25.a - 1106 Enfield Rd - public comment — original pdf

Steering Committee Members: Christopher Hurst AIA, Chair Paula Hern, Meghan Yancy, Claudette Kazzoun, Rob Kish, Steve Amos, Germaine Curry, Margaret Sullivan, William Osborn, David Schofman, Shawn Shillington, Erika Tatum August 1, 2024 Dear Chair Heimsath and Historic Landmark Commissioners, The Old West Austin Neighborhood Association, OWANA, Zoning Committee has voted to oppose the purposed demolition of 1106 Enfield Road. The sole purpose of the demolition, like the zoning change, is to hopefully increase the marketability of the property. Chapter 25-11, Article 4 Section J of the COA Land Development Code states: The building official may not release a demolition or relocation permit for a building or structure deemed contributing to a National Register Historic District or a historic area (HD) combining district until the Commission has reviewed and made recommendations on the application for a building permit for the site, unless the building official determines that demolition or relocation is necessary for reasons related to public safety. Plans for new development have always been a requirement for demolition of a contributing structure. There are no plans or drawings to accompany this demolition and its sole purpose is for speculative sale of the land. The property was listed for sale last January 2023 and delisted for lack of offers in July 2023. Since its rezoning the last two contracts on the property were for single family use and both declined to follow through as the price was not feasible. The rezoning was in vain and we suggest the proposed demolition is in vain. The house has been vacant for more than a year. OWANA does not support demolition based solely on financial hardship. The Zoning Committee reminds the City of Austin that re-zoning this property did not guarantee its sale. The current real estate market has slowed due to rising interest rates. There are other MF properties for sale in our neighborhood that have been on the market for a while and are not selling due to the current market conditions and desired sale prices. Additionally, the sale of this property is complicated by its location on Enfield Road. Access to the property is on a sloped, curved, one-way section of Enfield Road that neighbors find dangerous. Because of this, nearby neighbors oppose any redevelopment without seeing plans or drawings. Please oppose the demolition of 1106 Enfield Road. OWANA does not want to set a precedent of up- zoning based on perceived economic hardship and then demolishing the structure to solve the problem of marketability. Sincerely, Christopher Hurst, AIA OWANA Steering Committee Chair