03.06.2024 Draft Minutes — original pdf

1 HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, March 6th, 2024 – 6:00 PM City Hall – Council Chambers 301 W. 2nd Street Austin, TX 78701 Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, email preservation@austintexas.gov or call Sam Fahnestock at (512) 974-3393. COMMISSION MEMBERS: Ben Heimsath, Chair x Witt Featherston, Vice Chair x Kevin Koch x Carl Larosche x Trey McWhorter x Harmony Grogan x ab x ab ab ab Jaime Alvarez Roxanne Evans Raymond Castillo JuanRaymon Rubio Tara Dudley DRAFT MINUTES CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first (10) speakers who register to speak no later than noon the day before the meeting will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Samantha Smoot spoke on 409 W Monroe. Robin Sanders spoke on 409 W Monroe. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. February 7, 2024 – Offered for consent approval. MOTION: Approve the minutes per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. CONSENT/CONSENT POSTPONEMENT AGENDA Item 2 was pulled for discussion. Historic Landmark and Local Historic District Applications 3. HR-2023-132220 – 2506 Givens Ave. Rogers-Washington-Holy Cross Local Historic District Council District 1 Proposal: Addition and remodel. (Postponed February 7, 2024) Applicant: Roy Jensen City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Approve the application. The applicant has incorporated Committee feedback. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 4. HR-2023-059471 – 804 Waller St. Robertson/Stuart & Mair Local Historic District Council District 1 Proposal: Addition and remodel. Applicant: Mason Moore City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Approve the application. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. Item 5 was pulled for discussion. 6. HR-2023-087103 – 402 W 12th St. A.O. Watson House Council District 9 Proposal: Addition and remodel. Applicant: Charlotte Baham City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Approve the application, encouraging the applicant to soften the 2 terraced landscaping at the front lawn. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 7. HR-2024-008448 – 4411 Avenue B Hyde Park Local Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Addition and remodel. Applicant: François Lévy City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Approve the application. The applicant has provided the information requested by the Committee. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 8. HR-2024-015565 – 320 Congress Ave Koppel Building Council District 9 Proposal: Repaint building and replace awnings. Applicant: Sara Pilar City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Approve paint only for previously painted surfaces, encouraging the applicant to conduct a historic paint analysis and to explore the feasibility of restoring painted masonry rather than repainting. Deny the request to paint bare limestone detailing. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. National Register District Permit Applications 9. HR-2024-005147 – 603 Red River St. Sixth Street National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Remodel, repaint, and repair building. (Postponed February 7, 2024) Applicant: Patrick Lucas City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Comment on plans. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 10. HR-2023-122500 – 1010 Harwood Pl. - No action required. Application timed out. 3 11. HR-2024-001087 – 402 Lockhart Dr. No action required. Application timed out. 12. HR-2023-043027 – 1409 Alta Vista Ave. Travis Heights-Fairview Park National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Addition and remodel. (Postponed February 7, 2024) Applicant: Lindsey Peavler City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Grant the applicant’s postponement request to April 3, 2024. MOTION: Postpone the public hearing to April 3rd, 2024, per passage of the consent postponement agenda, on a motion by Commissioner Featherston. Commissioner Koch seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 13. HR-2024-001478 – 1709 Wethersfield Rd. Old West Austin National Register Historic District Council District 10 Proposal: Addition and remodel. Applicant: Derek Barcinski City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Comment on plans. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 14. HR-2024-017536 – 600 E 6th St. Sixth Street National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Rehabilitate building, add awning, and add and replace windows. Applicant: Sky Currie City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Comment on plans. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 15. HR-2024-017546 – 709 E 6th St. Sixth Street National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Renovate building, add awning, and repaint and repoint brick. Applicant: Sky Currie City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Comment on plans. 4 MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 16. HR-2024-017548 – 713 E 6th St. Sixth Street National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Repair and repaint building, and replace storefront. Applicant: Sky Currie City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Comment on plans. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 17. HR-2024-017498 – 207 E Milton St. Travis Heights-Fairview Park National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Addition and remodel. Applicant: Steve Kojundic City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Comment on plans. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 18. HR-2024-017523 – 1606 Travis Heights Blvd. - No action required. Administratively approved. Demolition and Relocation Permit Applications Item 19 was pulled for discussion. 20. PR-2024-007631 – 2503 Bridle Path Council District 10 Proposal: Total demolition. Applicant: Werner Campbell City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Release the demolition permit upon receipt of a City of Austin Documentation Package. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. Item 21 was pulled for discussion. 5 22. DA-2024-001855 – 503 Walsh St. Council District 9 Proposal: Total demolition. Applicant: Amanda Hendrix City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive reuse but release the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 23. DA-2024-001855 – 505 Walsh St. Council District 9 Proposal: Total demolition. Applicant: Amanda Hendrix City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive reuse, then relocation over demolition, but release the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 24. DA-2024-001855 – 507 Walsh St. Council District 9 Proposal: Total demolition. Applicant: Amanda Hendrix City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive reuse, then relocation over demolition, but release the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 25. DA-2024-001855 – 1135-1143 W 6th St. Council District 9 Proposal: Total demolition. Applicant: Amanda Hendrix City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive reuse, then relocation over demolition, but release the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. 6 MOTION: Approve the application per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. Determinations of Eligibility for Partial Ad Valorem Tax Relief 26. Conduct a hearing and vote on certifying eligibility and recommending properties for partial ad valorem tax exemptions for historic landmarks for 2024. MOTION: Approve the exemption per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 27. Vote on certifying eligibility of partial tax abatement application for 2001 Maple Street. MOTION: Approve the abatement per passage of the consent agenda on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS/DISCUSSION AND ACTION Historic Zoning Applications 2. C14H-2024-0011 – 1206 E 13th St./1209 Bob Harrison Fashionette Beauty Shop Council District 1 Proposal: Owner-initiated historic zoning. Applicant: Belinda Davis City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Recommend the proposed zoning change from family residence- neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) to family residence-historic landmark-neighborhood plan (SF-3-H-NP). Berri McBride spoke in favor of the project. MOTION: Item taken out of order after Item 5 on a motion by Commissioner Featherston. Commissioner Grogan seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. MOTION: Close the public hearing on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. MOTION: Reopen the public hearing and postpone to the April 3rd, 2024 meeting, inviting the applicant to the March 13th, 2024 meeting of the Architectural Review Committee, on a motion by Commissioner Featherston. Commissioner Evans seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. 7 Historic Landmark and Local Historic District Applications 5. HR-2024-007660 – 4204 Avenue H Hyde Park Local Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Rehabilitate building and construct an addition. Applicant: Steve Krauklis City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Postpone the public hearing to invite the applicant to the March meeting of the Architectural Review Committee. Steve Krauklis spoke in favor of the project. MOTION: Close the public hearing on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. MOTION: Reopen the public hearing and postpone to the April 3rd, 2024 meeting, inviting the applicant to the March 13th, 2024 meeting of the Architectural Review Committee, on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Featherston seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. Demolition and Relocation Permit Applications 19. PR-2023-158329 – 2802 Pearce Rd. Council District 10 Proposal: Total demolition. (Postponed February 7, 2024) Applicant: Bill McKean City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: If the Commission feels that the limited information available about the property’s historic use and construction date is sufficient to meet the criteria for designation, initiate historic zoning. Otherwise, encourage rehabilitation and adaptive reuse but release the demolition upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. Bill McKean spoke in favor of the project. MOTION: Close the public hearing on a motion by Commissioner McWhorter. Commissioner Featherston seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. MOTION: Approve the demolition permit application in accordance with staff’s recommendation on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner Larosche seconded the motion. Vote: 6-1. Commissioner Grogan opposed the motion. The motion passed. 28. PR-2024-006147 – 4601 Chiappero Trl. Council District 7 Proposal: Partial demolition. Applicant: Claudia de la Vega City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Consider whether the home’s historical associations are sufficient 8 for landmark designation; if so, initiate historic zoning. Should the Commission decide against initiation, release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. David Tucker and Claudia de la Vega spoke in favor of the project. MOTION: Close the public hearing on a motion by Commissioner Koch. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. MOTION: Approve the demolition permit application in accordance with staff’s recommendation on a motion by Commissioner Larosche. Commissioner Koch seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. DISCUSSION ITEMS 29. Grants Committee – Discussion on scheduling meeting dates for the Grants Committee. COMMITTEE UPDATES 30. Architectural Review Committee – Updates from previous meeting. Update was given by Commissioner Koch of the Architectural Review Committee. 31. Operations Committee – Updates from previous meeting. Update was given by Commissioner Featherston of the Operations Committee. 32. Preservation Plan Committee – Updates from previous meeting. Update was given by Chair Heimsath of the Preservation Plan Committee. ADJOURNMENT – 7:46 PM, on a motion by Commissioner Featherston. Commissioner McWhorter seconded the motion. Vote: 7-0. The motion passed. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call the Historic Preservation Office at 512-974-3393 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Historic Landmark Commission, please contact Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Officer, at 512-974-2727; or Sam Fahnestock, Historic Preservation Planner II, at 512-974-3393. 9