Historic Landmark CommissionSept. 11, 2024

5 - 810 W 11th St - presentation — original pdf

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810 W 11th Street Historic Landmark Commission September 4, 2024 1 Site Aerial Improvement: •Constructed: Circa 1938 •Age: Approx. 86-years-old •Use: Office 2 Street View 3 Side View 4 Rear View 5 City of Austin Historic Designation Criteria A property must meet at least two of the below criteria: i. Architecture ii. Historical Associations iii. Archeology iv. Community Value v. Landscape Feature 6 Request We respectfully request your approval for the release of the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. 7 8 1935 Sanborn Map 9 1961 Sanborn Map 10 1938 Water Service Permit 11 Neighborhood Character 810 1938 808 Cir. 1910 806 Cir. 1920 821 Cir. 1907 819 ½ Cir. 1915 819 Cir. 1925 817 Cir. 1917 813 Cir. 1917 12 Neighborhood Character 13