Historic Landmark CommissionJan. 8, 2025

9.0 - 1702 W 30th St — original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION PERMITS IN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICTS JANUARY 8, 2025 HR-2024-148278 OLD WEST AUSTIN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICT 1702 WEST 30TH STREET 9.0 – 1 PROPOSAL Construct a single-family house. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS DESIGN STANDARDS Build a detached house on a lot in the Old West Austin National Register district. The demolition of the previous house on this lot, which was non-contributing to the district, was approved this year. The proposed house is two-stories, with a combination of side-gabled and hipped roof, as well as a carport oriented towards the street. The City of Austin’s Historic Design Standards (March 2021) are based on the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and are used to evaluate projects in National Register districts. The following standards apply to the proposed project: Residential new construction 1. Location Proposed footprint of the house is within the required setback, and in line with other houses on the block and neighborhood. Houses on this street do not typically have one uniform wall depth along the front elevation, which is also the case in this design. No secondary structures are proposed at the sides or rear of the property. 2. Orientation The main orientation of the house towards the street, which is the case on all other properties on the block and typical of the overall district. 3. Scale, massing, and height When combined with the required setback at the property, the scale of this new construction does not visually overtake its neighbors. Though the two-story height is uncommon on this block (though still present at multiple properties), the design uses a slight step-back, in which a one-story section projects further forward than the two-story section. 4. Proportions The proportions of the design are generally similar to the surrounding contributing properties. Similar two-story designs have been constructed on the same block, where non-contributing or vacant lots were previously present. 5. Design and style No historic style is being emulated in this proposed design, and it is sufficiently differentiated. Materials such as horizontal wood siding and brick are present in the district, but the rhythm and spacing at this house read as modern without becoming overbearing. The modern design is visually bisected up by the center, two-story projection. However, no distinct styles are being combined, as referenced in Standard 5.5. 6. Roofs Complex roof patterns, consisting of both gabled and hipped systems, are present in this design. Generally, roofs in the neighborhood are a bit simpler in form, though this proposal does generally match the roof pitch of its neighbors. Metal roofs may not have been original to many of the houses in the district, but over time have become more common, so the proposal to install one here may not be out of place. 7. Exterior walls Mentioned above, exterior wall cladding materials are similar to those found throughout the district and are appropriate in scale and appearance. 8. Windows and doors Windows and doors are of varying sizes and generally do not match the openings of original houses in the district. They do appear similar amongst themselves on the front façade of the proposed house design. A wide dormer is present at the right, and a tall vertical is present at the center projection, which could be simplified, or their proportions refined. 11. Attached garages and carports Many of the contributing properties on this block feature attached garages located to one side of the house. A roll up door with carport behind is present at this design. 9.0 – 2 Summary The project meets some of the applicable standards. PROPERTY EVALUATION The property contributes to the Old West Austin National Register district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the application. LOCATION MAP 9.0 – 3 PROPERTY INFORMATION Photos 9.0 – 4 Street context (demo application approved for house [center] in 2024), Google Streetview, 2024