Historic Landmark CommissionJuly 3, 2024

26.c - 1500 E 12th St - public comment — original pdf

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From: To: Subject: Date: Eric Standridge Fahnestock, Sam Re: 1500 East 12th street Tuesday, July 2, 2024 4:16:05 PM [You don't often get email from https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification ] . Learn why this is important at External Email - Exercise Caution Hello Sam, Thank you for the staff recommendation and report on this case. I noticed my correspondence below was included in the back up for the case. Can you please add my public comments from the June 5 meeting shared below. Thank you. -eric Good Evening Commisioners, My name is eric standridge and I have spent over half my life as a resident of Distict 1. Thank you for your service to our city and for the opportunity to speak today. I am here today to make you aware of what is happening to 1500 East 12th street, aka the former Eissenbiser grocery & cafe, east end saloon, club fifteen hundred, beauty and barber shop, palladium club, carol’s record shop and the ministry of challenge aka the rarest of rare building typologies in east austin, a century old neighborhood scale hybrid house/corner store on an intersection that include two other landmarked properties, the Southgate lewis house and the IQ Hurdle house. Recommended eligible, for historical associations and community value in multiple historic resource surveys and cited as a preservation priority by the D1 council member. Is it in rough shape, no doubt, you would be to if you were over a hundred years old and subject to a decade of neglect following all your neighbors being torn down and vacant lots becoming the norm. And yet even today this building still stands. The owner of this obvious historic asset has chosen to begin total demolition without an approved permit. Surely, they and their consultants are familiar with the process, having owned the property for over a decade and subject to numerous code compliance cases, and being the owners of the numerous properties on 12th street including the boarded up and vacant landmark IQ Hurdle house across the street. There have been missing windows, dangling fascia and siding and general despair at this property for all of recent memory. This is a case study for demolition by neglect. How is it that the normal process doesn't apply in East Austin? Can we agree applying for a permit is not the same as getting a permit? Preservation, and adaptive reuse are hard, sure, so is development generally and yet it still happens all over this town. This item is now posted for your july meeting, Frankly, I hope there is a building left to discuss. I acknowledge that this body can't control land speculation, but Please don't excuse this latest affront to the history of east 12th street. June 5, 2024 HLC meeting citizens communication > wrote: > On Jun 4, 2024, at 9:32 PM, Eric Standridge < > > Hello Sam, > My name is Eric and my am a member of the OCEAN, the planning contact team for central east Austin. > > I drove by this building today and noticed what appears to be active demolition/deconstruction in progress. Upon looking it up it on the city permit search it appears historic was rejected yesterday. I’ll admit I don’t know what that means, but I have been involved in numerous discussion about this building for years, mostly how it’s a demolition by neglect case study. Along with the IQ Hurdle house across the street and the South Gate Lewis house, this intersection has three eligible buildings which is rare in Austin generally. > > Surely, a 109 year old building identified as worthy of preservation in the east Austin historic survey would at least get a hearing at the landmark commission. Please call me to discuss. > Thank you, > > > -eric standridge > 512-947-5766 CAUTION: This is an EXTERNAL email. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious or phishing email, please report it using the "Report Message" button in Outlook. For any additional questions or concerns, contact CSIRT at "cybersecurity@austintexas.gov".