17.a - 1409 Alta Vista Ave - public comment — original pdf

From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Russell Korte Historic Preservation Office district9@austin.texas.gov; Beeler, Melissa; Qadri, Zo; Fahnestock, Sam; Adrian, Leah; kalan.cotreras@austintexas.gov; Heimsath, Ben - BC; Dudley, Tara - BC Concerns Regarding 1409 Alta Vista Demolition Tuesday, June 11, 2024 9:03:44 AM City Arborist; Some people who received this message don't often get email from important . Learn why this is External Email - Exercise Caution Hello -- I am writing regarding the planned demolition of 1409 Alta Vista Avenue. I am a proponent of new development within our city, but without careful planning and consideration, this project could be an imminent danger to heritage trees on the property, negatively impact the neighborhood and Alta Vista Avenue, and set the wrong precedent for development under updated building codes. I am urging a postponement of the demolition approval until a full development plan is shared and neighborhood concerns are addressed. I observed at the June 5, 2024 Historic Landmark Commission meeting that the owner of this property intends to carry out a full demolition followed by the construction of a triplex. The owner, however, has not attempted to contact or make clear his plans with immediate neighbors or the neighborhood association. As the owner and resident of the house next door, 1407 Alta Vista, I am greatly concerned about the impact of this project on the neighborhood, Alta Vista Avenue, and my property. While I support the creation of additional affordable housing units in our city, I have concerns about approving the demolition of this original structure without a clear understanding of the triplex plans for this lot. My specific concerns include: Preservation of Heritage Trees: There are seven heritage trees documented on the demolition permit. How will the project address the preservation of the beautiful heritage oak trees on the property? How do we ensure that the developer does not willfully violate tree preservation rules? Maintaining Existing Feel and Setbacks How will the project ensure the preservation of existing street's feel? The setbacks create a sense of openness and greenery that is unique and core to the identity of Travis Heights Street and Alley Access and Parking: How will access and parking be managed for three units on this lot? I urge the Historic Landmark Commission, and the city, to hold off on approving the demolition of the existing structure until there is a comprehensive review of the proposed plans to ensure they are workable, and a commitment by the owner to preserve the heritage trees on the lot in good faith. Without careful consideration of these aspects this project could significantly degrade the character of this historic street and neighborhood, and set a bad precedent for development going forward. As I mentioned, I'm supportive of building additional affordable housing in our city and I'm confident that a compromise is possible with neighborhood engagement. Thank you for your attention to these concerns. Sincerely, Russell Korte Russell Korte +1 (571) 308-5154 CAUTION: This is an EXTERNAL email. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious or phishing email, please report it using the "Report Message" button in Outlook. For any additional questions or concerns, contact CSIRT at "cybersecurity@austintexas.gov".