Historic Landmark CommissionJuly 3, 2024

7.0 - 1519 Alameda Dr — original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION PERMITS IN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICTS JULY 3, 2024 HR-2024-048021 1519 ALAMEDA DRIVE TRAVIS HEIGHTS-FAIRVIEW PARK NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICT 7 – 1 PROPOSAL Construct a new house and pool. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS The proposed new house is three stories tall, with a habitable basement and garage beneath the two main floors. Materials include concrete and stucco with vertical wood accents; alternately, vertical seamed metal and stone are proposed as accents. The proposed building comprises three rectangular masses with flat roofs of varying heights. Fenestration includes undivided corner and vertical windows, a front-facing garage, and an obscured front door atop a walled staircase. DESIGN STANDARDS The City of Austin’s Historic Design Standards (March 2021) are based on the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and are used to evaluate projects in National Register districts. The following standards apply to the proposed project: Residential new construction 1. Location The proposed building appears appropriately sited. 2. Orientation The proposed building is oriented toward the street. The front-facing garage at the front of the building is not compatible with the standards. 3. Scale, massing, and height The proposed building’s scale and height exceed those of nearby contributing buildings, and its massing is more complicated. Wall-plane offsets are used to reduce its monumentality when viewed from the street. 4. Proportions The proposed building’s proportions are not compatible with the surrounding historic district. 5. Design and style Though the proposed building is internally consistent in design and style, it does not appear to reflect the design or style of the surrounding district. 6. Roofs The proposed flat roofs do not reflect the roof styles of surrounding contributing buildings. 7. Exterior walls The proposed wood and stucco materials are mostly compatible; stone and metal options are less compatible. 8. Windows and doors The proposed fenestration does not reflect the fenestration styles present in surrounding contributing buildings. 11. Attached garages and carports See 2. Summary The project does not meet most of the applicable standards. COMMITTEE FEEDBACK Use dark colors to disguise massing and scale. Do not use option with wood siding. Ensure the garage blends. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Comment on plans. 7 – 2 LOCATION MAP 7 – 3