26.a - Draft budget recommendation for FY2024-25 — original pdf
FY 2024‐25 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Historic Landmark Commission Recommenda(cid:415)on WHEREAS the City of Aus(cid:415)n Historic Landmark Commission was established in 1974 to promote historic preserva(cid:415)on ac(cid:415)vi(cid:415)es in Aus(cid:415)n and advise the Aus(cid:415)n City Council on ma(cid:425)ers related to historic preserva(cid:415)on; and WHEREAS the purpose of the Historic Landmark Commission is to prepare and periodically revise an inventory of the structures and areas that may be eligible for designa(cid:415)on as historic landmarks, most recently completed in 1984; prepare, review, and propose amendments to a citywide Historic Preserva(cid:415)on Plan, last adopted in 1981; and review requests to establish or remove a historic designa(cid:415)on and make recommenda(cid:415)ons on the requests to the Land Use Commission; and WHEREAS the Historic Landmark Commission and Historic Preserva(cid:415)on Office seek to respond to 21st‐ century challenges with improved and new policies, programs, and tools, including transparent and accessible historic review processes, inclusive community outreach, and incen(cid:415)ves that meet both historic preserva(cid:415)on and equity goals; and WHEREAS the Na(cid:415)onal Alliance of Preserva(cid:415)on Commissions (NAPC) provides technical support and manages an informa(cid:415)on network to help local commissions accomplish their preserva(cid:415)on objec(cid:415)ves, and membership is $150 per commission member; and WHEREAS the Historic Landmark Commission created a 26‐member community working group, the Preserva(cid:415)on Plan Working Group, on June 28, 2021, to develop a dra(cid:332) of an equity‐based historic preserva(cid:415)on plan between July 2021 and June 2022 (phase 1 of the planning process); and WHEREAS the Preserva(cid:415)on Plan Working Group worked diligently to complete the dra(cid:332) plan during monthly mee(cid:415)ngs, drawing on research from na(cid:415)onal best prac(cid:415)ces, employing an equity evalua(cid:415)on framework, and incorpora(cid:415)ng feedback from a community heritage survey, focus groups, a Technical Advisory Group of City staff, and the Preserva(cid:415)on Plan Commi(cid:425)ee of the Historic Landmark Commission; and WHEREAS phase 2 of the planning process includes extensive community engagement around the dra(cid:332) preserva(cid:415)on plan, with community members, organiza(cid:415)onal and ins(cid:415)tu(cid:415)onal stakeholders, board and commission members, and others invited to learn about the topics, priori(cid:415)ze recommenda(cid:415)ons, iden(cid:415)fy gaps, iden(cid:415)fy poten(cid:415)al partners for implementa(cid:415)on, and es(cid:415)mate costs for priority recommenda(cid:415)ons before the plan is presented to City Council for adop(cid:415)on; and WHEREAS Council allocated $160,000 to phase 2 of the Equity‐Based Preserva(cid:415)on Plan in the FY2022‐23 budget, including s(cid:415)pends for approximately 12 community ambassadors, and con(cid:415)nued that support in FY2023‐24; and 1 WHEREAS the community ambassadors play important roles in facilita(cid:415)ng effec(cid:415)ve, crea(cid:415)ve outreach to priori(cid:415)ze communi(cid:415)es and groups that have been historically marginalized in public decision‐making and historic preserva(cid:415)on ac(cid:415)vi(cid:415)es, such as communi(cid:415)es of color, people with disabili(cid:415)es, LGBTQIA+ people, low‐income households, and renters; and WHEREAS the community ambassador program for the preserva(cid:415)on plan is modeled on the successful Community Climate and Rain to River community ambassador programs in the Office of Sustainability and the Watershed Protec(cid:415)on Department; and WHEREAS the Office of Sustainability and the Watershed Protec(cid:415)on Department have required a full‐ (cid:415)me staff member to coordinate their community ambassador programs, and strongly recommend this type of robust support for ambassadors when advising other programs; and WHEREAS con(cid:415)nuing broad, inclusive community engagement a(cid:332)er the plan is adopted will be essen(cid:415)al to ensure that the Equity‐Based Preserva(cid:415)on Plan is able to meet its vision to “ac(cid:415)vely engage communi(cid:415)es in protec(cid:415)ng and sharing important places and stories… [to] use the past to create a shared sense of belonging and to shape an equitable, inclusive, sustainable, and economically vital future for all”; and WHEREAS primary goals of the dra(cid:332) plan require meaningful, ongoing community engagement, including telling Aus(cid:415)n’s full history, recognizing cultural heritage, engaging communi(cid:415)es equitably, and engaging new partners. WHEREAS the Historic Preserva(cid:415)on Office does not have the staff capacity to provide the recommended full‐(cid:415)me support for the community ambassador program or con(cid:415)nuing community engagement priori(cid:415)es in the plan: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Historic Landmark Commission recommends that the Council allocate funds to the Planning Department to con(cid:415)nue to support the development and implementa(cid:415)on of the Equity‐Based Preserva(cid:415)on Plan via a staff posi(cid:415)on to coordinate the community ambassador program and support other community engagement, and allocate $1,650 dollars for NAPC Memberships for each of the members of the Historic Landmark Commission. 2