37.1 - UMLAUF presentation 1 - part 7 — original pdf

Energy Introduction The UMLAUF’s primary energy objective is to achieve Net Zero Annual Energy, meaning the site generates as much renewable energy as it consumes over a year. The strategy involves initially reducing annual energy usage and then offsetting the remaining consumption by leveraging geo- exchange for heating and cooling while maximizing on-site energy production with solar panels. The careful selection of energy sources is critical, considering that non-renewable options such as coal, natural gas, and propane significantly contribute to air pollution and global warming. Each unit of energy used on-site translates to three units of energy used at the source at coal or propane plants due to losses during conversion and transmission. The UMLAUF has committed to a fully electrified site, eliminating gas, diesel, or propane appliances and systems and providing EV transportation with chargers on-site and places for bikes and human-powered transportation. Despite remaining connected to the grid with a diverse energy portfolio, the UMLAUF is actively reducing its energy consumption and deploying on-site renewables to minimize its environmental footprint. As an option, UMLAUF is to consider enrolling in Austin Energy’s GreenChoice program which is 100% renewable grid energy. This multifaceted approach underscores the UMLAUF’s conscientious efforts to balance operational needs with environmental stewardship. ENERGY | SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 163 UMLAUF HPEU PLANEnergy Balance Annual Energy Balance Annual Net Energy Usage Implementing energy production strategies — such as solar, geothermal, and additional reduction tactics — compensates for the energy consumption of new and existing buildings to reach net annual zero The existing and new buildings are predicted to consume 221 MWh per year, which is more energy than 18 homes in Texas. Renewable energy generation from photovoltaic (PV) systems can offset 50% of the total annual energy use of the site. Using geo-exchange wells and ground source heat pumps, reduces an additional 10-20% of site energy consumption. To bridge the remaining gap to net zero annual site energy, existing meter data should be collected with energy audits to evaluate the most effective energy conservation strategies. A comprehensive building performance analysis is recommended to asses aspects such as building orientation, the window-to-wall ratio, the implementation of high performance enclosure, heat pump systems, decoupled ventilation with sensible HVAC systems, and the use of energy-efficient appliances. Integrating these solutions will reduce energy consumption and allow for the PV and geo- exchange systems to offset a larger percentage of the annual energy consumption. Other innovative energy recovery options are to be considered. Solutions should first be applied to the new buildings to make them as energy efficient as possible. Followed by the Museum Gallery + Terrace, which is currently the highest energy consumer of the existing buildings. Lastly, the historic home and studio should be addressed carefully to retain historic context, while modernizing systems for the future. The improvements will be balanced with the budget of the project to find the most cost-effective solutions. Solutions such as proper orientation, window to wall ration, and passive design strategies will be considered first as cost effective solutions. 250 200 150 50 0 ) h W M ( y g r e n E +29 y a w e t a G g n d i l i u B +100 100 e s u o H e e r T +20 + i o d u t S e s u o H -36 m u e s u M e c a r r e T l r a o S +72 e c a r r e T m u e s u M -21 - e t a G y a w l r a o S -30 e e r T e s u o H l r a o S -20 - k r a P g n i l r a o S -45 e g n a h c x e - o e G + g n i t a e H g n i l o o C -69 e s U y g r e n E n o i t c u d e R - o e G y g r e n E e g n a h c x e y g r e n E n o i t c u d e R 69 MWh from Annual Site Net Zero Additional Energy Reduction Strategies will need to be implemented to reach net zero. Energy Usage Energy Generation Energy Reduction New Code Compliant Bldgs Existing Bldgs Energy Bills Onsite Solar Production ENERGY | SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 164 UMLAUF HPEU PLANEnergy Use/Generation/Thermal Energy Use, Solar Energy Production, Geo-exchange The location and quantity of solar panels are impacted by site limitations, including existing and historic trees, shaded roofs, and utility provisions. Although historic building funding requirements restrict solar placement, all other buildings are recommended to be fit for solar panels and others are recommended to be solar ready. Implementing solar canopy over parking will make further strides towards reaching net zero annual energy. Additionally, incorporating a geothermal heat pump system - which replaces traditional HVAC systems by harnessing the earth’s relatively stable temperature to regulate buildings’ heating and cooling - can further improve energy efficiency. A geo-exchange loop under the southern parking area can potentially cover the entire heating and cooling needs of the gateway and museum gallery. An additional geoexchange system near the northern parking lot in well or loop form could possibly provide heating and cooling to the treehouse. If the capacity of the goethermal system does not completely meet the needs of the historic buildings, the plan recommends using air source heat pumps. Thinking ahead, as energy has an operational carbon impact, the plan recommends exploring hydronic systems to reduce the carbon footprint of the refrigerant. And think through radiant heating as a more efficient form of heating the space. y g r e n E e g a s U y g r e n E n o i t c u d o r P New Building Energy Usage Existing Building Energy Usage Solar Energy Geo-Exchange Options for the geo-exchange system include several form factors such as deep wells, multiple loops, or shallow piping indicated above ENERGY | SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 165 UMLAUF HPEU PLANEnergy Reduction Strategies The UMLAUF’s building operations currently demand more energy than what can be generated on-site. The recommended energy conservation strategies outlined below aim to further reduce operational energy usage to achieve the target of net-zero emissions. For existing buildings such as the Museum Gallery + Terrace and Historic Homestead, implementing circuit- level monitoring or conducting a building energy audit will provide valuable insights into current energy usage patterns. By implementing appropriate strategies based on these findings, the goal is to reduce energy consumption. To diminish energy usage in new constructions by 50%, consideration towards factors like building orientation, shading, and enclosure will effectively curtail HVAC system energy consumption, reducing upfront equipment costs and long-term energy bills. The plan also recommends additional energy-saving measures, such as enrolling the UMLAUF in a demand management program, which can contribute towards achieving an AEGB 3-star rating and LEED goals. The provided recommendations are derived from the Passive House Institute US (PHIUS), representing the gold standard for energy reduction strategies. Design Strategies Orientation, compact footprint, window-to-wall ratio, overhangs, tree shading, blinds, cross ventilation, tree buffers from wind, stack effect, and more are some of the biggest impact categories for energy usage. Early phase energy modeling could provide data-driven feedback and benchmarking Thermal Performance Solar heat gain, low-e coating, thermally broken windows, no thermal bridging, high insulation, light roof membrane Air Tight Enclosure Building air tightness, airtight ductwork Electrify Building Equipment Heat, stoves, cars, and other typically gas appliances will be electric only Heat Pump Systems Air Source Heat Pump systems are typically 3x more efficient than electric or gas systems Energy Efficient Appliances Picking energy efficient appliances with Energy Star certification reduces energy usage Measuring Usage Real-time circuit-level energy monitoring creates owner opportunities for energy conservation Join Demand Management Program During peak power draws, opt into reducing thermostat settings ENERGY | SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 166 UMLAUF HPEU PLAN07.3 Carbon SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 167 UMLAUF HPEU PLANCarbon Introduction As a significant cultural landmark in Austin, the UMLAUF has a critical role to play in raising awareness of environmental issues. Leading by example, the following recommendations aim to reduce embodied carbon emissions by 50%. Various factors contribute to the overall carbon footprint, as defined below. The term CO2e, used in the following section, represents the global warming potential of greenhouse gases standardized in units of CO2e. For perspective, offsetting a single ton of CO2e requires planting 31-46 trees that photosynthesize for a year. Key Terms: Embodied Carbon: Total greenhouse gas emissions associated with the entire life cycle of a building or product, including extraction, manufacturing, transportation, and construction phases. This calculation includes CO2 equivalents of greenhouse gas emissions released from refrigerant leakage. Operational Carbon: Ongoing carbon emissions resulting from building operational energy consumption. Sequestered Carbon: Carbon dioxide captured and stored, often through sustainable practices such as afforestation or the use of carbon-absorbing materials. Onsite Carbon Offset: Carbon emissions offset by replacing grid energy with on-site renewables or by reducing energy usage with energy reduction strategies. CARBON | SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 168 UMLAUF HPEU PLANCarbon Synthesis Carbon Balance over 30 Years Goal: Achieve site carbon neutrality by 2055, balancing annual operational emissions and embodied carbon emissions with onsite carbon offsets and sequestration. The plan suggests small footprints, minimizing energy usage, integrating on-site renewable energy sources, careful material selection, and reforesting areas of the site, to decrease the site’s carbon emissions. To the right is a projection of the carbon released into the atmosphere over 30 years, given that the City of Austin reaches their goal of decarbonizing their grid by 2040. This analysis combines the impacts of: Embodied Carbon: Materials Operational Carbon: Energy Usage Carbon Sequestration: Landscape Onsite Offset Carbon: Renewable Energy An early estimate was compiled using a combination of CBECs data, CARE Tool, City of Austin’s Carbon/kWh estimate, Cambium, and Helioscope. Transportation to and from the site was not considered, but refrigerants were factored into the estimate. 600 500 400 ) s n o T ( e 2 O C 300 200 100 0 -100 UMLAUF Carbon Balance over 30 Years Embodied carbon far surpasses other carbon emitters on day 1. The sites trees sequester a minute portion compared to the emitted carbon. Producing energy onsite decreases the total carbon emissions tremendously. 600+ Tons of CO2 in Year 1 The high embodied carbon in the first year is due to several factors including resource intensive construction materials, long transportation distances, etc. Net Carbon City of Austin’s Goal to Decarbonize by 2040 The estimation was done off of City of Austin’s commitment to decarbonize their local grid by 2040 Maintenance Embodied Carbon Over time, the building will need to upkeep, indicated here. It is important to choose durable materials that will last. Forest Sequesters 5 tons CO2e /Year Compared to the operational carbon, the forest sequesters very little carbon a year. 2 0 2 5 2 0 3 0 2 0 4 0 Solar Offsets Less CO2e as the Grid Decarbonizes As the grid decarbonizes, a unit of renewable energy offsets less CO2e in 2040 than today’s more carbon intensive grid. Years 2 0 5 5 Zero Carbon Emissions (2040 - Infinity) When the grid decarbonizes and the building is built, there are no longer any emission sources (other than the occasional maintenance)! CARBON | SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 169 UMLAUF HPEU PLANCarbon Emissions Breakdown Whole Site over 30 Years Site Embodied Carbon Breakdown over 30 Years The biggest carbon emitters on site are operational energy, structure, interiors, then MEP systems, envelope, and refrigerants. The landscape barely offsets carbon. Since embodied carbon accounts for a significant portion of emissions over a 30-year period, it is essential to dissect the information, using OneClick Tally Carbon Designer. 95% Reduction in Carbon from Reuse Using existing structures results in a remarkable 95% reduction in embodied carbon compared to building new, determined through analysis conducted with the CARE Tool. Enclosure Incorporating strategies such as bio-based insulation, wood studs, CLT interiors, and others can potentially decrease the embodied carbon impact of the new building enclosure by over 50%. Refrigerants Refrigerant leakage was factored into the analysis, constituting 25% of the total project’s embodied carbon for new construction and 50% for existing structures, based on estimates provided by LMN Architects. UMLAUF aims to align with the city’s Climate Equity Plan to reduce refrigerant leakage by 25% and consider natural refrigerants. Transportation: The emissions from transportation were considered, accounting for 100 people visiting the site daily, driving a total of 6 miles, at an emission rate of 400 grams CO2e/ mile. Site vs Source Energy: While not explicitly outlined here, energy generated by onsite solar panels reduces transmission losses and additional losses associated with petroleum and coal. The US Energy Information Administration states that about “60% of energy used for electricity generation is lost in conversion.” This initial analysis serves as a foundation but needs to be supplemented with a detailed whole-building life cycle analysis that can be refined as the project progresses. MEP Structure Avoided Carbon from PV Generation e p a c s d n a L h g u o r h t d e r e t s e u q e S n o b r a C Envelope Operational Energy Refrigerants Foundation Interiors Photovoltaics Embodied Carbon CARBON | SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 170 o n e R g d B l i t s x E s n a r T UMLAUF HPEU PLANCarbon Emissions and Drawdown Overall Site Plan In pursuit of sustainable and eco-conscious design, the plan recommends measures aimed at minimizing carbon emissions. Central to those efforts are reducing impervious cover as sitework and concrete structure are some of the largest contributors towards embodied carbon emissions. As the project iterates, the plan recommends building with wood structure above ground and creating a small footprint. Although the majority of the embodied carbon impact will occur on the reduction side, sequestration from vegetation restoration can draw down carbon out of the atmosphere every year. The synergistic interplay between material choices and site vegetation underscores the plan’s commitment to sustainability and low-carbon initiatives. d e r e t s e u q e S n o b r a C n o b r a C d e d o b m E i Planted Shrubs and Forbes Existing Forest to Remain Impervious Cover Old Building Footprint New Building Footprint CARBON | SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 171 UMLAUF HPEU PLANGHG Emissions Time Carbon Emissions Reduction Materials Strategy Embodied carbon calculations use a set time span to measure the GHG emissions released into the atmosphere in equivalent CO2 from manufacturing, construction, transportation, maintenance, and end of life disposal, as shown in the graphic to the right. As much as possible, preservation and mindful deconstruction reduces the need for additional materials and further greenhouse gas admissions. Concrete and steel are some of the largest contributors to the new building’s embodied carbon. Asking manufacturers for Type III Environmental Protection Declarations (EPDs) pushes the industry forward by encouraging transparency. Transportation is one of the contributors to a material’s embodied carbon and reinvests in the local economy. And wherever available, the plan recommends choosing materials with high recycled content (either by up-cycling or down-cycling) products at their end of life. Starting with the higher impact categories, such as structure, enclosure, and interiors choosing materials with low carbon emissions during manufacturing and end of life plans reduces emissions. Where available the UMLAUF is committed to using resources like Mindful Materials and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to provide resources for low-carbon, labor justice, and healthier materials. PRODUCT CONSTRUC- TION MAINTAIN AND USE END OF LIFE BEYOND THE LIFE- CYCLE Embodied Operational A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Extract Raw Materials Transport to Factory Manu- facture Products Transport to Site Construct the Building B1 Use B2 Mainte- nance B3 Repair B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D Replace- ment Refurbish- ment Energy Use Water Use Demol- ish the Building Haul away Waste Materials Recycling Disposal Reuse/Re- covery Local Materials Choose materials within a 100 mile radius CLT (structure) Wood has a lower embodied carbon than other structural materials Wood Fiber, Cellulose, HEMP, Cork, Hay Bail Wall (Insulation) Low embodied carbon insulations Concrete (Foundation) Use low carbon concrete solutions such as: High Fly Ash Concrete Wood Framed (Windows) Wood frames are less carbon inten- sive than aluminum frames Metals (Flashing, Strapping) Using metal over peel-and-stick flashings will last longer Hardwood Flooring Wood floorings are less carbon intensive and less toxic than vinyl Recycled/Reclaimed Materials Seek salvaged materials and look for materials with recycled content CARBON | SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 172 UMLAUF HPEU PLANQuality Assurance Resources + Commissioning Material selection can be complex. It is recommended to put together an Owner Project Requirements (OPR) document to guide material selection which considers aesthetics as well as other qualities such as: durability, low VOC, and avoiding certain work toxins. The industry has developed a range of labels and certifications that offer assurance regarding the sustainability and equity of materials which can be worked into the OPR. Relying on these external sustainability product labels, vetting organizations, and other reputable resources will enhance the quality and confidence in the products selected for this project. This proactive approach ensures accountability and alignment with sustainability objectives throughout the project life cycle. To ensure quality the plan recommends engaging a commissioning agent to verify that project goals have been successfully achieved during the construction phase. CARBON | SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 173 UMLAUF HPEU PLAN07.4 Ecology SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 174 UMLAUF HPEU PLANEcology Introduction The UMLAUF serves as a sanctuary for both Austin residents and the diverse plant and animal life that call it home. Dedicated to the flourishing of local flora and fauna, the site supports a dynamic ecosystem that extends beyond its borders. Situated within Austin’s Barton Springs watershed, and Edwards Aquifer Transition Zone, the UMLAUF plays a vital role in the city’s green corridor, underscoring the importance of responsible land stewardship for wildlife conservation. Regarding ecology, the plan complies with Austin’s regulations, recommending that any invasive species are diligently removed from the site, while measures are taken to safeguard historic trees. Further restoration of the landscape includes the strategic planting of native, diverse mid-level shrubs, and forbs. It is recommended to consider participation in the Local Native Plant Rescue Project. The ecological benefits of such practices extend far beyond environmental preservation. By incorporating permaculture, drought-resistant native plants, the site remains resilient throughout the seasons without placing undue strain on natural resources. These plants actively sequester CO2, mitigating the impacts of global warming, and contribute to air purification. Furthermore, the roots of trees and plants play a crucial role in filtering stormwater runoff and preventing soil erosion. Each plant species fulfills a unique role within the ecosystem, from nitrogen-fixing to repelling pests and providing medicinal benefits. Moreover, the introduction of diverse plant species attracts pollinators and other threatened wildlife, enriching the site’s biodiversity. For further insights and details on landscaping strategies, please refer to the dedicated landscape section in the report. SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 175 UMLAUF HPEU PLAN07.5 Water SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 176 UMLAUF HPEU PLANWater Introduction Austin relies on the lower Colorado River for its primary drinking water, while San Antonio draws from the Edwards Aquifer. Water absorbed into the UMLAUF site replenishes both sources. By actively engaging water conservation efforts, the UMLAUF can contribute to the preservation of these invaluable resources. Strategies such as implementing bioswales, rain gardens, and minimizing impervious cover are employed to slow the flow of water, facilitating absorption into these bodies of water. Shallow rock beds and plant ecology further enhance the site’s ability to filter runoff, removing toxins or pesticides that may be washed onto the property. Currently, the pond and irrigation use city potable water. The plan recommends targeting 100% of irrigation and the water feature to be supplied by non-potable sources. This involves a combination of strategies to decrease water consumption and exploring other water sources like rainwater and greywater. By reducing reliance on potable water, the UMLAUF cuts its environmental impact and water utility costs. Key Terms: Potable: Water that has been treated to meet safety standards for human consumption, as defined by the EPA and local regulations. Non-Potable: Water not suitable for human consumption, which includes greywater and reclaimed water. Greywater: Wastewater generated from activities like bathing and washing that is relatively clean and can be reused for non- potable purposes. Purple Pipe: The City of Austin’s reclaimed water pipe system, which supplies non-potable water for various uses. Blackwater: Wastewater with pollutants like nutrients, metals, toxins, and pathogens that requires extensive treatment for reuse. WATER | SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 177 UMLAUF HPEU PLANWater Synthesis Water Catchment, Use, and Reuse With a 45% reduction in pond consumption and a 75% decrease in landscape usage, the outdoor water demands at the site would significantly decline. Instead of relying on potable water, the plan recommends prioritizing sustainability by using stormwater, capturing rainwater, and using greywater (HVAC condensate) for irrigation. Despite these efforts, there remains a shortfall of 5,365 gallons annually. While the plan recommends targeting 100% of outdoor water supplied by non-potable sources, at least 5% or more may still need to come from city potable water. Given that the project is confirmed to be in the Edwards Aquifer Transition Zone for TCEQ, but not in the Edwards Aquifer Transition Zone for the City of Austin (as these two entities use different maps to define the boundaries of the Aquifer), the project must abide by TCEQ guidelines but is exempt from City of Austin guidelines regulating construction on top of the Edwards Aquifer. TCEQ concerns itself with ensuring no toxic chemical tanks or petroleum tanks are located onsite which does not apply to this project. TCEQ allows greywater and condensate irrigation of sites above the Edwards Aquifer Transition Zone. To use greywater for toilets or irrigation, the water needs to be filtered and test at certain regulations. Although not considered in the current calculations or plan, it is recommended to explore on-site greywater use for toilets and irrigation. Depending on the next version of AEGB, new construction may be required to dual-plumb fixtures. Verify regulations with future Austin Water Forward and AEGB standards. Further discussions and feasibility studies are required to connect to the existing purple pipe system located 1.11 miles from the site if desired. This could be a huge opportunity for keeping the water feature running year-round without potable water use. l r e t a W e b a t o P y t i C Y P G 0 0 3 , 7 0 1 e g a s U r e t a W e m o H Y P G 0 0 3 7 0 1 , r e t a W e t s a W Y P G 0 0 3 , 7 0 1 Rainwater 303,800 GPY Stormwater 508,300 GPY e t a s n e d n o C C A V H Y P G 0 0 3 , 9 8 11% 9% 30% 50% 5% 22% 73% Irrigation 416,675 GPY Pond 508,300 GPY Building Water Usage Reduction Strategies -water monitoring -leak detection -low flow fixtures 75% Reduction Irrigation Water Usage Reduction Strategies -native plants -bioswales -drip irrigation 45% Reduction Pond Water Usage Reduction Strategies -water recirculation -seasonal pond dryness -rain gardens WATER | SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 178 UMLAUF HPEU PLANWater Use/Collection/Reuse Water Use, Rainwater Collection, and Greywater The plan selected required irrigated areas which were picked out because of necessary upkeep required to allow the site to thrive for community events. Placeholders have been indicated for one to two 15,000 gallon tanks at each new structure. Explore rainwater filtration for potable water, water feature refill, and irrigation uses. Certain considerations related to use will impact sizing, cost, filtration and other equipment, maintenance, and more. The lower, upper, and water feature are to remain in the existing locations with adjustments to decrease potable water use for the water feature and irrigation. The greywater from the condensate are implied in the structures indicated. The plan recommends to explore dual-plumbing and purple pipe connection. And the purple pipe system ends off the extents of the map, 1.11 miles away. r e t a W e g a s U s e c r u o S r e t a W Water Feature Irrigation Rainwater (tanks) Rainwater (underground tank) HVAC Condensate Purple Pipe Opportunity for City Partnership Distance to City Purple Pipe Line 1.11 mi1.11 mi WATER | SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 179 UMLAUF HPEU PLANWater Use Reduction Strategies The majority of total on-site water use is allocated to irrigation, keeping the creek running, and the pond full for visitors. A substantial reduction in water consumption can be achieved by targeting these two sources. Implementing measure like removing invasive species, replacing the invasives with natives, introducing drip irrigation, and converting the water feature to a seasonal operation is projected to reduce pond usage by 45% and irrigation usage by 75%. Efforts to curtail water usage play a crucial role in resource preservation. Given that irrigation and the water feature account for the majority of water consumption on site, key conservation strategies involve the implementation of landscape practices. These include recirculating water in the feature, incorporating bioswales, cultivating native plants, installing drip irrigation, leak detection (measuring and monitoring water use), smart watering systems that account for weather (rain), and soil moisture monitoring. Rain Gardens and Bioswales Bioswales and rain gardens reduce run-off by 25%. They also retain water to seep into plant roots and groundwater and slow water down to reduce erosion. Filter beds also filter out contaminants. Native Plants Native plants require 75-80% less water than non-native plants. Native, drought-resistant plants significantly reduce irrigation water usage and decrease annual replanting. Drip Irrigation Drip irrigation is 90% efficient, while sprinklers are only 65-75% efficient in watering plant life. Drip irrigation reduces evapotranspiration and ensures the water goes directly to the plants. Seasonal Water Feature Rather than replenishing the water feature year- round, using rainfall events to provide the water will reduce the water usage. Low-flow Fixtures Use the WaterSense and Energy Star label created by the Environmental Protection Agency to choose low-flow fixtures. Water Metering Leak detection, circuit-level water metering, and remote shut-off will reduce usage. WATER | SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 180 UMLAUF HPEU PLAN07.6 Resilience SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 181 UMLAUF HPEU PLANResilience Introduction Resilience encompasses varied aspects across different scenarios, including durability over time, energy and water availability during extreme events, and more. Specifically for the UMLAUF site, we are focusing on resilience through the lens of stormwater management. Erosion control is a pressing concern, and implementing diverse landscaping strategies can play a pivotal role in mitigating the effects of water erosion. Planting a variety of shrubs and plants serve as a natural defense mechanism, as their root systems stabilize the soil and prevent it from being washed away by rainfall or runoff. Designing stepped terracing, especially on sloped areas, not only breaks the flow of water but also increases the capacity of water retention in a storm or flood event. Amplified by unpredictable weather patterns, Austin also grapples with more frequent droughts and floods. Compounded with the UMLAUF’s location in the 500- year flood zone — meaning once every 500 years the site is expected to experience a flooding event — resilience measures are becoming all the more pressing. However, with climate change, these floods happen more frequently than predicted. In preparation for the City of Austin denoted 500 year flood-line, UMLAUF is planning for floating floodgates and additional volume of water capacity in the existing pond. Conversely, droughts are longer and hotter. Planting native, drought-resistant species will play a big role in improving site resilience in extreme weathers. SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 182 UMLAUF HPEU PLANStormwater Management Typical Year As water from the surrounding acres of land washes down through the UMLAUF site every rain event, the site experiences extreme stormwater issues include erosion and potential flooding. Drainage from adjacent properties and neighborhoods are adding a significant amount of stormwater flow that impacts the overall site stormwater. 62.8 cfs of stormwater flows across the site without any type of stormwater controls. There is another 250.2 cfs from the adjacent neighborhood that is channeled through an earthen swale, without erosion control, along the banks. This flows into the concrete pond that slows the water and releases it at a controlled rate through a bar grate before flowing down- hill into the sunken gardens in Zilker Park. The predominant stormwater mitigation strategy (to be coordinated with the City) will include a bioswale or bio-detention pond and curb and gutter at the eastern edge of the site to mitigate stormwater coming from the neighborhood and Barton Blvd. This feature captures upstream drainage and release it downstream to the site/waterfall which would help mitigate erosion issues. The second most significant stormwater management strategy is a series of bio-detention ponds and raingardens which are to hold extra water capacity during storm events. Landscape recommends all proposed ponds to be bio-detention as retention ponds require make-up water which can be from cistern or potable water sources. During droughts retention would require potable source. The bio-detention ponds, capture basins, and rain gardens are located to avoid existing garden features, critical root zones (CRZs), and sculptures. Options for enlarging raingardens or ponds under trails, grates, decking, and more has been explored to avoid increasing impervious cover to manage stormwater and cutting into existing slope, expand stormwater capacity, slow water to reduce erosion, and clean water to reduce toxic runoff. Opportunity for City Partnership SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 183 UMLAUF HPEU PLANFlood Management 500 Year FEMA Flood The UMLAUF sits within the FEMA 500 year flood zone, meaning there is a 0.2% annual chance that a flood event could have a depth of less than 1 foot. The site could be flooded up to approximately the 468 ft contour (indicated with the light blue line). However, the City of Austin recognizes that each year the weather patterns have been more erratic, and sites need to provision for these events. Given that the footprints overlap with the 500 year flood zone, all new construction is to be 1’ above the 500 year storm line or the 468th foot contour, so the buildings have been raised where necessary. For existing buildings below that 500 yr + 1’ contour, the flooding will be mitigated by constructing flood walls (retaining walls to direct water) along the perimeter to the elevation. The project plans to construct passive flood protection at all doors (i.e. floating flood gates). The pond will play a key role in mitigating flooding waters. It is to be enlarged with added walls to increase retention capacity. The UMLAUF will need to coordinate with the city to determine downstream off-site improvements for flow downhill to the western street. Additional bio- detention ponds, raingardens, and more are to be sized for storage or freeboard during a 500 year flood event. Opportunity for City Partnership SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 184 UMLAUF HPEU PLAN07.7 Sitewide Strategies SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 185 UMLAUF HPEU PLANSummary of Sustainability Goals Health Energy Carbon Ecology Water Resilience Improve occupant health and well-being Achieve annual net zero energy Reduce embodied carbon emissions by 50% • Provide a minimum of MERV 16 air filter with exhaust, dehumidification, and ventilation • Design for 80% Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI) without glare and less than 5 degrees Operational Temperature stratification • Select healthy materials by choosing those with low volatile organic compounds (VOCs), Red List free materials, and Health Product Declarations (HPDs) • Provide acoustic noise/ vibration control from street traffic and design for amplified sound/music • All electric site (no on-site combustion) • Place renewables on each available structure and provisions for a solar ready roof on all other structures • Heat/cool new buildings with ground source heat pumps. Retrofit existing buildings with ground source heat pumps or air source heat pumps • Reduce existing building energy usage by 25% and bring new building energy use 40% below code minimum • Target 30% window to wall ratio • Track embodied carbon, aiming to reduce by 50% • Achieve site carbon neutrality by 2055 • Select products with Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) • Separate construction waste into streams and divert 50% of waste by weight • Source majority of materials from a 500 mile radius • Place EV chargers and provide ease of walkability and public transportation access to site Replenish middle layer of ecology with regenerative species to create plant diversity. Target 100% of irrigation and water feature to be supplied by non-potable sources Preserve site through a 500 year flood and regular rain events • Reduce site water usage by • Plan stormwater • Remove invasive species • Replant native species • Preserve existing ecology & historically significant trees • Create layers and diversity of plants to create ecological resilience • Use high performance landscape strategies to reduce erosion and mitigate stormwater • Support local fauna and protect endangered species 80% • Reduce new building water usage by 25% from an equivalent baseline code compliant building • Collect all possible rainwater off roofs • Collect all possible greywater for irrigation • Use green stormwater infrastructure to create high performance landscapes which manage stormwater management for typical rain event without major erosion to the site • Plan stormwater management for 500 year flood event without major damage to the existing structures SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 186 UMLAUF HPEU PLANSitewide Strategies Vertical Geo- exchange Well Abate Asbestos Solar Ready Fixed-Tilt Solar Overhangs Rain Garden Views to Nature Ground Source Heat Pumps, High Filtration (MERV 16), Dehumidification Underground Rainwater Tank Replenish Mid-Level Planting Remove Invasives Use Natives KEY Health Energy Ecology Water Carbon Resilience Interim Ponds Filter Strip Ground Source Heat Pumps, High Filtration (MERV 16), Dehumidification Curb and Gutter Rainwater Tanks Bioswale Ecological Carbon Sequestration Deep Dig Out for Flooding Capacity Stone Path Edges Flush Mount Solar Terrace Vegetation Down to Creek Low Carbon Concrete Vertical Geo- exchange Well Existing Building Reuse SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 187 UMLAUF HPEU PLANMaintenance While initial decisions greatly influence the durability of both the buildings and the site, it is imperative to prioritize ongoing operations and maintenance to ensure the facilities remain functional and accessible to the public in the future. The UMLAUF is steadfast in its commitment to maintaining non- traditional sustainability systems such as solar, rainwater harvesting, greywater recycling, and more. The plan recommends convening fully integrated meetings with all stakeholders, including operations and maintenance personnel, at the project’s inception. Throughout the process, operations or maintenance teams will be kept informed and engaged to ensure their endorsement and familiarity with the integrated systems with a commitment to training and upskilling personel. Upon project completion, it is recommended to compile a comprehensive maintenance manual for both the buildings and the site, ensuring the continuity of sustainability initiatives for years to come. In alignment with Austin’s Zero Waste citywide initiative, further exploration is encouraged to develop an operations, maintenance, and events plan aimed at achieving zero waste objectives. Aside: Conversations in this process have spurred evaluating sustainability in the perspective of not just the built environment, but also in relation to operations and the organization. The UMLAUF team is re-thinking event-related environmental impacts and community engagement programs in hopes that the operations and organization can leave a positive impact on the environment and community. SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 188 UMLAUF HPEU PLANSustainability Glossary CERTIFICATIONS Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) – cultivates innovation in building for the enrichment of the community’s environmental, economic, and human well-being. Known as the first rating system in the U.S. for evaluating the sustainability of buildings, AEGB created a model for many other cities as well as direction for the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED certification system. (Definition was paraphrased directly from Austin Energy’s website.) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) – worldwide green building rating system which provides a framework for healthy efficient, and cost-saving green buildings. (Definition was paraphrased directly from USGBC website.) SITES - provides a comprehensive framework for designing, developing, and managing sustainable and resilient landscapes and other outdoor spaces. (Definition was pulled directly from SITES website.) WELL Building Standard (WELL) – a performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and well-being, through air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and mind. (Definition was pulled directly from International WELL Building Institute’s (IWGBI) website.) Living Building Challenge (LBC) - produces regenerative buildings that connect occupants to light, air, food, nature, and community; buildings that are self-sufficient and remain within the resource limits of their site; and buildings that create positive impact on the humans and natural systems that interact with them. (Definition from International Living Building Institute (ILFI) website.) Passive House Institute U.S. (PHIUS) – leading passive building certification program in North America for any type of project, large or small to create comfortable, healthy, resilient structures. (Definition was pulled directly from PHIUS website.) JUST. – a nutrition label for socially just and equitable organizations an organism experience over a 24 hour cycle. Environmental Justice (EJ) – social movement that addresses the reality that poor or marginalized communities are harmed by hazardous waste, air pollution, and land uses from which they do not benefit. HEALTH Health Product Declarations (HPDs) – manufacturer disclosure of potential chemicals and product ingredients. Mean Radiant Temperature – the measure of radiation on a surface. Operational Temperature – a measure of ambient temperature, taking into consideration other comfort factors such as radiation, wind, and heat (the “feels-like” temperature on weather reports). ENERGY Indoor Air Quality – air quality within buildings that relates to the health and comfort of building occupants. 2.5 Particles Per Million (ppm2.5) – fine inhalant materials with diameters that are 2.5 micrometers and smaller. Particles larger than 2.5 ppm cause the largest health risk. The Clean Air Act set by the EPA sets national requirements for air quality monitors based on this metric. Site Net Zero Annual Energy – The site produces as much energy on-site as it consumes on an annual basis. Quality Views – LEED defines as multiple lines of site at least 90 degrees apart to flora, fauna, or sky at least 25’ from exterior of glazing. Renewable Energy – a form of energy that is not depleted when used such as wind, solar, geothermal, etc. Useful Daylight Illuminance – the amount of daylight shone on a surface 4’ above the ground, which is in a light density range that is comfortable to the eyes. Site Energy – the amount of energy used on site (the number reflected in energy bills). Glare – fierce, uncomfortable light. Source Energy – the total amount of raw fuel required to operate the building. Temperature Stratification – where a single space has hot and cold spots with little air mixing. CARBON Circadian Rhythm – the physical, mental, and behavioral changes Greenhouse Gases (GHG) – gases in the atmosphere that raise SUSTAINABILITY + RESILIENCE | 189 UMLAUF HPEU PLAN