Historic Landmark CommissionJune 5, 2024

21.0 - 3001 S Congress Ave Bldg 5 — original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION DEMOLITION AND RELOCATION PERMITS JUNE 5, 2024 PR-2024-044125 3001 SOUTH CONGRESS AVENUE, BUILDING 5 21 – 1 PROPOSAL ARCHITECTURE RESEARCH Demolish a ca. 1961 dormitory building, office, and chapel on the St. Edward’s campus. Two-story multifamily apartment building with attached carport, chapel, and office space. The building has an irregular plan with two main wings and a flat roof of varying heights. It is clad in brick with breeze-block accents as well as projecting vertical stucco elements placed in rhythmic intervals, with patterns varying at each bay. Fenestration includes vertical stained-glass windows at the chapel and horizontally oriented divided aluminum casements at the residential and office portions of the building. St. Joseph Hall was constructed atop a former quarry between 1961 and 1963. It served as a faculty residence, chapel, library, office, and bomb shelter for the Brothers of the Holy Cross at St. Edwards University. The University contracted San Antonio firm Julian & White to complete the dormitory; today it is one of 6 remaining Julian & White structures on campus. The firm primarily produced Catholic churches and educational buildings in Central Texas. The chapel’s stained- glass windows, purchased from San Antonio company ORCO Inc., were installed in a few years after its construction. St. Edward’s, originally owned and operated by the Congregation of the Holy Cross, relied on the Brothers of the Holy Cross to educate students and oversee the University’s operations from 1885 to 1967. The Brothers lived on campus and were provided with room and board in exchange for their service as faculty. During the twentieth century, lay teachers slowly began to outnumber religious brothers on the SEU faculty, and the Brothers of the Holy Cross transferred ownership of the university to St. Edward’s University, Incorporated, in 1971. St. Joseph’s Hall housed religious faculty until 2019. PROPERTY EVALUATION The property is located on the St. Edward’s campus, which contains two City of Austin landmarks. The University’s bylaws note that it is not a religious nonprofit as defined in Texas Tax Code 11.20 and is not subject to the restrictions on landmark designation or review imposed by House Bill 2496. Designation Criteria—Historic Landmark 1) The building is more than 50 years old. 2) The building appears to retain high to moderate integrity. 3) Properties must meet two criteria for landmark designation (LDC §25-2-352). Staff has evaluated the property and determined that it may meet two criteria for landmark designation: a. Architecture. The building is constructed with Mid-century Modern stylistic influences by San Antonio firm Julian & White. b. Historical association. The property is associated with the Brothers of the Holy Cross. c. Archaeology. The property was not evaluated for its potential to yield significant data concerning the human history or prehistory of the region. d. Community value. The property was not evaluated for its ability to possess a unique location, physical characteristic, or significant feature that contributes to the character, image, or cultural identity of the city, the neighborhood, or a particular demographic group. e. Landscape feature. The property does not appear to be a significant natural or designed landscape with artistic, aesthetic, cultural, or historical value to the city. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Consider whether the building’s historical associations are sufficient to render it eligible for designation; if so, initiate historic zoning. Otherwise, release the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. LOCATION MAP 21 – 2 PROPERTY INFORMATION Photos 21 – 3 21 – 4 Historical Information Permits See detailed history provided in backup materials. 21 – 5