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LUA AND RCP DRAFTCITY(cid:1)OF(cid:1)AUSTIN,(cid:1)TEXAS(cid:1)(cid:1)STREET(cid:1)IMPACT(cid:1)FEE(cid:1)STUDY(cid:1)(cid:1)(LAND(cid:1)USE(cid:1)ASSUMPTIONS(cid:1)AND(cid:1)ROADWAY(cid:1)CAPACITY(cid:1)PLAN(cid:1)DRAFT)(cid:1)(cid:1)June(cid:1)2019Prepared(cid:1)for(cid:1)the(cid:1)City(cid:1)of(cid:1)Austin(cid:1)Prepared by:Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.Jeff Whitacre, P.E., AICP, PTP10814 Jollyville Rd, Suite 300Austin, TX 78759Phone 512 418 1700TBPE Firm Registration Number: F-928Project Number: 064424307© Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.iLUA AND RCP DRAFT2019Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasThis page intentionally left blank.iiLUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable of ContentsEXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................1I.INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................5II.LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS ...................................................................................................6A.Introduction and Purpose .................................................................................................................. 6B.Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 7C.Land Use Assumptions Methodology .............................................................................................. 8D.Street Impact Fee Service Areas................................................................................................... 14E.Land Use Assumptions Summary.................................................................................................... 16III.ROADWAY CAPACITY PLAN ............................................................................................18iiiLUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasList of Exhibits1 Citywide Future Land Use Map ........................................................................................................ 112 Emerging Projects ................................................................................................................................. 123 Proposed Service Areas ..................................................................................................................... 154 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity PlanService Area A ............................................................................................................................. 22Service Area B .............................................................................................................................. 24Service Area C ............................................................................................................................. 26Service Area D ............................................................................................................................. 29Service Area DT ........................................................................................................................... 31Service Area E .............................................................................................................................. 33Service Area F .............................................................................................................................. 35Service Area G ............................................................................................................................. 37Service Area H ............................................................................................................................. 39Service Area I ............................................................................................................................... 42Service Area J .............................................................................................................................. 45Service Area K .............................................................................................................................. 47Service Area L .............................................................................................................................. 50Service Area M ............................................................................................................................. 52Service Area N ............................................................................................................................. 55Service Area O ............................................................................................................................. 58Service Area P .............................................................................................................................. 60List of Tables1 Residential and Employment 10-Year Growth Projections .......................................................... 162 Desired Turn Lanes at Intersections ................................................................................................... 203 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity PlanService Area A ............................................................................................................................. 21Service Area B .............................................................................................................................. 23Service Area C ............................................................................................................................. 25Service Area D ............................................................................................................................. 27Service Area DT ........................................................................................................................... 30Service Area E .............................................................................................................................. 32Service Area F .............................................................................................................................. 34Service Area G ............................................................................................................................. 36Service Area H ............................................................................................................................. 38Service Area I ............................................................................................................................... 40Service Area J .............................................................................................................................. 43Service Area K .............................................................................................................................. 46Service Area L .............................................................................................................................. 48Service Area M ............................................................................................................................. 51Service Area N ............................................................................................................................. 53Service Area O ............................................................................................................................. 56Service Area P .............................................................................................................................. 591LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasEXECUTIVE SUMMARYIntroduction to Street Impact FeesImpact Fees are a mechanism for funding the public infrastructure necessitated by new development.Across the country, they are used to fund police and fire facilities, parks, schools, roads and utilities.In Texas, the legislature has allowed their use for water, wastewater, roadway and drainagefacilities. Since 1990, they have been used to fund public water and wastewater improvements inthe City of Austin.In the most basic terms, impact fees are meant to recover the incremental cost of the impact of eachnew unit of development creating new infrastructure needs. In the case of Street Impact Fees, theinfrastructure need is the increased capacity on arterial and collector roadways that serve theoverall transportation network. The purpose of the 2019 Street Impact Fee Study is to identify thefee per unit of new development necessary to fund these improvements in accordance with theenabling legislation, Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. This draft of the StudyAssumptions enumerates the 10-year projected growth and Roadway Capacity Plan assumptionsused in the development of the fee.Street Impact Fee Study AssumptionsStreet Impact Fees are determined by several key variables, each described below in greaterdetail. The study looks at a period of 10 years to project new growth and corresponding capacityneeds, as required by state law.Service Areas and Land Use AssumptionsA Service Area is a geographic area within which a unique maximum impact fee is determined. Allfees collected within the Service Area must be spent on eligible improvements within the sameService Area. For Street Impact Fees, the Service Area may not exceed 6 miles. In Austin, thisrestriction necessitated the creation of 17 separate Service Areas. A map of the Service Areas canbe found on Page 15.2LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasIn defining the Service Area boundaries, the project team considered the corporate boundary(including full and limited purpose jurisdiction), required size limit, adjacent land uses, andtopography. Since each Service Area has a unique maximum impact fee, the per-unit maximum feefor an identical land use will vary from one Service Area to the next. For this reason, the teamavoided drawing a Service Area boundary through uniform land uses where possible.The Impact Fee determination is required to be based on the projected growth and correspondingcapacity needs in a 10-year window. This study considers the years 2017-2027. Acknowledgingthat the parameters of the study (the corporate boundaries, Transportation Plan, ComprehensivePlan, zoning maps, platting history, etc.) are dynamic, this study is based on conditions as they wereon April 11, 2019.One of the key elements in the determination of the impact fee is the amount of new developmentanticipated over 10 years. In order to arrive at a reasonable projection of growth, staff workedwith the City Demographer and Austin Water staff working on the Water and Wastewater ImpactFee update study, which was finalized in 2018. The residential and non-residential growthprojections were performed using the Future Land Use Map, the Imagine Austin Growth ConceptMap, current growth trends, emerging projects, location of vacant land, physical restrictions, andcarrying capacity of the City of Austin.Finally, tables were created to compare existing residential and employment data to the ultimateresidential and employment figures developed in alignment with Imagine Austin and in alignmentwith the City Demographer’s forecasts. The effort described above generated a percentage of theultimate residential and employment figures anticipated within each service area by the year 2027.These projections can be found in the Residential and Employment Projections tables beginning onPage 16.Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan (RCP)The Roadway Capacity Plan is the required capital improvement plan for the study. The RCP is thelist of projects eligible for funding through street impact fees. Capacity improvements included in the3LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasCity’s Street Network Map and Table, a component of the ASMP, are included in the RCP. Capacityimprovements may include the addition of lanes, some substandard street reconstruction, two-waystreet conversions, access management median installation, or the extension of a new road.Resurfacing or other maintenance activities do not qualify as capacity improvements under impactfee law in Texas. Intersection improvements were also identified and are included in the RCP, but notincluded in maps in the ASMP Street Network Map and Table. These improvements were developedbased on signal requests made to the City, staff-identified improvements, and some newly identifiedcapacity improvements as part of the Street Impact Fee study. Intersection improvements werepresented to the public and comments were taken during the ASMP Phase 3 engagement.Only those projects listed in the RCP are eligible to utilize impact fee funds. To optimize futureflexibility, all capacity improvements included in the Street Network Map and Table are included inthe RCP, including TxDOT improvements that the City estimates contributing funds toward, and willbe eligible to utilize impact fee funds. As costing for specific projects is finalized, TxDOT projectsthat have a 0% anticipated City contribution may be removed.Section III of this report provides a listing of the 10-Year Roadway Capacity Plan by service area inTables 3.A – 3.P and maps of the RCP by service area in Exhibits 4.A – 4.P.RCP Costing MethodologyThe cost of the RCP is one of the fundamental factors in the calculation of the per-unit maximumimpact fee. Only the costs associated with providing the additional capacity necessitated by 10years of growth can be used to calculate the maximum impact fee.The RCP’s cost will be calculated through systematic evaluation of each eligible project. The projectteam visited each project site to determine the project scope, the presence of any special conditions(such as the need for significant drainage improvements or railroad crossings) and whether variousadditional construction costs would be applicable (such as costing for significant grades). Indetermining project limits, the team identified roadway segments with uniform need. For example,Anderson Mill Rd is separated into several projects in the RCP. From Research Blvd to 420’ west of4LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasResearch Blvd, Anderson Mill Rd is an access management project from a 5-lane undivided facility toa 4-lane divided facility, and from 420’ west of Research Blvd to 100’ east of Spicewood Pkwy,Anderson Mill Rd is a widening project from a 4-lane undivided facility to a 4-lane divided facility.The team has developed a standard methodology for estimating construction costs. Referencing costestimating standards from the Public Works Department, uniform costs are determined for the majoritems of work, additional construction items, and project delivery costs.In order to calculate the maximum impact fee, the total cost of the RCP at build-out will be reducedto account for (1) the portion of new capacity that will address existing needs, and (2) the portion ofnew capacity that will not be necessitated until beyond the 10-year growth window. A ratio thatcompares 10 years’ demand for capacity to the net supply of capacity (total new capacity in theRCP minus existing needs) can be calculated. That ratio, which may not exceed 100%, is thenapplied to the cost of the net capacity supplied. The result is a determination of the costs attributableto the next 10 years’ growth, which is then used to calculate the maximum impact fee in accordancewith state law. The result is known as the recoverable cost of the RCP.The maximum impact fee per Service Area will be calculated and presented after the adoption ofthe Study Assumptions.5LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasI.INTRODUCTIONChapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code describes the procedure politicalsubdivisions must follow in order to create and implement impact fees. Senate Bill 243 (SB243) amended Chapter 395 in 2001 to define an Impact Fee as “a charge or assessmentimposed by a political subdivision against new development in order to generate revenue forfunding or recouping the costs of capital improvements or facility expansions necessitated byand attributable to the new development.”Chapter 395 mandates that impact fees be studied at least every five (5) years.Accordingly, the City of Austin has developed its Land Use Assumptions and RCP with which toimplement Street Impact Fees. The City has retained Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. toprovide professional transportation engineering services for the 2019 Street Impact FeeStudy. This report includes the applicable Land Use Assumptions and development of theStreet Impact Fee RCP.6LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasII.LAND USE ASSUMPTIONSA.Introduction and PurposeImpact Fees are a mechanism for funding the public infrastructure necessitated bygrowth. Inthe most basic terms, impact fees are meant to recover the incremental cost of the impact ofeach new unit of development growth creating new infrastructure needs. In the case of StreetImpact Fees, the infrastructure need is increased capacity on the street network. The purposeof the Street Impact Fee Study is to identify the fee per unit of new development necessaryto fund these improvements in accordance with the enabling legislation, Chapter 395 of theTexas Local Government Code.In order to assess an impact fee, Land Use Assumptions must be developed to provide thebasis for residential and employment (non-residential)growth projections within amunicipality. As defined by Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, theseassumptions include a description of changes in land uses, densities, and development in theservice area. The growth projections are then used in determining the need and timing oftransportation improvements to serve future development.This section of the report documents the process used to develop the Land Use Assumptions(Growth Projections) for the City of Austin’s Street Impact Fee (SIF) study. In accordance withChapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, street impact fees must be calculatedbased on reasonable expectations for residential and employment growth within a ten-yearperiod.7LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasB.OverviewThis Land Use Assumptions Summary includes the following components:·Land Use Assumptions Methodology – An overview of the general methodology usedto generate the land use assumptions (growth projections).·Street Impact Fee Service Areas – Explanation of the division of Austin into service areas.·Residential and Employment Growth– Data on residential and non-residential(employment growth) within the service area over ten years (2017 – 2027).·Land Use Assumptions Summary Table – A synopsis of the projected 10-year growth.Information from the following sources was compiled to complete the Land Use Assumptions:·Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan Growth Concept Map (Center and Corridors)·City of Austin Development Services Department’s Emerging Projects dataset·City of Austin’s Future Land Use Map (FLUM)·Travis and Williamson County Appraisal Districts·City of Austin 2014 Land Use Inventory; Multi-Family Inventory; and Affordable HousingInventory·2009 – 2016 City of Austin Building Permit Data·City of Austin staff including City Demographer·City of Austin Water and Wastewater Impact Fee 2015-2025 Land Use Assumptions·CAMPO 2040 Plan·Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics Employment Data·State of Texas Master Facilities Plan Report8LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasC.Land Use Assumptions MethodologyThe residential and non-residential growth projections formulated in this report wereperformed using reasonable and generally accepted planning principles. The followingfactors were considered in developing these projections:·Character, type, density, and quantity of existing development;·Emerging Projects;·Future Land Use Map and Imagine Austin Growth Concept Map;·Growth trends;·Location of vacant land;·Physical constraints (i.e. flood plains, railroads); and·Carrying Capacity (Growth Potential) of the City of Austin.The residential and employment estimates and projections were compiled in accordance withthe following categories:Residential Units:Number of dwelling units, both single and multi-family.Non-Residential Units:Square feet of building area based on three (3) differentclassifications. Each classification has unique trip makingcharacteristics.Retail: Land use activities which provide for the retail sale ofgoods which primarily serve households and whose locationchoice is oriented toward the household sector, such as grocerystores and restaurants (higher traffic generators).Service: Land use activities which provide personal andprofessional services, such as government and otherprofessional offices (medium traffic generators).9LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasBasic: Land use activities that produce goods and services suchas those which are exported outside of the local economy, suchas manufacturing, construction, transportation, wholesale, trade,warehousing, and other industrial uses (lower trafficgenerators).The above categories in the Land Use Assumptions match those used to develop traveldemand modeling and are the broader land use categories that are used in the developmentof the assumptions for impact fees. In the calculation of the specific Street Impact Fee for anindividual development, a more specific and expanded classification based on the Institute ofTransportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual will be utilized.Determination of theten-year growth within the Street Impact Fee study area wasaccomplished through three general steps:·Step 1: Determine Base Year (2017)·Step 2: Determine Carrying Capacity (Growth Potential)·Step 3: Determine 10-Year Growth ProjectionsStep 1: Determine Base Year (2017)Property data obtained from Travis and Williamson County Appraisal Districts (CADs) wasused to determine the 2015 residential units and employment square footage. This datacontained detailed information on the following property attributes:·Built year·Land area·Livable building square footage·Property land use·Improvement type (Travis CAD only)10LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasFor single-family residential units, the number of units were simply counted. For multi-family,the number of units was derived from the multi-family inventory provided by the CityDemographer. However, if data was not available through the inventory, a densitycalculation was performed based on the Appraisal District’s livable building square footage.Aconversion of square footage per unit was utilized to determine the number of units.To estimate employment square footage, the livable building square footage data wasutilized. Building footprint data and aerials were utilized to supplement the building squarefootage if the CAD data lacked square footage information. Finally, for state facilities,building square footage came from the State’s Master Facilities Plan Report.These estimates for 2015 were scaled up to 2017 and validated through 2019 usingbuilding permit data, adding units/square footage for new construction and subtractingdemolished units/square footage for parcels as needed.Step 2: Determine Carrying Capacity (Growth Potential)For undeveloped areas and potential redevelopment areas, assumptions based upon theCity’s Future Land Use Map (Exhibit 1), Emerging Projects (Exhibit 2), or Imagine AustinGrowth Concept Map were used to estimate the carrying capacity or growth potential ofland within the Street Impact Fee study area for both residential and employment land uses.The carrying capacity was calculated in three basic steps.1)Determine the future land use for study area parcels based on previous planning effortscompleted by the City.2)Determine the amount of dwelling units and employment building space that could occupyevery parcel – i.e. the parcel’s “Carrying Capacity” – based on the future land usedevelopment types.3)Identify parcels that are either vacant or candidates for redevelopment based onemerging projects, market value and age of property. These parcels were aggregatedwith the existing dwelling units and employment space on the remaining parcels togenerate an estimated growth potential to compare to the 10-year growth forecast.11LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasExhibit 1 – Future Land Use Map12LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasExhibit 2 – Emerging Projects, 201713LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasStep 3: Determine 10-Year Growth ProjectionsThe City of Austin Demographer utilizes small areas called DTI-polygons to allocate growth.The DTI (Delphi,Trends, andImagine Austin) polygons are roughly analogous to census tracts.Austin Water provided 2025 employment (job) and dwelling unit projections that weregenerated for the Water/Wastewater Impact Fee land use study for DTI polygons within thecity. Dwelling unit and employment growth rates were calculated based on the DTI polygondwelling unit and employment projections. Growth rates for employment were converted tosquare footage using typical figures for employees per 1,000 square feet for eachemployment type. The growth rates were then applied to the 2017 base year estimates andprojected 10 years into the future to 2027. Finally, the 2027 projections were compared tothe carrying capacity growth potential to validate the 10-year growth assumptions. Thismethodology to determine 10-year growth projections meets reasonable expectations forgrowth as required by Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code.14LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasD. Street Impact Fee Service AreasThe geographic boundary of the proposed impact fee service areas for transportationfacilities is shown inExhibit 3. The City of Austin is divided into seventeen (17) service areas,each based upon the six (6) mile limit, as required in Chapter 395. For transportationfacilities, the service areas as required by state law are limited to areas within the currentcorporate City limits. In defining the Service Area boundaries, the project team consideredthe corporate boundary, required six (6) mile size limit, adjacent land uses, and topography.In addition, the strategy for defining Service Areas included creating a Downtown area andcreating distinctive inner loop and outer loop Service Areas based on highway boundaries.Areas were defined for inner loop and outer loop due to differences in travel lengthsreported in these different parts of the city. Trip length is an important determinant of serviceunits for each land use defined later in the study, and was thus considered for Service Areaboundaries. Since each Service Area will have a unique maximum impact fee, the per-unitmaximum fee for an identical land use will vary from one Service Area to the next. For thisreason, the team kept areas of uniform land use within the same Service Area wherepossible.It should be noted that at locations where Service Area boundaries align with a Cityroadway, the proposed boundary is intended to follow the centerline of the street, unlessotherwise noted. This allows two or more Service Areas to contribute to a capacityimprovement for that roadway. In cases where a Service Area boundary follows the CityLimits, only those portions of the transportation facility within the City Limits are included inthe Service Area.15LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasExhibit 3 – Proposed Service Areas16LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasE.Land Use Assumptions SummaryTable 1 summarizes the residential and employment 10-year growth projections.Table 1. Residential and Employment 10-Year ProjectionsService AreaDwelling UnitsEmployment (SqFt)Single FamilyMulti-FamilyTotalBasicServiceRetailTotalCity2017179,259224,030403,28972,017,000125,112,00079,359,000276,488,0002027212,913315,313528,22684,503,000158,956,000109,182,000352,641,00010-YearGrowth33,65491,283124,93712,486,00033,844,00029,823,00076,153,000A20174,8765,38010,25652,0001,358,0003,220,0004,630,00020275,64510,21115,85679,0002,814,0004,669,0007,562,00010-YearGrowth7694,8315,60027,0001,456,0001,449,0002,932,000B20177,55615,27222,8285,365,0007,829,0004,852,00018,046,00020279,74323,29433,0376,141,0009,011,0007,208,00022,360,00010-YearGrowth2,1878,02210,209776,0001,182,0002,356,0004,314,000C201710,74323,93234,67513,556,0008,192,00011,651,00033,399,000202711,38429,24540,62913,745,00010,442,00013,212,00037,399,00010-YearGrowth6415,3135,954189,0002,250,0001,561,0004,000,000D20179,90910,93020,83916,863,0008,339,0003,925,00029,127,000202715,45616,01331,46922,140,00011,633,0006,899,00040,672,00010-YearGrowth5,5475,08310,6305,277,0003,294,0002,974,00011,545,000E201714,94413,74428,6883,046,0006,283,0004,523,00013,852,000202716,75318,23434,9873,135,0007,243,0005,444,00015,822,00010-YearGrowth1,8094,4906,29989,000960,000921,0001,970,000F201714,46713,95428,4211,514,00010,986,0008,725,00021,225,000202714,80319,53434,3361,751,00012,518,00010,121,00024,390,00010-YearGrowth3365,5805,915237,0001,532,0001,396,0003,165,000G20173,5161,2224,7384,042,000848,000144,0005,034,00020279,1475,97115,1185,702,0004,357,0002,110,00012,169,00010-YearGrowth5,6314,74910,3801,660,0003,509,0001,966,0007,135,000H20172,9371,5204,45727,0002,266,000129,0002,422,00020273,6032,2045,80716,0003,721,000133,0003,870,00010-YearGrowth6666841,350(11,000)1,455,0004,0001,448,00017LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasService AreaDwelling UnitsEmployment (SqFt)Single FamilyMulti-FamilyTotalBasicServiceRetailTotalI201713,76927,72141,490348,00014,213,0005,855,00020,416,000202714,48135,71050,191395,00015,550,0007,260,00023,205,00010-YearGrowth7127,9898,70147,0001,337,0001,405,0002,789,000J201718,14519,61937,7645,065,0009,174,0006,174,00020,413,000202720,86129,53950,3995,182,00010,171,0007,333,00022,686,00010-YearGrowth2,7169,92012,635117,000997,0001,159,0002,273,000K20176,0913,1919,28228,0004,973,0002,130,0007,131,00020276,7113,92510,63647,0005,299,0002,405,0007,751,00010-YearGrowth6207341,35419,000326,000275,000620,000L201710,64439,84250,4864,551,00011,539,0006,109,00022,199,000202711,61950,56462,1834,933,00013,391,0007,650,00025,974,00010-YearGrowth97510,72211,697382,0001,852,0001,541,0003,775,000M201718,3599,57327,9322,086,0005,133,0002,940,00010,159,000202720,98114,21635,1972,634,0007,029,0004,990,00014,653,00010-YearGrowth2,6224,6437,265548,0001,896,0002,050,0004,494,000N201727,16019,86047,0203,172,0003,799,0008,412,00015,383,000202728,80626,92655,7323,413,0007,390,00011,202,00022,005,00010-YearGrowth1,6467,0668,712241,0003,591,0002,790,0006,622,000O201712,3478,65521,00211,772,0003,679,0003,065,00018,516,000202716,23913,91830,15713,296,0003,879,0007,068,00024,243,00010-YearGrowth3,8925,2639,1551,524,000200,0004,003,0005,727,000P20173,6862243,910252,000788,000316,0001,356,00020276,5872,6239,2101,642,0001,794,0003,043,0006,479,00010-YearGrowth2,9012,3995,3001,390,0001,006,0002,727,0005,123,000DT20171109,3919,501278,00025,713,0007,189,00033,180,00020279513,18813,283252,00032,714,0008,435,00041,401,00010-YearGrowth(15)3,7973,782(26,000)7,001,0001,246,0008,221,00018LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasIII.ROADWAY CAPACITY PLANThrough the development of the ASMP, the City has identified the transportation projectsneeded to accommodate the projected growth within the City. All roadway facilitiesidentified are included in the Street Network Map and Table in the ASMP. The RoadwayCapacity Plan (RCP) consists of four categories of roadway projects. They are as follows:·Widening – Existing roadways that need to be expanded according to the crosssection identified in the ASMP.·Access Management – Existing 5 lane or 7 lane undivided roadways identified formedian construction in the existing center turn lane for access management purposes.·New - All new connection projects needed to complete the Street Network Map andTable.·Two-Way Conversions– Existing one-way streets that are planned for two-wayconversion which will require revision of existing traffic signal equipment and othercapacity improvements on the street.Major intersection improvements were also identified at an individual level based on theStreet Network Map and Table classification of the intersecting roads, the current trafficcontrol, and the existing traffic volumes. Improvements were categorized as follows:·Signalize – either a new signal or modification to an existing signal due toconstruction of a new roadway approach to an existing signalized intersection.·Roundabout– construction of a roundabout.·Extend Turn Lane – extension of an existing turn lane to be consistent with ASMP,TxDOT, and NCHRP Report 780 turn lane length recommendations. In many cases, thiswas recommended where an existing channelized right turn did not have any storagespace.·Intersection Improvements – a catch-all for other improvements, limited to new turnlanes, bond project recommendations not in the other 3 categories, removing split19LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, Texasphasing at intersections, and special intersections (Continuous Flow Intersections (CFI),Diverging Diamond Intersections (DDI), or grade separation improvements). The sources of major intersection improvements were categorized as follows:·Bond Project (2010, 2012, 2016, and/or 2018) – Improvements identified inpreviously approved bond packages. Costs will be taken directly from bondfinancing information or from cost estimates on completed corridor studies whenavailable. For incomplete studies, assumptions will be made based on engineeringjudgment for capacity projects.·City Identified– Improvements identified by Austin Transportation as candidates forremoving split phasing from intersections. Costs are available for some of the projects.In cases where costing information is not available, a methodology will be used toapproximate improvements consistent with costing of roadway capacity and costs toconstruct or replace signal poles based on the number of entering approaches to theintersection.·Intersection Newly Identified– Improvements identified during the Street Impact FeeStudy for new signals, modification of existing signals due to new roadwayconstruction, roundabouts (where deemed appropriate), innovative intersections (CFI,DDI, etc.), and turn lane improvements (new or extending existing). Turn laneimprovements were based on the desired number of turn lanes associated with eachcombination of intersecting streets. The desired number of turn lanes for eachcombination are shown inTable 2. New signals were identified either through 1) citysignal requests based on the latest database of requests from the city dated March29, 2019 or 2) through engineering judgment based on the function and context ofentering roadways to an intersection. In some cases, where conditions were favorable,roundabouts were recommended in place of an existing signal or stop-controlledintersection.20LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 2. Desired Turn Lanes at IntersectionsIntersecting LevelsMajor Street Turn LanesMinor Street Turn Lanes2 & 31 Left Turn(LT)(onto Level 2)1 Turn Lane2 & 41 LT, 1 Right Turn (RT)Lane (if <3 Through Lanes(TL))1 Turn Lane3 & 31 LT Lane, 1 RT Lane (if <3 TL)1 LT Lane, 1 RT Lane3 & 42 LT Lanes, 1 RT Lane (if <3 TL)1 LT Lane, 1 RT Lane4 & 42 LT Lanes, 1 RT Lane (if <3 TL)2 LT Lanes, 1 RT LaneAll intersection improvement recommendations are recommended to undergo a design levelevaluation before implementation to ensure the most appropriate improvements are made. Inthe case where a design level evaluation determines improvements contrary to the ImpactFee RCP, such as turn lane improvements in place of a roundabout, the impact fee RCP costallocated to the intersection may still be applied to the alternate improvements.The proposed RCP is listed inTables 3.A – 3.Pand mapped inExhibits 4.A–4.P.Thetables show the length of each project as well as the facility’s typology. The RCP wasdeveloped with input from City of Austin staff and the community, and represents projectsthat will be needed to accommodate the growth projected in the Land Use Assumptionssection of this report.21LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.A. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area ANote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.A-2¬«A-1A-2¬«A-2A-5¬«A-5A-5¬«A-8A-5¬«A-9A-5¬«A-10A-7¬«A-11A-5¬«A-13A-5¬«A-14A-5A-1A-6,E-1A-7A-3A-2¬«A-7¬«A-6¬«A-15,E-1¬«A-12¬«A-4¬«A-3CR 172SPECTRUMDRPECANPARKBLVDLAKELINEMALLDRPEARSONRANCHRDLYNDHURSTSTSTAKEDPLAINSDRAAVERYRANCHBLVDN 620 RDN FM 620 RDNEENAHAVEWPARMERLNLAKELINEBLVDAI-9AI-8AI-11AI-10AI-14, BI-1AI-3AI-12, EI-2AI-1AI-7AI-6AI-5AI-4AI-2AI-16, BI-3AI-15,BI-2AI-13, EI-1FStreet Impact Fee StudyService Area A00.510.25MilesJune 2019LegendRoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible RoadwaysNewAccess ManagementWideningMajor RoadwaysRegulating PlansImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")Local StreetsRailroads2017 100-Year FEMA FloodplainLUA AND RCP DRAFT23LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.B. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area BNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.B-1¬«B-31B-1¬«B-32B-21¬«B-21B-1¬«B-33B-1¬«B-34B-1¬«B-35B-1¬«B-36B-1¬«B-37B-1¬«B-38B-1¬«B-39B-1¬«B-40B-1¬«B-41B-1¬«B-42B-1¬«B-43B-1¬«B-44SANTACRUZDRELKHORNMOUNTAINTRLAMHERST DRMEADOWHEATHDRHUNTERSCHASEDRPECANPARKBLVDRIATATRACEPKWYLOOP 1 NYORKBLVDSANFELIPEBLVDTUDORBLVDFM1325RDCORPUS CHRISTI DRDESTINYGATEDRMELROSE TRLROBINSONRANCHRDMC NEIL DRDALLASDRADELPHILNRIATAVISTACIRMC NEIL MERRILLTOWN RDHYMEADOWDROAKKNOLLDRWATERSPARKRDB-19B-12B-10B-22B-13B-1B-24B-15B-27B-20B-14B-21B-26B-23B-28B-2B-17B-3B-8B-25B-11B-7B-4B-5B-16B-9B-6¬«B-30,C-25¬«B-28¬«B-14¬«B-12¬«B-22¬«B-18¬«B-25¬«B-10¬«B-23¬«B-19¬«B-26¬«B-13¬«B-1¬«B-27¬«B-29¬«B-2¬«B-17¬«B-20¬«B-3¬«B-8¬«B-7¬«B-11¬«B-24¬«B-4¬«B-5¬«B-16¬«B-9¬«B-15¬«B-6DUVALRDMCNEILDRAMHERSTDRANDERSONMILLRDMC NEIL DRANDERSON MILL RDWBRAKERLNBURNET RDPOND SPRINGS RDMC NEIL DRROBINSONRANCHRDWHOWARDLNMC NEIL RDCR172TECHNOLOGYBLVDANDERSONMILLRDWHOWARDLNADELPHI LNGRAND AVENUE PKWYSHORELINEDRROBINSON RANCH RDSH45-MCNEILRDCONNECTORDALLASDRSH45-MERRILTOWNDRCONNECTORBBI-26, CI-4BI-4, EI-11BI-21BI-13BI-7BI-20BI-28BI-27, CI-11BI-16AI-15, BI-1BI-29BI-30BI-5BI-6BI-24BI-8BI-9BI-17BI-10BI-22BI-18BI-25BI-14AI-17, BI-3BI-12BI-15BI-23BI-11BI-19AI-16, BI-2FLegendRoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible RoadwaysNewAccess ManagementWideningMajor RoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")Regulating PlansLocal StreetsRailroads2017 100-Year FEMA FloodplainStreet Impact Fee StudyService Area B00.510.25MilesJune 2019LUA AND RCP DRAFT25LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.C. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area CNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.C-11!(B-30,C-24C-11!(C-35C-11!(C-36C-11!(C-37C-11!(C-38C-11!(C-39C-11!(C-40C-11!(C-41C-11!(C-42C-11!(C-43C-11!(C-44C-11!(C-45C-11!(C-46C-11!(C-47C-11!(C-48C-11!(C-49C-11!(C-50DEEN AVEGEORGIANDRE RUNDBERG LNC-10C-1C-5C-27C-13C-24C-35C-4C-23C-33C-22C-7C-2C-30C-3C-29C-8C-28C-15C-34C-17C-19C-26C-14C-6C-12C-11C-18C-32C-21C-20C-9C-31!(C-19!(C-30!(C-13!(C-1!(C-8!(C-29!(C-3!(C-10!(C-23!(C-12!(C-14!(C-26!(C-31!(C-20!(C-9!(C-5!(C-34!(C-4!(C-22!(C-32!(C-21!(C-7!(C-2!(C-28!(C-27!(C-15!(C-33!(C-16!(C-18!(C-25!(C-6!(C-11!(C-17PAYTONGINRDJAMESTOWNDRCEDARBENDDRFAIRFIELD DRPALMWAYOHLEN RDRAMPART STCOLONYCREEKDRTOMANETTRLSCOFIELDLNMAGAZINE STPARKBENDDRNORTHSHIELDSDRCOLLINFIELDDRMETROPOLITAN DRNORTHGATE BLVDE WONSLEY DRE POWELL LNWALNUTPARKXINGDENTON DRWPOWELLLNLAMPLIGHTVILLAGEAVEBITTERNHOLWPARKFIELDDRMEARNSMEADOWBLVDDOMAIN DRRDACBURNET RDMETRICBLVDPAYTONGINRDN LAMAR BLVDWRUNDBERGLNKRAMER LNWBRAKERLNRUTLAND DRW HOWARD LNSCOFIELDRIDGEPKWYGRACYFARMSLNNLAMARBLVDSTONEHOLLOWDRCI-6CI-14CI-21CI-17CI-20;DI-20CI-19CI-31CI-29CI-27CI-18BI-26, CI-4CI-9;DI-11CI-24CI-33, FI-27CI-2, DI-3CI-30, FI-10CI-25BI-27, CI-11CI-1CI-3CI-7CI-12CI-16CI-13CI-23CI-26CI-28CI-32CI-34CI-35CI-5CI-8CI-10CI-15CI-22FLegendRoadwaysFINAL_PROJ_TYPENewAccess ManagementWideningMajor RoadwaysLocal StreetsImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")RailroadsRegulatingPlans2017 100-Year FEMA FloodplainStreet Impact Fee StudyService Area C00.510.25MilesJune 2019LUA AND RCP DRAFT27LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.D. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area DNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.ServiceAreaProj. #IF ClassStreetLimitsLength(mi)% InServiceAreaD-1L3-4U-88VISION DRFM 1825 RD TO THREE POINTS RD0.2250%D-2L3-4D-120-TxDOTFM 1825 RDW WELLS BRANCH TO W PECAN ST0.5950%D-3L2-2U-78WELLS BRANCH PKWY-SCOBEE ST CONNECTORW WELLS BRANCH PKWY TO SCOBEE ST0.41100%D-4L4-6D-120WELLS BRANCH PKWYFM 1825 TO 1560' E OF HEATHERWILDE BLVD1.32100%D-5L2-2U-78CADENCE LNOBLIQUE DR TO BAUHAUS BND0.20100%D-6L2-2U-OP-78FISH LNHARRISGLEN DR TO DESSAU RD0.26100%D-7L4-6D-142DESSAU RDHOWARD LN TO CITY LIMITS0.6850%D-8L2-2U-78JOSH RIDGE BLVD CONNECTORHARRIS RIDGE BLVD TO 575' E OF HARRIS RIDGE BLVD0.11100%D-9L2-2U-78JOSH RIDGE BLVD CONNECTOR305' E OF HARRISGLEN DR TO 1035' E OF HARRISGLEN DR0.14100%D-10L4-6D-142DESSAU RD620' N OF DESSAU RIDGE LN TO 338' N OF E HOWARD LN0.23100%D-11L4-6D-142DESSAU RD1250' N OF W PARMER LN TO 620' N OF DESSAU RIDGE LN0.8950%D-12L4-6D-142DESSAU RDW PARMER LN TO 1250' N OF W PARMER LN0.24100%D-13L3-4D-116E HOWARD LN445' W OF KEARNS DR TO 1845' E OF CANTARRA DR0.61100%D-14L2-2U-78SILICON DRTITANIUM DR TO PARMER LN TO HOWARD LN CONNECTION0.69100%D-15L2-2U-78E HOWARD LN-E PARMER LN CONNECTORE HOWARD LN TO E PARMER LN0.5450%D-16L4-6D-154-TxDOTE PARMER LNINTERSTATE 35 TO 1160' E OF SAMSUNG BLVD3.79100%D-17L4-6D-154-TxDOTE PARMER LN3003' W OF HARRIS BRANCH PKWY TO 2844' E OF HARRIS BRANCH PKWY1.07100%D-18L3-3U-80E YAGER LN350' W OF NATURES BEND TO E PARMER LN1.19100%D-19L1-2U-OP-60HICKORY GROVE DR CONNECTORHICKORY GROVE DR TO PLAZA LN0.09100%D-20L3-4D-120PARMER LN-SAMSUNG BLVD CONNECTORPARMER LN TO SAMSUNG BLVD1.59100%D-21L2-2U-78CAMERON RD420' E OF YAGER LN TO 2925' E OF YAGER LN0.4750%D-22L2-2U-78CAMERON RD2925' E OF YAGER LN TO E PARMER LN0.51100%D-23L4-6D-154-TxDOTE PARMER LN1230' E OF SH 130 NB SVRD TO US 290 WB SVRD0.6250%D-24L3-4D-120E BRAKER LN175' W OF DAWES PL TO 950' W OF SAMSUNG BLVD0.90100%D-25L3-4D-120ARTERIAL AE PARMER LN TO 820' N OF E BRAKER LN0.8050%D-26L2-2U-78CAMERON RD1561' N OF BLUE GOOSE RD TO 3735' N OF BLUE GOOSE RD0.4150%D-27L2-2U-78CAMERON RDBLUE GOOSE RD TO 1128' N OF BLUE GOOSE RD0.2150%D-28L3-4D-120E BRAKER LNCAMERON RD TO 2211' E OF CAMERON RD0.42100%D-29L2-2U-78BLUE GOOSE RD-MACIVER DR CONNECTORBLUE GOOSE RD TO MACIVER DR (FUTURE)0.6550%D-30L2-2U-78BLUE GOOSE RDCAMERON RD TO BLUE GOOSE RD-MACIVER DR CONNECTOR0.5350%D-31L3-4D-116BLUE GOOSE RDGILES LN TO CITY LIMITS0.5250%D-32L2-2U-78SH 130 SVRD-GILES LN CONNECTORSH 130 SVRD TO GILES LN CONNECTION TO CITY LIMITS0.4050%D-33L2-2U-78BLUE GOOSE RD-PARMER LN CONNECTORBLUE GOOSE RD TO PARMER LN0.72100%D-34L3-4D-116BLUE GOOSE RDHARRIS BRANCH PKWY TO US 2900.76100%D-35L2-2U-60BLUFF BEND DRCOLLINWOOD DR TO E BRAKER LN0.31100%D-36L2-2U-78RUBY DRINTERSTATE 35 SVRD TO JOSEPH CLAYTON DR0.13100%D-37L2-2U-78RUBY DRJOSEPH CLAYTON DR TO BLUFF BEND DR0.10100%D-38L2-2U-78E APPLEGATE DRDESSAU RD TO WARRINGTON DR0.16100%D-39L2--78APPLEGATE DR-WHITAKER DR CONNECTORAPPLEGATE DR TO WHITAKER DR0.39100%D-40L2-2U-78SPRINKLE CUTOFF RD160' S OF TRAIL WEARY DR TO 1646' N OF SPRINKLE RD1.05100%D-41L2-2U-78SPRINKLE CUTOFF RDSPRINKLE RD TO 1646' N OF SPRINKLE RD0.3150%D-42L2-2U-78BROWN LN379' S OF DUNGAN LN TO 1007' N OF FERGUSON LN0.17100%D-43L2-2U-78SPRINKLE RD1144' N OF CRISWELL RD TO 1970' N OF CRISWELL RD0.1650%D-44L2-2U-78SPRINKLE RDSPRINKLE CUTOFF RD TO 1147' W OF SPRINKLE CUTOFF RD0.2250%D-45L1-2U-60TAEBAEK DRE BRAKER LN TO TAEBAEK DR0.06100%D-46L2-2U-OP-78DUNGAN LNDESSAU RD TO BROWN LN0.33100%D-47L2-2U-78BROWN LNFERGUSON LN TO 1007' N OF FERGUSON LN0.19100%D-48L2-2U-78BROWN LNDUNGAN LN TO 379' S OF DUNGAN LN0.0750%D-49L3-4D-116E RUNDBERG LNCAMERON RD TO FERGUSON LN0.55100%D-50L3-4D-116E HOWARD LNDESSAU RD TO HARRIS BRANCH PKWY0.50100%D-51L3-4D-120FERGUSON LNE RUNDBERG LN TO SANSOM RD1.1250%D-52L2-2U-OP-70WALL ST-PROFIT CENTRE DR CONNECTORWALL ST TO PROFIT CENTRE DR0.62100%D-53L2-2U-78SANSOM RDFERGUSON LN TO 1722' S OF FERGUSON LN0.3350%D-54L2-2U-78SANSOM RDSPRINGDALE RD TO 772' W OF SPRINGDALE RD0.1550%D-55L3-4D-120BRATTON LNMICHAEL ANGELO WAY TO SCARBROUGH DR0.31100%D-56L3-4D-94CENTER RIDGE DRIH 35 SVRD TO 555' E OF IH 35 SVRD0.10100%D-57L3-4D-94CENTER RIDGE DR555' E OF IH 35 SVRD TO MC CALLEN PASS0.52100%D-58L3-4D-120CENTER LAKE DRW PARMER LN TO MC CALLEN PASS0.50100%D-59L3-4D-96HARRIS RIDGE BLVDE HOWARD LN TO E PARMER LN0.76100%D-60L3-4D-116E HOWARD LNDESSAU RD TO HARRIS BRANCH PKWY0.24100%D-61L4-4D-120E BRAKER LNIH 35 SVRD TO BLUFF BEND DR0.21100%D-62L3-4D-90TUSCANY WAYFERGUSON LN TO EXCHANGE DR0.38100%D-63L3-4D-90TUSCANY WAYEXCHANGE DR TO US 290 HWY SVRD0.85100%D-64L3-4D-90EXCHANGE DRTUSCANY WAY TO CROSS PARK DR0.63100%D-65L3-4D-94WALL STCROSS PARK DR TO FERGUSON LN0.68100%D-66L3-4D-90CROSS PARK DRFUTURE DR TO FORBES DR1.05100%D-67L3-4D-90SPRINGDALE RDSANSOM RD TO US 290 HWY SVRD0.09100%D-68L3-4D-90CROSS PARK DRCAMERON RD TO FUTURE DR0.05100%D-69L3-4D-96E YAGER LNTECH RIDGE BLVD TO NATURES BND0.14100%SAD28LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.D. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area DNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.D-1¬«D-55D-1¬«D-56D-1¬«D-57D-1¬«D-58D-1¬«D-59D-1¬«D-60D-1¬«D-61D-1¬«D-62D-1¬«D-63D-1¬«D-64D-1¬«D-66D-1¬«D-65D-1¬«D-67D-1¬«D-68D-1¬«D-69CENTERLINEPASSBLUFFBENDDREAPPLEGATEDRHANSFORD DRFERGUSONLNCAMERONRDGREGG LNSAMSUNGBLVDMCCALLENPASSBRATTON LNRUBY DRCENTERRIDGEDRSPRINKLERDHARRISGLENNDRSANSOM RDSILICONDRSPRINKLECUTOFFRDTHOMPKINSDRRUTHERFORD LNEXCHANGEDRD-48D-2D-22D-18D-8D-12D-11D-10D-9D-17D-16D-1D-40D-24D-4D-35D-7D-31D-28D-41D-33D-32D-5D-25D-54D-50D-23D-52D-27D-29D-21D-20D-15D-30D-34D-43D-39D-13D-46D-49D-19D-36D-51D-38D-37D-55D-44D-45D-6D-42D-47D-3D-53D-14¬«D-37¬«D-36¬«D-47¬«D-49¬«D-30¬«D-44¬«D-41¬«D-46¬«D-42¬«D-2¬«D-1¬«D-31¬«D-18¬«D-17¬«D-23¬«D-4¬«D-34¬«D-16¬«D-32¬«D-53¬«D-51¬«D-28¬«D-20¬«D-38¬«D-22¬«D-13¬«D-11¬«D-45¬«D-10¬«D-48¬«D-50¬«D-19¬«D-40¬«D-35¬«D-7¬«D-8¬«D-12¬«D-9¬«D-54¬«D-43¬«D-39¬«D-27¬«D-6¬«D-5¬«D-25¬«D-3¬«D-26¬«D-21¬«D-15¬«D-52¬«D-29¬«D-14¬«D-33¬«D-24FM 1825 RDDESSAURDE US 290 HWY SVRD WBGILES LNEYAGERLNCAMERON RDBLUEGOOSERDGRANDAVENUEPKWYE PARMER LNTECHRIDGEBLVDSHEATHERWILDEBLVDEHOWARDLNHARRISBRANCHPKWYDI-27DI-16DI-15DI-5DI-29DI-8DI-7CI-20;DI-20CI-9; DI-11DI-9DI-34; JI-1CI-2,DI-3DI-4DI-31DI-13DI-12DI-14DI-2DI-17DI-19DI-30DI-32DI-21DI-22DI-23DI-26DI-24DI-1DI-28DI-25DI-18DI-10DI-6DI-33FLegendRoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible RoadwaysNewAccess ManagementWideningMajor RoadwaysLocal StreetsImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")RailroadsRegulatingPlans2017 100-Year FEMA FloodplainStreet Impact Fee StudyService Area DJune 201900.511.52MilesLUA AND RCP DRAFT30LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.DT. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area DTNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.DT-7¬«DT-20DT-1,I-23¬«DT-3,I-35DT-4¬«DT-4DT-4¬«DT-5DT-6¬«DT-6DT-4¬«DT-7DT-4¬«DT-8DT-4¬«DT-9DT-4,I-26¬«DT-10,I-36DT-5¬«DT-15DT-3¬«DT-16DT-3¬«DT-17DT-3¬«DT-18DT-3¬«DT-19DT-5¬«DT-13DT-5DT-4,I-26DT-1,I-23DT-2, I-24DT-3LAVACA STWMARTINLUTHERKINGJRBLVDW 11TH STW 15TH STE15THSTE 6TH STE 11TH STS LAMAR BLVDSHOALCREEKBLVDS 1ST STGUADALUPE ST¬«DT-1,I-22¬«DT-11,I-26¬«DT-14¬«DT-2,I-23¬«DT-12COLORADO STWEST AVEW 5TH STRIVER STW 6TH STW 11TH STCONGRESS AVERIO GRANDE STW 9TH STW 12TH STE 12TH STE 8TH STE 11TH STE 7TH STHOLLY STWCESARCHAVEZSTW 10TH STE CESAR CHAVEZ STSAN JACINTO BLVDE 5TH STTRINITY STW 3RD STE 4TH STCONGRESS AVENUECES STW 4TH STE 9TH STBRAZOS STE 10TH STE 3RD STW 2ND STSANANTONIOSTEMARTINLUTHERKINGJRBLVDW 8TH STE 2ND STW 7TH STW 2ND STREDRIVERSTCOLORADO STSHOALCREEKBLVDREDRIVERSTEASTAVEEAST AVENLAMARBLVDNLAMARBLVDSHOALCREEKBLVDDTDTI-4DTI-15DTI-1, II-35DTI-23DTI-22, II-39DTI-2DTI-7DTI-3DTI-8DTI-9DTI-11DTI-5DTI-6DTI-10DTI-12DTI-13DTI-14DTI-16DTI-17DTI-18DTI-19DTI-20DTI-21FStreet Impact Fee StudyService Area DT00.250.50.125MilesJune 2019LegendRoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible RoadwaysNewAccess ManagementWideningTwo-way ConversionMajor RoadwaysLocal StreetsImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")RailroadsRegulating Plans2017 100-Year FEMA FloodplainLUA AND RCP DRAFT32LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.E. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area ENote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.E-4¬«E-5E-14¬«E-16E-14¬«E-17E-14¬«E-18E-14¬«E-19E-13E-11E-10E-3E-5,H-1E-2E-6E-4E-9A-6,E-1E-12E-7E-8,H-3E-14¬«E-14¬«E-13¬«E-12¬«E-3¬«E-7,H-1¬«E-6¬«E-4¬«E-2¬«E-11¬«A-15,E-1¬«E-10¬«E-8¬«E-9,H-3¬«E-15LAKEWOODDRLAKECREEKPKWYFM 2769 RDFIREOAKDRRAINCREEKPKWYASHTONRIDGEJESTERBLVDFLORALPARKDROAK KNOLL DRSPICEWOODSPRINGSRDELSALIDOPKWYTEXASPLUMERDPECANPARKBLVDOLDLAMPASASTRLFOURIRONDRWILSONPARKEAVEFOURPOINTSDRPAVILIONBLVDVISTAPARKEDRPECANCREEKPKWYSPICEWOODCLUBDRBARRINGTONWAYYAUPONDRBOULDERLNBLUEGRASSDRSPICEWOODPKWYMORADOCIREJOLLYVILLERDDUVALRDANDERSONMILLRDBULLICKHOLLOWRDFOURPOINTSDRFM2222RDBI-4,EI-11EI-25EI-19EI-6EI-20;HI-4EI-18EI-16;HI-2EI-22,FI-2EI-21, FI-1EI-24; FI-4EI-23, FI-3EI-15; HI-1EI-13EI-5AI-13; EI-2EI-3EI-4EI-12EI-10EI-17EI-8EI-14EI-7EI-9EI-26, FI-5AI-14, EI-1FLegendRoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible RoadwaysNewAccess ManagementWideningMajor RoadwaysLocal StreetsImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")RailroadsRegulating Plans2017 100-Year FEMA FloodplainStreet Impact Fee StudyService Area E00.510.25MilesJune 2019LUA AND RCP DRAFT34LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.F. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area FNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.See InsetSPICEWOODSPRINGSRDF-3¬«F-24F-3¬«F-25F-3¬«F-26F-3¬«F-27F-3¬«F-28F-22F-7F-4F-8F-1F-5F-23F-2F-3F-6F-21¬«F-5¬«F-6¬«F-21¬«F-7¬«F-22¬«F-4¬«F-8¬«F-1¬«F-2¬«F-3¬«F-23STECKAVEARROYOSECOFARWESTBLVDESTJOHNSAVEEHUNTLANDDRGREAT NORTHERN BLVDSHOALCREEKBLVDOHLENRDDRYCREEKDRHALLSTMORROW STBURNET LNCROSSCREEKDRYATES AVEJUSTINLNROCKWOOD LNBULLARDDRTEAKWOODDRGREYSTONEDRNORTHHILLSDRMOUNTAINCLIMBDRHART LNGREENLAWN PKWYWOODHOLLOWDRFOSTERLNSIERRADRMESADRMIDDLEFISKVILLERDLAKEWOODDRBALCONES DRBURNETRDNLAMARBLVDW KOENIG LNAIRPORTBLVDSTECK AVEFM2222RDNORTHCRESTBLVDNORTHLANDDRFAR WEST BLVDE KOENIG LNWANDERSONLNNCAPITALOFTEXASHWYNBJOLLYVILLERDFFI-30; II-5FI-24FI-31; II-6FI-23FI-7FI-14FI-29; II-4FI-12FI-26, JI-2CI-33, FI-25CI-30, FI-10EI-22,FI-2EI-21, FI-1EI-24; FI-4EI-23, FI-3FI-11FI-27, II-2FI-28; II-3FI-6FI-13FI-15FI-16FI-9FI-17FI-19FI-20FI-21FI-34FI-22FI-33FI-32EI-26, FI-5FI-8FI-18FLegendRoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible RoadwaysNewAccess ManagementWideningMajor RoadwaysLocal StreetsImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")RailroadsRegulating Plans2017 100-Year FEMA FloodplainStreet Impact Fee StudyService Area F00.510.25MilesJune 2019Lamar - Justin Regulating PlanF-12¬«F-29FI-26FI-25FI-24F-17F-22F-19F-15F-14F-20F-11F-10F-18F-12F-8F-9F-16F-13¬«F-17¬«F-22¬«F-19¬«F-15¬«F-14¬«F-20¬«F-11¬«F-10¬«F-18¬«F-12¬«F-8¬«F-9¬«F-16¬«F-13GUADALUPE STWSTJOHNSAVEEASYWINDDROLDKOENIGLNSHIRLEY AVEMORROW STJUSTIN LNW HUNTLAND DRWCRESTLANDDRNORTHCRESTBLVDBURNSSTDENSON DRPAYNE AVEKENNISTON DRCANION STODELLSTLAMAR PLSUGAREEAVEWILD STGROVER AVEAIRPORTBLVDN LAMAR BLVDLUA AND RCP DRAFT36LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.G. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area GNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.G-8G-28G-34G-40G-30G-20G-21G-13G-24G-25G-45G-33G-26G-12G-9G-27G-4G-1G-11G-32G-29G-5G-31G-35G-20G-42G-7G-2G-19G-23G-18G-10G-38G-37G-3G-39G-13G-15G-43G-41G-6¬«G-28¬«G-34¬«G-40¬«G-30¬«G-20¬«G-21¬«G-13¬«G-24¬«G-25¬«G-26¬«G-27¬«G-1¬«G-19¬«G-23¬«G-18¬«G-37¬«G-3¬«G-39¬«G-11¬«G-41¬«G-44¬«G-33¬«G-8¬«G-4¬«G-10¬«G-32¬«G-29¬«G-5¬«G-31¬«G-35¬«G-22¬«G-42¬«G-6¬«G-2¬«G-9¬«G-38¬«G-12¬«G-15¬«G-43¬«G-14¬«G-7MCBEEDRTRACORLNSENDEROHILLSPKWYLINDELL LNHESTER RDCOLONYLOOPDRBLOOR RDMCBEEDRFM 3177FERGUSONCTOFBOLM RDOLD HWY 20OLD MANOR RDPECANBROOKDRCRYSTALBROOKDRLINDELL LNEPARMERLNJOHNNYMORRISRDNFM973RDDECKERLN-BLOORRDCONNECTORWILDHORSECONNECTORDAFFANLNEXTENSIONTAYLOR LNEBRAKERLNNFM973RDDECKERLAKERDLOYOLALNDECKER LNLOYOLA LNN FM 973 RDFM969RDE US 290 HWY SVRD EBG-17G-16¬«G-16¬«G-17BLUE BLUFF LNG-12¬«G-45G-12¬«G-46G-12¬«G-47G-12¬«G-48G-37¬«G-36G-12¬«G-49G-12¬«G-50G-33¬«G-51G-33¬«G-52GI-23GI-4GI-19GI-13GI-16GI-20GI-24GI-22GI-14GI-15GI-7GI-5GI-8GI-2GI-17GI-18GI-10GI-11GI-12GI-3GI-6FLegendRoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible RoadwaysNewAccess ManagementWideningMajor RoadwaysLocal StreetsImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")RailroadsRegulatingPlans2017 100-Year FEMA FloodplainStreet Impact Fee StudyService Area GJune 201900.511.52MilesLUA AND RCP DRAFT38LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.H. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area HNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.ServiceAreaProj. #IF ClassStreetLimitsLength(mi)% InServiceAreaE-7, H-1L3-3U-100BULLICK HOLLOW RDFM 620 TO FM 27693.0850%H-2L4-3U-125-TxDOTRM 2222 TO RM 620 BYPASSFM 2222 TO FM 6200.42100%E-9, H-3L4-6D-147-TxDOTRM 2222 RDFM 620 BYPASS TO RIBELIN RANCH RD1.3250%H-4L3-3U-100CITY PARK RDFM 2222 TO 185' E OF WEST COURTYARD DR0.41100%H-5L3-3U-100CITY PARK RD185' E OF WEST COURTYARD DR TO 870' W OF BRIDGE POINT PKWY0.6950%H-6L5-6D-125-TxDOTN RM 620 RDFM 2222 RD TO MARSHALL FORD RD2.23100%H-7L5-6D-125-TxDOTN RM 620 RDMARSHALL FORD RD TO LOW WATER CROSSING RD1.37100%TypeIntersection% InServiceAreaEI-15; HI-1Intersection ImprovementsN FM 620 RD AND FM 2222 RD50%EI-16; HI-2Intersection ImprovementsFM 2222 RD AND RIVER PLACE BLVD50%HI-3SignalizeRIVER PLACE BLVD AND 6570 BLOCK100%EI-20; HI-4Intersection ImprovementsFM 2222 RD AND JESTER BLVD50%HI-5, II-1Intersection ImprovementsN CAPITAL OF TEXAS HWY NB AND COURTYARD DR50%SAHIntersectionImprovementsH-4¬«H-5H-4¬«H-6H-4¬«H-7CITYPARKRDFM2222RDNFM620RDN FM 620 RDBULLICKHOLLOWRDN QUINLAN PARK RDS CAPITAL OF TEXAS HWY SBBYPASSFM2769RDRIVERPLACEBLVDBIGVIEWDRWESTCOURTYARDDRSQUINLANPARKRDSTEINERRANCHBLVDH-4E-5,H-1E-8,H-3H-2¬«H-4¬«E-7,H-1¬«E-9,H-3¬«H-2HEI-20;HI-4EI-16; HI-2HI-5, II-1EI-15; HI-1HI-3FLegendRoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible RoadwaysNewAccess ManagementWideningMajor RoadwaysLocal StreetsImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")RailroadsRegulating Plans2017 100-Year FEMA Floodplain Street Impact Fee StudyService Area H0120.5MilesJune 2019LUA AND RCP DRAFT40LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.I. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area INote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.41LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.I. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area INote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.I-24I-25¬«I-22¬«I-23I-1¬«F-26,I-27I-1¬«I-28I-1¬«I-29I-1¬«I-30I-1¬«I-31I-1¬«I-32I-1¬«I-33I-1¬«I-34I-1¬«I-35I-19¬«I-36I-19¬«I-37¬«I-11I-25, K-2I-9I-16I-19I-27I-13I-5I-6DT-1,I-21I-3DT-2,I-22I-18DT-4,I-26I-20I-8I-17I-10I-7I-4I-2I-14I-11I-11I-15¬«I-15¬«I-12¬«I-24,K-2¬«DT-4,I-25¬«I-1¬«I-17¬«I-13¬«I-18¬«I-6¬«I-9¬«I-19¬«DT-2,I-21¬«I-2¬«I-10¬«I-14¬«DT-1,I-20¬«I-7¬«I-8¬«I-16¬«I-26¬«I-5¬«I-4¬«I-3DUVAL STW 43RD STE 51ST STW12THSTWESTLYNNSTE 32ND STSHOALCREEKBLVDBULL CREEK RDWINDSORRDSPEEDWAYW 29TH STW 34TH STWOODROW AVEE 41ST STPERRYLNE 46TH STW49THSTW 35TH STW 30TH STW 26TH STRIO GRANDE STWESTOVERRDPECOS STBENNETTAVENORTHLAND DRGROVER AVEW 46TH STJACKSON AVEW 22ND STW40THSTHANCOCK DRE 53RD HALF STE 21ST STCLARKSON AVEHARTFORDRDHARRIS BLVDSANJACINTOBLVDJEFFERSONSTBALCONESDRMOUNTBONNELLRDSCAPITALOFTEXASHWYSBENFIELDRDREDRIVERSTW 5TH STE38THSTW24THSTNLAMARBLVDW35THSTEXPOSITION BLVDW45THSTW KOENIG LNW 6TH STLAKEAUSTINBLVDE 45TH STREDBUDTRLE51STSTFM2222RDW 15TH STW 38TH STEDEANKEETONSTNORTHLANDDRBALCONESDRHANCOCK DRE KOENIG LNENORTHLOOPBLVDEMARTINLUTHERKINGJRBLVDWCESARCHAVEZSTW 51ST STNCAPITALOFTEXASHWYSBNCAPITALOFTEXASHWYNBBURNET RDII-12FI-30; II-5FI-31; II-6DTI-1,II-35II-30II-25II-31II-23II-21II-18II-22II-32II-11II-16II-17II-24II-19II-20II-33II-34II-27FI-29; II-4II-7II-15II-37HI-5, II-1II-13II-14FI-27, II-2FI-28; II-3DTI-22, II-39II-9II-10II-36II-8II-26II-29II-28II-38II-40IFLegendRoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible RoadwaysNewAccess ManagementWideningTwo-way ConversionMajor RoadwaysLocal StreetsImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")RailroadsRegulating Plans2017 100-Year FEMA FloodplainStreet Impact Fee StudyService Area I0120.5MilesJune 2019LUA AND RCP DRAFT43LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.J. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area JNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.ServiceAreaProj. #IF ClassStreetLimitsLength(mi)% InServiceAreaJ-1L3-4D-130MANOR RDUS 183 TO ROCKHURST LN0.28100%J-2L2-2U-78RANGOON RDE 51ST ST TO SPRINGDALE RD1.02100%J-3L2-2U-60ROGGE LN320' W OF CHADWYCK DR TO SPRINGDALE RD0.19100%J-4L3-4D-116E 51ST STINTERSTATE 35 NB SVRD TO MUELLER BLVD0.47100%J-5L3-4D-116E 51ST STALDRICH ST TO BERKMAN DR0.13100%J-6L2-2U-60PECAN SPRINGS RDMANOR RD TO E 51ST ST0.46100%J-7L2-2U-78NORWOOD HILL RDSPRINGDALE RD TO 51ST ST0.31100%J-8L2-2U-60ROGGE LNMANOR RD TO GLOUCESTER LN0.15100%J-9L3-3U-100OLD MANOR RD51ST ST TO MANOR RD0.21100%J-10L1-2U-OP-60SPRINGDALE RD-WALDEN CIR CONNECTORSPRINGDALE RD TO WALDEN CIR0.07100%J-11L2-2U-78E 51ST-BUNDYHILL DR CONNECTORE 51ST ST TO BUNDYHILL DR0.06100%J-12L2-2U-78E 51ST ST-NORTHDALE DR CONNECTOR51ST ST TO NORTHDALE DR0.37100%J-13L1-2U-OP-60ALEXANDER AVE TO REAL ST CONNECTIONALEXANDER AVE TO REAL ST0.13100%J-14L1-2U-OP-60REAL STALEXANDER AVE TO RAILROAD0.07100%J-15L1-2U-OP-60REAL ST-E MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD CONNECTORREAL ST TO MLK JR BLVD0.07100%J-16L1-2U-OP-60BEDFORD STHARGRAVE ST TO SOL WILSON AVE CONNECTION TO BEDFORD ST0.06100%J-17L2-2U-OP-92HARGRAVE ST-SOL WILSON AVE COLLECTORHARGRAVE ST TO SOL WILSON AVE0.09100%J-18L1-2U-OP-60SOL WILSON AVEMCCLAIN ST TO END0.05100%J-19L1-2U-OP-60MC CLAIN STOAK SPRINGS DR TO SOL WILSON AVE0.18100%J-20L3-4D-120-TxDOTAIRPORT BLVDMANOR RD TO 230' S OF SPRINGDALE RD1.63100%J-21L3-4D-120-TxDOTE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVDAIRPORT BLVD TO PEREZ ST0.66100%J-22L3-4D-120-TxDOTE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVDPEREZ ST TO EASTDALE DR1.36100%J-23L2-2U-78TRACOR LNTANNEHILL LN TO US 183 SB SVRD0.33100%J-24L2-2U-OP-70AXEL LN-BLUESTEIN DR CONNECTORAXEL LN TO BLUESTEIN DR0.23100%J-25L2-2U-60HUDSON STDELANO ST TO ED BLUESTEIN BLVD (US 183)0.57100%J-26L2-2U-60HAROLD CTHAROLD CT TO HAROLD CT0.16100%J-27L2-2U-64JAIN LNSTUART CIR TO SHADY LN0.17100%J-28L3-4D-120-TxDOTAIRPORT BLVD250' N OF BOLM RD TO LEVANDER LOOP0.54100%J-29L3-4D-116E 7TH STATTAYAC ST TO N PLEASANT VALLEY RD1.21100%J-30L1-2U-OP-60SAN MARCOS STE 5TH ST TO E 4TH ST0.07100%J-31L1-2U-OP-60ONION STE 5TH ST TO ONION ST0.03100%J-32L1-2U-OP-60CHALMERS AVE5TH ST TO 6TH ST0.07100%J-33L2-2U-OP-70GONZALES STRAMOS ST TO TILLERY ST0.13100%J-34L3-4D-116E 7TH STALLEN ST TO LEVANDER LOOP0.64100%J-35L1-2U-OP-60MANSELL AVE-E 7TH ST CONNECTORMANSELL AVE TO E 7TH ST0.04100%J-36L3-4D-104E CESAR CHAVEZ STPLEASANT VALLEY RD TO E 5TH ST0.96100%J-37L3-4D-130MANOR RDROCKHURST TO KINGS PT0.06100%J-38L3-4D-104SPRINGDALE RDNORTHEAST DR TO MANOR RD0.15100%J-39L2-3U-74BERKMAN DRGLENVALLEY DR TO CHATHAM AVE0.10100%J-40L3-4D-94CAMERON RDUS 290 TO 51ST ST1.16100%J-41L3-4D-96E 51ST STSPRINGDALE RD TO RANGOON RD0.81100%J-42L3-4D-140-TxDOTE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVDEEASTDALE DR TO US 1830.22100%J-43L3-3U-80MANOR RDDEAN KEETON TO CHESTNUT AVE0.14100%J-44L3-4D-94E 7TH STINTERSTATE 35 NB TO ATTAYAC ST0.32100%J-45L2-3U-100SHADY LNE 7TH ST TO E 5TH ST0.09100%J-46L3-3U-74E CESAR CHAVEZ STSAN MARCOS ST TO N PLEASANT VALLEY RD1.41100%J-47L3-3U-80N PLEASANT VALLEY RDWEBBERVILLE DR TO E 7TH ST0.39100%J-48L2-2U-OP-78E 5TH STONION ST TO N PLEASANT VALLEY DR1.09100%J-49L3-4D-120N PLEASANT VALLEY RDCANTERBURY ST TO LAKE0.08100%SAJ44LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.J. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area JNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.Proj. #TypeIntersection% InServiceAreaDI-36; JI-1Intersection ImprovementsN IH 35 SVRD NB AND E ANDERSON LN SVRD WB50%FI-26, JI-2Add U-turn LaneE ST JOHNS AVE AND N IH 35 SVRD SB50%JI-3Intersection ImprovementsCAMERON RD AND E US 290 HWY SVRD EB100%JI-4RoundaboutGASTON PL DR AND BRIAR CLIFF DR100%JI-5RoundaboutNORTH HAMPTON DR AND GASTON PLACE DR100%JI-6SignalizeNORTHEAST DR AND N HAMPTON DR100%JI-7RoundaboutMANOR RD AND SPRINGDALE RD100%JI-8SignalizeBARBARA JORDAN BLVD AND MUELLER BLVD100%JI-9SignalizeE 51ST ST AND VAUGHAN ST100%JI-10Signalize51ST ST AND TILLEY ST100%JI-11RoundaboutOLD MANOR RD AND WESTMINSTER DR100%JI-12SignalizeSPRINGDALE RD AND NORWOOD HILL RD100%JI-13Intersection ImprovementsAIRPORT BLVD AND WILSHIRE BLVD100%JI-14SignalizeMANOR RD AND ZACH SCOTT ST100%JI-15Intersection ImprovementsAIRPORT BLVD AND MANOR RD100%JI-16Intersection ImprovementsMANOR RD AND ANCHOR LN100%JI-17Intersection ImprovementsE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD AND COMAL ST100%JI-18Intersection ImprovementsE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD AND CHICON ST100%JI-19Intersection ImprovementsE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD AND CHESTNUT AVE100%JI-20Intersection ImprovementsE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD AND CEDAR AVE100%JI-21Intersection ImprovementsE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD AND ALEXANDER AVE100%JI-22Intersection ImprovementsAIRPORT BLVD AND E MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD100%JI-23Intersection ImprovementsE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD AND SPRINGDALE RD100%JI-24SignalizeMARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD AND OLDFORT HILL DR100%JI-25SignalizeWEBBERVILLE RD AND TANNEHILL LN100%JI-26RoundaboutROSEWOOD AVE AND HARGRAVE ST100%JI-27Intersection ImprovementsSPRINGDALE RD AND E 12TH ST100%JI-28RoundaboutHARGRAVE ST AND E 12TH ST100%JI-29RoundaboutROSEWOOD DR AND WEBBERVILLE RD100%JI-30Intersection ImprovementsAIRPORT BLVD AND OAK SPRINGS DR100%JI-31Signalize6TH ST AND SAN MARCOS ST100%JI-32Signalize7TH ST AND WALLER ST100%JI-33Intersection ImprovementsE 7TH ST AND ATTAYAC ST100%JI-34Intersection ImprovementsAIRPORT BLVD AND SPRINGDALE RD100%JI-35SignalizeSPRINGDALE RD AND GOVALLE AVE100%JI-36SignalizeE CESAR CHAVEZ ST AND SAN MARCOS ST100%JI-37SignalizeE 6TH ST AND ROBERT T MARTINEZ JR ST100%JI-38Intersection ImprovementsE 7TH ST AND N PLEASANT VALLEY RD100%JI-39Intersection ImprovementsAIRPORT BLVD AND SHADY LN100%JI-40SignalizeGARDNER RD AND JAIN LN100%JI-41SignalizeE 5TH ST AND PEDERNALES ST100%JI-42Intersection ImprovementsE 5TH ST AND N PLEASANT VALLEY RD100%JI-43Intersection ImprovementsE 2ND ST AND N PLEASANT VALLEY RD100%JI-44Intersection ImprovementsSPRINGDALE RD AND E CESAR CHAVEZ ST100%JI-45Intersection ImprovementsE CESAR CHAVEZ ST AND N PLEASANT VALLEY RD100%JI-46SignalizeE CESAR CHAVEZ ST AND LINDEN ST100%JI-47Intersection ImprovementsAIRPORT BLVD AND LEVANDER LOOP100%JI-48SignalizeBOLM RD AND GARDNER RD100%JI-49Intersection ImprovementsAIRPORT BLVD AND PARKWOOD RD/CRESTWOOD RD100%SAJIntersectionImprovementsHAROLD CTMIRIAM AVECEDARAVEJ-24¬«J-2151ST ST51ST STJ-1¬«J-37J-1¬«J-38J-1¬«J-39J-1¬«J-40J-3¬«J-41J-3¬«J-42J-24¬«J-43J-24¬«J-44J-33¬«J-45J-38¬«J-46J-38¬«J-49J-38¬«J-48J-38¬«J-47J-20J-12J-18J-15J-16J-36J-28J-24J-19J-40J-33J-23J-5J-1J-4J-34J-35J-37J-11J-21J-42J-39J-14J-38J-6J-7J-29J-32J-3J-27J-8J-25J-10J-13J-9¬«J-18¬«J-31¬«J-17¬«J-35¬«J-11¬«J-3¬«J-30¬«J-14¬«J-32¬«J-15¬«J-10¬«J-19¬«J-33¬«J-5¬«J-26¬«J-27¬«J-24¬«J-9¬«J-25¬«J-22¬«J-28¬«J-20¬«J-4¬«J-1¬«J-16¬«J-29¬«J-36¬«J-34¬«J-13¬«J-6¬«J-2¬«J-7¬«J-23¬«J-12¬«J-8COMAL STROGGE LNANTONE STHOLLY STE 12TH STLYONS RDE 5TH STWILSHIREBLVDJAIN LNLOYOLALNBOLMRDSHADYLNHUDSONSTZACHSCOTTSTATKINSONRDESTJOHNSAVEGOVALLE AVEHARGRAVESTBRIARCLIFF BLVDBLESSING AVEEMFRANKLINAVETRACOR LNREDBLUFFRDWALLERSTVAUGHAN STNORTHEASTDRCHICON STMUELLERBLVDRANGOON RDTILLEYSTCONCHO STSAN MARCOS STWALLER STBENNETT AVEEASTAVEANCHOR LNNORTHHAMPTONDRROBERT T MARTINEZ JR STE 3RD STE 32ND STBERKMANDRROGGE LNWEBBERVILLE RDSPRINGDALE RDROSEWOOD AVEE 2ND STWEBBERVILLERDBOLMRDMANOR RDNORWOODHILLRDGONZALES STTILLEY STLAFAYETTEAVEHEFLINLNBARBARAJORDANBLVDOAK SPRINGS DRCAMINOLACOSTASIMONDAVEREINLI STCLAYTON LNTRACOR LNREDBLUFFRDCOMAL STCHICON STGARDNERRDPECANSPRINGSRDTILLEYSTAIRPORT BLVDE CESAR CHAVEZ STE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVDE 7TH STMANORRDE 38TH HALF STE 51ST STCAMERONRDEDEANKEETONSTSPRINGDALE RDE 15TH STE 6TH STLOYOLALNCHESTNUT AVENPLEASANTVALLEYRDBERKMANDRBERKMANDRJJI-20JI-37JI-32JI-28JI-18JI-19JI-39JI-34JI-30JI-22JI-15JI-47JI-33JI-38JI-43JI-45JI-44JI-16JI-13JI-27JI-17FI-26, JI-2DI-36; JI-1JI-23JI-3JI-7JI-42JI-21JI-6JI-4JI-11JI-9JI-14JI-8JI-40JI-48JI-46JI-36JI-41JI-29JI-26JI-12JI-10JI-24JI-25JI-31JI-35JI-5JI-49FLegendRoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible RoadwaysNewAccess ManagementWideningMajor RoadwaysLocal StreetsImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")Regulating PlansRailroads2017 100-Year FEMA FloodplainStreet Impact Fee StudyService Area J0120.5MilesJune 2019LUA AND RCP DRAFT46LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.K. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area KNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.K-6¬«K-7K-6¬«K-8VEGAAVEBEECAVESRDLOSTCREEKBLVDREDBUDTRLWALSHTARLTONLNMIRADORDRWSH71SOUTHWESTPKWYN FM 620 RDBEE CAVES RDFM2244RDBARTONCREEKBLVDNCAPITALOFTEXASHWYNBTRAVISCOUNTRYCIRWESTLAKEDRSTRATFORDDRSCAPITALOFTEXASHWYNBNCAPITALOFTEXASHWYSBSCAPITALOFTEXASHWYSBREPUBLICOFTEXASBLVDMO-PACEXPYK-1K-5K-3K-6I-25,K-2K-4¬«K-1¬«K-3¬«I-25,K-2¬«K-5¬«K-6¬«K-4KKI-7, MI-3KI-9, MI-5KI-1KI-5, MI-1KI-6, MI-2KI-4KI-8, MI-4KI-2KI-3FLegendRoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible RoadwaysNewAccess ManagementWideningMajor RoadwaysLocal StreetsImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")RailroadsRegulating Plans2017 100-Year FEMA FloodplainStreet Impact Fee StudyService Area K0120.5MilesJune 2019LUA AND RCP DRAFT48LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.L. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area LNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.49LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.L. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area LNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.L-36¬«L-33L-54¬«L-49L-54¬«L-50L-54¬«L-51L-54¬«L-52L-54¬«L-53L-54¬«L-54L-54¬«L-55L-26¬«L-56L-26¬«L-57L-26¬«L-58L-46¬«L-60L-46¬«L-61L-46¬«L-62ELMONT DRBARTON SKWYPANTHER TRLLIGHTSEY RDFRONTIER VALLEY DRBOULDIN AVERABB RDPARKERLNS 5TH STWOODLANDAVEBLUEBONNET LNW MARY STBARTONHILLSDRGARDENVILLALNCLAWSONRDVARGAS RDEMONROESTEANNIESTS5THSTAZIEMORTONRAEDELLAVEDAWSONRDKINNEY AVEVICTORYDRWICKERSHAMLNCOLLIERSTSLAKESHOREBLVDCUMBERLAND RDHOGANAVESTEDWARDSDRBURTONDRWILLOW CREEK DRSTRATFORDDRST EDWARDS DRSUNRIDGE DRMORGAN LNMAXWELL LNRIVERSEDGEWAYELIVEOAKSTBARTONSKWYBURLESON RDEAST SIDE DRDEL CURTO RDPAYLOADPASS-EALPINERDCONNECTORFARO DRERIVERSIDEDRS 1ST STSCONGRESSAVEEOLTORFSTMONTOPOLIS DRS PLEASANT VALLEY RDWRIVERSIDEDRBARTONSPRINGSRDSLAMARBLVDMANCHACARDTODD LNBEE CAVES RDWCESARCHAVEZSTGROVEBLVDCROSSINGPLWOODWARD STGROVEBLVDL-38L-26L-4L-3L-46L-2L-22L-32L-37L-41L-1L-28L-54L-51L-40L-48L-44L-34L-42L-33L-43L-24L-9L-27L-5L-29L-53L-35L-36L-30L-25L-39L-23L-31L-45¬«L-4¬«L-31¬«L-23¬«L-3¬«L-2¬«L-19¬«L-48¬«L-46¬«L-45¬«L-36¬«L-21¬«L-6¬«L-24¬«L-5¬«L-26¬«L-47¬«L-32¬«L-34¬«L-44¬«L-27¬«L-22¬«L-37¬«L-20¬«L-29¬«L-35¬«L-39¬«L-28¬«L-1¬«L-25¬«L-43¬«L-38¬«L-42¬«L-40¬«L-30¬«L-41LI-9LI-36LI-35LI-39LI-1LI-4LI-6LI-7LI-19LI-17LI-20LI-8LI-25LI-2, NI-1LI-34, OI-1LI-30LI-33LI-22LI-26LI-16LI-31LI-27LI-29LI-5LI-23LI-18LI-15LI-24LI-28LI-32LI-38, PI-2LI-3LI-37LI-21LFStreet Impact Fee StudyService Area L0120.5MilesJune 2019CONGRESS AVES 1ST STL-20¬«L-59BARTON SPRINGS RD LOCAL 1CONGRESS AVE TO BARTON SPRINGS RD CONNECTIONBARTON SPRINGS RD LOCAL 2BARTONSPRINGSRDLOCAL3E RIVERSIDE CONNECTIONBARTONSPRINGSTOCONGRESSCONNECTIONBARTON SPRINGS RDWRIVERSIDEDRL-20L-15L-10L-19L-12L-17L-11L-21L-16L-13L-14L-18¬«L-17¬«L-12¬«L-7¬«L-16¬«L-14¬«L-8¬«L-18¬«L-13¬«L-10¬«L-11¬«L-15¬«L-9LLI-12LI-11LI-13LI-10LI-14LegendRoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible RoadwaysNewAccess ManagementWideningMajor RoadwaysLocal StreetsImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")RailroadsRegulatingPlans2017 100-Year FEMA FloodplainLUA AND RCP DRAFT51LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.M. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area MNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.ServiceAreaProj. #IF ClassStreetLimitsLength(mi)% InServiceAreaM-1L2-2U-60WIER HILLS RDRIALTO BLVD TO OLD BEE CAVES RD0.53100%M-2L2-2U-68TRAVIS COOK RDOLD BEE CAVES RD TO SOUTHWEST PKWY0.48100%M-3L3-4D-116VEGA AVESOUTHWEST PKWY TO EIGER RD0.62100%M-4L3-4D-120INDUSTRIAL OAKS BLVDSOUTHWEST PARKWAY TO INDUSTRIAL OAKS BLVD0.22100%M-5L3-4D-120INDUSTRIAL OAKS BLVD920' N OF SH 71 SVRD WB TO SH 71 SVRD WB0.17100%M-6L2-2U-78BOSTON LNBOSTON LN TO US 2900.10100%M-7L2-2U-78BOSTON LN-REPUBLIC OF TEXAS LN CONNECTORREPUBLIC OF TEXAS BLVD TO BOSTON LN0.13100%M-8L3-3U-80OLD BEE CAVES RD370' N OF US 290 TO SH 713.05100%M-9L3-4U-80OLD BEE CAVES RDUS 290 TO 370' N OF US 2900.07100%M-10L2-2U-78MOUTAIN SHADOWS DR-W SH 71 CONNECTORMOUNTAIN SHADOWS DR TO W SH 710.18100%M-11L2-2U-78FLETCHER LNOLD BEE CAVES RD TO SH 710.23100%M-12L2-2U-S-80THOMAS SPRINGS RDSH 71 TO CIRCLE DR1.5950%M-13L2-2U-S-80W SH 71-MURMURING CREEK DR CONNECTORW SH 71 TO MURMURING CREEK DR0.6650%M-14L2-2U-S-80MURMURING CREEK DRMURMERING CREEK DR TO MOWINKLE TO SH 71 CONNECTION0.23100%M-15L2-2U-S-80W SH 71-MOWINKLE DR CONNECTORW SH 71 TO MOWINKLE DR0.66100%M-16L2-2U-60SILVERMINE DR160' N OF RED WILLOW DR TO 500' N OF RACCOON RUN0.41100%M-17L2-2U-S-80CIRCLE DRTHOMAS SPRINGS RD TO WILLIAMSON CREEK DR0.6550%M-18L2-2U-60SCENIC BROOK DRUS 290 TO 126' S OF FENTON DR0.28100%M-19L2-2U-78MC CARTY LNW WILLIAM CANNON DR TO US 2900.93100%M-20L2-2U-78BECKETT RDREYNOLDS RD TO MCCARTY LN0.16100%M-21L2-2U-78CONVICT HILL RDWOODCREEK RD TO BRUSH COUNTRY RD0.57100%M-22L2-2U-OP-92BRUSH COUNTRY RDCONVICT HILL RD TO 300' S OF WILLIAM CANNON DR0.46100%M-23L2-2U-64MOUNTAIN SHADOWS DROLD BEE CAVES RD TO END0.27100%M-24L2-2U-78CONVICT HILL RD515' W OF VERMILLION DR TO LOCKINVAR ST0.53100%M-25L3-4D-120-TxDOTFM 1826 RD526' N OF SUMMERVALE DR TO US 2900.46100%M-26L3-4D-120-TxDOTFM 1826 RD370' N OF BELLA VISTA TRL TO 526' N OF SUMMERVALE DR0.7250%M-27L2-2U-60WESTCREEK DRCANA CV TO BRUSH COUNTRY RD0.04100%M-28L2-2U-78LATTA DRISLANDER DR TO NAIRN DR0.28100%M-29L2-2U-78BRUSH COUNTRY RDSUMMERSET TRL TO MONTEREY OAKS BLVD0.32100%M-30L4-6D-130W SLAUGHTER LNMOPAC EXPWY TO BRODIE LN1.55100%M-31L3-4D-120-TxDOTFM 1826 RD4000' S OF APPALOOSA RUN TO 1800' S OF LEWIS MOUNTAIN DR2.2750%M-32L3-4D-120ESCARPMENT BLVDSH 45 WB TO LA CROSSE AVE1.23100%M-33L2-2U-78OLD FREDERICKSBURG RDUS 290 HWY TO 350' E OF SMITH OAK TRL0.31100%M-34, N-17L3-3U-96BRODIE LNGRAYBUCK RD TO 350' N OF BRODIE SPRINGS TRL0.3450%M-35Right-of-WayUS 290 / SH 71RM 1826 / SILVERMINE DR TO MONTEREY OAKS BLVD4.49100%Proj. #TypeIntersection% InServiceAreaKI-5, MI-1Dual Left Turn LaneHWY 71 AND SOUTHWEST PKWY50%KI-6, MI-2SignalizeSOUTHWEST PKWY AND SOUTHWEST PKWY TO OLD BEE CAVES RD CONNECTION50%KI-7, MI-3Intersection ImprovementsSOUTHWEST PKWY AND TRAVIS COOK RD50%KI-8, MI-4SignalizeSOUTHWEST PKWY AND BELGRADE DR50%KI-9, MI-5Intersection ImprovementsSOUTHWEST PKWY AND W WILLIAM CANNON DR50%MI-6SignalizeTERRAVISTA DR AND RIALTO BLVD100%MI-7SignalizeW WILLIAM CANNON DR AND RIALTO BLVD100%MI-8SignalizeHWY 71 AND MIDWOOD PKWY100%MI-9SignalizeSH 71 AND 8660 BLK W SH 71100%MI-10Intersection ImprovementsW SH 71 AND FLETCHER LN100%MI-11SignalizeOLD BEE CAVES RD AND FLETCHER LN100%MI-12SignalizeWILLIAM CANNON DR AND VEGA AVE100%MI-13SignalizeVEGA AVE AND EIGER RD100%MI-14Intersection ImprovementsW SH 71 AND HEB ACCESS100%MI-15SignalizeUS 290 AND OLD BEE CAVES RD100%MI-16Intersection ImprovementsESCARPMENT BLVD AND W WILLIAM CANNON DR100%MI-17SignalizeWILLIAM CANNON DR AND BANNOCKBURN DR100%MI-18, NI-18Intersection ImprovementsBRODIE LN AND W WILLIAM CANNON DR50%MI-19SignalizeBECKETT RD AND CONVICT HILL RD100%MI-20Intersection ImprovementsESCARPMENT BLVD AND DAVIS LN100%MI-21SignalizeDAVIS LN AND S MOPAC100%MI-22SignalizeDAVIS LN AND COPANO DR100%MI-23SignalizeDAVIS LN AND CORRAN FERRY DR100%MI-24, NI-28SignalizeBRODIE LN AND VILLAGES OF BELLA VISTA & RIDGEVIEW APTS50%MI-25, NI-33Intersection ImprovementsBRODIE LN AND DAVIS LN50%MI-26Intersection ImprovementsESCARPMENT BLVD AND W SLAUGHTER LN100%MI-27SignalizeSLAUGHTER LN AND ZUNIGA DR100%MI-28, NI-39Intersection ImprovementsBRODIE LN AND W SLAUGHTER LN50%MI-29SignalizeSPRUCE CANYON DRIVE AND FM 1826 RD50%MI-30Intersection ImprovementSH 45 AND SPRUCE CANYON DR100%MI-31Intersection ImprovementSH 45 WB AND ESCARPMENT BLVD100%IntersectionImprovementsSAM¬«M-23M-23M-9¬«M-8M-33¬«M-35M-2M-9M-16M-18M-25M-20M-31M-27M-7M-23M-21M-37,N-15M-5M-12M-10M-26M-4M-22M-11M-14M-28M-19M-24M-17M-29M-33M-8M-3M-32M-15M-13M-1M-6¬«M-19¬«M-24¬«M-31¬«M-8¬«M-26¬«M-2¬«M-25¬«M-32¬«M-16¬«M-18¬«M-34,N-17¬«M-12¬«M-21¬«M-4¬«M-29¬«M-17¬«M-30¬«M-33¬«M-3¬«M-15¬«M-1¬«M-28¬«M-20¬«M-9¬«M-6¬«M-7¬«M-5¬«M-10¬«M-27¬«M-22¬«M-11¬«M-14¬«M-13SCENICBROOKDRMC CARTY LNCONVICTHILLRDESKEWDRSILVERMINEDRBARSTOWAVEBANNOCKBURN DRLACROSSEAVEFENTON DRLATTA DRTHOMASSPRINGSRDSPRUCECANYONDRSOUTHBAYLNRIALTOBLVDCIRCLE DRSTAGGERBRUSHRDBECKETT RDCOPANODRREDWILLOWDRMBRODIE LNOLDBEECAVESRDFM1826RDDAVISLNWWILLIAMCANNONDRESCARPMENTBLVDWSLAUGHTERLNVEGA AVEMI-18, NI-18MI-16MI-28, NI-39MI-10MI-20MI-26KI-7, MI-3KI-9, MI-5MI-25, NI-33MI-14MI-19MI-29MI-21MI-17MI-22KI-5, MI-1KI-6, MI-2MI-6MI-15MI-12MI-13MI-8MI-7MI-31KI-8, MI-4MI-9MI-23MI-27MI-24, NI-28MI-30MI-11FLegendRoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible RoadwaysNewAccess ManagementWideningMajor RoadwaysLocal StreetsImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")RailroadsRegulating Plans2017 100-Year FEMA FloodplainStreet Impact Fee StudyService Area M0120.5MilesJune 2019LUA AND RCP DRAFT53LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.N. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area NNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.54LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.N. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area NNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.N-14¬«N-16N-18¬«N-20N-20¬«N-26N-26¬«N-27N-32¬«N-36N-32¬«N-37N-32¬«N-38N-32¬«N-39N-32¬«N-40N-32¬«N-41N-32¬«N-42N-32¬«N-43N-13¬«N-15N-22¬«N-44N-31N-13N-3N-16N-4N-24N-22N-19N-30N-10M-37,N-15N-8N-25N-5N-17N-20N-2N-6N-14N-26N-7N-12N-29N-1N-11N-32N-28N-9N-18N-27¬«N-34¬«N-28¬«N-24¬«N-33¬«N-14¬«N-10¬«N-31¬«N-32¬«N-13¬«N-11¬«N-2¬«N-4¬«N-8¬«N-23¬«N-7¬«N-18¬«N-19¬«N-3¬«N-25¬«N-22¬«M-35,N-17¬«N-5¬«N-21¬«N-9¬«N-29¬«N-35¬«N-12¬«N-6¬«N-1¬«N-30NWWILLIAMCANNONDRWSTASSNEYLNMANCHACARDWESTGATEBLVDWFM1626RDS 1ST STBRODIE LNSCONGRESSAVERIDDLERDDAVIS LNRALPHABLANEDODRCAMERON LOOPEWILLIAMCANNONDRW SLAUGHTER LNFRATE BARKER RDOLD SAN ANTONIO RDEFM1626RDLEOSTCOOPERLNCIRCLESRDFORESTWOODRDNI-2NI-3NI-10NI-16NI-22NI-34NI-40NI-7NI-26NI-46NI-5NI-11NI-23NI-25NI-27; OI-13NI-20MI-18, NI-18LI-2, NI-1MI-28, NI-39NI-41MI-25,NI-33NI-42NI-9NI-17NI-47NI-8NI-12NI-24NI-21NI-14NI-15NI-29NI-30NI-38NI-36NI-37NI-45NI-44NI-49MI-24, NI-28NI-4NI-13NI-19NI-31NI-35NI-43NI-48NI-6NI-32NI-50, OI-35FLegendRoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible RoadwaysNewAccess ManagementWideningMajor RoadwaysProject_LimitsLocal StreetsImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")RailroadsRegulating Plans2017 100-Year FEMA FloodplainStreet Impact Fee StudyService Area N0120.5MilesJune 2019LUA AND RCP DRAFT56LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.O. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area ONote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.57LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.O. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area ONote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.O-3¬«O-5O-4¬«O-52O-4¬«O-53O-4¬«O-54O-4¬«O-55O-6¬«O-56O-6¬«O-57O-39O-12O-37O-32O-34O-46O-41O-26O-42O-1O-33O-49O-40O-13O-28O-10O-5O-19O-3O-44O-36O-11O-25O-29O-51O-43O-47O-6O-4O-23O-31O-50O-18O-24O-20O-16O-30O-21O-53O-22O-45O-17O-48O-27O-2O-54O-52O-15O-14O-35¬«O-15¬«O-36¬«O-30¬«O-47¬«O-4¬«O-6¬«O-1¬«O-11¬«O-24¬«O-41¬«O-34¬«O-9¬«O-23¬«O-40¬«O-44¬«O-8¬«O-45¬«O-19¬«O-16¬«O-22¬«O-14¬«O-28¬«O-50¬«O-20¬«O-42¬«O-25¬«O-2¬«O-51¬«O-49¬«O-13¬«O-12¬«O-10¬«O-38¬«O-35¬«O-32¬«O-3¬«O-33¬«O-37¬«O-43¬«O-39¬«O-31¬«O-7¬«O-46¬«O-26¬«O-29¬«O-17¬«O-27¬«O-48¬«O-21¬«O-18BLUFFSPRINGSRDERIVERSIDEDREWILLIAMCANNONDRFM 1625 RDDIME CIRNUCKOLSCROSSINGRDNUCKOLSCROSSINGRDSPLEASANTVALLEYRDESTASSNEYLNBURLESON RDMONTOPOLIS DRBRANDTRDBRADSHAW RDOLD LOCKHART RDBLUFFSPRINGSRDMCKINNEYFALLSPKWYESLAUGHTERLNMCKINNEYFALLSPKWYESLAUGHTERLNFM 1625 RDEWILLIAMCANNONDRTODD LNSASSMANRDESLAUGHTERLNTERI RDESLAUGHTERLNSASSMAN RDS TURNERSVILLE RDESLAUGHTERLNCOLTONBLUFFSPRINGSRDMETROPOLISDREMAINSTMETROCENTERDROOI-22OI-18OI-15OI-11NI-27; OI-13OI-14OI-6, PI-1LI-34, OI-1OI-12OI-5OI-27OI-26OI-20OI-10OI-16OI-2OI-3OI-7OI-29OI-31OI-30OI-21OI-17OI-8OI-9OI-28OI-4NI-50, OI-35OI-19OI-23OI-24OI-25OI-32OI-33OI-34FLegendRoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible RoadwaysNewAccess ManagementWideningMajor RoadwaysLocal StreetsImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")RailroadsRegulating Plans2017 100-Year FEMA FloodplainStreet Impact Fee StudyService Area O0120.5MilesJune 2019LUA AND RCP DRAFT59LUA AND RCP DRAFT2019 Street Impact Fee StudyDraft June 2019City of Austin, TexasTable 3.P. 10-Year Street Impact Fee Roadway Capacity Plan – Service Area PNote: The 10-Year Street Impact Fee RCP is not in a prioritized order.For projects that have “TxDOT” in IF Class, only the City’s contribution will be included.P-16¬«P-17P-15P-29P-26P-7P-36P-12P-6P-10P-16P-41P-23P-1P-32P-11P-28P-4P-37P-38P-31P-33P-8P-2P-25P-14P-18P-3P-9P-35P-5P-30P-34P-22P-20P-13P-24P-27¬«P-15¬«P-27¬«P-6¬«P-21¬«P-4¬«P-14¬«P-9¬«P-8¬«P-16¬«P-3¬«P-7¬«P-37¬«P-20¬«P-13¬«P-2¬«P-24¬«P-18¬«P-10¬«P-12¬«P-34¬«P-28¬«P-33¬«P-19¬«P-11¬«P-35¬«P-25¬«P-31¬«P-22¬«P-23¬«P-5¬«P-1¬«P-30¬«P-26¬«P-36¬«P-29¬«P-32BURLESONRDROSSRDELROYRDMCANGUSRDPEARCE LNS FM 973 RDROSSRDHEINEFARMRDFM 812 RDPEARCELNELROY RDELROYRDDALTON LNFM 812 RDWOLF LNHERGOTZ LNSH71FR-FM973CONNECTORTHOMPSONLNKELLAMRDMAHA LOOP RDFOURDAUGHTERSRDPPI-10OI-6, PI-1PI-5PI-11PI-8PI-3PI-6PI-4PI-9PI-12LI-38, PI-2PI-7P-13FLegendRoadwaysImpact Fee Eligible RoadwaysNewAccess ManagementWideningMajor RoadwaysLocal StreetsImpact Fee Eligible Intersections")RailroadsRegulating Plans2017 100-Year FEMA FloodplainStreet Impact Fee StudyService Area P0120.5MilesJune 2019LUA AND RCP DRAFT