Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes
REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, October 2, 2020 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MINUTES The Human Rights Commission convened in a regular meeting on Monday, August 24, 2020 via teleconference in Austin, Texas. Chair Sareta Davis called the Board Meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Chair Davis, Vice Chair Jamarr Brown, Commissioner Breckenridge, Commissioner Garry Brown, Commissioner Caballero, Commissioner Casas, Commissioner Museitif, Commissioner Santana, Commissioner Weigel, and Commissioner White. Staff in Attendance: Jonathan Babiak, Human Resources Coordinator, Human Resources Department 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. The minutes from the regular meeting of August 24, 2020 were approved on a vote of 7-0: Chair Davis motion, Commissioner Breckenridge second. Voting in favor were Chair Davis, Commissioner Breckenridge, Commissioner Garry Brown, Commissioner Caballero, Commissioner Casas, Commissioner Weigel, and Commissioner White. Commissioner Museitif abstained. Vice Chair Jamarr Brown, Commissioner Griffith, and Commissioner Santana were absent. 2. NEW BUSINESS a. Update and report on Joint Inclusion Committee meetings by the Joint Inclusion Committee Appointed Representatives. (Davis/Brown, J.) The Commission discussed this item. The Commissioner took no action on this item. b. Discussion and possible action on elections for appointee nominations (alternate) to submit to City Council to serve on the Joint Inclusion Committee. (Davis/Brown, J.) The Commission discussed this item. Chair Davis moved to nominate Vice Chair Jamarr Brown as the primary representative and Idona Griffith as the alternate to the Joint Inclusion Committee, Commissioner Garry Brown second. The motion passed on a vote of 10-0 with Commissioner Griffith absent. c. Presentation from Brie Franco, City of Austin Intergovernmental Relations Officer, and discussion regarding 87th State Legislative Agenda. (Davis/Brown, G.) Brie Franco, City of Austin Intergovernmental Relations Officer, addressed the Commission and answered questions from the Commission. The Commission discussed this item. The Commission took no action on this item. 1 d. Presentation from Celine Rendon, City of Austin Office of Sustainability, and discussion regarding the Community Climate Action Plan 2020 Revision. (Davis/ Brown, J.) City of Austin Office of Sustainability staff addressed the Commission and answered questions from the Commission. The Commission discussed this item. The Commission took no action on this item. e. Presentation by Meredith Powell and Miriam Conner with Public City and discussion regarding Our Future I-35 Update. (Davis/Casas) Meredith Powell with Public City addressed the Commission and answered questions from the Commission. The Commission discussed this item. The Commission took no action on this item. f. Discussion and Possible Action on Recommendation for City Council to Pass a Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights. (White/Davis) The Commission discussed this item and worked informally to finalize the recommendation. Chair Davis moved adoption, Commissioner Weigel second. The recommendation was adopted on a vote of 10-0 with Commissioner Griffith absent. g. Discussion and possible action on recommendation for City Council to decriminalize the possession and use of psilocybin. (White/Caballero/Weigel) The Commission discussed this item. Commissioner Weigel moved adoption, Commissioner White second. The recommendation was not adopted on a vote of 3-1-6. Voting in favor were Commissioner Caballero, Commissioner Weigel, and Commissioner White. Voting against was Commissioner Museitif. Chair Davis, Vice Chair Jamarr Brown, Commissioner Breckenridge, Commissioner Garry Brown, Commissioner Casas, and Commissioner Santana abstained. Commissioner Griffith was absent. 3. OLD BUSINESS a. The Commission discussed the following key priority areas of concern for 2020-2021: Institutional Equity i. ii. Environment & Land Use iii. Health Access & Nutrition iv. Autonomy & Human Right ADJOURNMENT Chair Davis adjourned the meeting at 2:30 p.m. on unanimous consent. 2