12.04.2024 Draft Minutes — original pdf

HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, December 4th, 2024 – 6:00 PM City Hall – Council Chambers 301 W. 2nd Street Austin, TX 78701 Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, email preservation@austintexas.gov or call Sam Fahnestock at (512) 974-3393. COMMISSION MEMBERS: Ben Heimsath, Chair x Roxanne Evans, Vice Chair x Kevin Koch x Carl Larosche ab Trey McWhorter x x x ab x ab Harmony Grogan Jaime Alvarez Raymond Castillo JuanRaymon Rubio Tara Dudley DRAFT MINUTES CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first (10) speakers who register to speak no later than noon the day before the meeting will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. November 6, 2024 – Offered for consent approval. 1 MOTION: Approve the minutes per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. BRIEFINGS 2. Briefing on the Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative Presenter: Laura Dierfield CONSENT/CONSENT POSTPONEMENT AGENDA Historic Zoning Applications 3. C14H-2024-0103 – 1308 Springdale Rd. Council District 1 Proposal: Commission-initiated historic zoning. (Postponed November 6, 2024) Applicant: HLC City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Grant the applicant’s request to postpone the public hearing to January 8, 2025. MOTION: Postpone the public hearing to January 8, 2025, per passage of the consent postponement agenda, on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Rubio seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. Historic Landmark and Local Historic District Applications 4. HR-2024-095142 – 2504 Bridle Path Culberson House Council District 10 Proposal: Addition, new doors and windows, new cabana, new siding. (Postponed November 6, 2024) Applicant: Minnie Webb City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Grant the applicant’s request to postpone the public hearing to January 8, 2025. MOTION: Postpone the public hearing to January 8, 2025, per passage of the consent postponement agenda, on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Rubio seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 5. HR-2024-040291– 1807 E Cesar Chavez St. Berner-Clark-Mercado House Council District 3 Proposal: Repair/replace deck and rails, paint exterior. (Postponed November 6, 2024) Applicant: David Rudick City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 2 Staff Recommendation: Grant the applicant’s request to postpone the public hearing to allow time to implement Committee feedback. MOTION: Postpone the public hearing to January 8, 2025, per passage of the consent postponement agenda, on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Rubio seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. National Register District Permit Applications 6. HR-2024-123060 – 1003 Maufrais St. West Line National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Addition and remodel, new construction of a cabana and pool. (Postponed November 6, 2024) Applicant: Jennifer Hanlen City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Grant the applicant’s request to postpone the public hearing to January 8, 2025. MOTION: Postpone the public hearing to January 8, 2025, per passage of the consent postponement agenda, on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Rubio seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. Item 7 was pulled for discussion. 8. HR-2024-142310 – 2021 Travis Heights Blvd. Travis Heights-Fairview Park National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Partial demolition, new construction rear unit. Applicant: Roy Jensen City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Comment on plans. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. Item 9 was pulled for discussion. 10. HR-2024-148278 – 1702 W 30th St. Old West Austin National Register Historic District Council District 10 Proposal: New construction single family residence, new pool. Applicant: Kateryna Juschenko City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Comment on plans. MOTION: Postpone the public hearing to January 8, 2025, per passage of the consent 3 postponement agenda, on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Rubio seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. Item 11 was pulled for discussion. Item 12 was pulled for discussion. Item 13 was pulled for discussion. Item 14 was pulled for discussion. Item 15 was pulled for discussion. 16. PR-2024-043035 – 1704 E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Council District 1 Proposal: Total demolition. (Postponed November 6, 2024) Applicant: Colton Santmyer City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Strongly encourage rehabilitation and adaptive reuse, then relocation over demolition, but release the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package for both houses. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 17. PR-2024-138522 – 800 W Johanna St. Council District 3 Proposal: Total demolition. Applicant: Roy Jensen City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive reuse, then relocation over demolition, but release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. Item 18 was pulled for discussion. Item 19 was pulled for discussion. Item 20 was pulled for discussion. Item 21 was pulled for discussion. 22. PR-2024-150598 – 4704 S Congress Ave. #13 4 Council District 3 Proposal: Relocation. Applicant: Urpi Arriola City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive reuse, but release the relocation permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS/DISCUSSION AND ACTION National Register District Permit Applications 7. DA-2024-089522 – 810 W 11th St. West Downtown National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Total demolition. (Postponed November 6, 2024) Applicant: Drew Raffaele City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Postpone the application to January 8, 2025 to allow for community input. Drew Raffaele spoke in opposition to postponement. Donna Carter spoke in favor of postponement. MOTION: Postpone the public hearing to January 8, 2025 on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Rubio seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 9. HR-2024-149566 – 1515 W 31st St. Bldg. 2 Old West Austin National Register Historic District Council District 10 Proposal: Demolish garage, new construction rear unit. Applicant: Douglas Powell City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Comment on plans. Simplify the window design to reduce different sizes of windows and maintain level fenestration heights across individual floors. Doug Powell spoke in favor of the project. MOTION: Close the public hearing on a motion by Commissioner Rubio. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. MOTION: Reopen the public hearing and postpone to the January 8, 2025 meeting, inviting the applicant to the December 11, 2024 meeting of the Architectural Review Committee, on a motion by Commissioner Rubio. The motion failed due to lack of a second. 5 MOTION: Release the plans with comments on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Alvarez seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 11. HR-2024-150669 – 1505 W 32nd St. Old West Austin National Register Historic District Council District 10 Proposal: Remodel and addition on main house, demolition of a garage, new construction rear unit. Applicant: Douglas Powell City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Comment on new construction and side addition. Recommend altering the front addition to minimally alter the current appearance of the front entryway. Postpone the public hearing to January 8, 2025 and invite the applicant to the December 11, 2024 meeting of the Architectural Review Committee. Doug Powell spoke in opposition to postponement. Doug Powell spoke in favor of the project. MOTION: Close the public hearing on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Grogan seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. MOTION: Release the plans with comments on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 5-2. Commissioners Rubio and Grogan opposed. The motion failed. MOTION: Invite the applicant to the December 11, 2024 meeting of the Architectural Review Committee, then administratively approve updates on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Grogan seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 12. HR-2024-149562 – 1417 Preston Ave. Old West Austin National Register Historic District Council District 10 Proposal: New construction single family residence, new pool. Applicant: Victoria Carpenter City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Comment on plans. Tim Cuppett spoke in favor of the project. MOTION: Close the public hearing on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. MOTION: Release the plans with comments on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Rubio seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 13. HR-2024-150523 – 1101 West Lynn St. West Line National Register Historic District 6 Council District 9 Proposal: Remove ramp, partial demolition, new construction. Applicant: Victoria Haase City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Concur with Committee feedback and comment on plans. The applicant has amended the proposal to reflect Committee feedback. Miguel Rivera spoke in favor of the project. MOTION: Take items 13 and 14 out of order on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Grogan seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. MOTION: Take items 13 and 14 together on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. MOTION: Close the public hearing on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Rubio seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. MOTION: Release the application for item 13, reopen the public hearing and postpone item 14 to the January 8, 2025 meeting, inviting the applicant to the December 11, 2024 meeting of the Architectural Review Committee on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Grogan seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 14. HR-2024-150514 – 1113-1115 West Lynn St. West Line National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Partial demolition, reconstruction of west façade, new construction. Applicant: Victoria Haase City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Concur with Committee feedback and comment on plans. The applicant has amended the design to incorporate Committee and neighborhood feedback. Demolition and Relocation Permit Applications 15. PR-2024-043035 – 1702 E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Council District 1 Proposal: Total demolition. (Postponed November 6, 2024) Applicant: Colton Santmyer City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Encourage relocation over demolition, but release the demolition permits only upon completion of City of Austin Documentation Packages for both houses. Michele Lynch spoke in favor of the demolition. Aisha Gooden-Williams spoke in favor of demolition. MOTION: Close the public hearing on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Grogan seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 7 MOTION: Reopen the public hearing and postpone to the January 8, 2025 meeting on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Grogan seconded the motion. The motion was withdrawn. MOTION: Approve the demolition permit application in accordance with staff’s recommendation on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Evans seconded the motion. Vote: 6-1. Commissioner Rubio opposed. The motion passed. 18. DA-2024-088952 – 8401 Hathaway Dr. Council District 4 Proposal: Total demolition. Applicant: Moruf Jimoh City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Consider whether the building’s historical associations are sufficient to initiate historic zoning. If not, encourage material salvage where possible and require completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package prior to release of the demolition permit. Commissioner Heimsath recuses himself and leaves the dais. Moruf Jimoh spoke in favor of the demolition. Westley Burger spoke in favor of demolition. Charles Brant spoke in favor of demolition. Jeremy Strifler spoke in favor of demolition. Mary Hartzell spoke in opposition to demolition. MOTION: Close the public hearing on a motion by Commissioner McWhorter. Commissioner Grogan seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion passed. MOTION: Reopen the public hearing and postpone to the January 8, 2025 meeting on a motion by Commissioner Rubio. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The motion passed. 19. PR-2024-142799 – 2103 S L Davis Ave. Council District 1 Proposal: Total demolition. Applicant: Luciana Corwin City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive reuse, then relocation over demolition, but release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. Commissioner Heimsath returns to the dais. 8 MOTION: Close the public hearing on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Grogan seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. MOTION: Approve the demolition permit application in accordance with staff’s recommendation on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Grogan seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 20. PR-2024-142315 – 305 North Bluff Dr. Council District 2 Proposal: Total demolition. Applicant: Alex Boogren City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Strongly encourage rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of at least some of the original spaces of the school, but release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. Jeremy Strifler spoke in favor of demolition. Daniel Geurkink spoke in opposition to demolition. MOTION: Close the public hearing on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Grogan seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. MOTION: Approve the demolition permit application in accordance with staff’s recommendation on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Evans seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 21. DA 2024 149924 – 1010 E Cesar Chavez St. Council District 3 Proposal: Partial demolition and addition. Applicant: Victoria Haase City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Concur with Committee feedback and approve the application. Ingrid Gonzales Featherston spoke in favor of the project. MOTION: Close the public hearing on a motion by Commissioner Grogan. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. MOTION: Release the plans with comments on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Grogan seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Commission Items 23. Conduct emergency Vice Chair election. 9 Commissioner Roxanne Evans was nominated for the position of Vice Chair. MOTION: Appoint Commissioner Roxanne Evans for the position of Vice Chair. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. COMMITTEE UPDATES 24. Grants Committee – Discussion on scheduling meeting dates for the Grants Committee. 25. Operations Committee – Discussion on scheduling meeting dates for the Operations 26. Architectural Review Committee – Comments on the November 13th meeting Committee. cancellation. 27. Preservation Plan Committee – Discussion on scheduling meeting dates for the Preservation Plan Committee. ADJOURNMENT – 9:30PM on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call the Historic Preservation Office at 512-974-3393 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Historic Landmark Commission, please contact Sam Fahnestock, Historic Preservation Planner II, at 512-974-3393; Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Planner Senior, at 512-978-0766; or Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Officer, at 512-974-2727. 10 11