Historic Landmark CommissionJuly 3, 2024

13.2 - 4200 Wilshire - Home Inspection — original pdf

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Hallmark Inspections, LLC INSPECTED FOR Meghan Hughes 4200 Wilshire Pkwy Austin, TX 78722 May 21, 2024 Hallmark Inspections, LLC 1805 Sanchez St Austin, TX 78702 Phone 512-660-7061 aaronwedemeyer@gmail.com SOLD TO: Meghan Hughes TX INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER 20240521-01 INVOICE DATE 05/21/2024 LOCATION 4200 Wilshire Pkwy REALTOR DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT SUBTOTAL TAX TOTAL BALANCE DUE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! PROPERTY INSPECTION REPORT FORM Meghan Hughes Name of Client 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX 78722 Address of Inspected Property Aaron Wedemeyer Name of Inspector Name of Sponsor (if applicable) 05/21/2024 Date of Inspection 26252 TREC License # TREC License # PURPOSE OF INSPECTION A real estate inspection is a visual survey of a structure and a basic performance evaluation of the systems and components of a building. It provides information regarding the general condition of a residence at the time the inspection was conducted. It is important that you carefully read ALL of this information. Ask the inspector to clarify any items or comments that are unclear. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INSPECTOR This inspection is governed by the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) Standards of Practice (SOPs), which dictates the minimum requirements for a real estate inspection. The inspector IS required to: use this Property Inspection Report form for the inspection; inspect only those components and conditions that are present, visible, and accessible at the time of the inspection; indicate whether each item was inspected, not inspected, or not present; indicate an item as Deficient (D) if a condition exists that adversely and materially affects the performance of a system or component OR constitutes a hazard to life, limb or property as specified by the SOPs; and explain the inspector’s findings in the corresponding section in the body of the report form. The inspector IS NOT required to: identify all potential hazards; turn on decommissioned equipment, systems, utilities, or apply an open flame or light a pilot to operate any appliance; climb over obstacles, move furnishings or stored items; prioritize or emphasize the importance of one deficiency over another; provide follow-up services to verify that proper repairs have been made; or inspect system or component listed under the optional section of the SOPs (22 TAC 535.233). RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CLIENT While items identified as Deficient (D) in an inspection report DO NOT obligate any party to make repairs or take other actions, in the event that any further evaluations are needed, it is the responsibility of the client to obtain further evaluations and/or cost estimates from qualified service professionals regarding any items reported as Deficient (D). It is recommended that any further evaluations and/or cost estimates take place prior to the expiration of any contractual time limitations, such as option periods. Please Note: Evaluations performed by service professionals in response to items reported as Deficient (D) on the report may lead to the discovery of additional deficiencies that were not present, visible, or accessible at the time of the inspection. Any repairs made after the date of the inspection may render information contained in this report obsolete or invalid. REPORT LIMITATIONS This report is provided for the benefit of the named client and is based on observations made by the named inspector on the date the inspection was performed (indicated above). ONLY those items specifically noted as being inspected on the report were inspected. This inspection IS NOT: a technically exhaustive inspection of the structure, its systems, or its components and may not reveal all deficiencies; an inspection to verify compliance with any building codes; an inspection to verify compliance with manufacturer’s installation instructions for any system or component and DOES NOT imply insurability or warrantability of the structure or its components. REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov NOTICE CONCERNING HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS, DEFICIENCIES, AND CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS Conditions may be present in your home that did not violate building codes or common practices in effect when the home was constructed but are considered hazardous by today’s standards. Such conditions that were part of the home prior to the adoption of any current codes prohibiting them may not be required to be updated to meet current code requirements. However, if it can be reasonably determined that they are present at the time of the inspection, the potential for injury or property loss from these conditions is significant enough to require inspectors to report them as Deficient (D). Examples of such hazardous conditions include: malfunctioning, improperly installed or missing ground fault circuit protection (GFCI) devices and arc-fault devices; ordinary glass in locations where modern construction techniques call for safety glass; malfunctioning or lack of fire safety features such as, smoke alarms, fire-rated doors in certain locations, and functional emergency escape and rescue openings in bedrooms; malfunctioning carbon monoxide alarms; excessive spacing between balusters on stairways and porches; improperly installed appliances; improperly installed or defective safety devices; lack of electrical bonding and grounding; and lack of bonding on gas piping, including corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST). Please Note: items identified as Deficient (D) in an inspection report DO NOT obligate any party to make repairs or take other actions. The decision to correct a hazard or any deficiency identified in an inspection report is left up to the parties to the contract for the sale or purchase of the home. This property inspection report may include an inspection agreement (contract), addenda, and other information related to property conditions. INFORMATION INCLUDED UNDER “ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PROVIDED BY INSPECTOR”, OR PROVIDED AS AN ATTACHMENT WITH THE STANDARD FORM, IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE COMMISSION AND MAY CONTAIN CONTRACTUAL TERMS BETWEEN THE INSPECTOR AND YOU, AS THE CLIENT. THE COMMISSION DOES NOT REGULATE CONTRACTUAL TERMS BETWEEN PARTIES. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE EFFECT OF ANY CONTRACTUAL TERM CONTAINED IN THIS SECTION OR ANY ATTACHMENTS, CONSULT AN ATTORNEY. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 2 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PROVIDED BY INSPECTOR Inspection Time In: 9 am Time Out: 12 pm Property was: Occupied Building Orientation (For Purpose Of This Report Front Faces): East Weather Conditions During Inspection: Sunny Outside temperature during inspection: 80 ° to 90 ° Degrees Parties present at inspection: No other parties present during inspection. THIS REPORT IS PAID AND PREPARED FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE BY Meghan Hughes. THIS COPYRIGHTED REPORT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNED INSPECTION AGREEMENT. THIS REPORT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE FROM CLIENT NAMED ABOVE. SCOPE OF INSPECTION These standards of practice define the minimum levels of inspection required for substantially completed residential improvements to real property up to four dwelling units. A real estate inspection is a non-technically exhaustive, limited visual survey and basic performance evaluation of the systems and components of a building using normal controls and does not require the use of specialized equipment or procedures. The purpose of the inspection is to provide the client with information regarding the general condition of the residence at the time of inspection. The inspector may provide a higher level of inspection performance than required by these standards of practice and may inspect components and systems in addition to those described by the standards of practice. GENERAL LIMITATIONS The inspector is not required to: (A) inspect: (i) items other than those listed within these standards of practice; (ii) elevators; (iii) detached buildings, decks, docks, fences, or waterfront structures or equipment; (iv) anything buried, hidden, latent, or concealed; (v) sub-surface drainage systems; (vi) automated or programmable control systems, automatic shut-off, photoelectric sensors, timers, clocks, metering devices, signal lights, lightning arrestor system, remote controls, security or data distribution systems, solar panels, outdoor kitchens, gas grills (built-in or free standing), refrigerators (built-in or free standing), wine coolers, ice makers or smart home automation components; or (vii) concrete flatwork such as; driveways, sidewalks, walkways, paving stones or patios; (B) report: (C) determine: (i) past repairs that appear to be effective and workmanlike except as specifically required by these standards; (ii) cosmetic or aesthetic conditions; or (iii) wear and tear from ordinary use; (i) insurability, warrantability, suitability, adequacy, compatibility, capacity, reliability, marketability, operating costs, recalls, counterfeit products, product lawsuits, life expectancy, age, energy efficiency, vapor barriers, thermostatic performance, compliance with any code, listing, testing or protocol authority, utility sources, or manufacturer or regulatory requirements except as specifically required by these standards; (ii) the presence or absence of pests, termites, or other wood-destroying insects or organisms; (iii) the presence, absence, or risk of asbestos, lead-based paint, MOLD, mildew, corrosive or contaminated drywall “Chinese Drywall” or any other environmental hazard, environmental pathogen, carcinogen, toxin, mycotoxin, pollutant, fungal presence or activity, or poison; (iv) types of wood or preservative treatment and fastener compatibility; or (v) the cause or source of a conditions; (D) anticipate future events or conditions, including but not limited to: (i) decay, deterioration, or damage that may occur after the inspection; (ii) deficiencies from abuse, misuse or lack of use; (iii) changes in performance of any component or system due to changes in use or occupancy; (iv) the consequences of the inspection or its effects on current or future buyers and sellers; (v) common household accidents, personal injury, or death; (vi) the presence of water penetrations; or (vii) future performance of any item; (E) operate shut-off, safety, stop, pressure or pressure-regulating valves or items requiring the use of codes, keys, combinations, or This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 3 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov similar devices; (F) designate conditions as safe; (G) recommend or provide engineering, architectural, appraisal, mitigation, physical surveying, realty, or other specialist services; (H) review historical records, installation instructions, repair plans, cost estimates, disclosure documents, or other reports; (I) verify sizing, efficiency, or adequacy of the ground surface drainage system; (J) verify sizing, efficiency, or adequacy of the gutter and downspout system; (K) operate recirculation or sump pumps; (L) remedy conditions preventing inspection of any item; (M) apply open flame or light a pilot to operate any appliance; (N) turn on decommissioned equipment, systems or utility services; or (O) provide repair cost estimates, recommendations, or re-inspection services. THE CLIENT, BY ACCEPTING THIS PROPERTY INSPECTION REPORT OR RELYING UPON IT IN ANY WAY, EXPRESSLY AGREES TO THE SCOPE OF INSPECTION, GENERAL LIMITATIONS AND INSPECTION AGREEMENT INCLUDED IN THIS INSPECTION REPORT. This inspection report is made for the sole purpose of assisting the purchaser to determine his and/or her own opinion of feasibility of purchasing the inspected property and does not warrant or guarantee all defects to be found. If you have any questions or are unclear regarding our findings, please call our office prior to the expiration of any time limitations such as option periods. This report contains technical information. If you were not present during this inspection, please call the office to arrange for a consultation with your inspector. If you choose not to consult with the inspector, this inspection company cannot be held liable for your understanding or misunderstanding of the reports content. The contents of this report are for the sole use of the client named above and no other person or party may rely on this report for any reason or purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of the inspector who authored the report. Any person or party who chooses to rely on this report for any reason or purpose whatsoever without the express written consent of the inspector does so at their own risk and by doing so without the prior written consent of the inspector waives any claim of error or deficiency in this report. This report is not intended to be used for determining insurability or warrantability of the structure and may not conform to the Texas Department of Insurance guidelines for property insurability. This report is not to be used by or for any property and/or home warranty company. The digital pictures within this report are a representative sample of inaccessible areas, deficiencies or damages in place and should not be considered to show all of the inaccessible areas, deficiencies or damages observed. There will be inaccessible areas, deficiencies or damages not represented with digital imaging. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 4 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D A. Foundations I. STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS Type of Foundation(s): Slab on Ground Comments: Foundation Is Performing Adequately In my opinion, the foundation appears to be providing adequate support for the structure at the time of this inspection. I did not observe any apparent evidence that would indicate the presence of adverse performance or significant deficiencies in the foundation. The interior and exterior stress indicators showed little effects of adverse performance and I perceived the foundation to contain no significant unlevelness after walking the 1st level floors. Movement Indicators Interior drywall cracks and/or stress indicators. Deflection cracks were observed in the exterior veneer. Cracks were observed in the floor of the foundation. The foundation rebar is visible at the edge of the foundation beam and needs to be properly covered on the south side of the structure. Note: I was unable to visually inspect the foundation on the west side of the structure because of the deck. Notice: This inspection is one of first impression and the inspector was not provided with any historical information pertaining to the structural integrity of the inspected real property. This is a limited cursory and visual survey of the accessible general conditions and circumstances present at the time of this inspection. Opinions are based on general observations made without the use of specialized tools or procedures. Therefore, the opinions expressed are one of apparent conditions and not of absolute fact and are only good for the date and time of this inspection. The inspection of the foundation may show it to be providing adequate support for the structure or having movement typical to this region, at the time of the inspection. This does not guarantee the future life or failure of the foundation. The Inspector is not a structural engineer. This inspection is not an engineering report or evaluation and should not be considered one, either expressed or implied. If any cause of concern is noted on this report, or if you want further evaluation, you should consider an evaluation by an engineer of your choice. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 5 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D B. Grading and Drainage Comments: Grading & Drainage Poor to negative site drainage was observed on the east side of the structure. Proper drainage is needed to help prevent water from standing and/or pooling next to the foundation beam. Corrective measures may be needed if the water stands within 10-feet of the foundation perimeter beam for more than 24- hours. Marginal site drainage was observed on the north and south sides of the structure. Proper drainage is needed to help prevent water from standing and/or ponding next to the foundation beam. Corrective measures may be needed if the water stands within 10-feet of the foundation perimeter beam for more than 24-hours. The soil line is too high on the north and east sides of the structure. Under current building standards there should be at least 4-inches of foundation visible below masonry veneer and 6-inches of foundation visible below wood type veneer. Gutter & Downspout System All components were found to be performing and in satisfactory condition on the day of the inspection. The gutter system downspout is missing on the south side of the structure. Note: The gutter downspouts should discharge water at least thirty-six inches (36”) away from the foundation perimeter beam. Storm water should be encouraged to flow away from the structure at the points of discharge. C. Roof Covering Materials Type(s) of Roof Covering: Composition Viewed From: Walked on roof Comments: Roof Covering General View of Roof General View of Roof The adhesion on some of the shingles is failing/failed. Repairs are recommended. The inspector identified soft decking on the north side of the roof structure, above the garage. It is recommended to add additional support in this area. Damaged shingles were observed on the north and east sides of the roof structure. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 6 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D Note: The tree and shrub branches should be trimmed away from the roofing material at all times. Flashing Details The fasteners used to secure the flashing/plumbing vent covers are not properly sealed. The roof level chimney flashing details need to be checked, reset or repaired. There is visible evidence of water intrusion at and around this location. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 7 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D Notice: Life expectancy of the roofing material is not covered by this property inspection report. If any concerns exist about the roof covering life expectancy or potential for future problems, a roofing specialist should be consulted. The Inspector cannot offer an opinion or warranty as to whether the roof has leaked in the past, leaks now, or may be subject to future leaks, either expressed or implied. The inspection of this roof may show it to be functioning as intended or in need of minor repairs. This inspection does not determine the insurability of the roof. You are strongly encouraged to have your Insurance Company physically inspect the roof, prior to the expiration of any time limitations such as option or warranty periods, to fully evaluate the insurability of the roof. (Note: Generally recommended depth of attic floor insulation is approximately 10+ inches to achieve a R30 rating.) D. Roof Structures and Attics Viewed From: From Interior of Attic Approximate Average Depth of Insulation: 4” to 8” Insulation Type: Batt or Blanket Description of Roof Structure: Rafter Assembly Attic Accessibility: Partial Comments: Roof Structure The ridge board is undersized for the size of the rafters. This is an "as built" condition. The fascia board material has some deterioration and/or damage on the south side of the roof structure. One or more rafters have exterior deterioration and/or damage on the east side of the roof structure. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 8 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D The soffit material has some deterioration and/or damage on the east side of the roof structure. The roof structure attic space ventilation appears to be marginal at the time of this inspection. It is recommended to increase the amount of lower ventilation to help prevent heat buildup in the attic space area. Attic Ventilation Attic Insulation The attic insulation is lower than typical and it is recommended to add additional insulation to achieve at least a R-30 rating. E. Walls (Interior and Exterior) Comments: Description of Exterior Cladding: Wood Type Veneer and Stone Masonry Veneer Interior Walls & Surfaces Interior wall stress cracks were observed in various locations. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 9 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D Interior wall joint cracks were observed in various locations. Holes were observed in the front corner bedroom closet and living room. Patching and painting may be necessary. Notice: The inspector was unable to inspect all of the interior surfaces because of window treatments, personalized wall treatments / finishes, personal effects, large, heavy or fragile storage and/or furniture. Note: There is evidence of painting and patching to the interior finish and prior interior finish repairs. This condition could limit the Inspectors visual observations and ability to render accurate opinions as to the performance of the structure. Exterior Walls & Surfaces Caulking improvements and paint touch ups are recommended for all wood seams that have openings. This prevents the intrusion of water into these spaces. All of the exterior wood type surfaces need a fresh coat of paint. All wood to ground contact at the base of the siding should be eliminated. Rotted or damaged siding that is uncovered should be repaired. The siding was observed to be in contact with the finish grade (ground) on the north side of the structure. Caulking improvements are recommended for the area between the exterior veneer and the window frames. It is recommended to use an elastomeric caulking. Caulking improvements are recommended for the area between the exterior veneer and the garage door trim boards. It is recommended to use an elastomeric caulking. The area between the exterior veneer and the exterior water hose bibbs (faucets) need to be properly sealed. The area between the exterior cladding / veneer and all of the wall penetrations / openings need to be properly sealed. Areas such as utility connections, downspouts, hose bibbs, lighting fixtures, receptacles etc. It is recommended to use an elastomeric caulking / sealant. Mortar improvements are recommended for the exterior masonry veneer on the east and south sides of the structure. All joints between two different types of siding should be properly sealed. It is recommended to use elastomeric sealant. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 10 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D The exterior veneer / cladding has significant deterioration and/or damage on the north, east, west and south sides of the structure, including the roof-level gable on the south end of the structure. The wood veneer trim has some deterioration or damage on the north and west sides of the structure. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 11 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D The garage door trim has some deterioration and/or damage at the bottom. Note: Minor mortar and/or brick cracks were observed in the exterior veneer on the east side of the structure. Note: The heavy foliage growing on, over or around the exterior walls of the structure should be trimmed back at least 18-inches. The heavy foliage will limit the inspectors visual observation of the exterior surfaces. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 12 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D F. Ceilings and Floors Comments: Ceilings The ceiling was observed to be damaged in the kitchen, garage. Ceiling joint cracks were observed in the kitchen, rear corner bedroom, primary bathroom, and front corner bedroom. Water stains were observed on the ceiling finish in the front corner bedroom. The cause and remedy should be further evaluated and corrected as necessary. Note: There is evidence of painting and patching to the interior finish and prior interior finish repairs. This condition could limit the Inspectors visual observations and ability to render accurate opinions as to the performance of the structure. Note: Nail heads were observed to be pushing through the interior finish in one or more locations. Floors The floor tile(s) were observed to be cracked and/or damaged in the kitchen. Floor tile(s) were observed to be cracked in the fireplace hearth extension. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 13 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D The floor covering was observed to be damaged near the backyard entry exterior door. The concrete slab floor was observed to be cracked and/or damaged in front corner bedroom and rear corner bedroom. The floor covering is worn and/or damaged in one or more locations of the home. Note: Some cracking of the garage concrete floor finish was observed. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 14 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D G. Doors (Interior and Exterior) Comments: Interior Doors The door hardware is missing to the pantry. The door is not latching properly to the rear corner bedroom and front corner bedroom. The door rubs against the frame at the rear corner bedroom. The door has some surface damage to the rear corner bedroom. The pocket door leading to the bathroom does not appear to be functioning properly. Some of the doors are missing door stops. It is recommended to add them to prevent damage to the wall surfaces. Exterior Doors Weather-stripping improvements are recommended for the front entry exterior door(s). The door does not stay in position to the front entry door. The door has some surface damage to the front entry door. The door frame has some damage to the front entry door. The door hardware does not function properly to the front entry door. Weather-stripping improvements are recommended for the backyard entry exterior door(s). The interior door frame has some deterioration and/or damage to the backyard entry door(s). The rear corner bedroom exterior door was observed to have some deterioration and/or damage. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 15 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D The exterior door frame has some deterioration and/or damage to the rear corner bedroom exterior door. The rear corner bedroom exterior door does not appear to be flashed properly above the door. This condition could result in water intrusion. Garage Entry Door The garage entry door is not equipped with a self-closing device. The garage entry door does not appear to be a fire rated door. Under current building standards, the entry door between the garage and the residence should have a minimum of a 20-minute fire block rating. Overhead Garage Door Some damage to the overhead garage door was observed. The overhead garage door is not balanced properly and should be tuned-up and/or adjusted as necessary. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 16 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D H. Windows Comments: Window Screens Windows One or more of the window screens were observed to be missing. Cracked and/or broken window glass was observed in the front corner bedroom and living room. Multiple casement windows were not operating properly on the day of inspection because the crank was missing, the crank did not function properly, and/or the window was stuck in the closed position. One or more of the bedroom windows are painted shut. At least one window in each bedroom should open fully, with free access to the outdoors, for safety reasons. Window lock(s) were observed to be damaged and/or missing in multiple locations. Visible evidence of damage from condensation (rust) was observed at and/or around the window in the primary bathroom. The cause and remedy should be investigated and corrected as necessary. The window sill(s) have some deterioration and/or damage to the front corner bedroom. Visible evidence of water intrusion was observed at and/or around the window(s) in the garage. The cause and remedy should be investigated and corrected as necessary Note: I was unable to visually inspect or operate of some of the windows due to height, window treatments, personal effects, large, heavy or fragile storage and/or furniture. I. Stairways (Interior and Exterior) Comments: J. Fireplaces and Chimneys Comments: The Chimney/Fireplace should be further evaluated and/or serviced by a Qualified Chimney Sweep prior to the expiration of any time limitations such as option or warranty periods. The observations made to support the rendering of this opinion are listed but not limited to the following: This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 17 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D The chimney flue needs to be cleaned by a Qualified Chimney Sweep. A creosote / soot build-up was observed in the visible flue area. Firebox brick mortar needs to be improved. Minor mortar cracks were observed in the stone veneer. There was an insufficient fire block observed around the chimney flue at the ceiling penetration in the attic area. The firebox wall void is opened into the attic space and should be enclosed for reasons of safe fire blocking purposes. The roof level chimney mortar cap/crown is in need of improvement. The chimney spark arrester screen is not properly secured. Note: Due to the limited nature of a general home inspection, it is possible that additional deficiencies will be discovered by a licensed technician. It is recommended to have the system serviced prior to the expiration of any option/warranty period. Note: The floor of the firebox is dirty and needs to be cleaned. I was unable to view the floor of the firebox at the time of this inspection. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 18 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D K. Porches, Balconies, Decks, and Carports Comments: Porches / Patio All components were found to be performing and in satisfactory condition on the day of the inspection. Driveway All components were found to be performing and in satisfactory condition on the day of the inspection. Deck(s) Some of the deck boards were observed to be warped and/or damaged. Note: The deck has been built at grade level (Wood/Ground contact should be avoided). This configuration is prone to rot and insect activity. L. Other Comments: This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 19 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D II. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS A. Service Entrance and Panels Comments: Panel Box Box Rating and/or Main Disconnect Rating: 100 amps Box Location: West Exterior Wall Cabinet Manufacturer: Cutler-Hammer Branch Circuit Wire Type: Copper Front View of Panel Inside View of Panel The buyer should have the electrical system checked by a Qualified Licensed Electrician. The observations made to support the rendering of this opinion are listed but not limited to the following: The breakers (overcurrent devices) in the electrical panel are not properly labeled. There was no main disconnect observed in the panel box. This may be an “as-built” condition but Per TREC standards of practice we are required to report this condition as a deficiency. The panel does not appear to have a four-wire service feed. Although the panel is functional, it does not meet current National Electrical Code standards. This is an “as-built” condition but Per TREC standards of practice we are required to report this condition as a deficiency. There is no surge protection device installed at the panel box. Under the current National Electrical Code, all electrical systems should have surge protection. This is an "as built" condition. It is recommended to add a surge protection device to the panel box. One or more of the breakers in the electrical cabinet were observed to be double lugged (i.e. two wires under one screw). The breakers in place are not listed or labeled for this type of installation and should be corrected as necessary. One or more of the neutral wires in the electrical cabinet were observed to be double lugged (i.e. two This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 20 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D wires under one screw). The neutral wires need to be separated to prevent damage to the panel box and electrical system. Improper wire sheathing color is being used for an electrical conductor. Wire should be labeled with a proper color and not white. The conduit at the bottom of the main service panel has pulled loose and needs to be resecured for seasons of safety. One or more of the cabinet cover plate screws are missing and need to be replaced. Note: Due to the limited nature of a general home inspection, it is possible that additional deficiencies will be discovered by a licensed technician. It is recommended to have the system serviced prior to the expiration of any option/warranty period. Additional Notice from the Inspector: It is the opinion of this inspector that although this component may be functioning as intended or in need of minor repairs, you should be aware that this is an older component and the future life expectancy cannot be determined. You can continue to use and service this component until replacement is necessary. Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupter Protection (AFCI) None of the required dwelling unit devices, receptacle and lighting outlets (switches, receptacles and fixtures) are connected to an arc-fault circuit-interrupter (AFCI) circuit device. AFCI devices were first required under the 1999 National Electrical Code and under the 2014 NEC, all living space, kitchen and laundry room devices, receptacle and lighting outlets (switches, receptacles and fixtures) should be connected to an arc-fault circuit interrupter (AFCI) device. Distribution Wiring Open electrical junction box(es) were observed in the attic area. All open junction box(es) in the attic should be properly enclosed. An open junction box was observed in the front corner bedroom closet. A junction box cover should be installed for reasons of safety. Open end wires were observed in the attic. Open end wires should be enclosed in a junction box for reasons of safety. Grounding / Bonding I was unable to locate the electrical bond connection for the gas piping back to the grounding electrode system. All bond connections should be accessible for inspection, repair or replacement. This condition should be further investigated and corrected if necessary. I was unable to locate the electrical bond connection for the metal water piping to the grounding electrode system. All bond connections should be accessible for inspection, repair or replacement. This condition should be further investigated and corrected if necessary. I was unable to locate a grounding rod (Grounding Electrode) or supplement grounding source for the electrical system. This condition should be further investigated and corrected if necessary. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 21 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D B. Branch Circuits, Connected Devices, and Fixtures Type of Wiring: Copper Comments: Receptacle Outlets The older two-wire system is in place at the time of the inspection. The two wire system is often not grounded properly. It also may not be capable of delivering the power loads needed by today's device standards. The buyer should have the electrical system checked by a Qualified Licensed Electrician. Most to all of the three-prong receptacles are observed to be ungrounded. This is an older two-wire system. Note: Placing three prong receptacles on an older two-wire system does not meet current National Electrical Code standards. There are no tamper resistant receptacles installed at the time of inspection. Under current building standards, all receptacles that are less than five and a half feet above the floor should be tamper resistant. This is an "as built" condition, but per TREC standards of practice, we are required to report this condition as deficient. Tamper Resistant outlets are required per the 2008 National Electric Code. You may consider corrective measures for improved safety. One or more of the receptacles were observed to have an open ground connection in the kitchen, rear corner bedroom. The exterior receptacle on the west side of the structure (below the main service panel) is not properly secured. Note: Some of the receptacles in the home were inaccessible and could not be reached for inspection due to height, personal effects, heavy storage, furniture or conditions outside the control of the inspector. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter Protection (GFCI) The kitchen counter top receptacles do not appear to be connected to a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) device. Under current electrical standards, all of the kitchen counter top receptacles and any receptacle within 6-feet of the sink should have GFCI protection. The laundry room area receptacles do not appear to be connected to a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) device. Under current electrical standards, all of the receptacles in the laundry room area should have GFCI protection. The garage receptacles do not appear to be connected to a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 22 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D device. Under current electrical standards, all of the garage receptacles should have GFCI protection. Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupter Protection (AFCI) None of the required dwelling unit devices, receptacle and lighting outlets (switches, receptacles and fixtures) are connected to an arc-fault circuit-interrupter (AFCI) circuit device. AFCI devices were first required under the 1999 National Electrical Code and under the 2014 NEC, all living space, kitchen and laundry room devices, receptacle and lighting outlets (switches, receptacles and fixtures) should be connected to an arc-fault circuit interrupter (AFCI) device. Switches All components were found to be performing and in satisfactory condition on the day of the inspection. Fixtures One or more of the light fixtures appear to be inoperative in the kitchen. This may be due to a bad bulb or some other unknown condition. This condition should be further evaluated and corrected as necessary. One or more of the light fixture globes and/or covers are missing in the pantry, bedroom hallway, rear corner bedroom closet, front corner bedroom closet. Smoke Alarms One or more of the smoke alarms are missing in the front corner bedroom, rear corner bedroom. Note: It is recommended to replace the batteries in all of the smoke detectors once a year for reasons of safety. Carbon Monoxide Alarms All components were found to be performing and in satisfactory condition on the day of the inspection. Doorbell / Chime Note: There is no doorbell installed. C. Other Comments: This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 23 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS III. A. Heating Equipment Type of Systems: Main House Central Energy Sources: Gas Comments: Brand Name: Lennox Photo of Heater Photo of Information Tag The operation of the heating system was not checked due to the outside ambient temperature being above 90 Degrees. If any concerns exist about the future operation of the heating equipment, then it is recommended that a Qualified HVAC Technician further inspect and give an evaluation on the operation of the equipment and any further concerns that may exist with this equipment. At the time, a limited visual inspection will be performed and if any defects are found they will be listed in this section. There is visible rust in and around the burner chamber. There is visible evidence of water leakage into the burner chamber from the cooling coils. The gas supply flex connector was observed to be passing through the heating unit cabinet. Under current mechanical installation standards, this is no longer an accepted practice. Only rigid black gas pipe is allowed to pass through the heating unit cabinet. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 24 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D The heater gas supply line is not equipped with a sediment trap just before the gas appliance connector. This condition does not meet current installation requirements and should be corrected. Samples of correct sediment trap installation. There was an unknown mold like substance observed on the outer surface of the HVAC system. Evaluation of this substance is beyond the scope of this inspection. If any concerns exist on the type and/or nature of this substance, we recommend further evaluation by a professional in the Air Quality sampling field. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 25 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D The heating unit compartment is not properly sealed from the living space. This could allow carbon monoxide to be circulated in the living space. The heating unit compartment has inadequate combustion air ventilation. There should be a minimum of 100 square inches of combustion air ventilation provided within 12-inches of the top and bottom of the closet. For fireblocking purposes, the heating unit compartment should be sealed from the attic space. Additional Notice from the Inspector: It is the opinion of this inspector that although this component may be functioning as intended or in need of minor repairs, you should be aware that this is an older component and the future life expectancy cannot be determined. You can continue to use and service this component until replacement is necessary. B. Cooling Equipment Type of Systems: Main House Central Comments: Today's Temperature Differential (Delta-T): 15 Approximate System Age: 2006 Brand Name: RUUD Freon Type: R-22 Photo of Compressor Photo of Information Tag This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 26 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D This component appears to be performing adequately at the time of this inspection. It is achieving an operation, function, or configuration consistent with accepted industry practices for its age. Damaged, deteriorated and/or missing insulation on the refrigerant lines should be repaired or replaced at the outside condenser. The refrigerant lines are not properly supported on the north side of the structure. There was an unknown mold like substance observed on the outer surface of the HVAC system. Evaluation of this substance is beyond the scope of this inspection. If any concerns exist on the type and/or nature of this substance, we recommend further evaluation by a professional in the Air Quality sampling field. Water was observed to be leaking from the base of the coil housing. The cause and remedy should be further evaluated. The primary drain line is not properly insulated in the attic at the time of inspection. It is recommended to add insulation to prevent condensation build up and moisture damage. The primary condensate drain line is not equipped with a p-trap. Under current mechanical installation standards, the manufacturer requires a p-trap be installed in the primary condensate drain line within 6- inches of the coil housing. The secondary drain line on the coil housing is capped at the time of this inspection. It is recommended to remove the cap on the secondary drain line to allow for the drain to function properly when necessary. Note: The termination point of the primary condensate drain line could not be located. It appears to terminate below the deck at the rear of the structure. Additional Notice from the Inspector: The cooling equipment in place uses R-22 refrigerant. R-22 refrigerant is currently being phased out and is becoming progressively more expensive to obtain. You should be aware that R-22 components and their future life expectancy cannot be determined. You can continue to use and service these components until replacement is necessary. If you are being provided or purchasing a Home Warranty Policy, you should closely review the HVAC section of the policy related to R-22 refrigerant and component coverage. It would be wise to budget for replacement of the older freon system and to make a conversion over to a newer type of freon system as soon as it is financially feasible. Additional Notice from the Inspector: It is the opinion of this inspector that although this component may be functioning as intended or in need of minor repairs, you should be aware that this is an older component and the future life expectancy cannot be determined. You can continue to use and service this component until replacement is necessary. Notice: The AC system condenser/coil components are not from the same manufacture. When this type of This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 27 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D installation occurs, it may void the manufacture warranty on one or more of the system components. It is recommended to obtain documentation as to whether the manufacture warranty has been voided due to the mismatched manufacture installation. Notice: Temperature differential readings (Delta-T) are an accepted industry standard of practice for testing the proper operation of the cooling system. Our company policy normal acceptable range is considered approximately between 15 to 20 degrees °F total difference (Delta-T) measured between the return air and supply air within close proximity of the related coils of the system being evaluated. Conditions such as but not limited to; excessive humidity, high or low outdoor temperatures or restricted airflow may indicate abnormal operation even through the equipment is functioning basically as designed and occasionally may indicate normal operation in spite of an equipment malfunction. The inspector will not be able to anticipate future events, conditions or changes in performance of any component or system due to changes in use or occupancy. The inspector makes no guarantee or warranty, express or implied, as to future performance of any item, system or component. C. Duct Systems, Chases, and Vents Comments: D. Other Comments: The duct work in the attic area does not appear to be properly suspended and separated to help prevent condensation from developing. It is recommended to separate and suspend the duct work with supports in minimum intervals of 4-feet that have a minimum width of 1.5-inches. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 28 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D IV. A. Plumbing Supply, Distribution Systems and Fixtures PLUMBING SYSTEMS Location of water meter: Within 15-feet of Front Curb on Right Location of main water supply valve: Unable to Locate a Main Supply Valve Static water pressure reading: 40 to 50 psi Type of supply piping material: Galvanized, Copper Comments: Water Supply System Location of Water meter Water Pressure There are galvanized water lines in use at the time of this inspection. This is an older obsolete water supply system that is prone to water leaks. Full evaluation of all of the galvanized water line components and the integrity of those components are beyond the scope of this inspection. You are strongly encouraged to have the integrity of all of the galvanized water line components further evaluated by a qualified plumber prior to the expiration of any time limitations such as option or warranty periods. All plumber recommended repairs should be made. It would be wise to budget for replacement of all the older galvanized water supply system and to make a conversion over to a newer type of water supply system as soon as it is financially feasible. Low water pressure was observed when two or more water fixtures were operated at the same time. The cause and remedy should be further evaluated and corrected as necessary. Exterior Faucets/Fixtures One or more of the exterior water hose bibbs (faucet) do not have a back-flow or anti-siphon device (Vacuum Breakers) in place. Note: This is not uncommon to observe with a home of this age. Laundry Connections All components were found to be performing and in satisfactory condition on the day of the inspection. Kitchen Sink The faucet's hot/cold water orientation is reversed. This is based on the safety convention that hot should be in the rear/away position and cold should be in the forward/near position. This helps prevent injury to young children who can turn the faucet on, but only in the forward/near position. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 29 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D Primary Bathroom Lavatory / Sink time. Shower The faucet assembly leaks water into the cabinet when operated. The faucet appears to have low water pressure when two or more fixtures are operated at the same The tile shower enclosure requires repair. Any loose or damaged tile, grout and caulking should be repaired or replaced as necessary. Any damage to the wall behind the tile should also be repaired (if necessary). Notice: The Inspector has attempted to discover and report conditions requiring further evaluation or repair. However; determining the condition of any component that is not visible and/or accessible, such as plumbing components that are buried, beneath the foundation, located within construction voids or otherwise concealed, and reporting any deficiency that does not appear or become evident during our limited cursory and visual survey is outside the scope of this inspection. The inspector will not be able to anticipate future events, conditions or changes in performance of any component or system due to changes in use or occupancy. The inspector makes no guarantee or warranty, express or implied, as to future performance of any item, system or component. B. Drains, Wastes, and Vents Type of drain piping material: PVC, Cast Iron Comments: Cast iron material was observed to be present in the drains, wastes and vents system. Full evaluation of the integrity of this type of material is beyond the scope of this inspection. Due to the known latent defects that are associated with this type of older material, it is recommended to have the integrity of the drain system further evaluated by a qualified plumber. It is recommended to have a hydrostatic test and to have the inaccessible and buried pipes scoped with a camera as part of this evaluation. This evaluation should occur prior to the expiration of any time limitations such as option or warranty periods. Sewer Lateral Camera Inspection As part of your inspection a sewer lateral camera inspection was performed. This is a visual inspection of the main sewer lateral. Branch laterals cannot be accessed by the camera and in some instances blockages, This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 30 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D sharp turns, long lines may prevent the entire lateral from being viewed. This is not a hydrostatic test and cannot detect leaks that do not result from obvious visual damage. For a more exhaustive test, please contact a licensed plumber before the expiration of any warranty or option period expires. The cast iron pipes that were encountered in the main sewer lateral underneath the house currently need or will need replacement in the future. Recommend having inspected by a licensed plumber before the end of any option or warranty period. Note: This can be a very expensive repair. In one or more locations an area of improper slope was noted and standing water was observed. The cast iron plumbing system appears to have had some previous repairs performed. This is a good sign that additional failures may occur in the near future. Further evaluation of the cast iron plumbing system is recommended. Notice: Reporting the condition of drains, wastes and vent piping that is not completely visible and/or accessible or; reporting any defect or deficiency that requires extended use of the system to develop or does not become evident during our limited cursory and visual survey is outside the scope of the inspection. This is a limited cursory and visual survey of the accessible general conditions and circumstances present at the time of this inspection. Opinions are based on general observations made without the use of specialized tools or procedures. Therefore, the opinions expressed are one of apparent conditions and not of absolute fact and are only good for the date and time of this inspection. The inspector will not be able to anticipate future events, conditions or changes in performance of any component or system due to changes in use or occupancy. The inspector makes no guarantee or warranty, express or implied, as to future performance of any item, system or component. C. Water Heating Equipment Energy Sources: Gas Capacity: 40 Gallons Comments: Location: Garage Approximate Age: 2021 Brand Name: Lochinvar Water Heater Water Heater Info Tag This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 31 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D This component appears to be performing adequately at the time of this inspection. It is achieving an operation, function, or configuration consistent with accepted industry practices for its age. The water heater flue (vent pipe) has inadequate clearance from combustible materials. Double walled vent pipes should have at least 1-inch of clearance and single walled vent pipes should have at least 6- inches of clearance from combustible material. The water heater compartment has inadequate combustion air ventilation. There should be a minimum of 100 square inches of combustion air ventilation provided within 12-inches of the top and bottom of the closet. For fireblocking purposes, the water heater compartment should be sealed from the attic space. Some corrosion and discharge was observed at the temperature and pressure relief (TPR) valve discharge pipe joints. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 32 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D D. Hydro-Massage Therapy Equipment Comments: E. Gas Distribution Systems and Gas Appliances Location of gas meter: Within 3-feet of north exterior wall. Type of gas distribution piping material: Black Steel Pipe Comments: Photo of Gas Meter I was unable to locate the electrical bond connection for the gas piping back to the grounding electrode system. All bond connections should be accessible for inspection, repair or replacement. This condition should be further investigated and corrected if necessary. The gas shutoff valve for the Range is in a poor location and is hard to reach. The gas supply flex connector was observed to be passing through the heating unit cabinet. Under current mechanical installation standards, this is no longer an accepted practice. Only rigid black gas pipe is allowed to pass through the heating unit cabinet. The Heater gas supply line is not equipped with a sediment trap just before the gas appliance connector. This condition does not meet current installation requirements and should be corrected. Notice: The Inspector will use a combustible gas leak detector on accessible gas lines, joints, unions and connectors and report visible deficiencies found at the time and date of the inspection. The inspector inspects the gas lines from the point they enter the structure and will complete the inspection without This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 33 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D digging, damaging property, permanent construction or building finish. When performing the inspection, the inspector will keep in consideration the age of the system and normal wear and tear from ordinary use when rendering opinions. The inspector is not required to and will not inspect sacrificial anode bonding or for its existence. The Inspector is not licensed to and will not perform a pressure test on the gas line system. The Inspector cannot detect gas leaks below the finished grade (underground), construction voids, between the walls or behind fireplace hearths. Propane tanks will not be inspected. If any further concerns exist about possible gas line failure and/or deficiencies or code compliance, we recommend the buyer have the gas system further evaluated by the local controlling gas supplier and/or a qualified licensed master plumber prior to the expiration of any time limitations such as option or warranty periods. F. Other Comments: This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 34 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D V. APPLIANCES A. Dishwashers Comments: This component appears to be performing adequately at the time of this inspection. The dishwasher drain hose is not properly installed to prevent back flow or anti-siphoning. It is recommended that an air gap device or high drain loop be installed in the drain line. B. Food Waste Disposers Comments: This component appears to be performing adequately at the time of this inspection. C. Range Hood and Exhaust Systems Comments: D. Ranges, Cooktops, and Ovens Comments: This component appears to be performing adequately at the time of this inspection. The gas shutoff valve is in a poor location and is hard to reach. The range can be easily tipped over and should be equipped with an anti-tip device, for safety. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 35 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D E. Microwave Ovens Comments: F. Mechanical Exhaust Vents and Bathroom Heaters Comments: This component appears to be performing adequately at the time of this inspection. G. Garage Door Operators Comments: When an automatic garage door opener is in use, the manual lock should be disabled or removed. The garage door opener DID NOT automatically reverse under reasonable resistance when closing. Improvement may be as simple as adjusting the sensitivity control on the opener. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 36 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D H. Dryer Exhaust Systems Comments: This component appears to be performing adequately at the time of this inspection. I. Other Comments: This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 37 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D VI. OPTIONAL SYSTEMS A. Landscape Irrigation (Sprinkler) Systems Comments: When the system is operational, all of the sprinkler system associated components are inspected and operated in the manual settings only. Note: Some municipalities now require moisture (rain/freeze) sensors to be installed on all new installation and existing sprinkler systems. Our company does not maintain a list of municipalities that require the installation of a moisture sensor. Please check with your municipality for moisture sensor requirements. Sprinkler system equipped with a moisture (rain/freeze) sensor Yes or No. Total Number of Zones Wired: # of Zones Sprinkler System and Associated Components B. Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs, and Equipment Type of Construction: Comments: Notice: When the system is operational, all of the pool or spa systems and associated components are inspected and operated in the manual / service settings only. Operating the pool components from indoor control panels or handheld remotes are outside the scope of this inspection. You are strongly encouraged to consult with the current homeowner for knowledge on regularly scheduled maintenance and valve operations. Notice: Based on what we were able to observe and our experience with swimming pool, spa and hot tub technology, we submit this inspection report based on the present condition, working under current use and habits of the current occupants of the residence. When performing the inspection, the inspector will keep in consideration the age of the system and normal wear and tear from ordinary use when rendering opinions. All of the pool or spa systems and associated components are inspected and operated in the manual / service settings only. Operating the pool components from indoor control panels or handheld remotes are outside the scope of this inspection. For further assistance and inspections, we recommend contacting a licensed pool contractor or ask the seller if you may discuss the pool or spa with the maintenance company that the seller has used to clean and service the pool or spa. The Inspector shall inspect and report deficiencies in the condition of all associated above ground and accessible components. This inspection does not include evaluations of freeze guard controls and/or devices or pool, spa or hot tub bodies / shells below the water line and does not insure, guarantee or warrant against structure or sub-surfaces water leaks, either expressed or implied. The inspector will not be able to anticipate future events, conditions or changes in performance of any component or system due to changes in use or occupancy. The inspector makes no guarantee or warranty, express or implied, as to future performance of any item, system or component. Specific limitations for swimming pools, spas, hot tubs, and equipment. The inspector is not required to and will not: This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 38 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D disassemble filters or dismantle or otherwise open any components or lines; operate valves; uncover or excavate any lines or concealed components of the system; fill the pool, spa, or hot tub with water; inspect any system that has been winterized, shut down, or otherwise secured; determine the presence of sub-surface water tables; determine the effectiveness of entrapment covers; determine the presence of pool shell or sub-surface leaks; or inspect ancillary equipment such as computer controls, covers, chlorinators or other chemical dispensers, or water ionization devices or conditioners other than required by this section. D. Private Water Wells (A coliform analysis is recommended) C. Outbuildings Comments: Type of Pump: Type of Storage Equipment: Comments: E. Private Sewage Disposal Systems Type of System: Location of Drain Field: Comments: Notice: Based on what we were able to observe and our experience with Private Sewage Disposal (Septic) System technology, we submit this inspection report based on the present condition, working under current use and habits of the current occupants of the residences for the Septic System. We have not been retained to warrant, guarantee or certify the proper functionality of the system for any period of time, either expressed or implied. Because of numerous factors (usage, soil characteristics, previous failures, etc.) which may effect the proper operation of the System as well as the inability of the Inspector to supervise or monitor the use or maintenance of the system, this report shall not be construed as a warranty by our company that the system will function properly for any particular buyer. We are also not ascertaining the impact the system is having on the environment. Excavation or pumping of the system is outside the scope of our load testing procedures and survey. Septic systems are a “buried” component which are hidden from normal general visual surveys and many possible problems may not show themselves at the time of a visual survey and thus we cannot make accurate predictions of the future performance of the system or associated components. Accurate determination of location, condition, or life expectancy of the system components is not possible from any survey. This inspection includes a general visual survey of probable tank and absorption system areas, surfaces at the beginning, during, and end of the load test. Periodic pumping is recommended to prevent costly damage to the absorption system. Pumping frequency depends on the system usage, tank size, and other factors. The inspector will not be able to anticipate future events, conditions or changes in performance of any component or system due to changes in use or occupancy. The inspector makes no guarantee or warranty, express or implied, as to future performance of any item, system or component. This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 39 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov Report Identification: 20240521-01, 4200 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX I=Inspected NI=Not Inspected NP=Not Present D=Deficient I NI NP D Specific limitations for Private Sewage Disposal (Septic) Systems The inspector is not required to: excavate or uncover the system or its components determine the size, adequacy or efficiency of the system; or determine the type of construction. F. Other Built-in Appliances Comments: G. Outdoor Cooking Equipment Comments: H. Trash Compactor Comments: I. Thermal Imaging / Infrared Comments: J. Electric Gate Comments: K. Fences Comments: L. Refrigerator / Built-In M. Dock & Pier Components N. Other Comments: This confidential report is prepared exclusively for Meghan Hughes on 05/21/2024. © Hallmark Inspections, LLC 512-660-7061 www.hallmarkinspections.com REI 7-6 (8/9/21) Promulgated by the Texas Real Estate Commission Page 40 of 40 (512) 936-3000 www.trec.texas.gov