Historic Landmark CommissionMay 15, 2024

10 - 1205 Cotton St - ARC Meeting Presentation — original pdf

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1205 Cotton Presentation for Historic Commission Current Structure - Architectural Integrity Substantially Diminished 1205 Cotton St - Timeline Overview • Year 1900 – 1203 Cotton (now 1205 Cotton) had a home different than current home located there • Year 1912 – Yerwoods purchased the home at 1203 Cotton (now 1205 Cotton) • Years 1912 to 1932 The original home was assumed to be demolished • • 1203 Cotton was readdressed to 1205 Cotton • Year 1932 – Original 1,344 SF home that exists today was constructed • Year 1950 – Home from 1203 Cotton was relocated to the backyard of 1205 Cotton • Year 1977 – Mrs. Yerwood passed away • Year 1982 – Addition constructed Sanborn Map – Year 1900 Notes: • 1203 Cotton (as shown here) later readdressed as 1205 Cotton • Yerwoods purchased this home in December 1912 (Source: Historical Commission Staff Report) • The home purchased by the Yerwoods at such time was not the same house that currently sits at 1205 Cotton Sanborn Map – Year 1921 Notes: • The home shown at 1205 Cotton was not the same house that currently sits at 1205 Cotton Year 1932 - Original home constructed Notes: • 1,344 SF home constructed at 1205 Cotton (Source: TCAD) • Same time we assume demolition of prior house shown on Sanborn maps occurred before construction Year 1950 – Home relocated from 1203 Cotton Notes: • A home from 1203 Cotton was moved behind 1205 Cotton (but on same lot) Sanborn Map – Year 1972 Notes: • Shows original house constructed at 1205 Cotton, including the back porch that would later be enclosed after Mrs. Yerwood’s death in 1977 • Shows home that was moved from 1203 Cotton Year 1982 – Addition to 1205 Cotton Notes: • Building permit showing an addition was done after Mrs. Yerwood’s death • • It is assumed prior to this construction the second home (moved from 1203 Cotton) was demolished. It is assumed at this time the back porch was also enclosed, and the garage was added Year 1982 – Addition to 1205 Cotton Cont. Notes continued: • The addition was done such that the original integrity of the home is diminished • Example 1: Back exterior wall was not demolished, and you can see siding in the interior (pictured) • Example 2 & 3: Next slide Year 1982 – Addition to 1205 Cotton Cont. Notes continued: • Example 2: You can see exterior windows in the interior (pictured). Year 1982 – Addition to 1205 Cotton Cont. Notes continued: • Example 3: Roof line was not matched, resulting in various ceiling heights Original Architectural Integrity Diminished Examples : • Addition done after Mrs. Yerwood’s death was deficient (see previous slides) Inconsistent siding throughout (pictured) • • Plywood used in areas (pictured) • Home left in disrepair, examples: • Structural issues • Wood rot • Mold • Active and past termite damage • Active leaking and untreated plumbing leaks over time • Dangerous electrical Demolition and Reconstruction – Consistent with Neighboring Properties Demolition and Reconstruction Not Inconsistent with Neighboring Properties 1203 Cotton St Built 1950 1207 Cotton St Built 1928 Demolition and Reconstruction Not Inconsistent with Neighboring Properties 1209 Cotton St Built 1926/2010 (added 2nd floor / redid) 1178 San Bernard St (view from Cotton St) Demolition and Reconstruction Not Inconsistent with Neighboring Properties 1214 Cotton St Built 2014 1190 San Bernard St (view from Cotton St) Demolition and Reconstruction Not Inconsistent with Neighboring Properties 1204 Cotton St Built 2014 1206 Cotton Built 2022 Demolition and Reconstruction Not Inconsistent with Neighboring Properties 1200 Cotton Built 2014 1202 Cotton St Built 2013 Demolition Supported By Neighbors • See letters of support from neighbors Cost to Gut / Reconstruct Too Burdensome Budget Summary from Carr Residential – 1600 SF