Agenda — original pdf

HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, August 7th, 2024 – 6:00 PM City Hall – Council Chambers 301 W. 2nd Street Austin, TX 78701 Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, email or call Sam Fahnestock at (512) 974-3393. COMMISSION MEMBERS: Ben Heimsath, Chair Witt Featherston, Vice Chair Kevin Koch Carl Larosche Trey McWhorter Harmony Grogan Jaime Alvarez Roxanne Evans Raymond Castillo JuanRaymon Rubio Tara Dudley AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first (10) speakers who register to speak no later than noon the day before the meeting will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. July 3, 2024 – Offered for consent approval. 1 PUBLIC HEARINGS/DISCUSSION AND ACTION Historic Zoning Applications 2. C14H-2024-0094 – 1500 W 24th St. Council District 10 Proposal: Owner-initiated historic zoning. Applicant: Lori Martin City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Grant the proposed zoning change from family residence- neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) to family residence-neighborhood plan-historic combining district (SF-3-NP-H) zoning. 3. C14H-2024-0098 – 1403 W 10th St. Council District 9 Proposal: Owner-initiated historic zoning. Applicant: Lori Martin City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the proposed zoning change from family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) to family residence-neighborhood plan-historic (SF-3-H-NP) combining district zoning. 4. C14H-2024-0100 – 3311 Lafayette Ave. Council District 9 Proposal: Owner-initiated historic zoning. Applicant: Steve Wilson City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the proposed zoning change from family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) to family residence-neighborhood plan-historic landmark (SF-3-H-NP) combining district zoning. 5. PR-2024-064274 – 1500 E 12th St. Council District 1 Proposal: Commission-initiated historic zoning. Applicant: Nicholas Sandlin City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Recommend historic zoning to Planning Commission and City Council. Otherwise, require a City of Austin Documentation Package before releasing the demolition permit. 6. PR-2024-026690 – 900 Spence St. Council District 3 Proposal: Commission-initiated historic zoning. Applicant: Katherine Warren City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Grant the applicant’s postponement request to the September 4, 2024 meeting. 2 7. 9037 Ann and Roy Butler Hike and Bike Trail Council District 9 Proposal: Commission-initiated historic zoning. Applicant: HLC City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Postpone to the September 4, 2024 meeting per Code limits on historic zoning applications. 8. 1300 Springdale Rd. Council District 1 Proposal: Commission-initiated historic zoning. Applicant: HLC City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Postpone to the September 4, 2024 meeting per Code limits on historic zoning applications. Historic Landmark and Local Historic District Applications 9. PR-2024-014961 – 801 Lydia St. Robertson/Stuart & Mair Local Historic District Council District 1 Proposal: Total demolition. (Postponed July 3, 2024) Applicant: Jennifer Hanlen City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Deny the demolition request. 10. HR-2024-040291– 1807 E Cesar Chavez St. Berner-Clark-Mercado House Council District 3 Proposal: Repair/replace deck and rails, paint exterior. (Postponed July 3, 2024) Applicant: David Rudick City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Grant the applicant’s request to postpone the public hearing to allow time to implement Committee feedback. 11. HR-2024-077497 – 2305 E 21st St. Rogers-Washington-Holy Cross Local Historic District Council District 1 Proposal: New construction accessory dwelling unit. Applicant: Roy Jensen City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Approve the application with the recommendation that the fenestration be simplified on the sides and rear of the ADU, and that the awning over the front entryway be redesigned. Alternatively, postpone to the September 4, 2024 HLC meeting and invite the applicant to the next meeting of the Architectural Review Committee scheduled for August 14, 2024. 12. HR-2024-075431 – 203 W 32nd St. 3 Aldridge Place Local Historic District Council District 1 Proposal: Replace garage door with windows. Applicant: Asher Price City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Approve the application. 13. HR-2024-077986; PR-2024-078046 – 1607 W 10th St. Mary Baylor House Council District 9 Proposal: Addition. Applicant: William Kane City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Postpone the public hearing to September 4, 2024 and invite the applicant to the August meeting of the Architectural Review Committee. 14. HR-2024-082296 – 4107 Speedway Hyde Park Local Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Additions. Applicant: William Kane City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: After revisions and consideration from comments made from attending the Architectural Review Committee, approve the application. 15. HR-2024-086086 – 2900 Tarry Trl. Gatewood House Council District 10 Proposal: Addition, new doors and windows, new siding. Applicant: Tye Jeffrey City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Approve the application. 16. HR-2024-086315 – 1011 E 9th St. Robertson/Stuart & Mair Local Historic District Council District 1 Proposal: Remodel, repair, and repaint. Applicant: David West City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Approve the application. National Register District Permit Applications 17. PR-2024-033568 – 1409 Alta Vista Ave. Travis Heights-Fairview Park National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Total demolition. (Postponed July 3, 2024) Applicant: Miguel Vasquez 4 City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Strongly encourage adaptive reuse and rehabilitation, then relocation over demolition, but release the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. The Historic Landmark Commission must review plans for new construction in National Register Historic Districts before the demolition permit is released. 18. SB-2024-086522 – 600 Congress Ave. Congress Avenue National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Sign. Applicant: Shana Gardner City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Require reverse (“halo”) illumination for all lit signage. Recommend removal of the duplicate unlit address sign that currently exists above the main doors prior to installation of the larger lit address sign. 19. SB-2024-086516 – 600 Congress Ave. Congress Avenue National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Sign. Applicant: Shana Gardner City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Require reverse (“halo”) illumination for all lit signage. Recommend removal of the duplicate unlit address sign that currently exists above the main doors prior to installation of the larger lit address sign. 20. PR-2024-064449 – 4200 Wilshire Pkwy. Wilshire Wood National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Total demolition. (Postponed July 3, 2024) Applicant: Ian Ellis City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive reuse, then relocation or deconstruction over demolition, but release the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. Comment on plans for new construction. 21. HR-2024-085976 – 4200 Wilshire Pkwy. Wilshire Wood National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: New construction. Applicant: Ian Ellis City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive reuse, then relocation or deconstruction over demolition, but release the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. Comment on plans for new construction. 22. HR-2024-055618 – 1607 Kenwood Ave. 5 Travis Heights-Fairview Park National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Construct an addition. (Postponed July 3, 2024) Applicant: Asaf Shoshana City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Approve the application with the understanding that any changes or further work will require review by the Historic Preservation Office and may require appearance before the Historic Landmark Commission. 23. HR-2024-048021 – 1519 Alameda Dr. Travis Heights-Fairview Park National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: New construction. (Postponed July 3, 2024) Applicant: Eduardo Ponce City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Comment on plans. 24. HR-2024-072700 – 707 E Monroe St. Travis Heights-Fairview Park National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: New construction accessory dwelling unit. Applicant: Susan Parten City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Approve the application. 25. PR-2024-071202 – 1106 Enfield Rd. Old West Austin National Register Historic District Council District 10 Proposal: Total demolition. Applicant: Ricca Keepers City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Consider whether the building’s association with realtor J. B. Riley meets the criterion for significance. If so, initiate historic zoning; if not, release the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. New construction in National Register Historic Districts must be reviewed by the Historic Landmark Commission prior to permit release. 26. PR-2024-077690 – 1508 Pease Rd. Unit B Old West Austin National Register Historic District Council District 10 Proposal: Total demolition. Applicant: Jennifer Hanlen City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Release the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. New construction in National Register districts must be reviewed by the Historic Landmark Commission before the permit may be pulled. 27. PR-2024-081374 – 3411 Happy Hollow Ln. 6 Old West Austin National Register Historic District Council District 10 Proposal: Total demolition. Applicant: Derek Barcinski City Staff: Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Office, 512-978-0766 Staff Recommendation: Approve the demolition. Demolition and Relocation Permit Applications 28. PR-2024-046875 – 10413 S IH 35 SVRD NB Council District 5 Proposal: Total demolition. (Postponed July 3, 2024) Applicant: Bryan Wierwille City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Strongly encourage rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of the two main buildings on the lot, then relocation over demolition, but release the demolition permits upon completion of City of Austin Documentation Packages for all buildings. 29. PR-2024-042274 – 1205 Cotton St. Council District 1 Proposal: Total demolition. (Postponed July 3, 2024) Applicant: DAR Construction City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Grant the applicant’s postponement request to September 4, 2024. 30. PR-2024-021145 – 7304 Knox Ln. Council District 10 Proposal: Relocation. (Postponed July 3, 2024) Applicant: Ricca Keepers City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Consider initiation of historic zoning. Should the Commission decide against historic zoning, release the relocation permit only upon receipt of a City of Austin Documentation Package and a plan for archaeological monitoring. 31. PR-2024-065928 – 3310 Bowman Ave. Council District 10 Proposal: Total demolition. (Postponed July 3, 2024) Applicant: Jennifer Hanlen City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Release the demolition permit only upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. Though Travis LaRue served as Austin’s 46th mayor, he did not appear to have sufficient impact to meet the bar for historical associations when considering his overall contributions as a politician and business owner alongside his dilatory responses to Civil Rights issues in Austin. 32. PR-2024-043035 – 1702 E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Council District 1 Proposal: Total demolition. (Postponed July 3, 2024) 7 Applicant: Colton Santmyer City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Grant the applicant’s postponement request to September 4, 2024. 33. PR-2024-043035 – 1704 E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Council District 1 Proposal: Total demolition. (Postponed July 3, 2024) Applicant: Colton Santmyer City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Grant the applicant’s postponement request to September 4, 2024. 34. PR-2024-022957 – 4700 S Congress Ave. #10 Council District 3 Proposal: Total demolition. (Postponed July 3, 2024) Applicant: Michele Lynch City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Grant the applicant’s postponement request to September 4, 2024. 35. PR-2024-079642 – 2805 Mountain Laurel Dr. Council District 3 Proposal: Total demolition. Applicant: Roy Jensen City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Release the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Tax Abatement Applications 36. 4405 Avenue C Hyde Park Local Historic District Council District 9 Applicant: Lori Martin Commission Items 37. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a recommendation to Austin City Council in support of adoption of the UMLAUF Sculpture Garden + Museum Historic Preservation, Expansion, and Unification Plan. 38. Vote to approve Annual Internal Review and Report. COMMITTEE UPDATES 39. Grants Committee – Discussion on scheduling meeting dates for the Grants Committee. 40. Operations Committee – Updates from July 22, 2024 meeting. 8 41. Architectural Review Committee – Updates from July 10, 2024 meeting. 42. Preservation Plan Committee – Updates from July 31, 2024 meeting. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call the Historic Preservation Office at 512-974-3393 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Historic Landmark Commission, please contact Sam Fahnestock, Historic Preservation Planner II, at 512-974-3393; Austin Lukes, Historic Preservation Planner Senior, at 512-978-0766; or Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Officer, at 512-974-2727. 9 10