Historic Landmark CommissionJune 5, 2024

12.0 - 816 Congress Ave - sign — original pdf

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X – 1 HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION PERMITS IN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICTS JUNE 5, 2024 SB-2024-052120 CONGRESS AVENUE NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICT 816 CONGRESS AVENUE PROPOSAL Construct a freestanding address sign. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS The proposed sign is a freestanding directory sign for multiple building tenants, located at the northeast corner of 9th Street and Congress Avenue. DESIGN STANDARDS The City of Austin’s Guidelines for Signs in Historic Districts or City Historic Landmarks are used to evaluate projects in National Register districts. The following standards apply to the proposed project: Number of Signs: The Commission allows one sign per building, unless the building has multiple tenants; in this case, the Commission may allow one sign per façade module, if the façade modules correspond to tenant spaces. The Commission may also allow one sign for each street frontage if the building is at an intersection. A single directory sign is appropriate for a large building with multiple tenants. The proposed sign is a single directory sign for a multi-tenant building, located at the intersection of two streets. Sign Types: The Commission may allow window signs, awning signs, projecting signs, and flush mounted signs for most commercial buildings. Freestanding signs are allowed for office and retail uses in historic residential buildings. The proposed sign is a freestanding sign, though it is not located at a historic residential building. Sign Size: The maximum size for signs depends on the sign type: Projecting (blade) signs: 6 square feet. Flush-mounted signs: 7% of the overall façade area, with a maximum height of 2 feet and a maximum size of 20 square feet. Window signs: The lesser of 20% of the window or 8 square feet. Awning signs: The lesser of 20% of the awning panel or 8 square feet. Large commercial buildings (over 3 stories): Cumulative signage may not exceed 40 square feet per façade and must comply with a signage plan for the building. The proposed sign is approximately 36 square feet. Sign Design, Coloring and Materials: Use simple shapes, such as rectangular or oval signs. The Commission recommends painted wood or metal signs with matte finishes for all signs; plastic, reflective materials, and unfinished surfaces are not allowed. Limit the colors used in a sign to no more than three. For sites with multiple signs, all signs should have corresponding or matching designs, coloring, and materials. Signs should match or complement the existing color scheme of the building to the maximum extent feasible. The proposed sign is simple in design and shape and does not appear reflective. Lettering: No more than two typefaces are allowed. Avoid lettering which appears too contemporary in the sign. Proposed lettering appears compatible. Lighting: Lighting must be indirect and may be accomplished through shielded incandescent lights attached to the top of the sign, “halo” lighting, or recessed can lighting in awnings. Internally lit cabinet signs are not allowed. The proposed sign lighting is indirect. Summary The project meets most of the applicable standards. COMMITTEE FEEDBACK Move the sign further toward the plaza, if feasible. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Concur with Committee feedback and release the sign permit.