Historic Landmark CommissionJuly 3, 2024

13.m - 4200 Wilshire - public comment — original pdf

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From: To: Subject: Date: Dan Brotman Historic Preservation Office 4200 Wilshire Parkway GF 24-073048 Monday, June 24, 2024 2:21:07 PM You don't often get email from . Learn why this is important External Email - Exercise Caution To whom it may concern on the historic landmark commission: I wish to voice my opposition to the demolition of 4200 Wilshire Parkway. The "hearing" the committee set for this project is at a really inconvenient time for most.Why would you schedule a hearing at 6 pm on the night before a national holiday weekend. Was it so that no one could oppose the demo? 6pm at City Hall on JUly 3rd? Is this a joke? Last year the commission allowed Richard Lent to build at 4206 Wilshire Parkway. I opposed the demo and rebuild because the house in no way keeps with the historic designation of this street. His "one story" house (that is tall as many two story buildings) made up of cheap modular materials is an eyesore and immediately has an effect on my house at 4204 Wilshire Pkwy, Austin, TX 78722. The owners have installed cameras directly pointed at my property. They have installed landscaping that makes it virtually impossible for me to back up out of my driveway safely Materials and Height of property are extremely inconsistent with the historical house on this street. In short, just a big mobile home on 3 foot piers that towers over my original 1948 home. Is that what they are going to build at 4200 Wilshire? Wilshire Parkway used to be a tight knit street and now houses are being demolished one after the other. One individual demoed a house at 4208 just so they could have a bigger yard. At 4201 you allowed Mary Wilson to build a VERY dangerous fence that blocks off site around the corner so that an accident is bound to happen. You allowed her to build a pool in her front yard. Is that is line with historical homes from the 1940s. All these changes have changed Wilshire Parkway into a street most likely seen in California. Do you really want the older long term owners and renters on this street to be pushed out in favor of these homes? Please contact me at 512 587 3770. Regards, Dan Brotman Owner of 4204 Wilshire Parkway since 2010 CAUTION: This is an EXTERNAL email. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious or phishing email, please report it using the "Report Message" button in Outlook. For any additional questions or concerns, contact CSIRT at "cybersecurity@austintexas.gov".