11.3 - 1607 Kenwood Ave - drawings — original pdf

1607KenwoodAvenue,Austin,Texas78704 Addition&InteriorRemodel GeneralContractor-AceRemodelingTexas Drafter-LoganHarknessEIT April3,2024 PROJECTDESCRIPTION:Anexistingsinglestory,singlefamilyhome(Building1)anddetachedStudio(Building2)willbe combinedintoasinglehome.Imperviouscoverwillbeadded.Anewbathroomwithwalkinshower,bathtub,toilet,anddouble vanitywillbeinstalled.TheexistingroofofBuilding1willbepartiallydemolishedandtheroofofBuilding2willbepartially demolished(RefertoA6,A7).AnewroofwillbeinstalledbetweenBuilding1andBuilding2.Inaddition,Building1willundergo aninteriorremodel.Doorandwindowswillberemovedandreinstalled.Newdoorsandwindowswillbeinstalled.Theexisting drivewaywillbemovedandanewpathtothefrontdoorwillbeinstalled(See2G2).Theremodelwillchangethepropertyfroma 2Bedroom,1Bathroomhomeintoa3Bedroom,2Bathroomhome. IntheexistingBuilding1,theSolariumcurrentlycontainselectricalandplumbingforaKitchen.TheKitchenwillbemoved.A refrigerator,kitchensink,anddishwasheralongwithrequiredelectricalandplumbingwillbeinstalledinthelocationofexisting Bedroom2.ThisareawillbecomethenewKitchen.IntheexistingBathroom1,thewindowwillberemovedandconvertedtoa shampooniche.AskylightwillbeinstalledintheexistingBathroom1. TheexistingcoveredsidepatioandroofwillberemovedinordertocreateahabitablespacebetweenexistingBuilding1and Building2.Afoundationwillbeinstalledinorderforthefloorofthecombinedbuildingtobeflush(refertoattachedstructural drawings).ACoatCloset,Pantry,2Bedrooms,3BedroomClosets,andBathroomwillbeinstalled. TheexistingStudiocontainsaMinisplitHVACunit.ThisMiniSplitunitwillbeusedtoprovideconditionedairtothenew Bedroom2andBathroom2.AsupplyregisterwillbeinstalledinthenewBedroom3andwillbeconnectedviaductworktothe existingBuilding1AirHandlingUnit. Newfloorswillbeinstalledthroughouttheaddition.WalltilewillbeinstalledintheKitchenandBathrooms.Lowvoltageelectrical willbeinstalled.(2)Smokedetectorswillbeinstalledintheaddition. PleaserefertotheStructuralDrawingsprovidedbyOkkemDesignforallfoundation,framing,roof,shearwall,andconnection details. : Y B D E K C E H C 4 0 7 8 7 s a x e T n , , i t s u A e u n e v A d o o w n e K 7 0 6 1 ALLCONSTRUCTIONSHALLBEINSTRICTACCORDANCE WITHTHEFOLLOWINGCODESANDSTANDARDS: (cid:120) FloodHazardAreas-(Chapter25-12,Article3) (cid:120) 2021InternationalBuildingCode(IBC) (cid:120) 2021InternationalEnergyConservationCode(IECC) (cid:120) 2021InternationalExistingBuildingCode(IEBC) (cid:120) 2021InternationalFireCode (cid:120) 2021InternationalPropertyMaintenanceCode (cid:120) 2021InternationalResidentialCode (cid:120) 2018InternationalSwimmingPoolandSpaCode(ISPSC) (cid:120) 2015InternationalWIldland-UrbanInterfaceCode(IWUIC) (cid:120) 2020NationalElectricCode (cid:120) 2021UniformMechanicalCode (cid:120) 2021UniformPlumbingCode SHEETINDEX G0-PROJECTDESCRIPTION,INDEX G1-SITEDEVELOPMENTANDPERMITDATA G2-EXISTINGANDPROPOSEDPLOTPLAN A1-EXISTINGFLOORPLANS A2-DEMOANDINSTALLPLAN A3-PROPOSEDFLOORPLAN A4-MATERIALSANDSCHEDULES A5-PROPOSEDINTERIORELEVATIONS A6-PROPOSEDROOFPLAN A7-PROPOSEDEXTERIOR3DIMAGES A8-PROPOSEDFLOORPLANWITHDIMENSIONS M1-PROPOSEDMECHANICALPLAN E1-PROPOSEDELECTRICALPLAN Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SiteDevelopmentInformation Existingsq.fttoRemain NewAddedsq.ft. Totalsq.ft Bldg.1 Bldg.2 Bldg.1 Bldg.2 Bldg.1 Bldg.2 973 196 572 -196 1545 : Y B D E K C E H C e)Coveredparking(garageorcarport) f)Coveredpatio,deck,porch,orbalcony 296.4 CityofAustin CalculationAid(Page2)forResidentialBuildingReview Enterintothetablebelowallexisting,newaddedsquarefootages,andlotsize. Ifsubtractingsquarefootage,useanegativeinfrontofthenumber(e.g.-12). AreaDescription ExistingSqFt NewAddedSqFt TotalSqFt 1169.00 376.00 1545.00 -242.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 134.00 134.00 54.70 -12.00 0.00 35.20 -18.30 193.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 54.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 1599.40 1599.40 177.00 68.00 0.00 35.20 22.30 1901.90 0.00 0.00 1stfloor 2ndfloor 3rdfloor Basement Coveredparking Covereddeck Coveredporch Coveredpatio Balcony Otherroofedareas TotalBuildingArea TotalBuildingCoverage Driveway Sidewalks Uncoveredpatio Uncovereddeck Otherflatwork(poolcoping,retaining walls,etc.) TotalImperviousCoverage Pool(surfacearea) Spa(surfacearea) Lotsize(squarefeet) 2657.00 ExistingBuildingCoverage TotalBuildingCoverage ExistingImperviousCoverage TotalImperviousCoverage 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 242.00 54.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 1465.40 1411.00 122.30 80.00 0.00 0.00 40.60 1653.90 53.11 60.20 62.25 71.58 AreaDescription a)1stFloorconditionedarea b)2ndFloorconditionedarea c)3rdFloorconditionedarea d)Basement g)Othercoveredorroofedarea h)Uncoveredwooddecks TotalBuildingArea i)Pool j)Spa oflotsize: oflotsize: TotalBuildingCoverage(sqft): TotalImperviousCover(sqft) BuildingHeight ofFloors ofparkingspacesrequired ofparkingspacesprovided 1269.4 196 -196 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - -242 35.2 365.2 973 196 BuildingCoverageInformation ImperviousCoverInformation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1599.40 60.20 1901.90 71.58 13'-5" 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54.4 35.2 1634.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NO NO NO NO NO NO NA Areanyexistingstructuresonthissiteanon-compliantstructurebasedonyardsetbackrequirement? Doesanystructure(oranelementofastructure)extendoverorbeyondareuiredyard? Isfrontyardsetbackaveragingbeingutilizedonthisproperty? Setbacks Isasidewalkrequiredfortheproposedconstruction? WillaType1Drivewayapproachbeinstalled,relocated,removed,orrepairedaspartofproject? Right-of-WayInformation WidthofApproach(measuredatpropertyline) Distancefromintersection(forcornerlotsonly) k)RemodeledFloorArea,excludingAdditionNew Construction 973 196 IsthissitewithintheWaterfrontOverlay?(LDC25-2) CityofAustinPermitData 1607KENWOODAVENUE,AUSTIN, TEXAS78704 N55.5'OFLOT22BLK43TRAVIS HEIGHTS&ADJ7.5FTALLEY ProjectAddress LegalDescription ZoningDistrict NeighborhoodPlanArea TaxParcelID LotArea(SQFT) HistoricDistrict? S.M.A.R.THousing? GreenBuildingRequirement? AirportOverlayZone? DoestheSitehaveaSepticSystem? DoesStructureexceed3,600sqfttotalunderroof? Within200ftofHazardosePipeline? Isthesitewithinthe100-yearfloodplain? TreesGreaterThan19"inDiameter IfYes,HowMany? Pre-DevelopmentConsultationfortheTreeReview? ProposedImpactstoTrees IstheSiteWithintheCapitalViewCorridor? IstheSitewithintheResidentialDesignandCompatibilityStandards OrdinaceBoundaryArea(LDC25-2SubchapterF) DoestheSitehavewateravailability? DoestheSitehavewastewateravailability? Sitehaveorwillithaveanauxiliarywatersource? Doesthissiterequireacutorfillinexcessoffour(4)feet? IsthissitewinthintheLakeAustinOverlay? Doesthissitefrontapavedstreet? Isthissiteadjacenttoapavedalley? DoesthissitehaveaBoardofAdjustment(BOA)variance? IstheTotalNewAddedBuildingArea5,000sqft? DescriptionofWork Isthestructure45yearsorolder? Willgreaterthan50ofexteriorwallsbedemolished? ExistingUse ProposedUse ProjectType ExistingBedrooms BedroomsUponCompletion BathsExisting BathsUponCompletion ProjectDescription TradePermitsRequired TotalRemodeledFloorArea(SQFT) ExistingStructuresonthissiteanon-compliantstructurebasedona yardsetbackrequirement? AnyStructureextendoverorbeyondarequiredyard? SF-3-NP NA 246762 2657 NONE NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO - NO YES YES YES NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO YES No 2 3 1 2 NO NO TotalJobEvaluation Owner MailingAddress Phone Email Phone Email Phone Email ApplicantAgent GeneralContractor MailingAddress SiteDevelopmentInformation(RefertoG2 OwnerData ApplicantData GeneralContractorData ACEREMODELING Single-familyresidential Single-familyresidential Addition&InteriorRemodel RefertoG0 ELEC,PLUMB,FOUND 1918SQFT FIRSTFLOORCONDITIONEDAREABUILDING1 -973SQFT T CONCRETEWALL -22.3SQFT COVEREDFRONTPORCH -54.4SQFT LowPointofGrade E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E S S S S S S 17'-7 1 2" 13' 18'-8" " 9 " 9 AddedUncoveredDeck&Stair -22.7sqft 8'-21 4" " 12 8 - ' 5 " 12 6 - ' 1 3 5' " 12 8 - ' 5 " 12 6 - ' 1 3 " 1 - ' 3 1 t p e S 4 X 2 ' ' t p e S 4 X 2 ' ' t p e S 4 X 2 ' ' 2'X4'Paver 2'X4'Paver 2'X4'Paver 2'X4'Paver 2'X4'Paver 2'X4'Paver 2'X4'Paver 2'X4'Paver 18'WX20'LDriveway CONCRETEWALL -22.3SQFT HighPointofGrade FIRSTFLOORCONDITIONEDAREABUILDING2 -196SQFT COVEREDSIDEPATIODECK -242SQFT CONCRETEWALL -18.3SQFT STONEWALKWAY -80SQFT GRAVELDRIVEWAY -122.3SQFT BUILDING2NOWBECOMESPARTOFBUILDING1 TOTALADDEDCONDITIONEDSPACETOBUILDING1 -572SQFT STONEPAVERS -68SQFT GRAVELDRIVEWAY -177SQFT AddedUncoveredWraparoundSteps INCLUDEDINUNCOVEREDDECKONCALCULATIONAID -12.5sqft 1 8"=1'0" X X SS SS SS SS SS E E E E E W W W W W T T T T T SS SS SS SS SS E E E E E G G G G G FH 1 8"=1'0" 1 2 : Y B D E K C E H C REVISIONS Solarium 100"To108"CH RelativetoMainHouse Floor17"BelowHouseSlab 147.8SQ.FT. Water Heater Step Step Step Living 104"to128"CH 349.8SQ.FT. S Bedroom1 104"CH 146.0SQ.FT. S . . T F Q S 6 . 0 4 H C " 4 0 1 Attic Access T Floor Faucet Bathroom1 104"CH 47.4SQ.FT. Niche Bedroom2 104"CH 138.4SQ.FT. S Shelf Niche Shelf Niche 30.5"Foundation 4.5"FromDoor toStep 5.5"RiserHeight 6.75"RiserHeight 5X5 5X5 CoveredPatio 24"Wide Sidewalk 9"RiserHeightPatio toSidewal 34"WideSidewalk 10"Heightto SidewalkfromFloor atBuilding Corner SteptoPatio WM CO Shelf Niche 3' MiniSplit Compressor MiniSplit Studio Slabis-3.5"Below MainHouse Slab 107.5"CH Patio 11'WideDriveway " 14 6 " 7 ' 3 " 12 7 " 14 4 - ' 5 " 4 - ' 1 " 12 0 1 - ' 3 " 14 1 - ' 1 " 34 0 - ' 5 1 3'-7" 3'-101 2" 3'-7" ' 4 " 12 4 " 34 6 - ' 4 " 12 4 " 1 1 - ' 3 " 8 - ' 2 ' 2 " 7 - ' 6 " 14 6 - ' 3 " 12 5 - ' 2 5'-73 4" 9'-5" 7'-103 4" " 12 7 61 " 2 2'-91 4" " 6 1'-53 4" 2'-4" " 34 1 1 - ' 1 " 4 - ' 2 " 14 1 1 - ' 2 3' " 0 1 - ' 3 1'-1" 2'-111 4" " 3 " 12 9 " 34 1 - ' 2 3' ' 2 2'-113 4" 7'-01 4" S " 8 - ' 2 " 8 - ' 2 " 12 4 " 14 1 1 - ' 8 " 12 4 - ' 3 " 14 6 - ' 5 " 14 7 - ' 3 " 14 7 - ' 3 T " 34 1 - ' 3 " 34 1 1 - ' 5 " 34 1 1 - ' 5 S S " 34 6 - ' 3 " 12 7 - ' 3 " 12 0 - ' 4 " 8 - ' 2 " 0 1 - ' 5 " 8 - ' 2 2'-10" 5'-2" 2'-8" 5'-2" 3'-01 2" 2'-31 4" 1'-11 " 2 1'-9" 1'-3" 1'-10" 2'-11 4" 4" 61 2" 3'-5" 2" 2' 2" 2' 2" 2' 2" 6'-4" 11 61 2" 2" 3'-61 4" 6'-01 2" 3'-51 4" 6' 1 4"=1'0" FLOORPLANLEGEND T CO CARBONMONOXIDEDETECTOR SWITCH 3-POLESWITCH HANGINGFIXTURE GARBAGEDISPOSAL RECESSCAN WALLMOUNTSCONCE ENCLOSEDFIXTURE SMOKEDETECTOR THERMOSTAT THREEINONELIGHT INTERNET PHONEJACK TELEVISIONJACK GAS EXHAUSTFAN ELECTRICALMETER PUSHBUTTON 120VRECEPTACLE 220VRECEPTACLE ELECTRICALSERVICEPANEL WH WATERHEATERRECEPTACLE WASH WASHERRECEPTACLE DRY DRYERRECEPTACLE RANGERECEPTACLE RANGEHOODRECEPTACLE GARBAGEDISPOSALRECEPTACLE DISHWASHERRECEPTACLE AHU AIRHANDLINGUNITRECEPTACLE COMP COMPRESSORRECEPTACLE GROUNDFAULTINTERRUPTORCIRCUIT COUNTERTOPHEIGHT PUSHBUTTON WATERPROOF GROUNDFAULTCIRCUITINTERRUPTER R RH GD DW GFCI CT PB WP GFCI DIM UC CAB OC CAB DIMMER UNDERCOUNTER CABINET OVERCOUNTER CABINET CIRCUITPATH SWINGDOOR WINDOW HIDDENOBJECTORCEILINGOBJECT WASTEWATERPIPE FRESHWATERSUPPLYTAP HVAC3WAYSUPPLYREGISTER GAS TOILET BATHROOMSINK SHOWERHEAD-WALLMOUNT RAINWATERSHOWERHEAD-CEILING SHOWERANDBATHTUB RAINWATERHEAD-WALLMOUNT HANDHELDSHOWERHEAD TOILETBIDETCOMBO MIXINGVALVE DEMONOTE EXISTINGTOBEDEMO NEWWALLTOBEADDED EXISTINGWALL : Y B D E K C E H C 4 0 7 8 7 s a x e T n , , i t s u A e u n e v A d o o w n e K 7 0 6 1 1 4"=1'0" 1 2 Solarium -Fixwobblystepfromlivingroom -Removeplumbingtotherightofstep fromlivingroom Bedroom1 (cid:120) RemoveOperableWindowFacing Studio.WallinorKeepasNiche.No PlantoUsethisWindow RemoveFixedWindowFacingRear ofthePropertybutdonotDiscard. (cid:120) Studio -DemoRoofOverStudio -Removeallwindowsbutdonotdiscard WindowstobeinstalledinBathroom2 -Demotheleftandbottomwalls -Removeallelectrical -Keepminisplitsystem.Compressor locationremains,indoorunit relocated -Demotopandrightwallsperplanfor windows 3'-101 2" " 12 0 1 - ' 3 OfficeLaundryCloset5 (cid:120) Install2X4WallforStorageRoom (CL5)with2068PocketDoorDoor Installstackablewasherdryerin existingwaterheaterroom Install4068SliderDoortoClosein Laundry Fixwobblystepfromlivingroom Installnewstonestepstosliding glassdoor Addtrimtoskylights AddLEDlightstriparoundskylights Insidetracksofskylightstobe motorized InstallLaptopcounter Install17"deepbenchwith12"Shelf Above (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) Installlandingandsteps fromslidingdoortoyard(12" elevationdifference) Bedroom1 (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) Installclosetperplan InstallSonosceilingspeaker Buildframeforbed InstallLEDstriplightsaroundceiling edges InstallOperableWindow (cid:120) Bedroom2 (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) InstallWallsandDoorsperPlan Bedroom2tobePrimaryBedroom KeepMiniSplitCompressorandInstallMini SplitUnitCenteredinRoom@7'AFF InstallRemovedSlidingGlassDoor.Nexttoit, Installremovedwindow.Headerheightfor DoorandWindowtobe80"AFF(1A5) Install(6)Cans,(1)CeilingFan,(2)Sconces, (1)SmokeDetector,(6)110Voutlets, TVInternet,(1)220VforMiniSplit,(4)Single PoleSwitches InstallSteptoCourtyard (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) " 14 9 - ' 5 1 5'-71 4" 11'-01 2" Bathroom1 61 2" (cid:120) RemoveWindowandfinish outthewallsowindowbecomesniche Allelseremains 5 A5 6 A5 " 34 0 - ' 5 1 " 12 6 " 34 7 - ' 0 1 1 A5 11' 2'-4" 41 2" ' 2 4 A5 " 34 0 1 - ' 3 1 3 A5 " 4 " 0 1 - ' 2 4'-11" 2 A5 8 A5 41 2" 6'-21 2" " 8 - ' 1 11'-6" Install Skylight Bathroom1 InstallSkylight 7 A5 5'-81 2" 11'-6" 41 2" 61 2" Bathroom2 (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) InstallWallsandDoorperPlan InstallRemovedWindowsfrom Studio(1,2A5) Installtemperedglasspanelson eithersideoftoilet.Ensureatleast 15"clearanceoneithersideoftoilet fromcenter InstallRWSH,HHSH,DiverterMV, andNicheforShower(1A5) Install30X60FreeStandingTub, WallFaucet,NicheBelowWindow (2A5) InstallPlumbingforDoubleSink, Toilet Install(2)Sconces,(1)CanCentered onVanity,(1)VentFanLight CenteredonToilet,(1)WPCan CenteredinWetArea,(2)Over CounterGFCI,(1)GFCIfor BidetToilet,(3)SinglePoleSwitches Closet2&Closet5 (cid:120) (cid:120) InstallWallsandDoorperPlan InstallShelfandRod,24"Shelving forShoes Install(2)CanCentered,(3)110V Outlets@14"AFF,(2)SinglePole Switch (cid:120) " 34 5 - ' 3 " 12 4 ' 1 1 " 12 6 Bedroom3,Closet3 (cid:120) (cid:120) InstallWallsandDoorperPlan InstallRemovedFixedWindowfrom ExistingBedroom1 Install(2)2050OperableWindows Install(4)Cans,(1)CeilingFan,(6) 110VOutlets,TVInternet,(1)Smoke Detector InstallRodandShelfinCloset InstallHVACsupplyregister. ConnectviaductingtoexistingAHU inAttic (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) : Y B D E K C E H C 4 0 7 8 7 s a x e T n , , i t s u A e u n e v A d o o w n e K 7 0 6 1 Living (cid:120) DemoWallsperPlan.NewOpening SupportedbyBeam(SeeS3) Replacesaggingceilingbeams Removefrontdoorbutdonotdiscard RemoveplumbinglinenearSolarium relocateatticaccess (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) Bedroom2 (cid:120) DemoRightWallandRemoveSlider Doorsbutdonotdiscard.Provide SupportDuringDemoasthisisan exteriorwall ThisAreaWillBecometheKitchen DemoInteriorWallsperPlan RemoveWindowandInstallSimilar WidthWinderwithLessHeight(7A5) DemoWallstoLivingRoomperPlan Install(3)2X12Beam(SeeS3) RemovePocketDoors (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) Patio -Removepatio,roofoverpatio andConcreteWallsurroundingpatio RemodelInstructionsforEntireHouse (cid:120) Changeallelectricalcoverplates (cid:120) Changeallswitchestodimmers (cid:120) Replacetracksofallpocketdoorsandpaintpocketdoors (cid:120) CleanductsandHVACequipment.Removeanysignofmold (cid:120) InstallanymissingHVACregisters (cid:120) Installanymissingsmokedetectors,lighting,carbonmonoxidedetectors (cid:120) Replaceanywarpedorbendingceilingbeams (cid:120) Followinstructionsperroom 1 Living (cid:120) InstallEB(3)1.75x11.25beam(See S3) InstallLEDstriplightingin(3)shelf niches Replacesaggingceilingbeams InstallSonosceilingspeakers Installhardwiredceilingoutletfor projectorcenteredonwall.Remove ArtNicheonCenteredWall Installhardwiredceilingoutletfor projectorscreencenteredonwall InstallCeilingprojector Installchandelierfordiningarea (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) Kitchen&Pantry (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) InstallNewWallsperPlan InstallSonosceilingspeaker InstallLEDstriplightsaroundceiling edges InstallAppliancesperPlan InstallIsland Install(4)AdditionalCanLights,(2) PendantLightsoverIsland InstallShelvesinPantry Install36"OvenCooktopandVent directlyoutdoors Installnewwindow Installplumbingforrefrigerator,dish washer,sink (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) 1 4"=1'0" 2 1 4"=1'0" ConstructionandDemoNotes (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) Alldimensionsmustbeverifiedonsitebeforedemoorconstruction.RefertoA3,A4,A5fordimensions GCorEngineermustverifyifwallstobedemoareloadbearingbeforedemo.Appropriatesupportmustbeprovidedduringdemo. Drafterhasprovidedaconceptualdesignonly.GCisresponsibleforappropriatedemoandconstructionprocedure. Referto1A4forElectricalandLightingSpacing EXISTINGTOBEDEMO NEWWALLTOBEADDED EXISTINGWALL SteptoRearYard StepLanding ReUsedWindow fromExistingStudio,ShowerNicheUnderneath T CO CARBONMONOXIDEDETECTOR I T E S S E N K R A H N A G O L : D A C : U A R E B M U N T C E J O R P 4 2 0 2 . 3 0 . 4 0 : E T A D : Y B D E K C E H C . S f a s A M P : Storage Shelves CL5 2068 Pocket Water Heater Washer Dryer Stack 4068 Slider ArtWall(AddSconces) Bench LandingwithRailing SteptoRearYard WorkDesk &Laundry Folding StoneStep StoneStep Office ExistingSteps Beam Living 5 A5 i h c n e B h g H " 0 2 , p e e D " 7 1 f l e h S " 2 1 3014 Cab l s e v e h S e o h S r e s s e r D k c o S Dresser i l g n h t o C r o f d o R 3Seater 6 A5 Table 3Seater S 8'X3'Dining Table 26" Bedside Table ReUsedSlidingDoor ReUsedWindow 26"Bedside Table 1 A5 h t a e n r e d n U e h c N b u T i i , o d u t S g n i t s x E m o r f i i w o d n W d e s U e R Rainwater &HandHeld Bathroom2 104"CH 86.3SQ.FT. b u T g n d n a t S i e e r F 0 6 X 0 3 FrostedPanel Tempered Bidet Toilet FrostedPanel t i l i p S n M i l e w o T r e m r a W KingBed S King Bed Bedroom1 26" Bedside Table Bedroom2 104"CH 162.4SQ.FT. 26"Bedside Table 2 A5 8 A5 l y t i n a V e b u o D " 8 5 ' 3 A5 TileEntire Bathroom Floor 2068 5068DBLSlider Pantry 104"CH 4.7SQ.FT. Pantry Shelves CL2 104"CH 21.3SQ.FT. 20"RodandShelf 24"Wide Shoe Shelves 2068 PD CL4 104"CH 30.2SQ.FT. f l e h S d n a d o R " 0 2 CoatCL 104"CH 4.6SQ.FT. Attic Access 1668 Install Skylight 24"Vanity ExistingTub Bathroom1 l e n a P s s a G l Niche e h c N i 2868 . 5 2 1 1 X 5 7 1 ) 3 ( B E . Stool Stool Stool Stool 10"Legroom 15"Lowers Island M A E B 2 1 X 2 ) 3 ( 4 A5 S Kitchen 104"CH 211.0SQ.FT. 7 A5 36"CooktopandOven 36"Hood e c n a i l p p A " 6 3 e g a r a G g n i l i e C o t L F s t e n b a C i FLtoCeiling Cabinets Lowers 36"Appliance Garage 24"Dish Washer RemoveWindow Install4030Operable KingBed 26"Bedside Table 2050 Operable Window ArchedOpening 3068DBLSlider 1668 CL3 104"CH 8.2SQ.FT. OptiontoInstallPocket DoorHereforAccess toBathroominfuture 2868 20"RodandShelf HIDDENOBJECTORCEILINGOBJECT FLOORPLANLEGEND SWITCH 3-POLESWITCH HANGINGFIXTURE GARBAGEDISPOSAL RECESSCAN WALLMOUNTSCONCE ENCLOSEDFIXTURE SMOKEDETECTOR THERMOSTAT THREEINONELIGHT INTERNET PHONEJACK TELEVISIONJACK GAS EXHAUSTFAN ELECTRICALMETER PUSHBUTTON 120VRECEPTACLE 220VRECEPTACLE ELECTRICALSERVICEPANEL WH WATERHEATERRECEPTACLE WASH WASHERRECEPTACLE DRY DRYERRECEPTACLE RANGERECEPTACLE RANGEHOODRECEPTACLE GARBAGEDISPOSALRECEPTACLE DISHWASHERRECEPTACLE AHU AIRHANDLINGUNITRECEPTACLE COMP COMPRESSORRECEPTACLE GROUNDFAULTINTERRUPTORCIRCUIT COUNTERTOPHEIGHT PUSHBUTTON WATERPROOF GROUNDFAULTCIRCUITINTERRUPTER R RH GD DW GFCI CT PB WP GFCI DIM UC CAB OC CAB DIMMER UNDERCOUNTER CABINET OVERCOUNTER CABINET CIRCUITPATH SWINGDOOR WINDOW WASTEWATERPIPE FRESHWATERSUPPLYTAP HVAC3WAYSUPPLYREGISTER GAS TOILET BATHROOMSINK SHOWERHEAD-WALLMOUNT RAINWATERSHOWERHEAD-CEILING SHOWERANDBATHTUB RAINWATERHEAD-WALLMOUNT HANDHELDSHOWERHEAD TOILETBIDETCOMBO MIXINGVALVE DEMONOTE EXISTINGTOBEDEMO NEWWALLTOBEADDED EXISTINGWALL m o r f i w o d n W d e s u e R 1 m o o r d e B g n i t s x E i Bedroom3 104"CH 126.5SQ.FT. 26"Bedside Table 2050 Operable Window 1 2"=1'0" 1 SolariumCounter -11.3sqft -80X16 SolariumFlooring -182.5sqft -79ftoftrim LVPFlooring(ExcludingSolarium, Bathrooms) -1407sqft -380ftoftrim A C 6 A5 Bathroom1VanityCounter -14.6sqft -24X22 6'-9" " 12 4 - ' 1 1 5 2 G 1 A5 5 A5 " 1 - ' 2 " 0 1 - ' 1 Install Skylight 2' H F 3 A5 D 2 A5 8 A5 " 0 1 - ' 5 A B " 34 2 - ' 2 8' 7 A5 9'-10" E B 2'-1" F 4 A5 ' 3 KitchenCounter -24.7sqft -118X25 KitchenSeatIslandCounter -22.3sqft -68X27 3 ApplianceGarage Counter -7.8sqft -36X25 3 1 2 " 8 - ' 5 3 A B C D E F g H " 8 - ' 6 " 8 - ' 6 " 8 - ' 6 " 8 - ' 6 " 8 - ' 6 " 8 - ' 6 " 8 - ' 6 " 8 - ' 6 2' 1'-6" 4' 2' 3' 2'-8" 6' 5' Type:Pocket Size:2068 Quantity:2 Location:CL5, CL2 Type:Swing Size:1668 Quantity:2 Location:Pantry, CoatCL Type:Slider Size:4068 Quantity:1 Location:Laundry Type:Swing Size:2068 Quantity:1 Location:Bathroom2 Type:DoubleSlider Size:3068 Quantity:1 Location:CL3 Type:Swing Size:2868 Quantity:2 Location:Bedroom2, Bedroom3 Type:SlidingGlass Size:6068 Quantity:1 Location:Bedroom2 *ReusefromExisting Bedroom2 Type:Slider Size:5068 Quantity:1 Location:Closet2 1 6'-01 " 2 2 3'-101 " 2 " 12 0 1 3 2' 4 6'-01 " 2 5 2'-8" ' 5 " 8 - ' 5 ' 5 Type:Operable Size:6058 Quantity:1 Location:Bedroom1 HH:ExistingHeader Type:Fixed Size:31010 Quantity:2 Location:Bathroom2, Bedroom2 HH:7' ReusedWindows fromStudio Type:Operable Size:2050 Quantity:2 Location:Bedroom2 HH:7' Type:Fixed Size:6058 Quantity:1 Location:Bedroom4 HH:7' ReusedfromBedroom1 Type:Fixed Size:6058 Quantity:1 Location:Bedroom4 HH:6'8" ReusedfromBedroom2 1 4"=1'0" ThreeWayCeilingSupplyRegister TotalBathroomWallTileExceptNiche TotalNicheTile TotalKitchenTile Item Item DetailSheet 1M1 HVAC Quantity DetailSheet Quantity Electrical DetailSheet Area(SQFT) Area+25 SQIN+25 LinearTrim(ft) MaterialQuantity Flooring 1125.30 146.00 86.30 1406.63 182.50 107.88 202554 26280 15534 Totals 1357.6 1697.0 244368.0 DetailSheet Area(SQFT) Countertops Area+25 11.25 SQIN+25 1620 Dimensions 80X16 Trim+25 378.75 78.75 34.38 0.00 491.9 Price 303.0 63.0 27.5 393.5 118X25 27X36 68X27 36X25 70X22 24X22 Location DetailSheet Area(SQFT) Area+25 SQIN+25 PriceSQFT Price Tile LVP(ExcludingSolarium,Bathrooms) Location Solarium Bathroom2 Location SolariumCounter KitchenCounter KitchenIslandWaterfall KitchenSeatIslandCounter ApplianceGarageCounter Bathroom2VanityCounter Bathroom1VanityCounter Totals Bathroom2WetAreaWallTile Bathroom2ShowerNicheTile Bathroom2WetAreaWallTile Bathroom2BathtubNicheTile Bathroom2WetAreaCurbTile KitchenBacksplashTile Bathroom1NicheTile KitchenBacksplahTile Bathroom2ShowerWallTile 1A4 1A4 1A4 1A4 1A4 5A5 1A4 1A4 1A4 1A4 1A5 1A5 2A5 2A5 2A5 3A5 4A5 7A5 8A5 9 19.7 26.8 17.83 6.25 8.3 3.67 87.88 48.0 4.0 38.7 7.0 6.3 6.7 21.1 45.9 46.7 32.09 139.71 52.62 24.63 33.50 22.29 7.81 10.75 4.59 110.23 60.00 5.02 48.35 8.78 7.91 8.40 26.32 57.38 58.38 40.11 174.64 65.78 15872.40 3546 4824 3209 1125 1548 661 8640 723 6962 1264 1139 1210 3790 8262 8406 5776.50 25147.80 9471.60 2Gang110VGFCIReceptacle 2Gang110VReceptacle 4Gang110VReceptacle 4Gang110VFloorReceptacle SmokeDetector CODetector SinglePoleSwitch ThreePoleSwitch 220VReceptacle 4"RecessedCanLight 4"WaterproofCanLight HangingFixtures SingleSconce WaterproofSconce CeilingLineLEDStrips BathroomSconce VentFan IndoorCeilingFan Thermostat TVInternetJack GarbageDisposal Item FreeStandingTub20"High,Drain,Faucet WallMountRWShowerHead DiverterMixerCombo HandHeldShowerHead VanitySink,Faucet,Valves,1.25"Drain ToiletBidet,ColdValve,4"Drain 32"KitchenSink,Faucet,Valve HotValveforAppliances ColdValveforAppliances 10 20 17 25 1 1 2 2 1 4 4 1 3 6 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1E1 1A4 1A4 1A4 1A4 1A4 1A4 1A4 1A4 1A4 Total 105 Plumbing DetailSheet Quantity Total 11 AboveKitchenCounter,Bathroom2Vanity,Bidet Solarium,Living,Bar,Hall,AllNewBedrooms Disposal,Dishwasher,CooktopOven,Hood Entry,Kitchen,Hallway,AllNewBedrooms,Bathroom2 Bathroom2 DiningArea,KitchenIsland Solarium,ArtWallinLiving,Bedroom2 Location Bedroom3 Location KitchenApplianceGarage Solarium,Living Hallway,AllNewBedrooms Hallway Solarium,Entry,Kitchen Entry,Kitchen,Hallway OutsideFrontDoor Solarium,Bedroom1 Bathroom2 Bathroom2 AllNewBedrooms Living,AllNewBedrooms Kitchen Kitchen Location Bathroom2 Bathroom2 Bathroom2 Bathroom2 Bathroom2 Bathroom2 Kitchen DishWasher Refrigerator,DishWasher Bathroom2Flooring -107.9sqft -35ftoftrim Bathroom2VanityCounter -10.4sqft -70X22 2 3 4 1 4"=1'0" 1 4"=1'0" : Y B D E K C E H C 4 0 7 8 7 s a x e T n , , i t s u A e u n e v A d o o w n e K 7 0 6 1 REVISIONS -InstallRemovedwindowfromexisting Bedroom2HeaderHeighof80"AFF -InstallRemovedslidingglassdoors fromexistingBedroom2 -InstallRainWaterShowerhead@80" AFF -InstallDiverterMixingValve@36"AFF -InstallHandHeld@36"AFF -RemoveExistingWindow -InstallSimilarSizedOperableWindow 61 2" 3'-61 4" 6'-01 2" 3'-5" 63 4" " 7 - ' 1 " 8 - ' 5 " 5 - ' 1 l l a W r o i r e t x E g n i i t s x E Installtempered glasspanels InstallRodand ShelfinCloset InstallCeilingFan 63 4" 3'-101 2" Bathroom2ShowerWallTile -48.4sqft 63 4" 3'-101 2" 111 4" 2'-6" 1 2" 5'-113 4" 4" 101 " 2 l l a W 4 X 2 w e N " 8 - ' 1 " 12 0 1 " 12 1 1 - ' 1 " 4 - ' 2 " 0 1 - ' 1 Bathroom2ShowerWallTile -60sqft InstallRemovedWindowfromExisting Studio@7'AFF Bathroom2ShowerNicheTile -5sqft Install30X60X20FreeStandingTub InstallWallFaucet@24"AFFOR FaucetHandHeldFloorComboinCorner Bathroom2BathtubNicheTile -8.8sqft " 12 0 1 " 12 1 - ' " 3 2 - ' 1 " 8 - ' 1 " 0 1 - ' 1 l l a W 4 X 2 w e N l l a W 4 X 2 w e N ' 7 ' 3 " 8 - ' 1 " 4 - ' 1 " 8 - ' 5 6'-9" InstallBuiltinDesk InstallFloatingShelvesand2X4Wall forNewStorageCloset(A2) 3' 4" 3' 2'-8" 1'-8" 2'-4" 4" 41 2" 2'-101 2" 1' 5' 8'-61 4" 6'-01 2" 2'-53 4" 4'-101 2" 4" 2'-53 4" 41 41 4" 4" -InstallColdValveforToilet -Install3or4"Drain -InstallGFCIforBidet -InstallToiletBidet -Install2870FrostedGlassPanel BetweenToiletandVanity 41 2" -Install70"LX36"HDoubleVanity -InstallPlumbingfor(2)Sinks -InstallHorizontalGFCIforleftsink -InstallWallGFCIforrightsink(E1) -Install(2)SconcesCenteredonSinks 1 4"=1'0" 2 1 4"=1'0" GRABBAR SCONCE 1 " 34 1 1 - ' 1 3 " 14 8 - ' 8 6 InstallCeilingFan RelocateMiniSplittobeCenteredin Room.Install@7'AFF Install2068Swingto Bathroom2 Install2868Swingto Bedroom3 RemoveExisting WindowandConvertto Niche. NicheTile -26.4sqft InstallFrostedGlass Panel 2'-8" 3'-10" 3" Install(3)Pendant LightsOverIsland DemoWalls InstallBeamper StructuralEngineer Opinion KitchenWallTile BehindAppliance Garage -8.4sqft " 8 - ' 8 ' 2 " 5 - ' 4 " 3 - ' 2 l l i a W g n b m u P g n i t s x E l i ' 3 " 12 1 InstallShelf@5'AFF EnsureClearance BetweenShelfand SlidingGlassDoor " 4 - ' 3 " 8 - ' 1 2'-2" 2'-23 4" Install(2)Stone Stairs EB(3)1.75x11.25 ' 3 2'-23 4" InstallExistingOval Tub.InstallDrainto existingBathroomdrain Install(2)Islandswith WaterfallOnEachEnd Install20"HighBench FromWalltoWall InstallCabinets InstallCoatClosetand 1668Door KitchenIslandWaterfall -17sqfttotal 11'-63 4" 2' 3'-2" 4" 3' 1" 1" 2'-43 4" 7'-93 4" 2'-1" 1" 2" 2'-8" 2" 2'-41 2" 41 2" Install36"Paneled Refrigerator InstallColdTapand GFCI 1 4"=1'0" 4 1 4"=1'0" 5 1 4"=1'0" Install(1)Pendant OverProposedDining Table InstallProjectorScreen CompleteWallAcross theSolarium Install4068SliderDoor UnderExistingOpening CompleteWallAcross theSolarium Install2068Pocket DoorToNewStorage Closet " 8 - ' 1 " 7 InstallCeilingFan Install(2)2050OperableWindowwith (1)Jack,(1)KingEitherSideand (3)2x8Header@7'HH RemoveExisting WindowbutJack,King, HeaderRemain Install4'TallWindow @7'HH KitchenWallTile -58sqft 11'-6" 5'-3" 2'-6" 2'-1" 3'-2" FlipFrontDoorSwing InstallRodand ShelfinCloset Bathroom2ShowerWallTile -58.4sqft l l a W 4 X 2 w e N " 6 - ' 1 Install(2)Sconcesin Solarium " 0 1 - ' 9 2'-51 2" 6' 6'-11 4" 2'-8" 3'-11" 4' 2' 2' 8" 41 2"31 4" 2'-1" 3'-71 2" 2"1"111 61 2" 111 2" 2'-6" 2' 1" 1" 1" 3' 1" 2' 31 " 2 6'-111 4" 2' 31 4" 41 2" Install36"Electric Cooktop 36"Oven,36"Hood Above Install(2)220VOutlets InstallPotFiller 3' 1" 19'-3" InstallSink InstallSinkPlumbing Install220Vfor Disposal InstallDisposal InstallOpenShelving 1" 61 " 2 16'-61 2" -Install12"Deep CabinetsforLinens -Install12"Shelves Above -InstallTowelWarmer orHooks 1 4"=1'0" 7 1 4"=1'0" 8 1 4"=1'0" ELEVATIONSLEGEND DUALRECEPTACLE FOURRECEPTACLE SWITCH (2)SWITCH (3)SWITCH (4)SWITCH SMOKEDETECTOR INTERNETJACK HVACSUPPLYGRILLE TVJACK GLAZING SINKWATERTAP SINKWASTEWATERTAP SHOWERHEAD MIXINGVALVE SINKFAUCET&VALVES RAINWATERSHOWERHEAD HANDHELDSHOWERHEAD BIDETTOILETCOMBO FREESTANDINGTUB OVENCOOKTOPCOMBO REFRIGERATORDBLDOOR DISHWASER DIVERTERMIXINGVALVE BATHFAUCET HANDHELDMODERN TOILET HANDHELDCOMBO : Y B D E K C E H C 4 0 7 8 7 s a x e T n , , i t s u A e u n e v A d o o w n e K 7 0 6 1 REVISIONS S S S S 2 1 1 5 12 5 12 2 1 4 4 2 1 S 2 1 4 4 2 1 2 1 4 4 2 1 5 12 5 12 5 12 5 12 1 1 2 1 1 5 12 5 12 5 12 5 12 2 A5 8 A5 3 A5 1 A5 2 1 1 2 1 4 4 2 1 InstallSingleSlopeRoof1:12 Tieintoexistingraftersonthe extendedAframe,Bedroomgable, andexistingStudiogable. InstallSingleSlopeRoof Tieintoexistingraftersonthe extendedAframe,Bedroomgable, andexistingStudiogable. RemovePatioroofandpillars ExtendAframeofexistinghousetobe flushwithnewexteriorwall. 5 A5 Install Skylight TrimStudioroofbacktobecome hipofBedroom2gable 6 A5 2 1 4 4 2 1 S 4 A5 7 A5 1 4"=1'0" 1 4"=1'0" : Y B D E K C E H C 4 0 7 8 7 s a x e T n , , i t s u A e u n e v A d o o w n e K 7 0 6 1 REVISIONS : Y B D E K C E H C 4 0 7 8 7 s a x e T n , , i t s u A e u n e v A d o o w n e K 7 0 6 1 REVISIONS 11' 6'-21 2" 4" 2'-8" 4'-41 2" 3'-101 2" 6' 1 A5 4" " 34 0 - ' 7 1 " 34 6 - ' 1 1 2 A5 8 A5 3 A5 " 4 ' 2 " 12 4 2" 2'-8" " 12 9 - ' 2 8'-2" 2'-11 4" 2' 2'-11 4" " 12 4 - ' 2 5" 1'-6" " 8 - ' 1 41 2" " 14 6 4'-11" I T E S S E N K R A H N A G O L : D A C : U A R E B M U N T C E J O R P 4 2 0 2 . 3 0 . 4 0 : E T A D : Y B D E K C E H C . S f a s A M P : " 34 6 T CO CARBONMONOXIDEDETECTOR FLOORPLANLEGEND SWITCH 3-POLESWITCH HANGINGFIXTURE GARBAGEDISPOSAL RECESSCAN WALLMOUNTSCONCE ENCLOSEDFIXTURE SMOKEDETECTOR THERMOSTAT THREEINONELIGHT INTERNET PHONEJACK TELEVISIONJACK GAS EXHAUSTFAN ELECTRICALMETER PUSHBUTTON 120VRECEPTACLE 220VRECEPTACLE ELECTRICALSERVICEPANEL " 34 0 1 - ' 3 1 WH WATERHEATERRECEPTACLE WASH WASHERRECEPTACLE DRY DRYERRECEPTACLE " 4 " 12 4 R RH GD DW GFCI CT PB WP GFCI DIM UC CAB OC CAB RANGERECEPTACLE RANGEHOODRECEPTACLE GARBAGEDISPOSALRECEPTACLE DISHWASHERRECEPTACLE AHU AIRHANDLINGUNITRECEPTACLE COMP COMPRESSORRECEPTACLE GROUNDFAULTINTERRUPTORCIRCUIT COUNTERTOPHEIGHT PUSHBUTTON WATERPROOF GROUNDFAULTCIRCUITINTERRUPTER HIDDENOBJECTORCEILINGOBJECT DIMMER UNDERCOUNTER CABINET OVERCOUNTER CABINET CIRCUITPATH SWINGDOOR WINDOW WASTEWATERPIPE FRESHWATERSUPPLYTAP HVAC3WAYSUPPLYREGISTER " 12 0 - ' 6 ' 1 1 GAS TOILET " 12 0 1 - ' 3 " 12 5 - ' 9 " 14 0 1 - ' 4 " 34 5 - ' 2 " 34 5 - ' 2 BATHROOMSINK SHOWERHEAD-WALLMOUNT RAINWATERSHOWERHEAD-CEILING SHOWERANDBATHTUB RAINWATERHEAD-WALLMOUNT HANDHELDSHOWERHEAD TOILETBIDETCOMBO MIXINGVALVE DEMONOTE EXISTINGTOBEDEMO NEWWALLTOBEADDED EXISTINGWALL 31 4" 1 2"=1'0" 5 A5 " 6 6 A5 " 12 4 - ' 3 " 14 8 - ' 5 1 " 1 - ' 2 " 34 1 1 - ' 1 " 4 - ' 2 " 34 3 - ' 3 " 34 2 - ' 2 " 5 - ' 3 1 61 2" 3'-23 4" ' 3 10'-33 4" 3' 91 2" 1'-6" 5" 111 2" 3' 7'-61 2" 4'-111 4" 8' 7 A5 4 A5 4'-91 2" " 34 9 - ' 7 5'-2" 2'-8" 5'-2" 61 2" 5'-81 2" 6'-111 4" 2' 2' 31 4" 41 2" MECHANICALLEGEND HVAC-SUPPLYGRILL-1WAY HVAC-SUPPLYGRILL-2WAY HVAC-SUPPLYGRILL-3WAY HVAC-SUPPLYGRILL-4WAY HVAC-WALLWALLRETURNGRILL HVAC-CEILINGRETURNGRILL HVACSOFFIT DUCTWORK VENTHOOD VENTFAN AIRHANDLINGUNIT MINISPLITORWINDOWUNIT CENTRALUNITCOMPRESSOR MINISPLITCOMPRESSOR : Y B D E K C E H C 4 0 7 8 7 s a x e T n , , i t s u A e u n e v A d o o w n e K 7 0 6 1 REVISIONS InstallRemoved MiniSplitUnit@7' AFF.MiniSplitto supplyairto bedroom2, bathroom2,and closet2.Keep bathroomdoors openforoptimalair conditioning 1 A5 S S 5 A5 Install Skylight 6 A5 S 4 A5 Add Supply Register 7 A5 ExistingMiniSplit Compressor 2 A5 8 A5 3 A5 Connectnew supplyregisterto existingair handlingunitinthe attic.Addductting 1 1 4"=1'0" MechanicalPlanNotes (cid:120) Alldimensionsmustbeverifiedonsitebeforedemoorconstruction.RefertoA3,A4,A5for dimensions HVACcontractorresponsibleforverifyingductlayout.Aproposedconceptualdesignisprovided. (cid:120) (cid:120) ManualJCalculationhasbeenprovided.HVACcontractortodetermineductsizinglayout (cid:120) Allconstructionmustbeinstrictaccordancewiththe2021UniformMechanicalCode ELECTRICALNOTES (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) ALLINSTALLATIONSTOBEINACCORDANCEWITHLOCALCODESANDTHENATIONAL ELECTRICALCODE2020. THEELECTRICALCONTRACTORISRESPONSIBLEFOROBTAININGALLREQUIREDELECTRICAL PERMITSANDINSPECTIONS CONVENIENCEOUTLETSTOBEMOUNTED@14"A.F.F.,UNLESSNOTEDOTHERWISE OUTLETSMOUNTEDABOVECABINETSTOBE6"ABOVETHENOMINALWORKINGSURFACE, SPECIALTYOUT-LETSASNOTEDORACCORDINGTOSTANDARDPRACTICE REFRIGERATORANDAPPLIANCESOUTLETSTOBE@44"A.F.F BATHROOMOUTLETSLABELEDCTSHALLBEMOUNTED6"ABOVECOUNTER(IFHIGHERTHAN STD.2'-8"). SWITCHBOXESTOBEMOUNTED48"A.F.F.TOCENTERLINEOFBOXCLUSTER (cid:120) (cid:120) MICROWAVEOUTLETSSHALLBE20AMP.SEPARATE (cid:120) ATTICLIGHTSWITCHBOXMOUNTED@84"A.F.F. (cid:120) ATTICLIGHTTOBEKEYLESSFIXTUREWITHINTEGRATEDCONVENIENCEOUTLETLOCATED CONVENIENTTOACCESS (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) WASHERTOHAVESEPARATE20AMP.DUPLEXOUTLET@44"A.F.F. (cid:120) DRYERTOHAVESEPARATE220V30AMP.SINGLEOUTLET@44" (cid:120) OUTLETSINGARAGETOBEGFIUNLESSNOTEDFORAPPLIANCE. (cid:120) ALLEXTERIOROUTLETSTOBEGFIANDWEATHERPROTECTED (cid:120) TELEPHONEOUTLETS:PROVIDEBOX(MOUNTTYP.@14"A.F.FOR6"ABOVECOUNTERU.N.O), COVERPLATE,6CWIRETERMINATENEARPANEL CABLEOUTLETS:PROVIDEBOX(MOUNTTYP.@14"A.F.FOR6"ABOVECOUNTERCOUNTER, U.N.O),COVERPLATE,RG6VWIRE, R314.12015IRC-SMOKEALARMSSHALLCOMPLYWNFPA72&SECTIONR314 FANSARESELECTEDBYOTHER.ELECTRICIANTOVERIFYSWITCHESARENEEDED. OUTLETSSHALLBESPACEDNOFURTHERTHAN12FTINLIVINGSPACES OUTLETSSHALLBESPACEDNOFURTHERTHAN6FTFROMAWALLCORNERORWALL OPENINGINLIVINGSPACES (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) 2020NECGFCIrequirementsfordwellingunits. Article210.8statesthatground-faultcircuit-interruptersshallbeusedforall125-volt,single-phase,15- and20-ampreceptaclesinstalledinthefollowinglocations: Bathrooms:Allreceptacles Exceptions:Receptaclesupplyingonlyapermanentlyinstalledfirealarmorburglaralarmsystem, receptaclesthatarenotreadilyaccessible,receptaclesonadedicatedbranchcircuitandlabeledfor usewithaplug-inequipment(ex:sumppump). Kitchens:Allreceptaclesservingcountertopareasandanyreceptaclewithin4feetofasink. Laundry,utility,andwetbarsinks thesink. :Wherereceptaclesareplacedwithinsixfeetoftheoutsideedgeof ELECTRICALLEGEND T CO CARBONMONOXIDEDETECTOR SWITCH THREEPOLESWITCH FOURPOLESWITCH HANGINGFIXTURE GARBAGEDISPOSAL RECESSCAN WALLMOUNTSCONCE ENCLOSEDFIXTURE SMOKEDETECTOR THERMOSTAT THREEINONELIGHT ETHERNET PHONEJACK TELEVISIONJACK GAS EXHAUSTFAN ELECTRICALSERVICEPANEL ELECTRICALMETER PUSHBUTTON CEILINGFANWLIGHTKIT GROUNDFAULTCIRCUITINTERRUPTER 120VRECEPTACLE 220VRECEPTACLE WH WATERHEATERRECEPTACLE WASH WASHERRECEPTACLE DRY DRYERRECEPTACLE R RH GD DW RANGERECEPTACLE RANGEHOODRECEPTACLE GARBAGEDISPOSALRECEPTACLE DISHWASHERRECEPTACLE AHU AIRHANDLINGUNITRECEPTACLE COMP COMPRESSORRECEPTACLE GFCI GROUNDFAULT INTERRUPTERCIRCUIT COUNTERTOPHEIGHT PUSHBUTTON WATERPROOF COUNTERTOP DIMMER UNDERCOUNTER CABINET UNDERCABINET EXISTING SMOKEDETECTOR CT PB WP GFCI CT DIM UC CAB UCAB EXST. SD CO CARBONMONOXIDEDETECTOR ROPELIGHTING GARAGEDOOROPENER CIRCUITLIGHTPATH CHANDELIER INCANDESCENTBARLIGHT : Y B D E K C E H C 4 0 7 8 7 s a x e T n , , i t s u A e u n e v A d o o w n e K 7 0 6 1 REVISIONS S InstallLEDstrip lightingalong ceilinglines. Connectto2nd switch Install Skylight 5 A5 Add Can Add 110V Add 110V Add 220V Add Can Add Fan Add 110V Add Can 3 A5 Add Sconce 1 A5 Add Can Add GFCI Add 110V Add TV Internet Add Can Add 110V Add SD Add Can (2)SinglePole Add 110V Add Sconce (3)SinglePole Add Can Add WP Can Add VF 2 A5 8 A5 Add Can Add GFCI Add Sconce Add GFCI Add Sconce Add GFCI (1)SinglePole Add Can Add 110V Add Can Add 110V Add 110V Add Sconce Add (4)Gang Floor110V InstallLEDstrip lightingalong ceilinglines. Connectto2nd switch Add 110V Add Sconce (1)SinglePole (1)SinglePole (1)ThreePole (1)SinglePole Add Sconce Add Sconce Add 110V Add TV Internet 6 A5 Add 110Ceiling Add (4)Gang Floor110V S Add Can Add Thermostat (1)ThreePole (1)SinglePole Add Can Add Can Add Can Add SD Add GFCI Add GFCI 7 A5 Add Hang Fixture S Add Can Add Can Add GD Add Hang Fixture Add Can Add GFCI 4 A5 Add GFCI (4)Gang Add Can Add GFCI Add 110V Add Can Add TV Internet Add 110V Add Can Add Fan Add 110V Add Can Add Can Add 110V Add GFCI Add 220V Add GFCI Add 220V Add GFCI Add 220V Add 110V Add 110V Add Hang Fixture Add Can Add Can (1)SinglePole Add WP Sconce Add WP Sconce Install(3)Single PoleSwitches Install(2)Three PoleSwitches (1)SinglePole Switch Install(2)Single PoleSwitches 1 1 4"=1'0"