16.3 - 2600 E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd - Updated Presentation — original pdf

2600 E Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard Historic Landmark Commission 1/8/2025 1 Project Site 2 Holy Cross Hospital 3 Existing Structure Existing Structure Landmark Designation Criteria LDC 25-2-352: 1. The property must be 50 years old and must represent a period of significance of at least 50 years ago; and 2. The property must retain a high degree of integrity, as defined by the National Register of Historic Places, that clearly conveys its historical significance and does not include an addition or alteration which has significantly compromised its integrity. Landmark Designation Criteria The property must meet at least two of the below criteria: i. Architecture ii. Historical Associations iii. Archaeology iv. Community Value v. Landscape Feature i. Architecture ARCHITECURE CRITERIA: √ Embodies the distinguishing characteristics of a recognized Staff Report: architectural style, type, or method of construction; × Exemplifies technological innovation in design or construction; × Displays high artistic value in representing ethnic or folk art, architecture, or construction; × Represents a rare example of an architectural style in the city; × Serves as an outstanding example of the work of an architect, builder, or artisan who significantly contributed to the development of the city, state, or nation; × Possesses cultural, historical, or architectural value as a particularly fine or unique example of a utilitarian or vernacular structure; or × Represents an architectural curiosity or one-of-a-kind building. “Mid-century Modern design by Page, Southerland and Page, however, its context as part of a larger hospital campus is gone” ii. Historical Associations HISTORICAL CRITERIA: The property has long-standing significant associations with persons, groups, institutions, businesses, or events of historic importance which contributed significantly to the history of the city, state, or nation; or represents a significant portrayal of the cultural practices or the way of life of a definable group of people in a historic time. • Holy Cross Hospital (established in 1940) was the first hospital to allow Black doctors in Austin • The site received a Texas Historical Commission marker in 2021, however the main hospital has been demolished. • Original Holy Cross Hospital site on 12th St has marker. ii. Historical Marker – 1610 E 11th St. iv. Community Value COMMUNITY CRITERIA: The property has a unique location, physical characteristic, or significant feature that contributes to the character, image, or cultural identity of the city, a neighborhood, or a particular group. • Holy Cross Hospital history is the basis for Historical Associations. • The Property is not currently in use. Holy Cross Hospital 12 Project Rendering 13 Project Rendering 14 Project Rendering 15 Request – Staff & ARC Recommendation We respectfully request your approval of the request for total demolition of the structure at 2600 E. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and release of the demolition permit upon receipt of a City of Austin Documentation Package. 16 17 Agent Information Leah M. Bojo Email: Phone: 512-807-2918 18