Historic Landmark CommissionJuly 3, 2024

30.1 - Bethany Cemetery - support letter — original pdf

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June 17, 2024 Subject: Bethany Cemetery Historic Designation To: Austin Historic Landmark Commission It has come to our attention that the Bethany Cemetery Association is applying for a city historic designation. Bethany Cemetery is an historic African American Cemetery purchased and developed by John Holland and William Tears in 1893. It contains the burials of many notable persons and has, for the past years, been overlooked and neglected. There is currently concern that development next door to the cemetery may bring unwanted use and potential damage to the site. The Travis County Historical Commission commends Sue Spears and the members of the Bethany Cemetery Association (BCA) in their efforts to protect and document the deep history of the cemetery and help educate the public about the lives of the important people buried there. We believe that a city historic designation will help provide a layer of recognition and protection to this valuable resource. African American historical research and tourism is quickly gathering importance as the community actively seeks information about lost relatives and the lives of people buried in traditional African American cemeteries. For too many years, much of the needed information has been lacking, and it is only recently that these histories have been available to the general public. There has been a strong uptick in interest from the public and preservation organizations (such as our commission) are now regularly contacted about such data. We feel that a City of Austin Historic Designation for Bethany will serve the community and foster African American Heritage Tourism in Austin. We ask that the City of Austin Historic Landmark Commission carefully review and accept the application of the Bethany Cemetery Association for a city designation in its efforts to protect, document and educate the public about this important historical and cultural site. If we can provide any further assistance, please let us know. Respectfully, James Robert “Bob” Ward Chair Travis County Historical Commission