37.1 - UMLAUF presentation 1 - part 4 — original pdf

Existing Buildings Museum Gallery + Terrace Roberta Crenshaw Building Umlauf Home Umlauf Studio Art Pavilion (temporary) Accessible to the public Accessible to the public Currently inaccessible to the public Currently inaccessible to the public Currently inaccessible to the public Year built: 1991 Year built: 2001 Year built: 1950 Year added: 2018 Current uses: • Museum gallery • Lobby + ticketing area • Admin + operations • Terrace for open events • Restrooms • Storage Current uses: • Meeting room • Educational programs • Private restroom Year built: Late 1920’s, purchased by the Umlauf’s in 1944 Current uses: • Admin + operations (in some rooms) • Storage Current uses: • Storage Current uses: • Admin + operations ANALYSIS | 82 UMLAUF HPEU PLANOutdoor Spaces + Landscape Features The community’s feedback highlights a strong preference for the UMLAUF’s outdoor spaces. These areas, including outdoor structures and landscape features, significantly enhance the exploration of the sculpture garden, supporting diverse programs like weddings, public events, and outdoor workshops. Each outdoor space possesses a distinct character that harmoniously blends with the site landscape and contributes to a unique and immersive experience. The site’s water features —an ornamental pond (with pump and lined) and an ornamental waterfall— enhance the outdoor experience and provide thermal comfort in hot weather. However, these water features are currently supplied by potable water. The plan includes sustainability recommendations to switch the supply to non-potable water, aligning sustainability goals with the community’s desire for a nature-centric setting within the UMLAUF site. See more in the Sustainability + Reslience chapter. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gallery terrace Waterfall/channel (ornamental) Promenade Upper pond (ornamental) Pitts Pavilion Upper Bridge Lower Bridge Pond (ornamental) ANALYSIS | 83 UMLAUF HPEU PLANOutdoor Spaces + Landscape Features 1 Gallery Terrace 2 Waterfall (ornamental) 3 Promenade 4 Upper Pond (ornamental) 5 Pitts Pavilion 6 Upper Bridge 7 Lower Bridge 8 Pond (ornamental) ANALYSIS | 84 UMLAUF HPEU PLANANALYSIS | 85 UMLAUF HPEU PLANSlope Analysis The UMLAUF site grapples with challenging topography, featuring slopes ranging from 15 to 60% and smaller areas exceeding 60%. Highly sloped zones, primarily along the boundaries and the historic site near Barton Blvd, pose significant intervention challenges. An extensive orange zone (15 to 60%) creates accessibility hurdles, dividing the historic area from the sculpture garden. This challenges linking the garden with the home and studio. To ensure full accessibility, an accessibility assessment will guide proposed interventions in the plan, guaranteeing compliance and fostering a site design that accommodates diverse mobility needs across the site. 15-60% slope 60% slope or higher ANALYSIS | 86 UMLAUF HPEU PLANTrees Over 1,500 trees populate the UMLAUF site, including 17 heritage trees and 25 protected trees. Protected trees, with a diameter exceeding 19 inches, and heritage trees, with a diameter surpassing 24 inches, will be safeguarded and considered in the plan’s interventions. Please refer to the landscape chapter for a comprehensive overview of additional strategies aimed at preserving and enhancing the rich natural diversity within the UMLAUF site. Protected tree (diameter > 19”) Heritage tree (diameter > 24”) Other trees ANALYSIS | 87 UMLAUF HPEU PLANAccessibility + ADA Compliance Providing an equitable experience for mobility and visually impaired patrons is important to the UMLAUF and its mission to serve the public. The site has a number of barriers to accessibility. The map shows currently non- compliant routes, including the designated accessible parking, and currently non-compliant spaces, such as the bathrooms, water fountain, kitchen, information counter, Umlauf’s home, and the lack of connection to the studio. A compliant bathroom is currently situated between the museum gallery and the Crenshaw Building, accessible via the gallery. However, accessing the bathroom during events, when the museum is closed, involves a non- compliant pathway. For more detail, please refer to the full ADA Accessibility Assessment, included in the appendix. These are priority issues to address in future improvements on the site. The approach to the site along the public right of way will need to be improved to provide an accessible route to the site. The accessible parking will need to be brought up to current Texas Architectural Barriers Standards. The museum toilet rooms will require extensive modifications to provide accessible clearances. The garden pathways do not meet slope and cross-slope limitations and will need to be brought up to state code. The proposed new facility will provide access to the upper portion of the site via elevator, providing a navigable route up the 45’ tall escarpment and the home and studio. Current non-compliant routes Current non-compliant spaces Current compliant bathroom ANALYSIS | 88 UMLAUF HPEU PLANViews The UMLAUF site’s diverse topography offers striking viewpoints, particularly from elevated areas, providing captivating vistas of the city or serene natural landscapes. Designated in brown, crucial view areas must be preserved without prominent interruptions to fully appreciate the historic district and ensure an uninterrupted visual experience across the historic homestead. ANALYSIS | 89 UMLAUF HPEU PLANViews 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 ANALYSIS | 90 UMLAUF HPEU PLANSite Constraints The map illustrates an overlay of site constraints, highlighting the intricate nature of the site. Incorporating factors such as protected and heritage trees, sloped terrain, and FEMA flood zones, it becomes evident that the design must be responsive to these elements. FEMA 100 Year (Detailed-AE) FEMA 500 Year 15-60% slope 60% slope or higher Protected tree (diameter > 19”) Heritage tree (diameter > 24”) ANALYSIS | 91 UMLAUF HPEU PLAN05 HPEU Plan Vision Illustrative Plan Proposed Circulation Program Proposed Areas Historic Preservation Landscape Strategies UMLAUF HPEU PLANSite Concept The UMLAUF HPEU Plan strategically links the four main site areas through two key interventions, ensuring adequate programming and enhancing accessibility. The activation of the site’s edges creates a more welcoming arrival and overall experience around the site. Historic Historic Historic Zone Homestead Homestead Sculpture Sculpture Sculpture Garden + Garden + Garden Museum Museum Welcome Welcome Welcome Zone ZoneZone Natural Natural ZoneZone Natural Zone Zones Connectors Active Edges The welcome zone is introduced as the fourth main area, each zone possesses distinct characteristics and functions, seamlessly blending into one another for a cohesive and harmonious integration. The gateway and treehouse serve as connectors, enhancing accessibility and linking previously inaccessible areas. Simultaneously, they accommodate essential museum operations and offer expanded spaces for events, education, and exhibitions. Strategic interventions along the site edges foster openness to the community, crafting friendlier and subtler boundaries with improved visual connections and an enhanced entry experience. HPEU PLAN | 93 UMLAUF HPEU PLANIllustrative Plan The UMLAUF HPEU Plan carefully connects the currently inaccessible areas of the site with the museum and sculpture garden, prioritizing the user experience and improving the connection with the site from the moment of arrival. The plan aims for a seamless and accessible site-wide experience, offering both indoor and outdoor spaces for a range of programming. The plan suggest interventions that could accommodate large gatherings, workshops, art classes, and expanded exhibition opportunities, to offer programs to a wider and more diverse audience. Respecting existing structures and ecosystems, new buildings aim to coexist with the site, ensuring a harmonious integration while maintaining the UMLAUF’s unique legacy and sense of exploration. L A D Y B I R D L A K E B A R T O N C R E E K D A O N R O RT O ZIE M A B A R T O N S P RIN G S R O A D B A R T O N B LV D S U N SET VIE W BARTON BLVD CLIFF DRIVE VIR GINIA AVE HPEU PLAN | 94 UMLAUF HPEU PLANNew Connectors The plan suggests incorporating two primary connectors: the gateway and the treehouse. The treehouse facilitates access to the historic homestead situated atop the hill. On the other hand, the gateway serves as a welcoming point for visitors, connecting educational programs with the creek behind the existing terrace, and directing users towards the natural zone. HPEU PLAN | 95 UMLAUF HPEU PLANProposed Circulation The proposed circulation plan prioritizes accessibility, enhancing the site experience through the gateway and treehouse. Starting at the welcome zone, an upgraded entry provides a seamless beginning for visitors. A new crosswalk directs visitors to the gateway and gallery area, where a welcoming plaza offers choices: visitors can explore the gateway, which houses a new ticketing area, lobby, and gift shop, or they can access the public area, free of admission, featuring zones for food trucks and vendors, as well as an accessible trail or boardwalk through the natural zone. The sculpture garden retains its wild and exploratory atmosphere while connecting to the treehouse, which serves as a focal point for exhibitions and events. Acting as an accessibility hub, the treehouse connects to the historic homestead via an elevator. For vehicular circulation, parking is expanded with separate access and exit points. The existing service entry is retained and improved, expanded to accommodate firetruck access and serving as an alternative for ADA accessibility and vendor drop-off, with a few temporary parking spots near the treehouse. This specific access point and segment of the garden path must adhere to ADA accessibility standards and be user-friendly for catering services and other vendors. Further studies on efficiency and firetruck access are recommended to ensure optimal functionality. “More of the UMLAUF site needs to be more accessible to the public.” HPEU PLAN | 96 UMLAUF HPEU PLANProgram As a result of public work sessions and programming workshops, the following programmatic needs and sizes were developed. These numbers account for current space uses at the UMLAUF, while also creating additional space to expand on the usable hours of the museum and sculpture garden. In an effort to increase accessibility of the UMLAUF to the public, a combination of indoor and outdoor spaces are added, which also allow for flexibility in growth. These spaces are seamlessly aligned with the current program, while being intentional about where the extra square footage is integrated into the landscape. By mapping out the current versus needed spatial requirements, these amounts serve as a guiding tool, and demonstrate how the HPEU plan augments and optimizes the current program square footage to accommodate the museum’s evolving needs and aspirations, all while prioritizing sustainability/resilience, legacy, and community. HPEU PLAN | 97 UMLAUF HPEU PLANWelcome Zone The Welcome Zone introduces a new cluster designed to foster openness, promote community connections, and create a more inviting arrival experience. A relocated crosswalk provides direct access to the public area, eliminating the need to circumvent the parking lot. Users, greeted by entry sculptures, reach the “entry plaza,” a decision-making point and welcoming space for group gatherings, vehicle waiting, or starting tours. An open seating public space, and foodtruck and vendor area, strengthens community ties and broadens culinary options in the vicinity of the gateway. Additionally, a connection to an accessible trail facilitates exploration of the UMLAUF’s natural surroundings in the enhanced natural zone through an interpretive boardwalk, offering scenic viewpoints and a richer connection with the site’s nature. “...when I first saw it, it was hard to tell if it was private property or not. It didn't look super welcoming until I looked it up and saw it was a museum”. Opportunity for City Partnership HPEU PLAN | 98 BARTON SPRINGS ROADAZIE MORTON ROADBARTON BLVDBARTON BLVDSUNSET VIEWCLIFF DRIVEVIRGINIA AVEBARTON CREEKLADY BIRD LAKEUMLAUF HPEU PLANWelcome Zone Gateway The gateway serves two primary functions: enhancing the arrival experience and accommodating education and operations programs. It seamlessly integrates with the existing building typology, elevating the arrival experience for visitors. The gateway, along with its adjacent exterior spaces, serves as a focal point for decision-making and congregation, where visitors gather before proceeding to the gallery and sculpture garden to the north or the public area and natural zone to the south. Additionally, it features a new, easily accessible ticketing area where visitors can seek information and obtain site maps conveniently, contributing to a more user-friendly experience. The gateway is located close to the stream, representing not only the site’s natural elements but also functioning as an educational tool. From this unique vantage point, visitors gain insights into the ecological dynamics of the site, underscoring the intrinsic connection between art and nature. “It would be nice to have tickets to keep as souvenirs.” MEETING ROOMS 400 SF RR 160 SF RR 160 SF DIRECTORS AND OPS OFFICE 300 SF LIBRARY 125 SF STORAGE 150 SF CLASSROOM - WORKSHOP 500 SF CLASSROOM - DUAL PURPOSE 500 SF LOBBY 250 SF TICKETING 200 SF HPEU PLAN | 99 UMLAUF HPEU PLANHPEU PLAN | 100 UMLAUF HPEU PLAN“ I immediately was drawn to that waterfall, as if this was the only place around that was still able to provide the wonderful ways of Mother Nature.” HPEU PLAN | 101 UMLAUF HPEU PLANNatural Zone The existing southern natural zone of the site will undergo enhancement through landscape strategies (refer to the Landscape chapter). A new exploration boardwalk, accessible to the community, will provide an immersive experience connecting users with nature. This boardwalk serves as an educational platform, offering insights into Umlauf’s legacy and the site’s ecology, while also providing a scenic vantage point for users to enjoy the views within the UMLAUF site. The plan suggests conducting additional studies to ensure the complete accessibility of the experience, as well as offering free admission to the natural zone. To facilitate this, the implementation of an operable gate at the junction of the boardwalk and the promenade is recommended to manage access. This gate could remain open during days of free admission or special events to allow visitors to fully explore the site. HPEU PLAN | 102 BARTON SPRINGS ROADAZIE MORTON ROADBARTON BLVDBARTON BLVDSUNSET VIEWCLIFF DRIVEVIRGINIA AVEBARTON CREEKLADY BIRD LAKEUMLAUF HPEU PLANGarden + Museum The sculpture garden will retain its exploratory essence with subtle enhancements prioritizing site accessibility. Preserving the garden’s intimate appeal, a denser landscape buffer will mitigate noise from Azie Morton, enhancing user experience. Strategically positioned openings will provide glimpses of the garden to the exterior, ensuring privacy and focused sensory engagement on the interior of the site. The sculpture garden path will also connect to the treehouse, which will link the sculpture garden area with the historic zone of the site. Further improvements to the pond will bolster biodiversity, enhance water management, and create an enriched pond experience for users. Refer to the landscape chapter for a comprehensive overview of these enhancements. HPEU PLAN | 103 BARTON SPRINGS ROADAZIE MORTON ROADBARTON BLVDBARTON BLVDSUNSET VIEWCLIFF DRIVEVIRGINIA AVEBARTON CREEKLADY BIRD LAKEUMLAUF HPEU PLANTreehouse Accessibility The plan suggests the strategic location of the treehouse, a new connector between the sculpture garden and the historic homestead. Functioning as an extension of the sculpture garden, the treehouse serves multiple purposes. At its base level, it hosts art exhibitions, seamlessly integrating artistic expression with the surrounding natural landscape. Visitors are then guided through a vertical transition up the hill, facilitated by a suggested elevator, providing accessibility to all. Due to the abundant tree coverage, the treehouse will blend subtly into the canopy, with only the ground floor level protruding to warmly welcome garden visitors. Standing three levels high, the treehouse strategically aligns with the historic homestead atop the hill. The middle level accommodates operational facilities and an event space, while the top level serves as an exhibition space, seamlessly connecting visitors with the house and studio HPEU PLAN | 104 BARTON SPRINGS ROADAZIE MORTON ROADBARTON BLVDBARTON BLVDSUNSET VIEWCLIFF DRIVEVIRGINIA AVEBARTON CREEKLADY BIRD LAKEUMLAUF HPEU PLANTreehouse Level 01 The treehouse’s lowest level acts as a seamless transition from the garden to the adjoining indoor gallery space, effortlessly integrating with the landscape. Extending the garden into an indoor setting it accommodates dynamic rotating exhibits. Moreover, this extension broadens the sense of discovery within the garden, inviting visitors to continue their exploration. The seamless flow between indoor and outdoor spaces amplifies the narrative, enriching the overall experience and encouraging deeper engagement with art amid the immersive garden environment. It also allows for the necessary storage and utility spaces, ensuring operational functionality. This addition will allow the UMLAUF to have more rotating exhibitions and showcase the work of other local artists. “More rotation. We’d love to bring our students more but the feedback we get is that they’ve already seen it multiple times already.” MECHANICAL 850 SF ELEVATOR STORAGE GALLERY STORAGE 800 SF EXHIBIT GALLERY 1000 SF HPEU PLAN | 105 UMLAUF HPEU PLANTreehouse Level 02 Extending from the circulation core, the space opens up in two directions, distinctly catering to both public and private functions. A 2,500 sf event space offers a dynamic atmosphere for diverse gatherings but also provides an unobstructed view of the garden landscape, creating an inviting backdrop. Positioned in the heart of the hill, it allows guests to wander amidst the trees, adding a unique charm to the setting. On the opposite side, the private, operational zones ensure efficient staff access, enabling seamless event coordination and museum maintenance without disrupting the tranquil setting adjacent. This level serves as a vibrant connecting hub between planes, connecting visitors to the sprawling garden views and offering an engaging space for various activities. STAFF OFFICES 1200 SF KITCHEN 400 SF E G A R O T S F S 0 0 2 ELEVATOR S M O O R T S E R F S 0 0 5 Bar EVENT 2500 SF Dance Floor 330.87 sf KITCHEN 400 SF STAFF OFFICES 1200 SF E G A R O T S F S 0 0 2 ELEVATOR S M O O R T S E R F S 0 0 5 EVENT 2500 SF HPEU PLAN | 106 UMLAUF HPEU PLANTreehouse Level 03 At its highest level, the treehouse creates a connection to the historic homestead by integrating a transitional space, crafted to serve as an entry point into Charles Umlauf’s story. This level unfolds as an immersive narrative opportunity, creating a passage into the artist’s life and creative odyssey. This space is flexible and can be imagined as a dedicated archive space, a house museum entry, a sculptural display, etc. It serves as an enriching platform, providing visitors with an opportunity to intimately engage with Umlauf’s narrative, encouraging a deeper understanding of his processes and the life of an artist. ELEVATOR STORAGE 75 SF EXHIBIT 1200 SF EVENT STAFF WORKROOM 250 SF HPEU PLAN | 107 UMLAUF HPEU PLANRendering HPEU PLAN | 108 UMLAUF HPEU PLAN