37.1 - UMLAUF presentation 1 - part 3 — original pdf

Survey Results Programming The survey also included questions regarding arts and education programming. For art exhibitions, “More rotating exhibitions of contemporary art and design” was ranked the highest. The plan will consider enhanced and accessible exhibition spaces to provide more options for the public to return to the UMLAUF. Regarding education, “Art classes for adults” were preferred by 77% of respondents, followed by “Ecology, nature, and wildlife programs” chosen by 67.83%. The plan will consider these preferences by proposing spaces for arts and environmental education, both indoors and outdoors, to enrich the UMLAUF’s programmatic offerings. What additional arts exhibitions would you like to see at the UMLAUF? Please rank in order of personal relevance What additional education opportunities would you like to see at the UMLAUF? Please select all that apply 3.03 5.59 Art classes for adults Art classes for children 3.20 Ecology, nature, and wildlife programs 77.05% 51.43% 67.83% 2.79 Interactive installations for children 45.49% More outdoor exhibitions 2.39 Other 6.35% Exhibitions about Umlauf’s life and process More rotating exhibitions of contemporary art and design More rotating exhibitions of local art More permanent exhibitions of the City of Austin’s Charles Umlauf sculpture collection (currently in storage) Other: • Umlauf’s drawings on display • Nature journaling and en plein air classes/groups • Programming for blind/disabled persons • More rotation. We’d love to bring our students more but the feedback we get is they’ve already seen it multiple times already • Would like to ensure that children’s classes are accessible to families with limited financial resources • Multicultural exhibits and programming • Have a meditation space and programs like yoga classes and dance lessons • Art classes for senior citizens • Zoology classes • A focus on sculpture or fine art • Permanent exhibit explaining Umlauf’s life Find full list of comments in appendix COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT | 55 UMLAUF HPEU PLANSurvey Results Priorities A ranking exercise followed the introduction to different project areas in previous questions. “Historic preservation of Umlauf’s home and studio” was ranked as top priority, closely followed by “environmental stewardship.” Notably, “more parking spaces” ranked low (sixth of eight options), despite the preference for private vehicle that was expressed in prior mobility questions. This insight guides the plan towards prioritizing preservation, sustainability, education, and public access, while underscoring the importance of balancing transportation options for different needs. As the UMLAUF envisions their future, what is more important to you? Please rank in order of personal relevance. Historic preservation of Umlauf’s home and studio Environmental stewardship More Spaces for art education programs More spaces for free public events More art exhibitions /more access to the collection More parking spaces Easier access by other transportation means (bus, bike, etc.) Increased public hours 6.27 5.92 5.21 5.16 4.59 3.17 3.08 2.60 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT | 56 UMLAUF HPEU PLANSurvey Results Have not visited the UMLAUF How often do you visit other museums in Austin? I have not visited UMLAUF because: To ensure a diverse range of perspectives, the survey extended questions to those who have not yet visited the UMLAUF. More than 60% of respondents indicated that they visit other museums in the city at least 1 or 2 times a year, while nearly 30% reported never visiting museums. The primary reason cited for not visiting the UMLAUF was a lack of awareness. The plan will address this by boosting visibility through improved site edges, connections, and spaces for diverse programming to attract a broader audience. Those who haven’t visited expressed openness to doing so with increased awareness of museum activities, more public events, and improved parking availability, highlighting the importance of free admission opportunities, extended hours, and kid-friendly programs. 29.8% 44.7% 17.9% 7.4% Never 1-2 times a year 3 to 6 times a year Monthly I have not heard of it before 44.03% It is too far 4.48% It is difficult for me to get there 6.72% It is too difficult to park 14.18% The programs and events are not of my interest 3.73% No reason 25.37% Other 20.15% What would help you to consider visiting the UMLAUF? 1. Awareness Increase advertising, reach out to schools and other institutions 4. Free admission Free events and free admission days 2. More events More diverse and inclusive activities 3. Parking More and free parking options 5. Hours Extended hours. Night programs, and early hours for kids 6. Programs for kids More events and other options for small children Find full list of comments in appendix COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT | 57 UMLAUF HPEU PLANSurvey Results Main topics: Is there anything else you would like to share about the UMLAUF? The survey concluded with an open question, providing respondents an opportunity to expand on their feedback or include topics that were not considered in the set of questions. The 95 received comments were categorized into common topics. Affordability emerged as the predominant theme, with a desire for more free and affordable programming. Accessibility, diverse programming, and maintaining the garden’s intimate scale and experience were also key topics. This valuable feedback informs the project’s focus on creating additional spaces for community events, enhancing the welcoming arrival experience, and strengthening spatial connections with the community. It also guides the plan to preserve and enrich the intimate and relaxing ambiance of the garden, ensuring alignment with community preferences. 1. Increase affordability 2. More accessible to the community, more inclusive 3. More diverse programming 4. Maintain its intimate and relaxing experience 5. More about Charles Umlauf 6. Increase awareness of the UMLAUF 7. More rotating and local art 8. Prioritize educational and interpretive experience 9. More parking and/or public transit connections 10. Offer a gift shop and souvenirs 11. Provide food options COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT | 58 UMLAUF HPEU PLANCommunity’s Priorities The community’s priorities, gathered from public sessions and surveys, were encapsulated into nine key plan strategies. Encompassing historic preservation, accessibility, sustainability, arts and education, community, and mobility, these priorities steered the planning and design process. Subject-matter experts on the team, specializing in accessibility, sustainability, energy, water management, historic preservation, and landscape, actively supported the decision-making process to align the plan with these community’s priorities. Historic Preservation of Umlauf’s Home, Studio, and Garden Make the entire site ADA Compliant Environmental stewardship, with a focus on the neighborhood’s stormwater runoff through the sculpture garden Expanded space for garden exhibition and permanent collection More indoor space for art education programs Enhanced crosswalk and sidewalk access More spaces for affordable and diverse programming and events More welcoming and accessible to the community Diverse arrival options, including parking, transit and active mobility COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT | 59 UMLAUF HPEU PLANCommunity’s Priorities Within the report, community voices will be represented in dialogue boxes, featuring feedback from the survey. The feedback will be color-coded according to plan topics as shown below. This approach ensures the community’s diverse perspectives and opinions are considered through the process, enhancing the transparency and accessibility of the feedback gathered through the community engagement process. Historic Preservation Accessibility Sustainability Art + Education Community Mobility “...when I first saw it, it was hard to tell if it was private property or not. It didn't look super welcoming until I looked it up and saw it was a museum.” “Such a beautiful space that can be used for many more exhibits from local artists along with the beautiful Umlauf sculptures.” “Accessibility for all spaces at UMLAUF is needed. Extend the current sculpture trails seamlessly to a new path getting up to the house and studio on the hill.” COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT | 60 UMLAUF HPEU PLAN04 Site Analysis Main Zones Mobility + Transit Cultural Assets Watershed, Watershed Management Aquifer Recharge Zone FEMA Floodzones COA Fully Developed Floodplains Erosion + Waterway Setbacks Other Environmental Features Drainage Zoning Impervious Cover Overlays Circulation Site Access UMLAUF Signage Edge Study Existing Buildings Outdoor Spaces + Landscape Features Slope Analysis Trees Accessibility + ADA Compliance Views Site Constraints UMLAUF HPEU PLANMain Zones The UMLAUF’s site currently comprises three zones: the garden + museum, the historic homestead, and the southern natural zone, both currently inaccessible to the public. The garden + museum zone, in yellow, currently accommodates all the UMLAUF programs, while the historic homestead area poses accessibility challenges, making it a restricted zone, for exclusive use of the UMLAUF’s staff. The southern natural zone, currently not hosting any program or structures, is integral to the UMLAUF site. Unifying these areas is a primary plan goal, ensuring the site’s maximum potential for public enjoyment while upholding the ecological richness and diversity of the whole site. ANALYSIS | 62 UMLAUF HPEU PLANMobility + Transit The UMLAUF is in a unique location, situated within natural surroundings and in close proximity to significant cultural institutions. To support the expansion objective of the plan, a commute-time study was conducted, delineating 15-minute travel time zones by walking, biking, and driving. The analysis revealed a lack of connectivity towards the east side of the city, even for vehicular transportation. This finding suggests the necessity for the introduction of mobility initiatives aimed at broadening audience reach across various zip codes. Such measures would support the expansion objectives and promote equitable access to the UMLAUF grounds. 15-minute walk 15-minute bike 15-minute drive ANALYSIS | 63 UMLAUF HPEU PLANCultural Assets Situated south of Lady Bird Lake, the UMLAUF is integral to a network of relevant cultural institutions in Austin, contributing to the city’s vibrant and diverse cultural landscape. UMLAUF Sculpture Garden + Museum Zilker Botanical Garden Zilker Hillside Theatre ZACH Theatre Dougherty Arts Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Long Center for the Performing Arts ANALYSIS | 64 UMLAUF HPEU PLANWatersheds Situated within the Lady Bird Lake watershed, the UMLAUF’s site is exempt from the Save Our Springs Ordinance (SOS), which currently applies to the Barton Creek Watershed. This information was reviewed and confirmed by the Technical Advisory Group. Lady Bird Lake ANALYSIS | 65 UMLAUF HPEU PLANWatershed Management The UMLAUF site falls within the Urban Watershed management zone, exempt from Watershed Impervious Cover Limits, adhering only to zoning restrictions. Details can be found in the City of Austin Watershed Protection Ordinance Regulations. ANALYSIS | 66 UMLAUF HPEU PLANAquifer Recharge Zone The UMLAUF is not situated in the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, nor in the Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone, as defined by the City of Austin. This information has been confirmed by the Technical Advisory Group. Please see Environmental Resource Inventory in appendix. However, considerations for strategies like greywater use may be influenced by its location on the “Transition Zone”. Details on this will be elaborated in the sustainability chapter. Activities in these zones undergo a two- stage review in plan applications. ANALYSIS | 67 UMLAUF HPEU PLANFEMA Floodzones The UMLAUF site lies within the 500- year FEMA floodplain, an area with a 0.2% (or 1 in 500 chance) annual chance of flooding, with potential for flooding in smaller storms, with average depth less than one foot. Restrictions mandate, among others, that foundation floor slabs for new buildings must be at least two feet above the 500-year floodplain elevation. ANALYSIS | 68 UMLAUF HPEU PLANCOA Fully Developed Floodplains The UMLAUF site lies beyond the Fully Developed Floodplains designated by the City of Austin. However, given its proximity to the COA Fully Developed 100-year floodplain, it is advisable to regularly reassess the city’s model, particularly on the northwestern side of the site. ANALYSIS | 69 UMLAUF HPEU PLANErosion + Waterway Setbacks The UMLAUF site is not impacted by areas officially designated as erosion hazard or waterway setbacks. The drainage pattern from the site, coming from the onsite pond, is represented as part of the COA creek network. However, it lacks regulatory setbacks, related to the amount of water it carries. ANALYSIS | 70 UMLAUF HPEU PLANOther Environmental Features The UMLAUF site falls within the Salamander Habitat Zone. An Environmental Resource Inventory (please see full report in appendix) was conducted to identify the presence of the salamander or other critical environmental features on site. The inventory concluded that there is a total of zero (0) Critical Environmental Feature(s) (CEFs) on or within 150 feet of the project site. ANALYSIS | 71 UMLAUF HPEU PLANOffsite Drainage Given an assumption of 65% impervious cover and 35% pervious cover, with pervious surfaces represented by well-maintained grass areas on flat slopes (0-2%) and impervious surfaces including asphalt roads, the runoff calculations for area 1 amount to 250.2 cubic feet per second (cfs), while area 2 yields 62.8 cfs. SITE: 7.664 AC 2 OFFSITE DRAINAGE: 28.48 AC 1 ANALYSIS | 72 UMLAUF HPEU PLANZoning The UMLAUF site is comprised of two properties: Lot 1 (605 AZIE MORTON RD), and Lot 2 (506 BARTON BLVD). Lot 1 is zoned SF-3, while Lot 2 has a portion zoned as SF-3 and the area along Barton Springs Road zoned as CS. See descriptions below. SF-3 Family Residence The Family Residence district is intended for moderate density single-family residential use, with a minimum lot size of 5,750 square feet. CS General Commercial Services General Commercial Services district is primarily designated for commercial and industrial activities of a service nature, characterized by traffic service requirement that are typically incompatible with residential environments. In both zones, community recreation and cultural services are permitted or conditional uses. ANALYSIS | 73 UMLAUF HPEU PLANImpervious Cover The UMLAUF site’s lots are subject to impervious cover requirements dictated by their respective zones. Lot 1 currently exhibits 18% impervious cover, whereas Lot 2, encompassing the area of the historic homestead, boasts 21% impervious cover. Lot 1 has a maximum allowable coverage of 45%, while Lot 2’s impervious cover allowance ranges from 45% to 95%, contingent upon the specific zone designation. Please refer to the detailed descriptions provided below for further clarification. Lot 1 (5.437 ac) Zone: SF-3 Maximum Impervious Cover allowed: 45% Current Impervious Cover: 18% Lot 2 (1.928 ac) Zone: SF3/C Maximum Impervious Cover allowed in SF3 zone: 45% Maximum Impervious Cover allowed in C zone: 95% Current Impervious Cover: 21% ANALYSIS | 74 UMLAUF HPEU PLANOverlays The UMLAUF site is included in two waterfront overlays, which prohibits uses that are not related to the UMLAUF’s program. The scenic Roadways Overlay suggests that, where possible, scenic vistas from the roadways should be preserved. Residential Design Standards: LDC/25-2-Subchapter F Scenic Roadways Overlay: BARTON SPRINGS ROAD Waterfront Setbacks Overlay Waterfront Overlay: BUTLER SHORES, ZILKER PARK Scenic Roadways Overlay: Barton Springs Rd Wildland Urban Interface Waterfront Overlay: Zilker Park Waterfront Overlay: Butler Shores Required waterfront setback ANALYSIS | 75 UMLAUF HPEU PLANCirculation The UMLAUF’s existing parking capacity is a modest 20 spaces with the entrance and exit on Azie Morton Road. Parking is supplemented by adjacent lots across the street for overflow. Currently, the site’s access primarily favors vehicles, neglecting alternative mobility options. Additionally, two gated entries exist, with Azie Morton Road’s entry serving heavy deliveries and trash pickup, while the Barton Blvd entry, closer to the home and studio, is used by staff. The limited parking infrastructure and distribution of entries underscore the need for a comprehensive approach to enhance accessibility, accommodate diverse transportation methods, and optimize operational functionality within the UMLAUF site. Vehicular access Vehicular exit Street direction ANALYSIS | 76 UMLAUF HPEU PLANSite Access The current UMLAUF access point prioritizes private vehicles, posing challenges for users arriving from adjacent parking lots, the bus stop, or the city network. When arriving by walking/wheeling, users must navigate around the parking lot to reach the museum, with the crosswalk connecting directly to vehicular access, compromising safety. Additionally, the ADA Accessibility Assessment found the ADA assigned parking and access to the gallery non-compliant, please see page 88 for more information. To foster a more welcoming experience, it is vital to improve the connection to the Ann and Roy Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail and relocate the crosswalk. Wayfinding strategies could enhance these connections, seamlessly integrating the UMLAUF site into the city’s green network, promoting accessibility, safety, and a more inclusive and enjoyable experience for visitors from various modes of transportation. Sidewalk Trail Unprotected bike lane Walking route Crosswalk Bus stop Traffic light ANALYSIS | 77 UMLAUF HPEU PLANC B A UMLAUF Signage Enhancements to signage around the UMLAUF could significantly elevate the welcoming experience and draw in more visitors. Currently, only two permanent signs are situated along Azie Morton Road, with one serving as the primary entrance and the other positioned across the road to guide drivers. Additionally, temporary canvas signs are placed along Barton Springs Blvd to announce forthcoming events and exhibitions. Expanding and refining the signage network could greatly enhance visibility and attract a broader audience to the UMLAUF. Please see the Edge Study on the following page. B A C ANALYSIS | 78 UMLAUF HPEU PLANEdge Study Currently, the site edges disconnect the UMLAUF site from its surroundings. Enhancing the immediate context to the city and neighborhood is possible through thoughtful and effective edge treatments. Edge zone 2 is especially crucial, as it features a retaining wall that requires maintenance and a sidewalk that abruptly ends at the corner which presents navigational challenges. The following page includes images and concise descriptions of each of the eight identified edge conditions for further insight. ANALYSIS | 79 UMLAUF HPEU PLANEdge Study t f 4 . 5 1 Barton Springs Road 2 Azie Morton Rd / Barton Springs Rd 3 Azie Morton 4 Vehicular exit The Barton Springs Road side creates a monotonous pedestrian experience. Public feedback indicates a challenge in recognizing the museum behind the wall. The corner’s retaining wall exhibits dangerous and neglected conditions. Another type of treatment could enhance the public’s experience. Along Azie Morton Rd, a fence defines the site, providing visibility into the garden but also exposing garden visitors to the road’s noise and views. The vehicular exit is currently used also by walking/ wheeling users. 12 ft 5 Signage 6 Vehicular access 7 Azie Morton Rd 8 Barton Blvd The UMLAUF signage in Azie Morton Road marks the site’s entry The vehicular access is connected to the crosswalk, it is also used by walking/wheeling users to access the site A more natural edge is seen on the southern part of the site along Azie Morton, where a fence covered by vegetation defines the site’s limits. There is no immediate fence or physical division along Barton Blvd, as the fence is located down the slope. This road is commonly used by the neighborhood as a promenade. ANALYSIS | 80 UMLAUF HPEU PLANExisting Buildings Currently, the UMLAUF’s primary program spaces are the gallery, terrace, and Crenshaw building, complemented by the sculpture garden and Pitts Pavilion for outdoor events. The historic homestead is inaccessible to the public. Temporary structures fulfill programmatic needs, however, the home has been currently used as office space and storage due to space constraints. Other temporary structures are serving as offices, operational spaces, and storage. The plan acknowledges and integrates the architectural character of the gallery, Crenshaw, and historic homestead in its design guidelines, ensuring a cohesive and harmonious aesthetic that respects the legacy and uniqueness of each structure within the UMLAUF site. Museum Gallery + Terrace Roberta Crenshaw Building Umlauf Home Umlauf Studio Art Pavilion (temporary structure) Shed (temporary structure) L A D Y B I R D L A K E B A R T O N C R E E K N R O A D 3 6 O R T O A ZIE M 2 1 5 BARTON BLVD B A R T O N S P RIN G S R O A D 4 B A R T O N B LV D S U N SET VIE W CLIFF DRIVE VIRGINIA AVE ANALYSIS | 81 UMLAUF HPEU PLAN