Historic Landmark CommissionJune 5, 2024

10.1 - 900 Spence - engineer's report — original pdf

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Page 1 of 1 Engineer’s Report SUBJECT: Foundation and framing performance and suitability for reuse 900 Spence Street, Austin, Texas 78702 JOB NUMBER: DATE OF SITE VISIT: 24045 May 1, 2024 At the request of builder Dominique Levesque, I visited the site to review the current performance of the building and to offer an opinion about its suitability for reuse in a renovation. This report is a summary of our discussion and my observations. Built in the 1960’s according to tax records, the house is a one-story bungalow style with a pier-and-beam foundation and wood-framed superstructure clad with siding. It is currently unoccupied and dilapidated. Most interior finishes have been removed to expose the studs. The foundations are a jumble of original cedar piers and replacement CMU piers of poor quality, which support 4x6 floor beams and 2x6 floor joists. Signs of damage from moisture and insects are widespread. The floor is not level, which is likely the result of soil movement and wood rot. The grade surrounding the house appears to be higher than grade in the middle of the crawlspace. The readily visible studs were generally in good condition. The ceiling and roof framing were mostly concealed by the wood ceiling, but through an opening the framing appeared to be 2x4 joists and rafters. The foundation piers must be replaced with piers built to current standards. Supplemental support in the form of additional piers and larger beams and joists may be necessary to support the weight of modern finishes. Crawlspace drainage must be corrected. All rotted beams, joists and studs must be found and replaced. The roof structure must be assessed and likely strengthened or replaced. Please call with any questions. SIGNED: Dennis Duffy, PE DISTRIBUTION: Dominique Levesque with Levesque & Co. dom@levesqueco.com Duffy Engineering, Inc. | 1402 Cuernavaca Drive N | Austin, Texas 78733 | phone: (512) 402-0074 | Texas Firm Registration No. F-8637