7.0 - 4004 Avenue H — original pdf

7 – 1 HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS APRIL 3, 2024 HR-2024-020047 HYDE PARK HISTORIC DISTRICT 4004 AVENUE H PROPOSAL Add a screened porch. Construct a two-story accessory building. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS 1) Add a screened porch to the north side of the house. The proposed porch is one-story and capped with a shingled, side- gabled roof to match the existing roof. 2) Construct a new two-story studio in the backyard. The proposed accessory building is located at the rear side of the house, behind the driveway. It is clad in fiber cement horizontal siding and features a hipped roof and fixed undivided windows. ARCHITECTURE One-story Craftsman bungalow. DESIGN STANDARDS The Hyde Park Design Standards are used to evaluate projects within the historic district. The following standards apply to the proposed project: 1. General Standards 1.2: Retention of Historic Style Respect the historic style of existing structures and retain their historic features, including character-defining elements and building scale. The proposed project retains the historic style of the contributing building. 1.3: Avoidance of False Historicism The proposed project mostly avoids false historicism through the placement of the porch, though excluding exposed rafter tails would increase the differentiation between new and old materials. 4. Residential Standards: Additions to Contributing Single Family and Multi-Family Structures 4.1: Preservation of Historic Character Construct additions so as to require the removal or modification of a minimum of historic fabric. Do not construct additions which will require the removal of any portion of the front façade. Design additions to existing residential buildings to reflect the form and style of the existing house. The proposed addition removes minimal historic fabric and reflects the form and style of the existing house. 4.2: Location Locate new additions and alterations to the rear or rear side of the building so that they will be less visible from the street. The proposed porch is located at the side of the house. 4.3: Roof, Fenestration, and Siding 1. Make the pitch and height of the roof of the addition compatible to that of the existing house. 2. Make windows visible from the street on any addition compatible with those on the existing house in terms of sash configuration, proportion, spacing and placement. 3. Use exterior siding materials on the addition which match or are compatible with that of the existing house. The proposed project’s roof, fenestration, and materials are compatible. 4.4 Size and Scale of Additions 1. Design additions to have the same floor-to-ceiling height as the existing house. 2. Locate second story additions at least 15’ back from the front house wall. The front house wall is the exterior wall closest to the street. Houses on corner lots have only one front wall. 3. Design additions so that they do not overwhelm the original building. 4. Do not raise a first story to become a second story. The proposed addition is appropriate in size, scale, and design. 5. Residential Standards: New Construction of Single-Family Structures 5.10: Garage Apartments/Secondary Units 1. Design new secondary units to respect the traditional patterns of Hyde Park in determining the location of the building and access to parking. 2. Design new secondary units and garage apartments to complement the form, massing, materials, scale, character elements, and fenestration patterns of the primary structure. The proposed secondary unit appears compatible. 7 – 2 Summary The project mostly meets the applicable standards. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the application. LOCATION MAP 7 – 3