 South Austin Regional WWTP Sludge Transfer Line and Reclaimed Water Line SAR WWTP Reclaimed Water Pump Station Expansion Onion Creek Reclaimed Water Main Phase 1 West 6th Street (San Antonio to MoPac) Reclaimed Water Main Oltorf Street Reclaimed Water Main Phase 1 Oltorf Street Reclaimed Water Main Phase 2 Barton South Congress Reclaimed Water Main Indirect Potable Reuse Pumping and Treatment Improvements Krieg Fields Reclaimed Water Line Permanent Restoration Travis Heights Reclaimed Water Main Reclaimed Water System Surge Analysis and Mitigation Downtown Transmission Mains ABIA North Reclaimed Loop Main East Austin Reclaimed Water Main Distributed Wastewater Reuse and Sewer Mining 51st Street Tower Washout Walnut Creek WWTP Reclaimed Water Meters Montopolis Reclaimed Water Pump Station Expansion West Riverside Reclaimed Water Main Fallwell Lane Capital Renewal Project Motheral Drive Site Improvements Waller Creek Center Reclaim Water Project Waller Creek Center Elevator Modernization Waller Creek Center Parking Garage Renewal Austin Water Key System Upgrade Pressure Point Improvements Phase 1 Lookout Lane Pump Station Improvements Guildford Cove Pump Station Improvements Glenlake Pump Station Bypass Improvements Davis Lane Pump Station Restoration of Dual Feed (Austin Energy) Jollyville Pump Station Hydraulic and Site Improvements East Austin Pump Station Instrumentation and Control Improvements Four Points Pump Station HVAC Pressure Point 57 RTU Replacement Allen Road Pump Station HVAC Barclay Pump Station HVAC Center Street Pump Station Replacement and Electrical Improvements Turner's Crossing Pump Station & Reservoir Inspection Water Distribution Remote Sites Control System Obsolete Equipment Upgrade Bell Mountain Pump Station Controller Replacement Camp Ben McCullough Pump Station Controller Replacement Davis Water Treatment Plant Power Distribution Upgrade Davis WTP Raw Water Hydraulic and Energy Efficiency Improvements Davis WTP Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Improvements Davis Water Treatment Plant Treated Water Discharge System Davis Water Treatment Plant Filter Media Tank Improvements Davis WTP RWHEEI Phase B Davis Water Treatment Plant Gas Heater Replacements Current Appropriation $3,963,618 $337,119 $11,436,768 $0 $598,083 $905,947 $848,914 $0 $419,988 $867,172 $183,507 $0 $486,727 $0 $0 $77,780 $69,016 $200,000 $878,933 $243,970 $380,816 $167,747 $0 $306,869 $0 $558,294 $695,064 $590,530 $1,579,674 $640,157 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $107,197 $257,454 $0 $0 $0 $35,317,585 $2,710,677 $1,620,714 $54,158,915 $1,102,056 $225,834 $629,502 ITD Expenditures $2,475,724 $5,352 $1,386,425 $0 $536,695 $687,934 $337,947 $0 $127,770 $390,906 $169,653 $0 $427,305 $0 $0 $32,298 $27,976 $0 $3,279 $75,008 $340,907 $19,020 $0 $160,351 $0 $400,058 $460,802 $472,748 $780,929 $337,378 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,752 $109,615 $0 $0 $0 $33,350,193 $2,134,095 $789,608 $48,771,896 $150,324 $112,501 $592,055 CIP-C-1 DEPT 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 Subproject ID Subproject Name 2015.089 2015.102 2015.109 2015.110 2056.007 2056.009 2056.015 2056.016 2056.020 2056.021 2056.022 2056.023 2056.024 2056.025 2127.016 2127.036 2127.040 2127.041 2127.042 2127.047 2127.048 2127.052 2231.093 2231.109 2231.217 2231.233 2231.234 2231.236 2231.238 2231.239 2231.240 2231.246 2231.273 2231.280 2231.281 2231.283 2231.285 2231.287 2231.291 2231.292 2231.294 2231.297 2231.298 2231.302 2231.303 2231.304 2231.305 2231.307 2231.308 2231.310 2231.311 2231.313 2231.318 Davis Water Treatment Plant Ice Machine Replacement Davis WTP Polymer Feed System (2018 Flood Resiliency Improvements) Davis WTP Training Building Roof Rehab Davis WTP Server and Communications Room Relocation Water Distribution Lift Station Improvements Phase II Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Cyber Security Remediation Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Back-up Control Center Process Control Systems Applications and Networking Technology Improvements WDCS & LSTS SCADA Control Center Computer Replacement SCADA Wide Area Network Firewalling and Segmentation Virtualization Capabilities at Water and Wastewater Facilities Communication Trailer Improvements at SCADA Master Radio Sites SCADA Documentation Storage SCADA test environment Southwest Parkway Southwest B Elevated Reservoir Aquifer Storage and Recovery Pilot Lookout Lane and Neverbend Reservoir Improvements Walsh Tarlton/Westlake Reservoir Improvements Slaughter Lane and Capital of Texas Ground Storage Reservoir Improvements Aquifer Storage and Recovery Full-Scale Project Mt Larson & Sun Tree Cv Reservoir Improvements Southwest Pressure Zones Pump Station/Reservoir Study Southwest Allandale Neighborhood Water and Wastewater System Renewal East Allandale White Rock Neighborhood System W/WW Renewal Medical Arts Square Water and Wastewater System Renewal Brentwood Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal: Arcadia Avenue Area Rosedale/Lawnmont Avenue Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Morrow and Gault Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal North Tarrytown Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal South Tarrytown Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Old Enfield Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Kellam Road Water Pipeline Renewal West Allandale and Trailridge Drive Utility Line Renewal Elmhurst Drive Wastewater Pipe Renewal Hyde Park Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Adina Street Water Pipeline Replacement Asbestos Cement Water Pipe and Wastewater Line Replacement (Northeast) Vargas Neighborhood Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Zilker Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Colony Park Water Pipeline Renewal Barton Hills Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal: Horseshoe Bend Area Astor Place Water and Wastewater Pipeline Rehabilitation Harmon Avenue Area Water & Wastewater Renewal Academy Drive Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal La Casa Drive Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Beverly Road Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Fort Upper Basin Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Rosedale North Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Phase 2 West 17th Street Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Central East Austin Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Wilshire Blvd Area Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Truman Heights Water & Wastewater Pipeline Rehabilitation Brentwood Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal - Koenig North Current Appropriation $0 $6,041,755 $0 $0 $560,000 $923,244 $0 $0 $0 $25,382 $0 $0 $0 $0 $53,403 $3,116,000 $0 $696,661 $5,059,033 $0 $0 $0 $3,725,350 $3,855,141 $1,302,885 $4,461,380 $471,940 $713,330 $2,704,864 $721,062 $256,136 $280,785 $4,109,276 $90,742 $5,665,765 $517,634 $3,222,054 $3,192,152 $5,471,872 $754,051 $1,051,269 $188,240 $2,657,044 $1,398,861 $51,182 $717,329 $305,185 $2,089,261 $392,270 $0 $332,867 $3,273,198 $484,412 ITD Expenditures $0 $1,624,685 $0 $0 $509,664 $649,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $13,480 $981,199 $0 $0 $4,442,593 $0 $0 $0 $1,241,752 $1,116,674 $395,173 $3,616,904 $370,849 $262,675 $1,828,128 $615,273 $181,302 $240,411 $3,521,054 $30,243 $1,286,589 $407,666 $2,545,260 $404,529 $520,164 $577,375 $874,732 $11,413 $2,085,302 $174,659 $35,548 $507,458 $1,302 $724,964 $267,799 $0 $252,046 $261,289 $207,836 CIP-C-2 DEPT 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 Subproject ID Subproject Name 2231.320 2231.331 2231.332 2231.333 2231.334 2231.339 2231.341 2231.342 2231.371 2231.374 2231.378 2231.380 2231.387 2231.388 2231.390 2231.393 2231.395 2231.396 2231.400 2231.401 2231.403 2231.433 2231.434 2231.435 2231.436 2231.437 2231.438 2231.439 2231.441 2231.442 2231.444 2231.445 2231.446 2231.452 2231.453 3159.025 3159.027 3159.030 3159.031 3159.034 3159.035 3159.036 3159.037 3159.040 3159.041 3159.042 3159.044 3159.045 3159.046 3159.047 3159.049 3159.050 3159.051 Westgate Neighborhood Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Sunny Lane Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal West 35th Street Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Zilker, Bluebonnet Hether, Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Bryker Road Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal West 9th and 12th Streets Water and Wastewater Renewal 38th and 40th Streets Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Garden Villa Lane Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal East 55th Street & Harmon Avenue Waterline Renewal AW Asphalt and Concrete Restoration Inspection (FY21-25) Merion Circle Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Ivanhoe Trail Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Best Management Practices for Pipeline Systems Wickshire Lane and Metcalfe Road Waterline Renewal 2021 Waterline On-Call Services IDIQ Waterline On-Call Services IDIQ (24 to 26) Sinclair Avenue Water and Wastewater System Renewal Project Blythewood Drive Water Pipeline Renewal Project Hillspring and Scottsdale Water and Wastewater System Renewal Project Concordia Neighborhood Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Project Bryker Woods Neighborhood Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Project Lawnmont Avenue Water System Renewal Project St. Johns Circle Water System Renewal Project Kirk Avenue Water System Renewal Project Wilmes Drive Water System Renewal Wethersfield Road Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Creighton Lane Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Antler Drive Water Pipeline Renewal Christie Drive and Tura Lane Water System Renewal Project Galvanized Water Service Line Replacement Program Gladstone Drive Water System Renewal Project Patton Avenue Water System Renewal Project Lily Terrace Water System Renewal Project Decker Lane (Between Loyola & Mayview) Water & WW Pipeline Renewal West Congress (Radam/St. Elmo) Water & WW Pipeline Renewal Collaboration Software Implementation Environmental Compliance Software Upgrade Wireless Network Replacements (FY21-FY25) PC Refresh (FY19-24) Geographic Information System Data Model Geographic Information System Equipment (FY19-FY23) Geographic Information System Upgrade (FY19-FY23) Disaster Recovery and Data Archive Replacements (FY23-FY27) Laboratory Information Management System (FY19 - FY24) Data Center Refresh (FY21-25) Data Center Refresh (FY26-30) Wireless Network Refresh (FY26-30) Access Layer Switch Replacement (FY21-25) Access Layer Switch Replacement (FY26-30) PC Refresh (FY25-29) IT Security Tools and Services Computerized Maintenance Management System-Horizontal Assets (FY20-FY25) Computerized Maintenance Management System - Vertical Assets (FY20-FY25) Current Appropriation $35,221 $323,207 $154,278 $426,300 $968,934 $1,905,291 $242,768 $200,172 $157,667 $311,902 $224,734 $372,255 $38,605 $263,867 $6,003,623 $0 $57,863 $126,803 $133,167 $0 $13,077 $21,890 $22,012 $0 $0 $13,649 $11,053 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $26,250 $13,125 $345,413 $294,156 $66,466 $1,058,970 $432,288 $105,388 $167,640 $0 $67,429 $851,235 $0 $0 $201,708 $0 $0 $154,105 $388,782 $759,424 ITD Expenditures $29,432 $316,967 $98,653 $102,809 $610,682 $1,067,724 $183,676 $153,732 $139,245 $243,291 $23,165 $104,337 $10,477 $251,829 $3,868,170 $0 $36,672 $80,671 $46,178 $0 $1,188 $4,695 $5,202 $0 $0 $2,999 $2,750 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $341,356 $194,375 $19,925 $947,056 $298,137 $73,219 $134,425 $0 $66,854 $659,365 $0 $0 $152,530 $0 $0 $88,362 $269,919 $706,655 CIP-C-3 DEPT 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 Subproject ID Subproject Name 3159.052 3159.054 3159.055 3159.056 3159.057 3159.058 3159.062 3159.064 3159.066 3159.068 3185.009 3185.010 3212.147 3212.148 3212.155 3212.157 3212.162 3212.168 3212.170 3212.174 3212.175 3212.176 3212.185 3212.190 3212.194 3212.196 3257.005 3257.007 3257.008 3257.009 3257.010 3257.011 3257.012 3257.013 3257.014 3353.116 4953.020 4953.028 4953.043 4953.048 4953.049 4953.050 4953.061 4953.065 4953.068 4953.070 4953.071 4953.072 4953.073 4953.074 4953.075 5309.007 5309.009 Data Analytics Software Implementation (FY21-FY25) Computerized Maintenance Management System-Horizontal Assets (FY26-FY31) Computerized Maintenance Management System - Vertical Assets (FY26-FY31) Laboratory Information Management System (FY25 - FY31) Data Analytics Software Implementation (FY26-FY31) Cloud-Based Data Analytics Upgrade Geographic Information System Equipment (FY24-28) Geographic Information System Upgrade (FY24-28) IT Security Tools and Services (FY26-31) Pipeline Inspection System (FY24-FY28) Capital Equipment - Vehicles FY23 to FY25 Capital Equipment - Vehicles FY26 to FY28 Forest North Phase 3 Water and Wastewater Line Relocation Pond Springs Road Water and Wastewater Lines and Appurtenance Relocation TxDOT IH 35 Waterline Relocation: Parmer Lane Segment TxDOT FM 2222 Water Line Relocation: FM 620 to Bonaventure Drive TxDOT IH 35 Central WL Relocation: US 183 to US290 Travis County Utility Relocation Thaxton Road Travis County Utility Relocation: Old Manor Road Safety Improvements Miscellaneous Pavement Improvements FY19-23 Miscellaneous Pavement Improvements FY24-28 TxDOT SH 71 from East of SH 130 to East of Kellam Road Waterline Relocation TxDOT US183 N Relocation: SH 45 N to Loop 1 Travis County Utility Relocation-Thomas Springs Rd: Circle Dr. to SH 71 Relocation of 36-inch Water Line across Colorado River TxDOT FM 973 From FM 969 to Thyne Water Operations Control Center South Campus - Redesign of Glen Bell Service Center Webberville Service Center Redevelopment Northwest Service Center Facilities Master Plan Space Planning Module and Work Order System Waller Creek Center 10th Floor and Atrium Renovation Waller Creek Center 2nd and 3rd Floor Renovation Waller Creek Center 4th and 5th Floor Renovation Goodnight Ranch Phase Two Rutherford Ranch Road Renewal Tabor Dam Repair Water Quality Protection Lands Tract J17 Road Rehabilitation Rutherford House Roof Replacement Net Wire Fencing Along South Boundary of LIBE Tract Onion Tract Net Wire Fencing FM967 Parkwest High West and South Boundaries High Game Fencing Forest Ridge South Boundary along Boatright tract High Game Fencing Senna Hills Entire Boundary High Game Fencing Little Barton Eastern Boundary Net Wire Fencing Morgan East and West Boundary Net Wire Fencing Parkhouse West Boundary Net Wire Fencing Bright Leaf High Game Fencing along Mt. Bonnell Rd., South Boundary Whirlpool Karst High Game Fencing Hiller High Game Fencing Polybutylene Water Services Replacement Program Polybutylene Water Services Replacement Contract 100+ PSI Areas Current Appropriation $128,004 $0 $0 $0 $0 $496,991 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,342,835 $0 $161,598 $3,197,221 $518,898 $21,961 $995,620 $41,250 $0 $781,695 $85,416 $125,036 $188,900 $33,458 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $54,600 $357,439 $0 $0 $801,950 $380,000 $386,111 $0 $0 $0 $0 $98,415 $80,054 $0 $283,895 $0 $0 $56,959 $24,250 $44,331 $10,928,874 $0 ITD Expenditures $69,541 $0 $0 $0 $0 $356,665 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,364,627 $0 $103,521 $3,104,416 $199,302 $5,643 $824,652 $48,681 $0 $691,568 $52,047 $67,098 $63,972 $22,870 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,542 $94,665 $0 $0 $242,578 $207,749 $373,509 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $21,021 $0 $0 $2,021,862 $0 CIP-C-4 DEPT 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 Subproject ID Subproject Name 5335.008 5335.016 5335.035 5335.063 5335.064 5335.070 5335.075 5335.080 5335.081 5335.100 5754.086 5789.075 5789.106 5789.126 5873.012 5873.031 6621.022 6621.023 6621.026 6621.030 6621.031 6621.033 6621.034 6621.035 6621.036 6621.039 6621.040 6621.041 6621.044 6621.047 6621.048 6621.049 6683.031 6683.032 6683.038 6683.039 6935.001 6935.019 6935.025 6935.026 6935.041 6935.045 6935.049 6935.057 6935.067 6935.077 6935.078 6935.079 6935.080 6935.081 6935.083 6935.085 6935.086 Ullrich WTP On-site Generation of Chlorine and Ammonium Sulfate Conversion Ullrich WTP Low Service Pump Station Electrical Feed Renewal Ullrich WTP Supervisory Controls And Network Upgrades Ullrich WTP Solids Handling System Improvements Ullrich WTP Raw Water Pipe Gallery Dehumidifiers & Paint Recoating Ullrich WTP Lime Feed Loop Ullrich WTP Process Drain & Support Systems Improvements Ullrich WTP Low Service Pump Station Safety Structures Renewal Ullrich WTP Door/Window Renew; Restroom and Elec Remod; Roof Replace Design Ullrich Centrifuge 2 and 4 Controls Upgrade Little Walnut Creek - Flood Risk Reduction from Metric to Rutland Waller Creek - Guadalupe St. Flood Risk Reduction Project East Bouldin - Annie Street Flood Risk Reduction Project Walnut Creek - North Acres Storm Drain Improvements Redbud Trail Bridge over Lady Bird Lake Barton Springs Rd. Bridge over Barton Creek Handcox Water Treatment Plant Security Enhancements Glen Bell Service Center Security Conversion Security Operations Center (SOC) Expansion at Waller Creek Center Tim Louviere Service Center Security System Upgrade Davis Water Treatment Plant Security System Upgrade Pump Station Security Access System Upgrade Ullrich Water Treatment Plant Security System Upgrade Summit Water Quality Lab Security Access Upgrade Webberville Service Center Security System Upgrade Govalle Security System Technology Refresh North Service Center Security System Technology Update Security Operations Center Technology Expansion South Service Center Security System Installation Davis Low Service Gate Security Installation Waller Creek Center Security Refresh Glen Bell Service Center Security Refresh Handcox WTP Process Buildings HVAC Improvements Handcox WTP Filter Backwash Pump Station Envelope Skin and HVAC Handcox WTP Polymer Feed System (2018 Flood Resiliency Improvements) Handcox WTP - Bullick Hollow Waterline Extension Davis Medium Service Water Transmission Main Parmer & 620 Interconnect Southwest Parkway Transmission Main Moore Rd Transmission Main Oak Hill Water Network Improvements Northwest A & B Zone Waterline Extensions and Pressure Reducing Valves Travis County Water Line Construction: FM 1626 from Manchaca Rd to Brodie Advanced Metering Infrastructure for Potable & Reclaimed Water Services Pleasant Valley Waterline - Webberville to E 7th Oltorf at Travis Heights Pressure Zone Improvements Oltorf at Parker Lane Pressure Zone Improvements Oltorf at Wickersham Pressure Zone Improvements Oltorf at Montopolis Pressure Zone Improvements FM 812 and US Hwy 183 Waterline Improvements Starline Drive and Lawndale Drive Pressure Zone Conversion Davis Medium Service Transmission Main Study Water Forward Integrated Water Resource Plan Update Current Appropriation $7,491,905 $31,894,950 $5,000 $539,092 $0 $15,435,002 $19,862,783 $183,445 $591,253 $0 $1,262,102 $0 $430,741 $273,662 $539,884 $25,000 $0 $92,153 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,444,240 $0 $4,916,868 $0 $0 $0 $40,617 $0 $0 $1,241,487 $963,074 $21,711,112 $0 $906,429 $0 $0 $0 $629,479 $484,051 $0 $224,600 ITD Expenditures $2,051,191 $14,709,701 $295 $468,318 $0 $13,772,374 $1,688,670 $105,068 $235,804 $0 $768,498 $0 $44,499 $171,368 $324,942 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $617,847 $0 $790,208 $0 $0 $0 $22,166 $0 $0 $1,078,224 $916,779 $29,493,764 $0 $432,446 $0 $0 $0 $195,195 $386,277 $0 $157,544 CIP-C-5 DEPT 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 2207 Subproject ID Subproject Name 6935.087 6935.088 6935.091 6943.045 6943.075 7487.003 8702.008 8702.009 8702.013 11880.001 11883.003 11883.008 11887.003 11889.011 12480.001 12480.002 12480.003 13275.001 Guildford Cove Hydropneumatic (Long Canyon) Distribution Improvements Small Diameter Waterline Replacement Program IDIQ Water Forward Integrated Water Resource Plan III Upper Boggy West - Cherrywood Wastewater Line Improvements Cameron Road Wastewater Improvements Braker Lane North (County Funded) Harris Branch to Samsung Shaw Lane Aerial Survey Zebra Mussel Mitigation - Ullrich, Davis and Handcox WTP CIG Facilities IDIQ 21 & 24 Contract Development & Inspection Spicewood Springs Road Regional Mobility Improvements North Lamar Boulevard Corridor - US 183 to South of Rundberg Lane North Lamar Boulevard Corridor - Rundberg Lane to South of Parmer Lane South Lamar Boulevard Corridor: Barton Springs Road to US 290 William Cannon Drive Corridor - Running Water Dr to McKinney Falls Pkwy Longhorn Dam Security Monitoring and Access Control Longhorn Dam Improvements Longhorn Dam Resiliency Improvements Project Connect - Austin Water Utility Support Current Appropriation $0 $410,866 $0 $81,400 $27,185 $0 $97,764 $10,313,242 $154,512 $1,320,428 $0 $0 $363,237 $0 $0 $984,715 $0 $1,500,059 ITD Expenditures $0 $238,436 $0 $51,408 $6,227 $0 $94,453 $5,061,678 $105,385 $1,166,132 $0 $0 $194,789 $0 $0 $266,148 $0 $21,910 CIP-C-6 APPENDIX D IMPACT FEE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN CIP Projects Targeted to Meeting Existing Needs 2023-2027 – Wastewater DEPT Subproject ID Subproject Name Southwest Allandale Neighborhood Water and Wastewater System Renewal $3,073,718 $1,741,150 Brentwood Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal: Arcadia Avenue Area $3,734,732 $3,225,059 Rosedale/Lawnmont Avenue Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 757.091 757.100 757.126 757.141 757.144 757.145 757.146 2056.007 2056.009 2056.020 2056.021 2056.022 2056.024 2056.025 2231.093 2231.109 2231.211 2231.217 2231.233 2231.234 2231.236 2231.238 2231.239 2231.240 2231.266 2231.273 2231.274 2231.280 2231.281 2231.285 2231.287 2231.291 2231.294 2231.297 2231.298 2231.302 2231.303 2231.304 2231.305 2231.308 2231.310 2231.311 2231.313 2231.314 2231.318 Waller Creek Center Reclaim Water Project Waller Creek Center Elevator Modernization Waller Creek Center Parking Garage Renewal Austin Water Key System Upgrade Govalle ODS Building 5 Roof Rehab Govalle ODS Building 1 Roof Rehab Govalle ODS Building 2 Roof Rehab Water Distribution Lift Station Improvements Phase II Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Cyber Security Remediation WDCS & LSTS SCADA Control Center Computer Replacement SCADA Wide Area Network Firewalling and Segmentation Virtualization Capabilities at Water and Wastewater Facilities SCADA Documentation Storage SCADA test environment East Allandale White Rock Neighborhood System W/WW Renewal Real Estate Services - Wastewater Pipeline Network Medical Arts Square Water and Wastewater System Renewal Morrow and Gault Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal North Tarrytown Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal South Tarrytown Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Old Enfield Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Wastewater Collection System Replacement Lines - North West Allandale and Trailridge Drive Utility Line Renewal Schulle Branch Creek Aerial Wastewater Pipeline Crossing Renewal Elmhurst Drive Wastewater Pipe Renewal Hyde Park Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Asbestos Cement Water Pipe and Wastewater Line Replacement (Northeast) Vargas Neighborhood Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Zilker Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Barton Hills Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal: Horseshoe Bend Area Astor Place Water and Wastewater Pipeline Rehabilitation Harmon Avenue Area Water & Wastewater Renewal Academy Drive Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal La Casa Drive Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Beverly Road Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Fort Upper Basin Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal West 17th Street Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Central East Austin Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Wilshire Blvd Area Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Truman Heights Water & Wastewater Pipeline Rehabilitation In Situ Wastewater Line Renewal Program (2019 to 2021) Brentwood Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal - Koenig North Current Appropriation ITD Expenditures $167,747 $19,019 $306,868 $160,351 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $361,636 $606,166 $480,000 $881,486 $0 $25,382 $1,756,845 $134,214 $2,388,177 $601,016 $63,544 $658,363 $449,273 $346,291 $7,050,195 $4,276,521 $4,153,711 $2,340,513 $870,124 $752,336 $824,584 $634,513 $6,980,490 $6,295,300 $2,961,760 $2,398,636 $607,299 $937,989 $420,746 $403,862 $4,460,113 $1,225,495 $1,983,265 $1,355,745 $1,640,821 $3,151,316 $4,412,142 $86,460 $437,675 $1,743,788 $29,765 $725,369 $3,537,138 $621,691 $0 $410,310 $1,585,833 $971,531 $378,087 $400,957 $65,362 $25,151 $245,326 $24,603 $464,476 $748,818 $498,207 $0 $306,159 $127,395 $3,399,708 $3,075,581 $447,103 $191,400 CIP-D-1 DEPT Subproject ID Subproject Name Current Appropriation ITD Expenditures 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2231.326 2231.331 2231.332 2231.333 2231.334 2231.339 2231.341 2231.342 2231.351 2231.354 2231.362 2231.370 2231.373 2231.374 2231.378 2231.380 2231.381 2231.382 2231.383 2231.384 2231.387 2231.394 2231.395 2231.397 2231.398 2231.399 2231.400 2231.403 2231.407 2231.410 2231.411 2231.412 2231.414 2231.416 2231.417 2231.418 2231.424 2231.427 2231.428 2231.429 2231.438 2231.443 2231.445 2231.447 2231.448 2231.449 2231.450 2231.451 2231.453 3023.022 3023.035 Lower Fort Branch Basin - Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Sunny Lane Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal West 35th Street Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Zilker, Bluebonnet Hether, Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Bryker Road Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal West 9th and 12th Streets Water and Wastewater Renewal 38th and 40th Streets Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Garden Villa Lane Water & Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Greater South Creek (Elm Creek Dr.) Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Wastewater Renewal Program - Manholes IDIQ (2019-2023) Wastewater Pipe Network Inflow and Infiltration Technologies Evaluation Sewer Cleaning Evaluation Study Bull Creek Basin - Large Diameter Wastewater Pipeline Renewal AW Asphalt and Concrete Restoration Inspection (FY21-25) Merion Circle Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Ivanhoe Trail Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Wastewater Billing Meter Assessments Capacity, Management, Operations & Maintenance (CMOM) Manual Updates Large Wastewater Interceptors Assessment â¿¿ Pilot II Horizontal Asset Management Peer Review Best Management Practices for Pipeline Systems In Situ Wastewater Line Renewal Program IDIQ (2022 to 2024) Sinclair Avenue Water and Wastewater System Renewal Project Wastewater Pipeline Watershed Coordination Eanes Basin & Skunk Hollow Creek Wastewater Infrastructure Risk Assessment Highway Crossing Renewal Projects Hillspring and Scottsdale Water and Wastewater System Renewal Project Bryker Woods Neighborhood Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Project Shoal Creek and W 38th Street Wastewater Renewal Study NW Tarrytown (Between Pecos & Exposition) Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Greater Stratford Drive Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Greater Anderson Lane Wastewater Renewal North University Neighborhood Wastewater Renewal Parkfield Dr. Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Marlborough & Faylin Dr. Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Loyola Ln & Elm Creek Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Wastewater Line Renewal And Spot Rehab Service Contract (2023 to 2025) South River City (Bonnieview St) Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Govalle (Boggy Creek Concrete Channel) Wastewater Pipeline Renewal MLK Neighborhood and Givens Park Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Creighton Lane Water and Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Walnut Creek Metro Park (Wells Branch Creek) Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Patton Avenue Water System Renewal Project Boggy Creek (Between MLK & Pleasant Valley) Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Fort Branch Creek (Between MLK & Norwood Hill) Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Upper Shoal Creek Basin - Northcross Dr. Wastewater Pipeline Renewal St Johns & Coronado Hills (Buttermilk Creek) Wastewater Pipeline Renewal Wastewater Renewal Program â¿¿ Manholes IDIQ (2024-2026) West Congress (Radam/St. Elmo) Water & WW Pipeline Renewal $642,505 $512,930 $106,281 $123,117 $1,089,973 $1,035,493 $281,936 $191,946 $403,879 $2,416,528 $313,092 $192,731 $286,813 $311,859 $235,725 $28,779 $172,143 $168,602 $829,775 $95,588 $38,604 $1,203,793 $70,721 $0 $378,000 $432,478 $133,168 $13,077 $77,658 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,400,000 $0 $232,113 $252,491 $11,054 $70,000 $22,198 $68,000 $13,125 $241,106 $482,906 $72,494 $80,695 $711,091 $495,666 $189,567 $146,393 $56,384 $1,197,850 $272,476 $106,052 $190,216 $243,278 $16,190 $16,328 $150,533 $160,069 $35,086 $79,363 $10,477 $499,401 $44,840 $0 $159,458 $366,535 $46,181 $1,188 $54,803 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $361 $0 $32,518 $37,311 $2,751 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $332 CIP-D-2 Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Pumping System Improvements $20,113,193 $16,697,196 Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Thickener Rehab $13,371,487 $12,959,092 DEPT Subproject ID Subproject Name Walnut Creek Primary Clarifier and Flow Equalization Basin Rehab Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Secondary Process Improvements Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Gas Scrubber Systems Renewal Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Controls and Network Upgrades $12,421,326 $1,902,551 Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Administration Building Walls Rehab Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent Sample Pump Modifications 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 3023.036 3023.039 3023.066 3023.074 3023.098 3023.099 3023.116 3159.025 3159.027 3159.030 3159.031 3159.034 3159.035 3159.036 3159.037 3159.040 3159.041 3159.042 3159.044 3159.045 3159.046 3159.047 3159.049 3159.050 3159.051 3159.052 3159.054 3159.055 3159.056 3159.057 3159.058 3159.062 3159.064 3159.066 3159.068 3164.047 3164.059 3164.070 3164.075 3164.077 3164.094 3164.098 3164.102 3164.107 3164.110 3164.112 3164.116 3164.124 3164.125 3164.127 3164.129 Walnut Creek Interim WWTP Rehabilitation Collaboration Software Implementation Environmental Compliance Software Upgrade Wireless Network Replacements (FY21-FY25) PC Refresh (FY19-24) Geographic Information System Data Model Geographic Information System Equipment (FY19-FY23) Geographic Information System Upgrade (FY19-FY23) Disaster Recovery and Data Archive Replacements (FY23-FY27) Laboratory Information Management System (FY19 - FY24) Data Center Refresh (FY21-25) Data Center Refresh (FY26-30) Wireless Network Refresh (FY26-30) Access Layer Switch Replacement (FY21-25) Access Layer Switch Replacement (FY26-30) PC Refresh (FY25-29) IT Security Tools and Services Computerized Maintenance Management System-Horizontal Assets (FY20-FY25) Computerized Maintenance Management System - Vertical Assets (FY20-FY25) Data Analytics Software Implementation (FY21-FY25) Computerized Maintenance Management System-Horizontal Assets (FY26-FY31) Computerized Maintenance Management System - Vertical Assets (FY26-FY31) Laboratory Information Management System (FY25 - FY31) Data Analytics Software Implementation (FY26-FY31) Cloud-Based Data Analytics Upgrade Geographic Information System Equipment (FY24-28) Geographic Information System Upgrade (FY24-28) IT Security Tools and Services (FY26-31) Pipeline Inspection System (FY24-FY28) Hornsby Bend BMP Electrical Motor Control Center (MCC) Replacements Hornsby Bend Plant Road Renewal Hornsby Bend Transfer Pump Station and Irrigation System Improvements Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant Headworks Improvements Hornsby Bend BMP Centrifuges Hornsby Bend Drainage Improvements Hornsby Bend Dewatering Facility and East Stormwater Station Improvements Hornsby Bend Gas Storage Cover Replacement Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant Roadway Improvements Hornsby Bend Administration Building Paint and Floor Rehab Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant Biogas Utilization Assessment Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant Tree Management Hornsby Bend Admin Building Communication Closet Relocation Hornsby Bend BMP Process Ammonia Removal Facility Hornsby Bend Fleet Shop Remodel Hornsby Bend Momentum Controllers Replacement $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Current Appropriation ITD Expenditures $6,071,637 $1,201,651 $31,231,344 $7,980,355 $28,809,460 $603,336 $0 $582,843 $358,833 $345,414 $294,156 $66,466 $1,058,971 $432,288 $105,388 $167,640 $0 $361,633 $415 $337,828 $194,375 $19,925 $941,494 $298,137 $73,219 $134,425 $65,749 $851,235 $65,174 $659,365 $201,708 $152,530 $154,106 $388,782 $751,877 $128,004 $88,362 $269,919 $706,655 $69,541 $496,991 $356,665 $2,363 $2,363 $120,000 $21,900,885 $62,849 $15,264,466 $886,039 $771,966 $13,803,504 $3,662,839 $0 $1,393,077 $0 $433,352 $0 $682,340 $327,750 $166,323 $664,074 $6,598 $0 $0 $299,002 $0 $274,823 $0 $508,146 $225,980 $51,147 $446,179 $0 $0 CIP-D-3 DEPT Subproject ID Subproject Name SAR, Govalle, and Co-Gen Controllers Replacement at Hornsby Bend Northwest Area Lift Station Improvements: Four Points #1 Lift Station NWLS Improvements: Rock Harbor Force Main and Four Points #2 Demolition South Area Lift Station Improvements: Barton Creek Plaza Northwest Area Lift Station Improvements Great Hills Lift Station Northwest Area Lift Station Improvements: Spring Lake #2 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 3164.130 3168.064 3168.074 3168.076 3168.078 3168.086 3168.090 3168.091 3168.092 3168.093 3168.116 3168.136 3168.150 3168.160 3168.164 3168.165 3168.166 3168.168 3168.170 3168.171 3168.191 3168.194 3168.197 3168.198 3168.199 3168.200 3168.201 3168.202 3168.203 3168.204 3168.205 3168.206 3168.213 3168.214 3185.009 3185.010 3212.160 3212.162 3212.167 3212.174 3212.175 3212.178 3212.179 3212.183 3212.185 3212.196 3257.005 3257.007 3257.008 3257.009 3257.010 Davenport Limited Lift Station Improvements Loop 360 Lift Station Improvements Old Lampasas Lift Station Improvements Bee Cave Woods Lift Station Improvements Kale Lift Station Improvements Hills of Bear Creek Lift Station Jib Crane Govalle Site Domestic Wastewater Service Improvements Bintliff Lift Station Emergency Generator Installation Travis Country Lift Station Emergency Generator Installation Fort Dessau Lift Station Force Main and Pump Upgrades Dessau Lift Station Wet Well Slab Restoration Tracor Lift Station Emergency Generator Installation Barrington Oaks Lift Station Emergency Generator Installation Lift Stations SCADA Equipment Replacement Coomer Path Lift Station Capacity Expansion Texas Plume Lift Station Electrical Rehabilitation Dessau Lift Station Generator Installation Daffan Lane Lift Station Generator Installation River Place #3 Lift Station Generator Installation Bee Caves Woods Lift Station Generator Installation McNeil Commercial Lift Station Generator Installation Ringtail Ridge L.C. #4 Lift Station Generator Installation Walsh Tract Lift Station Generator Installation Bluffington #3 Lift Station Generator Installation Cat Mountain #1 Lift Station Generator Installation Cliffs Over Lake Austin Lift Station Generator Installation Gregg Lane and Long Vista Lift Stations Controller Replacement County Downs and Scotland Wells Lift Stations Controller Replacement Capital Equipment - Vehicles FY23 to FY25 Capital Equipment - Vehicles FY26 to FY28 TxDOT IH 35 South Waterline Relocation: SH71/Ben White Blvd to SH 45 SE TxDOT IH 35 Central WL Relocation: US 183 to US290 Travis County Utility Relocation: South Pleasant Valley Road Miscellaneous Pavement Improvements FY19-23 Miscellaneous Pavement Improvements FY24-28 TxDOT Loop 360 at Westlake Drive Water & Wastewater Relocation TxDOT US 290 at Oak Hill Parkway Water & Wastewater Lines Relocation TxDOT 360 at RM2222 and Courtyard Water and Wastewater Relocation TxDOT US183 N Relocation: SH 45 N to Loop 1 TxDOT FM 973 From FM 969 to Thyne Water Operations Control Center South Campus - Redesign of Glen Bell Service Center Webberville Service Center Redevelopment Northwest Service Center Facilities Master Plan Current Appropriation ITD Expenditures $0 $0 $1,423,003 $802,751 $1,043,358 $953,947 $0 $0 $649,094 $237,881 $880,378 $603,829 $186,113 $1,591,377 $52,412 $242,625 $1,484,897 $1,940,316 $518,900 $1,516,635 $199,314 $30,937 $41,250 $0 $2,243 $57,617 $0 $1,336,959 $8,419,466 $1,132,118 $7,336,759 $221,000 $147,375 $85,493 $70,321 $52,061 $27,770 CIP-D-4 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 South Austin Regional WWTP Sludge Transfer Line and Reclaimed Water Line $3,994,294 $2,551,108 DEPT Subproject ID Subproject Name 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 3257.011 3257.012 3257.013 3257.014 3333.017 3333.032 3333.034 3333.037 3333.104 3333.105 3333.106 3333.107 3333.113 3333.114 3333.120 3333.133 3333.134 5789.075 5789.106 5873.012 6319.007 6621.023 6621.026 6621.030 6621.036 6621.038 6621.042 6621.043 6621.046 6621.048 6621.049 6935.037 6935.088 6935.090 6943.003 6943.006 6943.009 6943.016 6943.020 6943.023 6943.027 6943.044 6943.049 6943.050 6943.051 6943.056 6943.070 6943.072 6943.074 6943.076 6943.078 Space Planning Module and Work Order System Waller Creek Center 10th Floor and Atrium Renovation Waller Creek Center 2nd and 3rd Floor Renovation Waller Creek Center 4th and 5th Floor Renovation South Austin Regional WWTP Trains A & B Improvements South Austin Regional WWTP Electrical Substation No.1 Replacement South Austin Regional WWTP Lift Station Rehabilitation South Austin Regional Train A&B Grit Chamber and Primary Clarifier Rehab South Austin Regional Lift Station 1 Pump Refurbishment South Austin Regional Lift Station 2 Pump Refurbishment South Austin Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Door Replacements SAR Elevated Tank Rehab & Improvements South Austin Regional WWTP - Wastewater Seed Line Installation SAR Train A&B - Motor Control Center Rehab SAR WWTP Water Reuse Building Controller Replacement SAR Influent Flow Split Control System Replacement Waller Creek - Guadalupe St. Flood Risk Reduction Project East Bouldin - Annie Street Flood Risk Reduction Project Redbud Trail Bridge over Lady Bird Lake Fallwell Lane Capital Renewal Project Glen Bell Service Center Security Conversion Security Operations Center (SOC) Expansion at Waller Creek Center Tim Louviere Service Center Security System Upgrade Webberville Service Center Security System Upgrade Walnut Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant Security System Update South Austin Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Security System Update Hornsby Bend Waste Water Treatment Plan Security System Technology Refresh Govalle Security Installation Waller Creek Center Security Refresh Glen Bell Service Center Security Refresh Highland Park Water and Wastewater Improvements Small Diameter Waterline Replacement Program IDIQ Ullrich WTP & Handcox WTP Wastewater Capacity Risk Assessment Upper Tannehill Wastewater Interceptor Improvements: Berkman Drive Blunn Creek at Woodward Wastewater Improvements Walnut Interceptor Capacity Improvements Johnson, Blunn, and Carson Metered Basins Study Walnut Creek Wastewater Plant to South Austin Regional WWTP Flow Transfer Lower Waller Interceptor Crosstown Tunnel Centralized Odor Control Facility Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study - Onion Tunnel Area Thousand Oaks Interceptor Onion Creek Odor Control Facility Stream Bank Stabilization Walnut Interceptor Odor and Corrosion Improvements Upper Tannehill Wastewater Improvements: Morris Williams Comal Street Wastewater Improvements Phase 1 Eanes Wastewater Replacement Country Club Wastewater Improvements Little Walnut Rundberg Lane at I-35 Wastewater Improvements Current Appropriation ITD Expenditures $54,600 $357,441 $0 $0 $16,542 $94,661 $0 $0 $150,563,897 $9,803,227 $41,293,478 $20,733,319 $2,032,204 $1,889,501 $52,500 $96,600 $98,700 $1,734 $91,999 $94,000 $1,101,367 $1,033,577 $4,637,562 $426,166 $110,775 $20,000 $98,740 $19,134 $294,081 $668,579 $632,091 $92,152 $80,266 $352,409 $111,131 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $224,884 $5,840,664 $4,451,801 $133,491 $44,396 $267,349 $284,956 $945,747 $184,436 $188,433 $589,838 $1,498,260 $574,464 $611,989 $1,561,135 $376,619 $484,148 $663,474 $324,372 CIP-D-5 Wastewater Collection System Odor and Corrosion Control Master Plan $312,957 $132,951 DEPT Subproject ID Subproject Name East Austin Comal and Chicon Wastewater Capacity Planning Greater Walnut WWTP and Collection System Odor Study Wastewater Hydraulic Modeling Update Wastewater Wet Weather SSO Monitoring and Documentation Lower Lake and Rattan Creek Interceptors: Route Study West Bouldin Wastewater Capacity Planning Study Wastewater Interceptor Planning for Developing Wastewater Basins Study West Bank Odor Control Unit Taylor Lane WWTP Expansion to 2.0 MGD Lost Creek WWTP Phase III Process Improvements Balcones Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Rehabilitation - Phase 2 Pearce Lane Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion to 0.8 MGD River Place WWTP Decommissioning Study River Place Package WWTP Improvements Current Appropriation ITD Expenditures $297,073 $445,428 $576,603 $142,732 $200,712 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Dessau Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Improvements & Expansion $2,481,443 $2,273,383 Shoal Creek - Northwest Park Dam Rehabilitation and Modernization Facilities IDIQ 21 & 24 Contract Development & Inspection 11880.001 Spicewood Springs Road Regional Mobility Improvements 11883.003 North Lamar Boulevard Corridor - US 183 to South of Rundberg Lane 13275.001 Project Connect - Austin Water Utility Support $22,136 $365,476 $164,305 $0 $6,539 $256,001 $130,455 $0 $1,500,059 $21,910 6943.079 6943.081 6943.082 6943.083 6943.084 6943.085 6943.086 6943.088 7265.014 7265.019 7265.045 7265.046 7265.054 7265.059 7265.063 7492.032 8702.013 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 2307 CIP-D-6 APPENDIX E IMPACT FEE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN Descriptions of the Zones for Fees For Lots Platted Prior to December 31, 2013 Descriptions of the zones for fees for lots platted prior to December 31, 2013, are found in the Land Development Code Chapter 25-1-21(26) and (30), Chapter 25-8-2(D), Chapter 25-2-311, and Ordinance 990805-31 excerpted below. The boundaries are subject to change based on field work and plan review by Watershed Management Department. Land Development Code Chapter 25-1-21 (30) DRINKING WATER PROTECTION ZONE means the areas within the Barton Springs Zone, the Barton Creek watershed, all water supply rural watersheds, and all water supply suburban watersheds, as described in Section 25-8-2 (Descriptions Of Regulated Areas) that are in the planning jurisdiction. LDC 25-8-2(D): BARTON SPRINGS ZONE means all watersheds that contribute recharge to Barton Springs, including those portions of the Barton, Williamson, Slaughter, Onion, Bear and Little Bear Creek watershed located in the Edwards Aquifer recharge or contributing zones. BARTON CREEK WATERSHED means the land area that drains to Barton Creek. EDWARDS AQUIFER is the water-bearing substrata also known as the Edwards and Associated Limestones Aquifer and includes the stratigraphic rock units known as the Edwards Formation and Georgetown Formation. EDWARDS AQUIFER CONTRIBUTING ZONE means all land generally to the west and upstream of the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone that provides drainage into the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone. EDWARDS AQUIFER RECHARGE ZONE means all land over the Edwards Aquifer that recharges the aquifer, as determined by the surface exposure of the geologic units comprising the Edwards Aquifer, including the areas overlain with quaternary terrace deposits. SOUTH EDWARDS AQUIFER RECHARGE ZONE means the portion of the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone that is located south of the Colorado River and north of the Blanco River. WATER SUPPLY RURAL WATERSHEDS include the Lake Travis watershed and Lake Austin watershed, excluding the Bull Creek watershed and the area to the south of Bull Creek and the east of Lake Austin. WATER SUPPLY SUBURBAN WATERSHEDS include: the Bull, Eanes, Dry Creek North, Taylor Slough North, Taylor Slough South, and West Bull creek watersheds; the Town Lake watershed on the south side of Town Lake from Barton Creek to Tom Miller Dam; the Town Lake watershed on the north side of Town Lake from Johnson Creek to Tom Miller Dam; and the Town Lake watershed on the east side of Lake Austin from Tom Miller Dam to Bull Creek. Land Development Code Chapter 25-1-21 (26) DESIRED DEVELOPMENT ZONE means the area not within the drinking water protection zone. CIP-E-1 LDC 25-8-2(D): SUBURBAN WATERSHEDS include all watersheds not otherwise classified as urban, water supply suburban, or water supply rural watersheds, and include: the Brushy, Carson, Cedar, Cottonmouth, Country Club East, Country Club West, Decker, Dry Creek NE, Dry Creek East, Elm Creek, Elm Creek South, Gilleland, Harris Branch, Lake, Maha, Marble, North Fork, Plum Creek, Rattan, Rinard, South Boggy, Walnut, and Wilbarger creek watersheds; the Colorado River watershed downstream of U.S. 183; and; those portions of the Onion, Bear, Little Bear, Slaughter, and Williamson creek watersheds not located in the Edwards Aquifer recharge or contributing zones. LDC 25-8-2(D): URBAN WATERSHEDS include: the Blunn, Buttermilk, East Boggy, East Bouldin, Fort, Harper Branch, Johnson, Little Walnut, Shoal, Tannehill, Waller, and West Bouldin creek watersheds; the north side of the Colorado River watershed from Johnson Creek to U.S. 183; and the south side of the Colorado River watershed from Barton Creek to U.S. 183. CIP-E-2