Historic Landmark CommissionDec. 4, 2024

12.b - 1417 Preston Ave - public comment — original pdf

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We do NOT support the demoli�on of 1417 Preston Ave., which has its original window and door openings and architectural configura�on from its 1935 construc�on. Changes in its siding over the years, easily reversible, are the likely cause of its “non-contribu�ng” status in the Old West Aus�n Na�onal Register Historic District. The unique design/ floorplan of this house for Pemberton Heights indicates that it is likely an architect-designed residence. The Landmark Commission does not appear to have undertaken any research on 1417 to determine if it meets City of Aus�n Landmark status. This should be determined before the Landmark Commission makes a determina�on on the fate of this house. Because the OWANRHD is so large, contribu�ng status was based on visual assessment (approved by the Texas Historical Commission) rather than research for the 1600+ proper�es in this largest NRD in Texas. It is unfortunate to have a buyer for one of our historic proper�es who likes the historic appearance and stability of this block of Preston Ave., wants to own a residence here, and then demolishes an original house. Their view of our street doesn’t change, but everyone else’s does and not in a good way. The east block of Preston Ave. is very intact from its original construc�on; only one house has been completely demolished and rebuilt. A “modern farmhouse”, the style that the architect appears to be planning for 1417 Preston, is today’s version of a McMansion and is incompa�ble architecturally with our historic street. The scale and style of the original 1930s-50s houses on Preston Ave. works well for our small lots and low ver�cal density; adjacent homes are not crowded or overhung, and the streetscape and large trees are not overwhelmed. However, the architect plans to widen the street façade of 1417 so that the east side will be at the east setback line; this will place the new house ten feet from the neighboring house to the east. The garage will be raised to story and a half height and placed against the west setback line, overhanging neighbors on the south and west sides. We request that the Landmark Commission perform basic research on 1417 Preston Ave. to determine whether it meets the criteria to be eligible for Aus�n Landmark status if the exterior is restored. We do not want this original house to be demolished. Candace and John Volz 1406 Preston Ave.