5.9 - 1500 W 12th St - code violation — original pdf

NOTICE OF VIOLATION Case Number: CV-2024-087824 via Certified Mail #7019 1640 0001 2753 9427 City of Austin P.O. Box 1088, Austin, TX, 78767 July 16, 2024 SODOSOPA SALMON LP % 2001 AGENCY CORPORATION 14160 DALLAS PKWY STE 800 DALLAS, TX 75254 RE: 1500 E 12TH ST AUSTIN TX 78702 Locally known as 1500 E 12TH ST AUSTIN TX 78702 Legally described as 106 X 148FT OF BLK 1 OLT 36 DIVISION B Zoned as CS-MU-NCCD-NP Parcel Number 0208090119 Dear SODOSOPA SALMON LP % 2001 AGENCY CORPORATION: The City of Austin Development Services Department investigated the property described above. Austin City Code violations were found that require your immediate attention. A description of the violation(s) and compliance timeframe(s) are provided in the attached violation report. After receipt of this Notice, and until compliance is attained, the Austin City Code prohibits the sale, lease, or transfer of this property unless: You provide the buyer, lessee, or other transferee a copy of this Notice of Violation; and You provide the name and address of the buyer, lessee, or other transferee to the Code Official. For additional information, I can be reached at (512) 974-1958 or Andres.DeLaVera@austintexas.gov. Please reference case number CV-2024-087824. Hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. If I am unavailable, contact DSD Code Connect line at (512) 974-CODE (2633) or DSDCodeConnect@austintexas.gov. Para obtener más información, llame al (512) 974-1958 o enviar un correo electrónico a Andres.DeLaVera@austintexas.gov. Por favor, consulte caso número CV-2024-087824. El horario de atención es: lunes a viernes, 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Si no estoy disponible, comuníquese con DSD Code Connect marcando al (512) 974-CODE (2633) o por correo electrónico DSDCodeConnect@austintexas.gov. Sincerely, Andres De La Vera, Code Inspector C City of Austin Development Services Department VIOLATION REPORT Date of Notice: July 16, 2024 Code Officer: Case Number: Property Address: Andres De La Vera CV-2024-087824 1500 E 12TH ST AUSTIN TX 78702 Locally known as 1500 E 12TH ST AUSTIN TX 78702 Zoned as CS-MU-NCCD-NP The items listed below are violations of the Austin City Code, and require your immediate attention. If the violations are not brought into compliance within the timeframes listed in this report, enforcement action may be taken. Timeframes start from the Date of Notice. Violation Type: STRUCTURE MAINTENANCE Austin City Code Section: Vacant structures and land (§301.3) Description of Violation: All vacant structures and premises thereof or vacant land shall be maintained in a clean, safe, secure, and sanitary condition as provided herein so as not to cause a blighting problem or adversely affect the public health or safety. Date Observed: 07/16/2024 Timeframe to Comply: 30 Day(s) Recommended Resolution: Please ensure the structure is repaired and maintained, and the premises are cleared of all trash and debris to prevent the property from becoming a blighting issue and to avoid infestation by rodents, insects, and other vermin. Austin City Code Section: Window, Skylight and Door Frames (§304.13) Description of Violation: Every window, skylight, door, and frame shall be kept in sound condition, good repair, and weather tight. Date Observed: 07/16/2024 Timeframe to Comply: 30 Day(s) Recommended Resolution: Please repair all damaged and deteriorated windows, doors, frames, and window screens. Austin City Code Section: Exterior Walls (§304.6) Description of Violation: All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. Date Observed: 07/16/2024 Timeframe to Comply: 30 Day(s) Recommended Resolution: Please repair all areas of the exterior walls with exposed holes, cracks, damage, and any areas with damaged or deteriorating wall siding. Notes: If the corrective action requires a permit the permit is issued by the Development Services Department. For resources and contact information, please visit www.austintexas.gov/dsd or call 311. An inspection on any required permits will need to be conducted before the above code violation(s) can be closed. Please visit www.austintexas.gov/page/building-inspections or call 311 for information on how to schedule an inspection. Appeal: Any structure maintenance issue indicated in this report may be appealed to the Building and Standards Commission. The appeal must be filed no later than 20 days after the date of this notice and contain all the following information: a brief statement as to why the violation is being appealed any facts that support the appeal a description of the relief sought the reasons why the appealed notice or action should be reversed, changed, or set aside the name and address of the appellant An appeal may be delivered in person to our office located at City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr, Austin, TX 78752 or mailed to: Building and Standards Commission, c/o Development Services Department Code Compliance, P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767. Violation Type: PROPERTY ABATEMENT Austin City Code Section: Litter Removal Required (§10-5-43) Description of Violation: Upon inspection I observed a small sofa and various other items of trash and debris dumped directly in the adjacent alleyway at the rear of the property. A property owner, tenant, resident, or person in charge of a property is responsible to remove trash, rubbish, or miscellaneous waste from the half of a street or alleyway adjacent to his property. Date Observed: 07/16/2024 Timeframe to Comply: 7 Day(s) Recommended Resolution: Please remove all trash and debris from the adjacent alleyway located at the back of the property. Austin City Code Section: Duty to Maintain Property in Sanitary Condition (§10-5-21) Description of Violation: During my inspection from the alleyway and sidewalk, I noticed a significant accumulation of trash and debris visible through the chain-link fence. There were piles of tires, removed siding, and various building materials and miscellaneous items scattered across the back of the premises. An owner, tenant, resident, or person in charge of any property within the City of Austin must maintain said property free of grass and weeds over 12 inches tall, brush, garbage, rubbish, trash, debris, standing water or other objectionable, unsightly, or unsanitary matter. Date Observed: 07/16/2024 Timeframe to Comply: 7 Day(s) Recommended Resolution: Please remove all trash, debris, rubbish, and other miscellaneous items that are unsightly, unsanitary, and objectionable as stipulated in city code 10-5-21. Notes: Failure to correct this condition by the above deadline may result in City action to clean the property at your expense. Should another violation occur within one year of the date of this notice, the City may take action to clean the property without further notice to you and at your expense. Appeal: An owner may appeal a notice of violation issued under this article by filing a written statement with the director of the designated department not later than the seventh day after the notice is given. An owner may only appeal on the following grounds: (1) The notice was not properly served; or (2) A violation did not exist on the property on the date the notice was issued. An appeal may be delivered in person to the Development Services Department Code Compliance located at City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr, Austin, TX 78752 or mailed to: City of Austin Development Services Department, ATTN: Code Official, P.O. Box 1088, Austin, Texas 78767. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Failure to Correct If the violations are not brought into compliance within the timeframes listed in the violation report, enforcement action may include: Criminal charges in the City of Austin Municipal Court subjecting you to fines of up to $2,000 per violation, per day. Civil penalties in an Administrative Hearing subjecting you to fines of up to $1,000 per violation, per day, along with additional fees. Suspension or cancellation of existing site plan, permit or certificate of occupancy. If the site plan, permit or certificate of occupancy is suspended or revoked, the utility service to this property may be disconnected. Civil injunctions or penalties in State court. For dangerous or substandard buildings, the City of Austin may also take action with the Building and Standards Commission (BSC) to order the vacation, relocation of occupants, securing, repair, removal, or demolition of a building, and civil penalties. Ownership Information According to the records of the County, you own the property described in this notice. If this property has other owners, please provide me with this information. If you no longer own this property, you must execute an affidavit form provided by our office. This form should state that you no longer own the property, the name of the new owner, and their last known address. The affidavit must be delivered in person or by certified mail, with return receipt requested, to the Development Services Department office no later than 20 days after you receive this notice. If you do not submit an affidavit, it will be presumed that you own the property described in this notice. An affidavit form is available at www.austintexas.gov/code-resources, or at the office at City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr, Austin, TX 78752. The completed affidavit should be mailed to: City of Austin Development Services Department, P.O. Box 1088, Austin, Texas 78767. Complaints You may file a written complaint or commendation regarding a Development Services Department Code Compliance Officer no later than 3 days after you receive this notice. Please reference your case number. The complaint or commendation should be mailed to: City of Austin Development Services Department, ATTN: Code Official, P.O. Box 1088, Austin, Texas 78767. Language Access Free language assistance services are available to you. Call 1-512-974-2633. Español (Spanish) ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-512-974-2633. 한국어 (Korean) 中文 (Chinese) 中文 (Simplified Chinese) Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) ﻭﺩﺭﺍ (Urdu) ﺔﻴﺑﺮﻌﻟﺍ (Arabic) မြန်မာ (Burmese) Français (French) हिंदी (Hindi) 주의: 한국어를 사용하시는 경우, 언어 지원 서비스를 무료로 이용하실 수 있습니다. 1-512-974-2633 번으로 전화해 주십시오. 注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 1-512-974-2633。 注意:如果您讲中文,则可以免费使用语言帮助服务。拨打1-512-974-2633. CHÚ Ý: Nếu bạn nói Tiếng Việt, có các dịch vụ hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ miễn phí dành cho bạn. Gọi số 1-512-974-2633. ۔ ﮟﯿﮨ ﺏﺎﯿﺘﺳﺩ ﮟﯿﻣ ﺖﻔﻣ ﺕﺎﻣﺪﺧ ﯽﮐ ﺩﺪﻣ ﯽﮐ ﻥﺎﺑﺯ ﻮﮐ ﭖﺁ ﻮﺗ ،ﮟﯿﮨ ﮯﺘﻟﻮﺑ ﻭﺩﺭﺍ ﭖﺁ ﺮﮔﺍ :ﺭﺍﺩﺮﺒﺧ 1-512-974-2633. ﮟﯾﺮﮐ ﻝﺎﮐ ﻞﺼﺗﺍ .ﻥﺎﺠﻤﻟﺎﺑ ﻚﻟ ﺮﻓﺍﻮﺘﺗ ﺔﯾﻮﻐﻠﻟﺍ ﺓﺪﻋﺎﺴﻤﻟﺍ ﺕﺎﻣﺪﺧ ﻥﺈﻓ ،ﺔﻐﻠﻟﺍ ﺮﻛﺫﺍ ﺙﺪﺤﺘﺗ ﺖﻨﻛ ﺍﺫﺇ :ﺔﻇﻮﺤﻠﻣ 1-512-974-2633 ﻢﻗﺮﺑ သတိျပဳရန္ - အကယ္၍ သင္သည္ ျမန္မာစကား ကိ ေျပာပါက၊ အကူအညီ၊ အခမဲ ့၊ ဘာသာစကား 1-512-974-2633 သင့ ္အတြက္ စီစဥ္ေဆာင္ရြက္ေပးပါမည္။ ဖုန္းနံပါတ္ သု ိ႔ ေခၚဆိ ုပါ။ ATTENTION : Si vous parlez français, des services d'aide linguistique vous sont proposés gratuitement. Appelez le 1-512-974-2633. ध्यान दे ं: यदि आप हिंदी बोलते है ं तो आपके लिए मुफ्त मे ं भाषा सहायता सेवाएं उपलब्ध है ं। 1-512-974- 2633 पर कॉल करे ं। ု Community Resources | Recursos Comunitarios The Development Services Department Code Compliance aims to bring our communities to a safe standard for Austin residents and visitors. The following resources are available to help Austin residents resolve potential hazards. La Unidad de Cumplimiento de Códigos del Departamento de Servicios de Desarrollo tiene como objetivo llevar a nuestras comunidades un estándar seguro para los que viven y visitan Austin. Los siguientes recursos están disponibles para ayudar a los residentes de Austin a resolver posibles peligros. Austin 3-1-1 📞 3-1-1 | 🌐 austintexas.gov/department/311 Austin 2-1-1 📞 2-1-1 | 📞 877-541-7905 | 🌐 www.211texas.org United Way / Connect ATX 🌐 www.unitedwayaustin.org/connectatx Housing Department Departamento de Vivienda 📞 512-974-3100 🌐austintexas.gov/department/housing Building and Strengthening Tenant Action (BASTA) Buscando Acción y Solidaridad que Transforme el Arrendamiento 📞 512-522-9984 | 🌐 bastaaustin.com/ Texas RioGrande Legal Aid (TRLA) 📞 833-329-8752 | 🌐 trla.org Austin Tenants Council Project Proyecto del Consejo de Inquilinos de Austin 📞 512-474-6000 | 📞 512-474-1961 🌐 trla.org/atc General Information | Información General A single point of contact for every City department 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Information from state and local health and human services programs, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Free or reduced cost services like medical care, food, job training and more Housing | Vivienda Un punto de contacto para cada departamento de la ciudad disponible 24 horas del día, 7 días de la semana Información de programas estatales y locales de salud y servicios humanos, 24 horas del día los 7 días de la semana Servicios gratuitos o de costo reducido como atención médica, alimentos, capacitación laboral y más Housing and community development services to eligible residents Servicios de vivienda y desarrollo comunitario a personas elegibles Helps renters work with neighbors to improve living conditions via tenant organizing Ayuda a los inquilinos a trabajar con los vecinos para mejorar las condiciones de vida a través de la organización de inquilinos TRLA: Free civil legal services for residents and migrant/seasonal workers. TRLA public defender programs represent low-income and indigent people in various areas of the law. Austin Tenants Council Project: Protects tenant’s rights and educates the community on fair, decent housing. TRLA: Servicios legales civiles gratuitos a los residentes y a trabajadores migrantes/estacionales. Programas de defensa pública de TRLA representan a personas indigentes y de bajos ingresos en una variedad de áreas de la ley. El Proyecto del Consejo de Inquilinos de Austin: Protege los derechos de inquilinos y educa a la comunidad sobre la vivienda justa y decente.