5.b - 3110 West Ave - public comment — original pdf

2. • r"""'"""'"""'"""'~P:U:B:L:IC::H:E:A:RI:N:G;:IN:F:O:R:M:A:T:IO:N;-............ , r ......................... I g I i I, . This zoning/rezoning request will be reviewed and acted u on at two public hearings: before t~e Land Use Coi:nmission ~nd the City Council. Although apphcants and/or their agent(s) are expected to attend a public hearing, you are not required to attend. However, if you do attend, you have the opportunity to speak FOR or AGAINST the pr?posed development or change. you may also contact a neighborhood or environmental organization that has expressed an interest in an application affecting your neighborhood. ~:::;:: ~::~!~ ~ncl~de the bo;~or : :~ ; ; Writt c ontact person listed on the notice) before or ~t p~bhc he th;~cheduled 0:0J ;:::~ntact person li~ted on the notice.e~:~:n:n~:nc::nd information s_ubmitted to :t:r City of Austin are subject t~ the Texas Public Information Act (Ch P 552) and will be oublished online. Case Number: C14H-2024-0016 Contact: Sam Fahnestock, 512-974-3393 Public Hearing: 3 April 2024, Historic Landmark Commission /v\ q_ r Ll f3> \ C\. \ L ..f en comments must be submitted to the boar or . commission ( or the arin your . . d ........................................ ~'"'.'::'."""'"""1 Your Name (please print) --:, "'- 0 e1- lt, -.t:.-t / Q -, .J \ __ L :~~ J oe '""c-- l---< -- • Your a ress(es) affectedjb~ t~appqcationffptional) r _;> /vvv{_p Signature ~amin favor DI object '-' "' '-' { , 1 o1- -i \ -'-- l 7 .:> Date Daytime Telephone(optional):. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Comments:. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d h b During its public hearing, t e oar or commission may postpone or continue an application's hearing to a later date, or may evaluate the City staffs recommendation and public input forwarding its own recommendation to the City Council. If the board or commission announces a speci fie date and time for a postponement or continuation that is not later than 60 days from the announcement, no further notice is required. During its public hearing, the City Council may grant or deny a zoning request, or rezone the land to a less intensive zoning than requested but in no case will it grant a more intensive zomng. However, in order to allow for mixed use development, the Council may add the MIXED USE (MU) COMBINING The MU to certain commercial districts. DISTRICT Combining District simply allows residential uses in addition to those uses already allowed in the seven commercial zoning distri~ts .. As a result, the MU Combining District all~ws the c~m?mation of office, retail, commercial, and residential uses withm a single development. For additional information on the City of Austin's land development process, visit our website: WWW .austintexas.gov /planning. If you use this fonn to ~omment, it may be returned to: City of Austin Planmng Department Sam Fahnestock p o Box 1088 • Austm, :nnra2aL~tintf'Y<l<' --- •. TX 78767-8810 Or via email at ~servatw n .. ~-i,;e:x;a,s:·;O;v;~!l!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J 1 r I i I I P I . I L