17.b - 1409 Alta Vista Ave - public comment — original pdf

From: To: Subject: Date: Hillary Bilheimer Historic Preservation Office Tree Ordinance Review Sunday, June 9, 2024 9:53:41 AM You don't often get email from . Learn why this is important External Email - Exercise Caution Hello I am writing about 1409 Alta Vista Av 78704 and the proposed development that is being permitted at that location. The developer has submitted plans for demolition of existing and building 3 new structures on the property. With seven heritage trees on the site, I am curious how this will happen. I am very much in support of keeping existing trees and setbacks in this neighborhood (I am an Alta Vista resident, myself). I do not support the current CoA loophole of essentially allowing developers to remove trees by paying a fine. This allows developers to merely absorb the fine in the case where they will turn around and sell whatever they are building at extremely inflated prices. It does nothing to actually preserve our heritage trees. In this particular case, both the developer and architect are from outside of Austin and can be assumed to only see the trees as a nuisance and not as the habitat-providing, shade-providing members of our urban forest that they are. Please let me know what is being done and what can still be done at this stage in order to protect these trees. Thank you Hillary Bilheimer 1802 Alta Vista Av CAUTION: This is an EXTERNAL email. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious or phishing email, please report it using the "Report Message" button in Outlook. For any additional questions or concerns, contact CSIRT at "cybersecurity@austintexas.gov".